A Gorgeous White

Chapter 365: The Soul Fragment

How can something so tiny can grow in a place like this? No light with not even a bit of warmth?

Warily, Moulin approached the water. When the tip of his boot kissed the tranquil surface of the water, bright blue, glowing ripples spread out from the disturbance. Within the darkness, the trembling glimmer of waters made light dance on the cave walls. It is lovely and majestic, something that touched the heart of the silver-eyed youth standing at the edge of the water.

Moulin's feet submerged into the water, and glowing ripples surrounded him. The light grew brighter as the water splashed against the youth's leather-clad ankles. The little droplets clinging to his clothed calves are as bright as golden morning dew. Staring curiously at the little plant, he approached the little rock island. Strings of light, bent from the trembling beneath the water, are reflected on the young man's body.

As dry ground reached his foot, Moulin bent slightly. He assessed the little plant within his gaze, glancing at the little fruit hanging on one of its slender branch. This time, Moulin was sure of it. It was Galadin's mana, pure and thriving.

"The soul fragment..."

Slowly and carefully, Moulin reached out. His fingertips neared the hard-looking shell of the little brown fruit. And with one unhesitating move, he plucked the fruit from the branch. A pleasant snap echoed throughout the cave, bouncing off the walls of the tunnels. Moulin paused, suddenly cautious. He waited to face whatever it was that he triggered.

Within the other two tunnels, Ghana and the other men paused, sensing a shift. She was familiar with it. Abruptly, she turned and shouted in alarm.

"Hurry! Leave the tunnels!"

Moulin, who was isolated, stood up from the water. His eyes scanned the area for any mishaps. But it was... too quiet. His gaze lowered unto the tiny fruit within between his fingers. It looked so ordinary, but the mana that came from it was like the heat of an erupting volcano, fiery and powerful. Moulin had to avert his gaze as not to lose himself from its alluring power.

Suddenly, a powerful stench hits his nostrils. Moulin looked down and witnessed the once green, healthy sapling shrink and rot. Its leaves withered and fell off unto the water, instantly contaminating it—the clear water transformed into something dark and murky, bubbling like a hot viscous broth. The youth's eyes flashed and he swiftly drew back away from the water before he was scorched from its acidity.


The small rock island broke in half once the plant dissipated into dust. The dark tar-like water began to seep into the crack, and the once still ground started to tremble violently. Moulin furrowed his brows. Above his head, the moss had lost its luster and began to wither, falling like a rain of ash. Perhaps, this was the 'thing' he triggered.

SIghing, Moulin turned his heels and bolted out of the cave. A rain of droplets and falling rocks began to chase him, hot on his heels. The crystal within Moulin's hand flickered briefly as the youth's heartbeat quickened at every passing second.

The patches of glowing mushrooms shrunk and withered as he passed. They are then buried under the rain of rocks and dust.


Ghana's echoing voice reached Moulin's ears. However, not an ounce of relief came to ease his chest as the rock started to overtake him. Dust fell on his face, his hair, his body. He ran as fast as he could, the crystal within his hand vanished, and he was left running in the darkness, almost stumbling on the sharp obstacles in his path.

"Hah!" Moulin gasped when he finally emerged from the cave. The tunnel behind him crumbled, sealing the entrance permanently. A cloud of dust exploded behind him before settling and fading.

Unfortunately, the shaking did not stop there.

Ghana heaved a sigh of relief as she hurried to lend Moulin a hand. She saw the fruit within the vice grip of the youth's hand, "So you found it..."

"Yeah..." Moulin panted.

Suddenly, a cry came from the last tunnel standing against the mighty force of the violent quakes. The men turned their heads to find two maeruthans hurriedly running towards the mouth of the tunnel while carrying an injured elf warrior. They are bloody and sweaty, limping as they flee to the exit.

"Quick! Help them!" Ghana shouted, and the men ran towards the tunnel, aiding the injured men.

Out of the blue, the tunnel's ceiling cracked! And giant rocks began to fall, to crush the men to their deaths. Shouts and cries echoed noisily. As Ghana and the rest hurried to run towards the tunnel, Moulin was a step ahead of them.

Silver eyes glowed bright, and frost covered his fingers. Moulin clenched his jaw and slammed his palms on the rocky floor. Ice spreads beneath his hands, instantly devouring the floor. The ice travels over the rough surface swiftly past the group of running men. And when the ceiling began to crumble, pure-white ice grew in thick coils, swirling until it was as thick as one of the trees in Thundrei, rising to the top and branching out to cradle the boulder-like debris.

Ghana and the men paused, feeling only a shower of dust over their bodies. Confused and alarmed, they raised their heads, witnessing the sparkling white tree-like structure holding the rocks and keeping the cave ceiling from falling. All of it happened within a few seconds.

Moulin groaned and straightened his posture. He breathed out, minding the effects of his emotions. He only glanced at his work before asking the stunned elves and maeruthans who, thankfully, survived.

"Are you alright?" Moulin approached them.

Nodding, Ghana heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment, fear pooled in her gut as she ran towards her men. Thankfully, Moulin was quick enough to rescue them. She smiled, shaking her head. "It was right to bring you along. His Excellency, Lord Hercullio, was right."

"What?" Moulin watched as she instructed the healer to check the injured.

"It was Lord Hercullio who asked your elder brother to have you join the search."

Hadrian... did?

Moulin's eyes, which were in a confusing blur, cleared and brightened. Knowing that he'd frequently been rambling to Hadrian about his troubles, Hadrian must have planned to have him join the search and clear his mind. God knows how much he's been missing about the excitement of new experiences and the thrill of adventure. Although this was milder and safer than the real life-threatening journey they've gone through before arriving in Artheia, the search made him less terrified about the dangers to his life.

A smile graced the young man's lush lips. His expression was soft and inexplicably alluring. Ghana only shook her head. Ah, love...

After a short while, the group left the cave. Fortunately, there weren't any major injuries. The wounded were able to walk after the healer's light treatment.

Standing under the haziness of the treetops, Moulin raised his hand and intently stared at the tiny little fruit- or is it a seed? It looked big between his fingertips. It seemed so ordinary that Moulin doubted it a few times. Just in time, as he was filled with uncertainty, Ghana neared him, exhausted from barking out orders and making sure they were safe within the area.

She smiled as she met Moulin's eyes, "It is the soul-fragment. I've seen the first three of it, so you can trust me."

"I reckoned it was made of gold or anything eye-catching..." Moulin mumbled as she gave the tiny brown thing to Ghana's open, gentle calloused palms.

"And so Heaven's precious child think such things." Ghana chuckled as she wrapped the seed within a clean white handkerchief and tucked it within a small pouch. "Life is unexpected. And it is not a fruit... It's a seed."


The walk was long as they traveled halfway through the forest to reach their mounts. The eerie fog surrounded them. Although they weren't in a hurry, they were eager to return because of the injured men with them. The rustling trees towered over their little forms, and tiny creatures peeked at their legs as they burrowed underneath tree roots.

Out of the blue, an ominous feeling arose within their hearts. The trees swayed as if a storm was approaching. The clouds dimmed ten shades darker, and it is then that Moulin ceased his steps, sensing the oddity. The men behind him stopped and looked around as well. They weren't ignorant of the sudden strangeness.

Moulin's gaze lifted from the vague forest path before him to the darkening skies. A dark wave blanketed the skies above the thick clouds, slowly obscuring the island and a certain group of people traveling within its forest. A dreary premonition emerged inside his chest, and he feared that he was right.

The sound that comes with the darkness is akin to the noise of a massive swarm of flying insects. It is noisy, along with the frightening roars and ear-piercing screeches.

Moulin's heart dropped. 'The Swarm...'

Ghana paled. Her face is white and filled with alarm. Her pupils quivered as she stared above, past the cracks of the swaying treetops, catching sight of the dark creatures soaring in the sky.

"Go... GO!" She yelled, snapping the men out from their terrified and shocked state.

Moulin released a stuttering breath. His legs moved, and a burst of adrenaline burned his insides.

In the next second, they are running as fast as their legs can take them. They tore through branches and bushes obstructing their path. Hearts rapidly pumped within the cages of their chests, and they could barely breathe exhaustion crept, worming its way through their flesh.

When they finally reached the eagles, who were agitated from the hostility of the malibreeds in the sky, they wasted no time and mounted the birds. Obedience instantly swept the creatures, and they patiently waited as the riders climbed up on their backs.

"Hiup!" Ghana shouted.

Together the birds flew. The wind cuts through every person's face, but they are too focused and terrified to care. As they soared, they realized that they were fortunate that the eagles were faster and lighter, overtaking the swarm from beneath, emerging from its shadow.

Moulin tightened his fingers. Heart pounding erratically as his eyes strained at the sight of the Great Tree and the island where it stood. Despite the noise from the rushing wind, he could hear the starving cries and the violent aura, rising like a wave to smother them, from the corrupted creatures behind him.

The bell... why didn't it ring?

A chill suddenly climbed up from Moulin's spine. His senses buzzed in alarm. Silver eyes flashed, and tightening his legs around the saddle, he lets go of one of the handles conjuring his sacred weapon. Light flashed. Moulin drew the string, turned back, and released.

The arrow pierced through the open mouth of the malibreed, gaining on his eagle. Bones cracked, and black blood splattered. The creature cried out as it lost its balance, falling and hitting the other malibreeds behind it. It wasn't long before its kind took advantage of its weak state and began to attack it, tearing its limbs into pieces, devouring it.

Although shocked, Moulin began firing the malibreeds catching up to the group from behind.

Finally nearing the landing platform, Ghana's eagle cried out, and the people within the structure scrambled to clear the area. Ghana's mount was the first to enter before the rest landed, one by one.

"Where's my brother?" Emlen, who immediately rushed to Ghana, asked. Concern thundered on his face.

Ghana turned to the sky, and Emlen paled as his gaze followed hers.

Moulin, guarding the back of the group, was the last to reach the landing platform. The youth's eyes narrowed as he urged his eagle to go faster.

An ear-splitting cry shot through his ears. Everything in Moulin's body screamed in alarm.

Before they could reach the landing area, the tail wings of Moulin's eagle were bitten back. Moulin abruptly fell forward from the violent inertia as his mount stopped in midair, desperately beating its wings not to fall. Moulin's heart drummed in horror.

"Moulin!" Emlen's eyes turned bloodshot.

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