A Gorgeous White

Chapter 358: A Performance's Preparation

A trickle of pure water fell into the loosened dark brown soil, moistening underneath the pale blue seed of a rare spiritual herb. Slender hands drew the spout away to water another flower pot. Na'El hummed a tune while he finished, cleaning the table and iron racks decorated with lush green vines, swirling with life. Plant life was drawn to him, lured by his gentleness and heavenly touches.

Suddenly, he halted, sensing a presence. With a wave of his hand, the area was cleared, and his tall figure disappeared from the elegance of his treasured colorful garden. The Flora turned sullen by his sudden disappearance. However, Na'El was too eager to meet the person he sensed was currently approaching the doors of his chambers.

His garments changed into something simpler and he presumed was light to the eye of any maeruthan. A servant knocked on his door, and he gave a response. Moulin entered, and his presence brightened the room. His expression was neither happy nor reluctant. A politeness masking the serious, determined youth within. This only intrigued the Elven Oracle.

"So soon, young master? I thought you were given three days. So much time enough to create a decisive plan."

"I am running out of time." Moulin shook his head. "I must go to Gala'En's core."

"Then I will accompany you. We must uphold the conditions his majesty bestowed. Come, follow me."

Na'El leads Moulin to the hallways. Interest grew in his eyes when he noticed numerous gazes directed towards the impassive youth. However, the maeruthan aphrodite spared no glance to the passerby as if he didn't appreciate the attention at all. They crossed the hallways, entered the halls, and climbed down the coiling staircase. Na'El opened the entrance and let Moulin cross the doors first.

The soothing ambiance enveloped the youth, and a gentle breeze danced with the silvery strands of his loose hair as he stood. Almost immediately, the wide garden-like and forest-like threshold shaped its atmosphere the moment the youth's presence was known. At the corner of his eye, Na'El could see the normally uninterested Treants, guardians of the Great Tree's core, opened their glowing eyes lightly, peeking at Moulin, who now trekked across the grass.

Perhaps, the flora had another favorite; Na'El could not help but smile. Maybe event he fauna too...

Moulin paused before the niche. Hesitance flashed on his expression for a second. But before he could think, a slender hand, the color of the niche's interiors, reached out from the walls and opened its smooth and welcoming palm to Moulin. But Moulin was a few meters away, so it beckoned him with its finger, gesturing him to come forward.


'Ah, no matter how much I look at it, I can't help but feel suspicious,' Moulin thought. Why does it look like it's flirting with me?

Moulin glanced at Na'El, who nodded, urging him to accept it. The Oracle could not help but shake his head, knowing how much this person was adored.

Taking a deep breath, Moulin stepped forward and grasped the hand. In the next second, the walls swallowed him whole, and he was plunged into infinite darkness.

A few seconds passed, and Moulin slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was, of course... endless darkness. And when his gaze lowered, he met his own eyes. Silver pupils, unlike the dreary original color of his eyes. His skin was white, and his hair was too. Glowing brightly like a beautiful lonely star within the vast night sky. Moulin breathed out, gazing at his original soul's appearance.

However, unlike before, he didn't feel too alarmed.

"Ah, you're back!" A cheerful voice exclaimed from behind him.

Moulin turned around and met the relieved eyes of other than the God of seasons, worshipped by millions from different races, Deity Galadin. However, instead of calling him with his righteous God name, he spoke...

"Gade..." Moulin smiled. God or not, he looks so much like a child that it is difficult for Moulin to address him properly.

Galadin's eyes brightened. 'He remembered to call me by my nickname...'

"It is wonderful to see you again, Moulin. I only hoped you'd visit me often." The child spoke. Behind him, his fingers fiddled nervously.

"I will try." Moulin nodded with a soft smile. Afterwards, a concerned expression etched his face. Moulin lowered himself until he was kneeling on one knee before the glowing deity before him. "I know you are already aware of the King and the council's impression of the information I imparted to them... and the outcomes of it."

Galadin paused, then his gaze lowered as he nodded. "I do. They want proof of my existence. It seems mere words cannot shake them. Although I would understand their doubts, their negligence of the probability of the truth disappoints me. Those ungrateful mortals..."

Galadin paused when he realized Moulin's deep stare, "I apologize."

Moulin blinked once and chuckled, "You don't have to. I quite agree..."

"Ah..." The child took in the genuine laughter with his eyes and ears. He made someone laugh, and the feeling was beyond beautiful. How long had it been since he made someone smile? How could he forget such a feeling?

Galadin's hand gradually rose to touch the youth's cheek. His fingers were gentle, as if he was caressing a precious treasure. Moulin stilled against his touch, and within that brief moment, he felt emotions that weren't his own pour into his chest. The longing to rekindle the flame of joy and companionship filled his heart.

Moulin was certain that the god was letting him feel his emotions. So even gods and deities could feel such things as well...

However, who was Galadin missing?

"If I were back to my full form, I would give you everything you would wish for. If it's within my power, I will give it to you..." Galadin mumbled softly, whispering to himself even if the youth could hear it clearly.

Moulin froze. Uncertainty filled his expression, but his eyes were helpless and soft, "How tempting. However, it would be best to first focus on recovering your souls and letting your people recognize your existence within the Great Tree."

"Mn, you are right."

Moulin folded his legs in the mirror-like floor, sitting languidly, and the curious glowing child before him followed his actions. Not long after, both of them sat facing each other like little children hiding away from adults and whispering stories to each other.

"There is a way to make myself known to the people beyond this space. However, I may require the help of the oracle and... you." Galadin explained. The whorls on his head fluttered slightly as he bowed his head.

"Whatever it is... I will do everything to help. I am certain the oracle will too." Moulin assured him with a determined expression. His heart was true, and Galadin could see it so clearly like watching through the crystal glass.

The child's eyes are bright and glistening. He could only nod and seal the words in his heart.


Na'El gazed at the pond, admiring the playful fishes underneath the water. He looked at his reflection and analyzed his cheerful mood.

Not long after, the mana within the air shifted. Na'El calmly straightened his back as he turned to witness Moulin gracefully exit the niche. Oh? It seemed someone lifted Moulin's mood. How curious...

"Moulin, How was it? Successful, I presume?" Na'El approached him with soft steps. The flowers swayed around his ankles and the dark trimmings of the ends of his robes.

"I need your help..." Moulin straightforwardly spoke.

Na'El loosened his shoulders, finally recognized that fierce and determined look. The young man bore the grace of sweet, warm air and the cold, freezing rivers. Perhaps, he'd found answers within the core. It was impossible for him to think of it alone.

"I will do what I can, young master."


Moulin stepped into his quarters and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Tomorrow, he would be making the biggest performance of his life... maybe. Hopefully, it will all turn out well.

"You're back..."

Hadrian's voice drew the youth's attention ahead where a tall man, oozing with prominence and desire, stood staring at the sheets of paper within his hand. He leaned his hip at the edge of the table, appearing lazy yet dominant. The golden rings of his eyes seemed to glow despite the slight dimness of the room. A snow-white furball slept silently on the red cushion on the desk. Snow seemed too sleepy to notice his master's arrival.

"I've settled it, and now I want some rest..." Moulin spoke, shrugging his shoulders before heading towards the bedroom. However, before he could take another step forward, he recognized the papers within Hadrian's large hands.

Ah, that... his doodles...

"This..." Hadrian spoke with hooded eyes, glancing at the scribbles and drawings on the paper. "...You are afraid of sleeping tonight?"


Moulin didn't respond. However, it seemed that from his silence, the answer was clear. The things he wrote on the paper were drawn from his thoughts. With a pen in his hand, Moulin had mindlessly scribbled his worries on the papers, and he also forgot to clean up his desk before he left.

"Nothing will happen to you..." Hadrian placed the sheets back on the desk while he opened his palm and reached out for Moulin.

"Yet... " Moulin sighed before he approached the man and grasped his hand. He let himself be pulled into the warm embrace. "Although I must get to the bottom of this abnormality, I am scared of going through it again. But those are just... insignificant things. It's not even happening yet, but I feel like the next nightmare will choke me in my sleep."

"Then tonight, I will be by your side to wake you." Hadrian pulled Moulin close. He switched their position until the youth was forced to sit at the edge of the table with the lord closing the distance between them.

Moulin sighed, feeling the heat between their lips and the tightness against their clothes. "I think I like that plan."

"I do too." Hadrian smiled. His eyes expose the fondness and desire the protect the person before him. "From the moment you close your eyes, and until you open them, I will be there right beside you."

"Mn..." Moulin nodded, appreciating the idea with all his heart. He parted his lips and kissed the man before him with fervor. Hadrian pressed closer against his body, closing the distance between him and the youth's parted legs. Fire boiled within the lord's chest, and desire soared until it pierced his pounding heart.

Suddenly, the deafening roaring sound of the bell filled the area. It was so loud Moulin's patience exploded.

This damn bell again!

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