A Gorgeous White

Chapter 8: A Cautious Moumou...

Moulin finally ignored his thoughts as he reluctantly prepared to make food for his temporary guests. He always cooked beside the cave, in a stone-like niche where the snow doesn't fall. Moments later, The suspicious blonde man of his thoughts came to help him after tending his injured guard. Not a word was said as they ate.

Moments later, A brilliant fire crackled within the circle of stones. Two people sat, as silent as the night, one with unyielding bright golden eyes and one with bewitching silver-white ones.

A snowy-white fox snuggled on Moulin's lap, glimpsing at the stranger in front of his master curiously. Soft slender hands stroked Snow's fur lulling him to sleep. Moulin practically found Snow very cute when he sleeps.

"It is very small..."

Moulin paused. What's he getting at?

"He is young and growing" He shot an icy look in his way. "Shouldn't you be tending your injured friend, Lord Hadrian?"

"He's already out of danger" The man glanced at the cave entrance "Besides, he is fortunate to have been saved by a charming beauty and receiving my care".

Moulin cocked an eyebrow "I might mistake you of an egotistical flirt if you do not correct yourself, 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑑".

A merry chuckle escaped Hadrian's lips. The young man in front of him was quite amusing. No one has ever dared to talk to him like this. Interest rising, He studied the stunning beauty in front of him.

In Moulin's viewpoint, Hadrian's frame was adorned by the orange light of the fire. His sun-like pupils locked on Moulin. His thick clothes could not hide the diamond-cutting muscles. It screamed of supreme masculinity, something Moulin can never achieve in his life...well lives.

The man's eyes bore at Moulin, a smile plastered on his face. For a moment, Moulin could hear his heartbeat quicken.

"Your eyes tell me that I've already been branded by that title in your heart" His tone was annoyingly confident. "I can't help but ask how may I have offended you?".

Moulin sneered and lifted his chin as he studied the man. "Well..." He paused. "You're quite annoying, arrogant and clearly you don't have the skills to woo a person even though you look like a philanderer. You are awfully suspicious and you can't read the mood of the situation before you open that mouth of yours".

"...Do you wish for me to woo you?" Hadrian ignored the rest of the insults. He was unaware of how bad the young man's impression of him was.

"No" Moulin replied almost instantly. He didn't know why he mentioned that part. His thoughts were so loud he couldn't help saying it.

"You haven't truly seen the real me. Perhaps you'll change your mind if you do". He grinned at Moulin, who couldn't help but shudder.

"No, thank you"

The snowflakes fell lesser and lesser until it thoroughly stopped. The chilling breeze became gentler. Snow clouds had dispersed and moonlight glimmered on the surface of the frozen lake. The wide lake sparkled like a wondrous starry sea, it was remarkably mesmerizing. The captivated Moulin gently laid down Snow and decided to take a midnight stroll on the lake. He ignored the other man as he walked right past him.

His bare feet left the snowy ground and stepped on frozen water. A refreshing chilly breeze swept his silver-white hair. He continued to walk ahead with his head lowered. The frozen lake had reflected the dark sky, twinkling stars illuminated its surface. It was calm and silent... except from the heavy footsteps that imitated his every step.

Eyebrows drawn together, Moulin let out an exasperated sigh. He steps back to turn around and face the man who followed him. "What are you doing?"

"You don't mind if I join you, would you? It's quite lonely to be facing the fire by myself, you see" Hands tucked in his pockets, the man's eyes gleamed under the moon. He stood a meter away from Moulin, waiting for his answer.

The white-haired youth wanted to refuse but felt that he might be a bit rude if he did so he shook his head "No, I don't".

The man was instantly beside Moulin with a gratifying smile. Moulin pulled back his gaze as the two continued to walk leisurely.

"It's dangerous for an aphrodite maeruthan to walk alone in the dark, Don't you think?" Hadrian spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"I did not allow you to walk with me so that you would lecture me. Also, I can defend myself" He retorted. Maeruthans could recognize their own kind so it wasn't surprising for Hadrian to know that he was an aphrodite Maeruthan. "I don't need anyone to tell me that".

Hadrian eyed the young maeruthan, he thought of how this young man could find contentment in this solitary and wintry landscape. He was like a deer separated from his herd yet free and contented. But he was also unaware of the devilry and murky wickedness of the world. A pure soul refusing to leave from his comfort and would die protecting it. Although, he was surrounded by the coldest wind and the freezing snow he was like a flame dancing at the center.

"You are really peculiar..."

Moulin's steps decreased and finally stopped a few meters behind the man. He narrowed his eyes at the man as if waiting to finish what he means "..."

"It's a compliment" Hadrian quickly clarified. He slanted his head, resisting the urge to laugh. 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒.


A corner if Moulin's lips turned up as he observed the man in front of him "You're really unafraid are you?"

Hadrian paused as he pondered about his question. Out of the blue, his maeruthan senses kicked in from below him. He lowered his head to inspect. The ice below him was perilously thin. One step could break it. The dark depths of the lake were utterly ominous.

A beguiling smile graced his lips as he shifted his sight back to the youth in front of him. "How sly..."

Moulin's expression was unreadable. He had retracted the ice from the middle of the lake towards the edge slowly, thinning the ice of the interior. He deliberately stopped a few meters away from the center of the large lake, where the depths were and trapped the man. He didn't want to harm Hadrian, he just gave him a little threat. Though, Moulin did not know yet that this man could effortlessly avoid this little trap as easily as swatting a fly. The 'threatened' man stood erect and gazing deeply at Moulin.

"What are you implying? Devising a dangerous thing like this?" The beguiling smile hadn't left his face and his black boots pressed on the ice. Golden pupils bore at Moulin.

A frosty breeze swept Moulin's silver-white hair and moonlight shined on his delicate pale skin. "I just want to ask you something ..." Moulin observed the calm man.

"Well, we can discuss this something of yours in a more comfortable situation, Can't we?"

"I'm afraid I am only comfortable conversing with you like this" Moulin smiled gently at the man. "I cannot trust you".

A raging fire ran chaotically inside Hadrian. Something dangerous was trying to resurface from the depths of his mind the longer he stared at the frail young man in front of him. A smirk formed on his lips and his hands clenched in his pockets. His hands were itching to possess something...It felt unusually empty. "What is it that you want to ask, Moel?".

"Are there more people coming to pursue you and your friend?" He questioned. If there were more then he needed these two to leave quickly, this wasn't safe for him anymore.

"The ones you saw were the last of them. We took care of the others on our way here".

Moulin sighed in relief. Hadrian grinned at his reaction "Anything else?"

"Are you from a noble family?" Moulin asked, curiously. "Surely, you must be from one. Your eyes tell me you are". The white-haired youth leaned forward inspecting his bright golden with his hands clasped behind his back. Yes, he was quite comfortable conversing with the man like this.

Hadrian paused for a moment "Yes, I am".

Moulin blinked at his answer and silently nodded.

"Are you not going to ask about my nobility?" Hadrian scrutinized Moel's alluring face.

"I'd rather not" Moulin replied blandly, his hands fidgeting behind him. "I refuse to be an audience of your arrogant face if you start bragging about your aristocracy. This is the woods, Milord, not a noble gathering".

The man laughed, his charming messy hair swayed. Moulin was startled at the sudden reaction. Which part of that was humorous? However, the man's laugh was quite magnetic. Hadrian's eyes gleamed, there was no more of that bothering smugness in his eyes but a strange softness. Moulin had to admit that this man is more striking if he smiles. Like a bullet that shoots right in the heart.

"You...are really different from the aphrodites I have ever met" Hadrian spoke his thoughts unknowingly. He was rarely like this.

Moulin cocked his head. His eyebrows knitted.

"Different? How do you actually assess those people in your eyes?"

"Coquettish and kittenish. Like they would faint at the sight of a drop of blood" The man snorted. "You, on the other hand, are as devilish as a winter demon"

Moulin rolled his eyes. "I am unique because I am who I am" Don't think that your flirty words would work on me. His inviting red lips pressed into a thin line as he turned around to walk away.

"That is all. Good night, Sir Hadrian"

The man with sun-like eyes was stunned.

The walls around this delightful young man were incredibly thick. He couldn't drill into it. Wasn't everything fine moments ago? His chest trembled inside as he watched Moulin walk away. His long wavy hair swaying with his movements like a spirit in the night. The blushing toes of his delicate small feet pressed on the frozen ice in every step he takes. His thin silky robes hugged his figure exquisitely.

"Are you going to leave me like this? That is quite discourteous" He could not help but blurt out.

Moulin paused his steps and groaned as he turned around, A mocking gaze shot at Hadrian. "Don't think that I can't see your confidence in removing yourself from my so-called 'trap', Sir Hadrian. I am not someone that can entertain a person like you" With that, he trotted back to the snowy grounds.

Hadrian watched Moulin pick up his little fox and entered the cave without even sparing him a single glance. Sigh...How cruel. The frigid wind pricked Hadrian's skin as if taunting him.

Ah, He should've really chosen his words carefully. It seems that he cannot treat this young man lightly like the others. Was he really that intimidating?


Nevertheless, The young man's spitefulness towards him was quite...cute. The man laughed silently through the night.

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