A Gorgeous White

Chapter 361: Apologies For Making You Worry

"My Lord! You are awake!" 

A shrill voice speaks up within the room and briefly startles Moulin. For a moment, a chilling breeze enters the bedroom, bursting through the crystal windows, enveloping the enter area in freezing coldness. The attendant who abruptly entered the room froze and shivered. He turned his alarmed gaze to the beauteous silver-eyed maeruthan on the canopy bed as memories of the freeze swallowing his whole body resurfaced in his mind. 

Moulin blinked, finally realizing the effect of his surprise. Soothing his emotions with slow, silent breaths, the temperature warmed, and the elven attendant sighed in relief. 

"My Lord, I shall prepare the bath and fetch your meal. You have slept for days and just awoken. The drowsiness hasn't left your body yet. Please stay in bed while I send someone to inform the lords." The elf proposed before he bowed and left the room with quick steps. His heart thumped, recalling the hazy and surprised eyes of the elegant aphrodite. 


Left in his room, Moulin began to mull over the words the elf had left him. The terms 'Slept for days' crashed inside his mind, and he widened his eyes in disbelief. Impossible! He didn't even feel as if time had passed so much. It felt as if he had just woken up from a nice short nap. However, 'nice' would be denying the spine-chilling sensation he felt during the moment he woke up from his nightmare. It was anything but 'nice.' 

Once again, he touched his neck as though unconvinced that all of it was all a dream. It felt so real that he couldn't get over it.

Moments later, Moulin left the steaming bath and dressed in light, comfortable clothes prepared for him. With a grumbling stomach, he left his bedroom only to discover that the attendant hadn't returned to bring him his meal yet, and so he sat on the velvet sofa taking out one of the books on the table to read as he waited. He wasn't too focused on reading as his mind was crammed with questions. 

How long was he asleep? How did the meeting go? Was Na'El's procedure successful? What were the results?  Did that brat, Snow get any food to eat while he was gone? Where was Hadrian?

Moulin's expression grew sullen, unable to express his frustrations and urge to find someone to answer him. However, he was too hungry to move. 


Moulin's eyebrows lifted the moment he heard the door open. He turned his head only to realize that the person who came in wasn't the elven servant but a more familiar person. Golden eyes darkened as the tall, powerful man strode across the room with heavy steps. His golden hair was loose over his eyes, and with his large hands honed for the battlefield, he tore his cape off his shoulders. His aura abruptly swept through Moulin, making the youth stiffen. Ah, what is with this sudden intimidation?

Putting the book aside, Moulin slowly stood up and took a few steps forward. He flinched as Hadrian's gaze darkened even more. 


Heated lips sealed his following words. A hand grabbed his nape and roughly pulled him forward. Moulin's eyes widened as Hadrian pounced on him with forceful strength, grabbing him and pressing his body unto his as though wishing their souls would fuse together as one. Forced into the searing tongue-twisting kiss, Moulin disregarded his shock and succumbed to the raw passion given. He felt his head spin, overwhelmed by Hadrian's compelling actions. He felt the tight grip on his hair, the bone-crushing arm tightening around his waist, and Hadrian's aggressive advances as they kissed. 

Moulin gripped the man's muscular shoulder as he took a few steps backward, unable to withstand Hadrian's approach until he stumbled back and fell on the couch where he previously sat. Hadrian gripped the armrest, almost tearing through it. 

When they parted, Moulin panted heavily, gasping out breaths as his moistened eyes lifted. A chill climbed up his spine as he met Hadrian's deep soul-sucking eyes, looking as if they'd rip through Moulin's flesh and grab his heart. The lord's magnificent build towered over him. His shadow enshrouds Moulin's seemingly frightened form. Like an apex predator cornering his vulnerable, helpless prey. 

Moulin was lost of words. 


"My Lord, Forgive me. There was a delay in the kitchen, but I've come and brought you your meal. I-"

The attendant froze. His feet refused to take another step as he stared at the scene before him. 

"!!!" He gripped the elaborate metal tray in his hands in shock. He stuttered, abruptly diverting his gaze in panic. "Forgive me! I shall leave right away!"

"Leave it and get out." A low blood-curdling voice ordered, directly piercing the young elf's ears. 

In less than ten seconds, the elf did what he was told and hurriedly fled the room.

Moulin released a relieved sigh as Hadrian drew back. The golden-haired lord looked at him deeply before reaching out a hand to let Moulin straighten in his seat. 

"How long was I asleep?" Moulin asked, fixing his clothes before he looked at his lover. 

Hadrian's eyes darkened. "Three days."

"Three? That... long?"

"One more day, and I would have gouged out the eyes of that oracle."


Perhaps, during those three days, he must have worried Hadrian so much. It didn't occur to Moulin that the side-effects of the soul-transferring formation would make him unconscious for three days straight. For him, it felt as if only hours have gone by. Nevertheless, he wasn't sure if he'd be doing it again. It cost Na'El a significant amount of energy. The risk of losing his body was probable. Fortunately, it was a success, and Moulin was out of harm. 

"Don't do that ever again." Hadrian's eyes narrowed, pinning Moulin in his seat. 

The youth wasn't intimidated. He only felt the limitless concern Hadrian had for him. Moulin smiled faintly, and his silver eyes softened. His voice aimed to soothe Hadrian's tense nerves. "I won't. I promise."

Moulin witnessed the lord's shoulders relax after his response. The accumulating fear of guarding and waiting for the youth's empty shell, waiting for his soul's awakening, slowly dissipated. A drop of warmth fell in the bubbling pool of his heart. 

"I worried you. I'm sorry..." Moulin muttered. His eyes turned solemn and downcast. 

Hadrian paused. A sliver of anger crept inside his heart, burrowing stealthily like an earthworm underneath the soil. None of them expected the outcome of the procedure. However, Hadrian was willing to accept it, although reluctantly, if it was what Moulin wanted. But Hadrian favored of it. Hearing Moulin's soft and sincere apology as if he was to blame for all of the events, Hadrian could only concede. None of it was Moulin's fault. 

Lord Hadrian drew closer to Moulin and slowly lifted his hand to hold the youth's soft chin. His thumb began caressing the aphrodite's plump, luscious lower lip. "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault."

Moulin frowned, "You look like you were taking it out all on me, though..."

"It's because I missed you." Hadrian countered. "You worry me too much."

"Mn, alright." A smile curved on the youth's lips. "I'm glad you do..."

Finally, the heaviness diminished and what replaced the air was the serene warmth of the morning. Moulin took his fill from the meal, sitting at the dining table, enjoying the taste of honey and sweet bread on his tongue. 

"What was the result? Was the witnessing successful?" Moulin finally asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin. 

Hadrian, who stood before the terrace in tranquillity, paused to look at him. He muttered an "Eat slowly" before replying to the question. 

"Quite successful." Hadrian approached Moulin, took the crystal jug, and poured juice into Moulin's cup. His movements are elegant and fluid-like. "While you were stuck within your own body, slumbering, the kingdom commenced a search throughout every Island. They've found three soul fragments so far."

Moulin almost jumped in his seat in surprise. Indeed, the elves worked fast. But that should be expected since the tree was slowly perishing without discovering the actual cause. Three fragments in three days... Perhaps, if they maintain the pace, Galadin will be recovering sooner than he thought. 

"Thank goodness..." Moulin sighed after he drank from the cup Hadrian gave him. "Perhaps, we will be able to finish this mission soon..."

"You look relieved." Hadrian smiled.

"How can I not be?"

The month was almost over. Moulin was worried they'd be too late in retrieving the dragon crystal. Hopefully, all things will go smoothly. 


Giant clouds rolled in the sky. They appeared like gigantic waves, rising high before crashing into the seashore. Although it looked exquisite, Moulin couldn't deny how intimidating it looked. The sky looked as if they would swallow everything, even something as tremendous as the Great Tree of Gala'En. Indeed, the sky is full of wonders. 

Suddenly, a shrill cry resounded throughout the sky. A giant shadow ran over the enormous leaves and coiling brown and green branches of the great tree. Gusts of wind fought in the sky as the vast wings of a powerful creature beat the air. A giant eagle, mighty and filled with strength, soared in the sky at high speed. One would find it difficult to follow its movements. 

Standing on an elevated platform, open without any railings, a silver-eyed youth stood unmoved and studied the flying creatures in admiration. His eyes reflected the magnificent forms of the birds, and his silver pupils gleamed with delight. 

"So this is how they travel so fast around the island..." Moulin muttered, still appreciating the warriors in their flight. 

"Moulin, don't get too close to the edge. Come here." Emlen's voice chided. "I didn't agree to bring you here just so that you would do what you want. Have you forgotten that you are still in need of rest?"

Moulin flinched and sighed. Reluctantly, he joined his brother in the gazebo within the courtyard. Before he left, he saw one eagle pause in the sky, flapping its wings to a stop. On its back was the grinning face of Ghana Vreslof, boastfully laughing and waving at Moulin before she set off with the other elves on their mounts. It seems they were continuing the search of the soul fragments. 

'Hmp, braggart.' Moulin chuckled. But he was indeed envious... Honestly, who wouldn't be? But being at such a height might be terrifying...

"Brother, what do these soul garments look like?" Moulin asked when he sat on the seat across his Emlen. 

Emlen stopped. Then lifted his eyes from the gold compass in his hand. "You are not joining them."

"..." Moulin blinked. "I didn't... say anything as such."

With a sigh, Emlen shook his head. "Do you think I would fall for such words? I can see your eagerness to join Ghana and the others. You are still recovering, Moulin. And don't think I've already forgiven you for keeping the witnessing a secret from me."


Unable to persuade his unyielding brother, Moulin could only watch the giant soaring eagles in the sky as he accompanied his brother for the whole afternoon. When they were finished, Moulin endured the weight of a hundred gazes as he was escorted back to his quarters. Emlen informed him that because of Galadin's ability, the whole island was involved during the meeting. Not a single one hadn't heard of the God's heavenly words. And because of this, Moulin, as the God's vessel and mouth, became even more well-known. 

When evening came, Moulin resisted the urge to lock his door to avoid more servants attending to his every need. It was only when after Hadrian came did he finally decided to lock it. 

In the middle of the night, three consecutive knocks sounded from the door.

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