A Gorgeous White

Chapter 351: Our Beliefs

A dazzling splash of bright blue where the rings of the purifier's eyes. They were cool, soothing, and exceptionally beautiful like the vast breathtaking sky above the grasslands of Aurona years before. The dark-haired elf stood, fingers fiddling on his back. a distance behind Moulin. His attendants waited for him from behind, curiously gazing at Moulin in wonder, unsure of their master's intentions. 

"Arcefi..." Moulin called. His voice was now soft as he turned his body to face the shorter person. Silver pupils secretly assessed the elf and the people behind him. "Were you looking for me?"

"Yes, I was." A soft chuckle left Arcefi's mouth. His eyes curved as he smiled shyly. "I was wondering if I could invite you for some tea in my quarters. It's been quite some time since I've talked with another aphrodite... Would... you allow me?"

There couldn't be any harm from having a bit of tea with this person, Moulin thought silently. He gazed at Arcefi thoughtfully. He couldn't deny that he wasn't as curious as the elf in front of him. Although he didn't care about the other's intentions, Moulin could not restrain his vigilance. However, it was just tea...

And... Moulin wanted to sate his curiosity about this other aphrodite. 

At last, a smile graced Moulin's elegant countenance. He replied, "Of course. Please lead the way."

... ... ... ...

"You did well with solidifying your connection with the spiritual core. I was surprised to witness how smoothly it went. Are you sure it was your first time?"

The sound of tea trickling into the teacup drowned the last of Arcefi's words. There was a smile on the elf's lips as he filled Moulin's drink. His guest, sitting across the table before him, gazed at the open balcony. The air was warm and the room was bright. Luxurious furnishings decorated the room, lavish enough for a king to settle in. 

From the view of the balcony, one could see how high above the ground they were located. It looked as if the tree was cradling the room, numerous humungous branches enveloped it like the arms of a servant carrying a basin. Moulin realized how treasured aphrodites were in this kingdom from the accommodation alone. 

"It was..." Moulin replied, shifting his attention from the view to the elf across the table. He took his cup and began savoring the drink.

"How is it?" Blue eyes sought for praise. Arcefi's torso leaned forward as he waited for an answer.

"Good..." Moulin raised his brows. Delight gleamed within his eyes. "Did you brew this yourself?"

Arcefi grinned, "I did."

Moulin chuckled as he threw another praise to the younger man. The sweetness of honey lingered on his tongue. The scent reminded him of the nurtured flowers of his home, sweet and soothing. Moulin would give the world to see it again. Unfortunately, everything was lost. The heavenly place that he'd once called home would forever live within his mind now, among the memories of his past. 

After Moulin had his third taste of the tea, Arcefi began to talk about the recent happenings within Thundralln. There was a bit of pride within the elf's voice, Moulin noticed. The more Arcefi spoke about his land, his home, and kingdom, the more his eyes sparkled like glittering waters under the bright sun. His face bloomed with happiness as he expressed his love for his people. How much his people worked so hard to survive, how they struggled to protect each other, and how important each of their roles was...

"Were you a purifier before the Kron began?" Moulin asked. 

Arcefi shook his head, "No, I was a Pured elf before the beginning of the Kron."


Moulin's eyes widened. Pured... Pured! A-A pured elf?

He recalled a very long time ago being told about pure beings, specifically pure maeruthans. Colahn had once presumed him as one. People with promising futures, purified internal bodies, and greatness waiting for them. However, they were named 'cursed'. Their lifespan was short despite their outstanding abilities. None of them lived past thirty. Moulin was relieved he was different. Easing himself, he urged Arcefi to continue. 

Swirling the liquid within the teacup within his fingers, Arcefi met his own gaze on the fluid. "I was a pure elf, predicted to die an early death. However, just when the Kron began devouring Meian. There was a sudden shift within my internal core. His Holiness, Na'El had sensed it. Everything turned differently then. His Holiness presumed it was because of the accumulation of impurities within the air the Sickness had brought to Thundralln. Impurities entered my body and vanquished the 'cursed' fate of mine. Fortunately, I wasn't contaminated by the sickness. The Great Oracle aided in my cleansing and I became one of the surviving purifiers of Thundralln."

"There were others?..."

Arcefi nodded. "Pured beings are as rare as aphrodites, my friend. There were more than twenty of us. Unfortunately..." Arcefi closed his eyes unable to finish his words. 

Moulin's head lowered in understanding. The Kron took lives, destroyed lands, and created chaos. What it brought no longer surprised the survivors of this world. However, the fear it cast upon these people's hearts remained dominantly uncontrollable. 

"I see..." 

Perhaps, the Kron did more than just bring chaos and destruction. Others, like this elf before him, seemed to benefit from the Kron. Moulin didn't need to question this. He's seen most of it from Gaclan city. However, Arcefi's situation was different. The young elf was blessed. 

After expressing about himself, Arcefi noticed that he'd finally caught Moulin's full attention. Relishing the silvery gaze upon him, Arcefi began to shift their conversation and from the look in Moulin's eyes, his guest didn't seem to mind. The indulging look on his face made Arcefi red. The desire to capture the man's attention bloomed wider within his chest. 

They talked until the birds began singing along with their voices and the gauze curtains of the balcony fluttered slowly. Their feather-light ends caressing the floor. 

As time passed, Moulin caught the elf, while speaking, taking secret glances on the scabbard and belt, he placed next to his chair. Those quick eyes couldn't escape Moulin's watch. Amused and intrigued, Moulin finally opened. 

"Do you dislike the sword?" 

Blinking in surprise, Arcefi instantly forced a smile as he faced Moulin. His heart pounded in being caught by the aphrodite maeruthan sitting before him. He began tapping the side of his cup nervously. "P-Pardon?... Oh, no. Of course, I admire it. My knights and all of the warriors within our kingdom are prominent and mighty because of their swords. The blade shapes them, makes them stronger. Of course. It is not only the blade but the will and strength of its bearer." 

Moulin eyed the flustered elf and chuckled, catching the nervous person within his palm. "And if an aphrodite such as yourself wields the blade?"


Arcefi's movements stopped. Unconsciously, his fingers tightened around the teacup within his hands. But although his heart was in turmoil, a calm expression replaced the innocence on his face. He straightened and met Moulin's drilling eyes. His tone changed and replied unhurriedly as if to shove his words right into Moulin's consciousness.

"It is not impossible... However, I believe the idea just... throws everything off balance." Arcefi smiled. 

Moulin didn't respond. However, his expression was unreadable. Arcefi took it as permission to continue. 

"As both pured and an aphrodite, I've been raised, coddle by elders, influenced by the bountiful promises of a beautiful future." A nostalgic look appeared on Arcefi's flawless face. He asked, "Weren't you raised like that as well? Treasured and loved?"

No, but the original soul did, accompanied by unbearable humiliation. A corner of Moulin's lips rose. "You know it well."

Arcefi nodded and languidly took a sip of his drink. His actions were graceful and elegant. "Mn, we aphrodites are treasured, indeed. We've held and bore significance to many gods. Darlings of the Heavens, some would say. Beauteous and gentle."

Moulin briefly raised his brows, recalling the countless times people approached him because of his sex. And... gentle?

"That is why we are most blessed with mana. And being both purifier and aphrodite such as ourselves, it is beyond gratifying." Arcefi nodded, "The Gods must have poured all of their luck into our blood. Within the Kron, we are one of the rarest to resist its influence, to cleanse malevolence. It is enough that we do just that. Let ourselves be thought of, treasured, and protected. We don't need to bathe our hands in filth and blood. Let others tend to it, to us. It is not... wrong to not belong on the battlefield. Our own value matters most as well as those of others."

Moulin smiled softly as each word slipped into his ear, echoing within the depth of his mind. Truly, this one must have bathed with coddling words for years. However, Moulin couldn't find any fault in Arcefi's words. Each had their own belief and Moulin didn't care too much to interfere with others' personal matters. It was evident that the elf loved to remain within the protection of his people. 

However, Moulin wondered for once if Arcefi had wondered about the thrill and pleasure from exciting danger and adventure. He wouldn't be forceful but if he could, he would love to enlighten Arcefi about the wonders of discovering new things and experiences, to better grasp a new perspective of the world. The elf's beliefs weren't wrong. He respected it. If it was before, when Moulin was stuck in his previous self and afraid to connect with the world, perhaps, he could agree. 

Moulin sighed as he placed his teacup on the smooth table surface. "Your words are enlightening. Indeed, our views are quite different."

Arcefi stiffened. His eyes widened briefly before he shifted to conceal his startled expression. Even after his words... Moulin remained unmoved. But why? Even the previous purifiers could agree with him. Although they weren't an aphrodite like him and Moulin, they knew the significance of his purity and presence. 

'There are people who think differently than you, Arcefi.' Na'El's words echoed in his mind. Arcefi furrowed his brows and downed his tea in a few gulps. He froze when Moulin spoke once more. 

"I admire the way you see things, Arcefi." Silver eyes gazed at the elf softly. They were like troubled waters underneath the dazzle of moonlight. Arcefi gazed at them, captivated. 

"But one's worth isn't taken from the role they bear or the heavenly blessings they possessed. We can become many things, break boundaries, and pursue impossible things." Moulin chuckled and his eyes gleamed. 

"Even a pup can become frightening. I, myself, chose to walk the path I love, to follow my loved ones, and walk to the forefront of battle. That is why I wield the sword. Don't you think it suits me?"


Arcefi wanted to refuse. They were so similar. They should stand side by side. But how could he say no?

When facing those striking silver eyes eager to crush and conquer like a blade swing down to cut down its enemies, that chilling aura sparing no amount of gentleness before him, Arcefi couldn't disagree. Like a stubborn wildflower surviving within the harsh winter. He's breathtaking yet deadly. Arcefi nodded dazedly. 

Moulin smiled as he turned his gaze to the balcony savoring the serene air.

Suddenly, a loud ringing sound roared throughout the island. The deep ringing bell noised briefly in the skies before it was silenced. 

"A bell?" Moulin's brows raised, slightly startled. 

Arecfi paused, finally breaking away from his trance. "Ah, they're trying to fix the bell from the previous Swarm invasion. I heard it needed a bit of tinkering."

"I see..." Moulin's eyes deepened. He could still feel the ringing lingering in his ears refusing to stop. 


Half an hour later, Arcefi offered to personally walk Moulin to his quarters. Moulin felt a bit funny, to have the smaller and younger person escort him. It would be a strange sight. However, Arcefi was persistent, deliberately following Moulin into the hallways with a trail of attendants behind him. Moulin could only say nothing and smile as he helplessly let the elf indulge him. 


A deep familiar voice sounded, piercing Moulin's eardrums and knocking straight on his heart. Moulin calmly searched in front of him, meeting the beguiling golden eyes of Lord Hadrian Hercullio, standing in the distance with a group of loyal maeruthans and elves behind him. His dominant figure was eye-catching. 

Slowly, he made his way towards Moulin, frightening the elves behind the youth. One particular blue-eyed elf stared at Hadrian curiously. 

"I've been looking for you," Hadrian spoke, ignoring the eyes around them. 

Moulin raised a brow. His expression looked taunting yet it only amused the lord. "I know you're already aware of my location."

Hadrian only replied with a faint smile. In the corner of his eye, he spotted the aphrodite elf giving him a severe expression. His own gaze deepened.

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