A Gorgeous White

Chapter 95: The Prince of Thundralln

A town within a forest was not uncommon in Meian. There were villages on cliffs and even a few settlements inside gorges and caves. Moulin occasionally wondered how much courage these people have inside them to live in those dangerous places.

The group traveled fast with occasional short breaks by long wide rivers. They passed by numerous scenic views as they rode their mounts. Over the narrow stone bridge of Erthuian Falls where it was heard to be the dwellings of water serpents. Under the tunnel-like gigantic roots from the massive trees of Thundrei, crowns reaching up to a thousand feet and roots spiraling like a tube, leading them to the border of the Woodland city of Thundralln.

The waving welcoming hands of civilians varying from different races were seen from afar as the group was granted entrance within the wood-domed city. Lifting his gaze, Moulin's silver eyes widened with wonder as he gaped at the breathtaking sight of the wooden tendrils moving in succession and contracting to open a mere small opening for the foreign people of Aurona. Moulin had read about it before. The ancient domed city of Meian, protected by a powerful plant type creature created by the transcendental power of the first elven king. The enormous wooden branches moved in beautiful curls and spirals. It formed a formidable barrier to protect the imperial city of Thrundrall, aging about millions of years. The little spaces between those branches gave enough light for the kingdom during the day and coolness during the night.

It was the heavenly sky of the imperial city.

The rumbles caused by those branches curling in the sky were not loud. Moulin could feel a sense of comfort and restriction as they entered the city gates. Moulin furrowed his brows as he glanced at Hadrian. The man caught the youth's gaze and softened his eyes.

At that moment, Moulin released a sigh as reassurance washed over him. Right. Nothing bad would possibly happen. Moulin could only hope.


"Your Highness!"

A man dressed in the elegant clothing of servants loudly called as he raced to open the doors to the terrace of the prince's chambers. The vast sky of Meian seemed like an unknown ocean of wonder. Making one lost in the mere sight of it.

Standing alone on the marbled floors, a man gazed at the endless view of the sky. Not even the earth beneath it could be seen. This was something the man had always yearned. The sweet flight. The release. The freedom to roam like a lost wanderer. It was something a future king could not do.

He wore robes with golden seams. The light of the day glistening on the silk of his sleeves. The green emerald bound to a plain golden thread fell on his clean forehead. Silver threads fell along with his hair as though one of the long strands. Falling like a soothing waterfall. Hands clasped together behind his muscled back. The Mark of royalty on the back of his hands were flickering like starlight beams. It was the only thing bounding him within the palace walls.

Nordehl Halthiandor Thundralln, firstborn of Thundralln, the heart of Meian.

"You're disturbing my peace, Ikleon." His voice sounded rough and dispassionate.

With his palm opened towards his master, the man apologized. He bent to bow, "Forgive me, but the people of Aurona have arrived."

"Earlier than what I expected... but convenient..." With a turn of his head, the long platinum hair swayed behind him along with the long translucent silk pinned behind his shoulders that had fallen on his feet.

He looked dignified and solemn. However, there was a hint of mischief in his eyes that no one could see. "Summon Valcan to the throne room. I will personally welcome our foreign guests..."

It is been a long time since the palace has been entertaining guests. Internally, he hated those creatures who called themselves 'maeruthans'. They were predictable and arrogant. Even before himself, they still think they could defy the will of the elfen royalty. Despicable.

However, there were one maeruthan he has admired and idolized. The golden-eyed Lion who annihilated the cruel people of Veial residing in Thundralln a long time ago. The person whom people called the Lion of Hercullio. Nordehl was most eager to welcome the people of that man in the courtroom. The Leonile sentinels appeared to bear the Lion's fearlessness and indifference. Which made Nordelh satisfied.

The prince brushed past his servant and walked straight to the doors of his quarters. The beautiful scenery of the sky around the terrace instantly vanished, replaced by a magnificent ceiling to floor crystal illusion mirrors. It was all but a mirage.

Not once had the prince looked back as he left his chambers.


A quiet yawn was released from Relena's mouth as she tried to cover it with her ungloved hand. The rest of the group shared similar weary expressions as well. Truly, they were exhausted. By the time they've arrived within the palace, sunset had already caught up with them.

Relena's eyes looked around the vast throne room. It still never failed to amaze her. Wooden branches curled. together, rope-like, forming the forty pillars of the halls. Moving vines spiraled around those pillars, buds, and blooms decorating it. It was refreshing to not look at the usual extravagant throne rooms. Unlike the outrageously luxurious throne room in the imperial palace of Aurona, this was like a breath of fresh air. 

It was silent as they waited. None of them even dared to make a sound.

Rowan tapped the tip of his boot. There was impatience in his gesture, Moulin could tell.

Finally, the branches concealing the pathway further beside the dias uncurled. All sentinels instantly shifted their eyes. With a slight noise, the man strode out. He looked weary as though he hadn't slept for days. His unshaven face and loose clothes were the picture of the negligence of proper hygiene.

With a yawn, he rubbed his eyes with his sleeve and checked his breath before going up to meet Relena and Rowan. Numerous eyes were watching him silently with unsure expressions.

Fixing his glasses, the man strode in front of Rowan with bright eyes. "You must be the sentinels the palace has sent!"

Rowan shook his hand with a nod, "You must be Valcan. It is a pleasure..."

Relena didn't bother to shake the man's she only nodded at him with a forced smile.

"Forgive me for my inappropriateness." Valcan scratched his head as he realized he was only wearing his inner clothes. He hurriedly explained. "I had a breakthrough in my research and I could not help but relieve myself from sleep for days. It's the thirst for knowledge that keeps a man such as myself going. It's as beautiful and as pleasurable as being intoxicated by wine! To sate yourself from the thirst of knowledge one must sacrifice!"

Moulin furrowed his brows once the man started to chatter endlessly. He glanced at 'Torahn' beside him, giving him a joking look.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, tugging a corner of his lips up. Was my little doll so bored that he had to stimulate me? He gave Moulin an equally mischievous look.

"OH MY!"

Moulin flinched at the loud shout of Valcan. He scrunched his face in annoyance as he reluctantly shifted his gaze to the man. Moulin was caught by surprise when Valcan strode towards him.

"An Aphrodite sentinel! This is the first time I have seen in all my years! Is the academy out of their minds?! To even enter a sentinel guild you must have potential!" Valcan practically shouted as he moved to grab Moulin. His eyes were bright as his hands hastily reaching out to touch him.

A hand swiftly held Moulin's waist and pulled the youth away from Valcan's reach making the poor researcher fall face-first on the ground. The thud sounded more like a splat.


Like given a hard slap on the face, Valcan groaned painfully.

Moulin expressionlessly stared at the researcher with a raised eyebrow, feeling quite comfy in Hadrian's arms. He didn't even bother to step away. Hadrian's eyes lowered dangerously at the man on the ground. His grip around Moulin was like a lion possessively protecting his prey from hyenas. A golden light flashed in his eyes as he restrained himself from crushing the man's skull on the clean polished floor.

Rowan sighed as he resisted the urge to palm his face. Can't the two realize the situation they were in? This wasn't an appropriate place to showcase their proud affection!

Amethyst eyes instantly grew uneasy and dispirited. Callun didn't take his eyes off Moulin who was held by the dangerous-looking man with demon-like eyes. He felt slightly overpowered.

Suddenly, strong footsteps entered their ears. Just by the sound alone, Valcan who was kissing the floor with his face instantly sat up from the floor. His glasses, tilted on his nose but he didn't have time to pay attention to it as he hastily got up from the floor. His movements were clumsy as he fixed himself. Rowan then knew that the prince was arriving.

"We welcome you in Thundralln, dear guests of Aurona." The deep voice resounded throughout the halls as the awaited man entered from the branched pathways accompanied by two elven guards.

Moulin had of course heard of the prince. However, he only knew him through the books he had read. He didn't know the man was quite a charmer from his looks. A master of illusion. This man was also given the power to control the earth and wood. Being the successor of the throne meant he was also given the bestowed the power to control the barrier of the imperial city. Moulin wondered how thrilling would it be to challenge the man. Unlike towards Hadrian, Moulin might be able to defeat this prince in a fair challenge.

Hadrian lowered his brows as he noticed the eager look of his lover standing beside him. His red eyes then shifted to the man of royal blood that seemed to captivate Moulin. Hadrian could feel an ache in his head. Although the lord knew Moulin wasn't looking at prince Nordehl with passionate eyes, however, Hadrian could not feel at ease. Once more, he was driven by the thought of locking up the youth and make sure no one was able to see even a glimpse of him.

Rowan and Relena bowed in the way of an elf, a hand at the center of their chest and the other hand opening a palm towards the prince. The rest of the sentinels followed.

With a smile, Nordehl let them raised themselves. He then spoke as his eyes assessed each of the sentinels, "I am truly grateful for your arrival. Unfortunately, my father will not be able to entertain audiences, for the time being, however, I will be taking his place in his stead."

"It is our honor to stand before your presence, your highness." Relena bowed her head.

"You are all dignified people, indeed." Nordehl smiled. "It seems I will be able to rest assured-"

Nordehl stopped.

Eyes widening. His speech abruptly paused as though something was clogged inside his throat.

His gaze froze upon looking at Torahn. Nordehl's mouth was parted like he was urging the words to come out from his mouth. There was no mistake. These eyes were not deceiving him!

It's him! The Lion of the Hercullio!

Moulin frowned as he narrowed his silver eyes. Witnessing the apparent enthusiasm and joy in the astonished eyes of the prince at Hadrian. He grew cautious and wary.

He gave the oblivious prince a dark look. 

Why was he staring so intently at his lover? 

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