A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 979: Crazy Yelu Hongji

The Song delegation went all the way back and met a group of Liao people dressed as businessmen in the afternoon.

These Liao people glanced at them, and then laughed and chatted with the Liao army who supervised their departure. When they learned that it was a delegation from the Song people, they all laughed.

"Your Majesty personally led the army here. The people of Song Dynasty must have been afraid, so they sent people to beg for mercy, hahaha!"

"That is, if it is disrespectful, maybe the second Chanyuan Alliance, no, the Yanmen Alliance will appear."

"Hey, we can trade in Yanmen then, that's not bad!"


When the Liao people returned to Shuozhou City, it was already dark.

"We are from the Xiongzhou Forecasting Market, and we are here to report this year's profits to His Majesty."

"Your Majesty is nowhere to be seen at the moment."

They are from Xiongzhou, and because Yelu Hongji likes to travel around the world, it is not easy to meet him every time. The market trade was something Yelu Hongji valued, so they had no choice but to come in person.

"Okay, let's go wash up, eat, and get some sleep first, and then come back tomorrow."

These businessmen were taken to rest, and one of them suddenly thought for a moment and said: "In the Song Dynasty's delegation today... there is someone who seems familiar to me? But I can't remember who it is..."

"who is it?"

"Can not remember……"

"If you can't remember it, don't think about it..."

The businessman shook his head as he walked, but his brows furrowed more and more...

Yelu Hongji was reading the memorial.

He liked hunting, but the vast Liao Dynasty needed him to guard it. Memorials were a tool for him to understand political affairs, and spies were the best intelligence supplement.

After he finished reading the memorial, a spy came in to report.

"The Xixia people's cavalry were suppressed, and our army continued to advance. However, the Xixia people were very tenacious and destroyed all the houses and other things along the way..."

"Keep the wall clear! Interesting boy!" The boy Yelu Hongji was talking about was Li Liangzuo, but his eyes were not interesting and cold.

The Liao Kingdom once invaded Xixia before, and Xixia used strong walls and clear fields to deal with them.

That time the Liao Kingdom failed.

What about this time?

"Take it easy."

This is how Yelu Hongji responded.

We don't want to defeat Li Liangzuo in one battle, but we want to make him suffer and make him miserable.


"Go ahead."

Yelu Hongji waved his hand. After the spy went out, his servants went to close the door.

There is a charcoal basin indoors, which is warm and comfortable.

The spy outside suddenly sniffed and frowned: "Why does it smell weird?"

Just under the window, a light suddenly flashed in the little thing, and then a gap opened...

There was liquid slowly flowing out, very slow and very viscous.

The spy shook his head and disappeared into the darkness.

Under the window, the fire suddenly jumped out of the small thing, and then spread along the liquid...

The flame gradually grew bigger, burning from below.

In the darkness, a guard walked past. When he saw the fire, he couldn't help but scream, "It's on fire!"

Yelu Hongji lived here, and there were many guards around. They rushed over when they heard the sound.

The flames had rushed to the window and then burned in.

Yelu Hongji was reading the memorial in the back. The door was closed because of the cold.

The chamberlain was napping against the wall. Yelu Hongji looked up when he heard the shouting outside, and saw the flames coming from the window.


He kicked the person who opened the case and ran away.

The chamberlain opened his eyes, was startled by the flames, and shouted: "Help!"

Yelu Hongji had already rushed over and was about to open the door when someone knocked open the door from the outside.

Yelu Hongji was caught off guard and was hit in the nose by the door. The severe pain made him curse: "Get away!"

The guard who rushed in first hugged Yelu Hongji without any explanation, then turned around and ran away.

This guard was taller and stronger. He hugged Yelu Hongji and rushed out easily.

"Let me go!"

After hearing the news, many people came outside, including civil and military officials. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Yelu Hongji being carried out.

"His Majesty……"

"Your Majesty, is he being burned?"

"Call the doctor, quickly!"


Yelu Hongji was going crazy. He felt that he looked so majestic, so he cursed: "Let me go! I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

I am the emperor. Even if you want to save me, you can only carry me on your back. Besides, I have nothing wrong with you. Why should you hug me?

The guard just remembered at this moment, but as soon as he put down Yelu Hongji, Yelu Hongji drew his sword. With a flash of the sword, a guard next to him was chopped into pieces.

The flames rose behind him, and everyone was alarmed. Countless people were calling for firefighting...

Yelu Hongji held the knife and panted, his eyes cold.

"Check! Check it out!"

The words were very simple, but they carried a cold murderous intent.

As for the guard behind him, Yelu Hongji wanted to chop him into pieces with one knife, but everyone saw that he was the one who carried him out. It would be ungrateful to kill him now.


His face turned livid under the light of the flames, and as his eyes turned, all the civil and military officials lowered their heads.

Who lit this fire?

This fire will definitely not burn Yelu Hongji to death, but it will disgust him.

This man lacks great virtue!

If the person who set the fire cannot be found, everyone will have to be careful about spies in the future.

"Who did it? Who was outside just now?"

Yelu Hongji's words reminded everyone, and the guards immediately began to ask questions, but the one who was finally pulled out was the spy who came to report the news.

Damn it!

Everyone looked at the secret spy with something wrong.

Is this person actually a spy?

The spy knelt down and said blankly: "Your Majesty, the villain didn't set the fire!"


A burning wooden pillar collapsed, the flames suddenly rose, and there was a bright light.

Yelu Hongji slowly sheathed his sword. A chamberlain offered him hot tea. He took it, glanced at the ministers, and said, "Who is causing trouble? It's a traitor! It's rebellion!"

His voice gradually became sharper, and his expression became stern, "Yelu was so ambitious that he conspired to assassinate him... I thought that he was an elder, so I left his body intact..."

"Your Majesty has mercy."

It's really kind to leave the body intact these days, otherwise it would just be thrown out to feed the dogs.

"Mercy?" Yelu Hongji sneered: "But his accomplices are still there, and there are many of them! They are spying on me in the dark, spying on this prosperous Daliao. They are dissatisfied, and they are afraid of Daliao If they prosper under my governance, then their discord will no longer be realized... Those gophers gnawing at grass roots... are all a bunch of cowards!"

The rebellion of Yelu Chongyuan and his son had a great impact. Yelu Hongji spent a lot of time from taking action to clearing out his associates, and Daliao was in a bloody turmoil.

But just when he thought he had eliminated the traitors, a fire reignited the emperor's suspicion and anger, and it was out of control.

The fire behind them became more and more intense, and the guards who put out the fire were forced to retreat by the high temperature.

Yelu Hongji felt warm behind his back, but his heart felt cold.

"This fire was lit by those traitors." A civil servant shouted: "It's time to find them out, enslave their wives and daughters, and kill all their men!"

This is the law of the grassland, and Daliao still likes this law.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please go check out the traitors!"


Everyone expressed their stance with righteous indignation, fearing that the angry Yelu Hongji would regard themselves as a traitor.

Yelu Hongji nodded with satisfaction, looked at the spy kneeling in front and said, "Name your accomplices and I will spare your family."

According to past practice, this is Hong En.

The spy smiled miserably and said: "Your Majesty, I smelled something when I came out earlier... It was like... the smell of an oil lamp when it was lit. What I hate most at this moment is that I didn't look for the source of this smell. Otherwise, I would have People are heroes, not sinners..."

As a secret agent, he knew that unless the real arsonist could be found, he would be dead.

But he is not afraid of death. He has been aware of death since he became a secret agent. But now he feels that this way of death is a bit ridiculous.

"The villain is loyal to Daliao and has never made any mistakes. However, an inexplicable fire turns the villain into a sinner..."

He raised his head and roared: "The villain is not convinced! I am not convinced!"

The shrill shouts rushed into the sky along with the fire. Yelu Hongji's eyes were cold, and he waved his hand slightly, and a guard came up with a knife.

The sword flashed and the head fell to the ground.

"Traitor!" Yelu Hongji ordered: "Take his whole family, kill all the men, and make the women slaves!"


A guard mounted his horse and disappeared into the night.

Yelu Hongji turned around and looked at the fire that was getting bigger and bigger. He felt that this place could no longer be lived in, so he said, "Find another place."


The fire was spreading, and the people living around it were all important ministers. At this moment, they looked at the fire and were worried that their residences would be burned down.

"Tear down the wall to isolate the fire!"

A sergeant made this suggestion and was slapped to the ground by the superior officer.

"This is His Majesty's residence. To tear down the wall is no different from tearing down the Liao Dynasty. It's a bad sign. Do you understand? I am saving you today. Otherwise, if you were to say this, some people would kill you."

Shangguan looked at the raging fire and whispered: "Tell the brothers, just make a show... Your Majesty can't live here anyway..."


As a result, the fire became more unbridled and soon swept to the next door.

Damn it!

Those ministers looked at the spreading fire, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Put out the fire! Put out the fire quickly!"

Yelu Hongji looked at this scene and suddenly felt very funny.

"Those traitors are too cowardly. Do you think they can make me panic with just a flash of fire?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

At this time, someone was shouting outside. Yelu Hongji looked over and saw someone standing on tiptoe and shouting: "Your Majesty, the person who came earlier was Shen An... It was Shen An!"


Yelu Hongji was startled and waved, "Let them come over."

These businessmen were brought over, and Yelu Hongji asked, "Who is Shen An?"

"Your Majesty, I met a delegation from the Song Dynasty on the road today. One of the civil servants looked familiar to me. Then I kept thinking and thinking, and then I remembered that that person was Shen An."


Everyone looked at each other, thinking this was ridiculous.

Shen An, who was bent on the Northern Expedition, actually came to Daliao?

Moreover, he actually sneaked into the mission and successfully met Yelu Hongji.

This person is so courageous!

"Are you sure?" Yelu Hongji had an idea but needed to finalize it.

The businessman said: "Your Majesty, I have been working in the market for a long time. That year, Shen An went to the market to check for smuggling. I have seen him, and I can't be wrong... His pure and kind appearance makes this family in the world..."

"Chunliang?" Yelu Hongji wanted to vomit blood, Shen An Chunliang? Damn it!

I haven’t added an update for a long time. I have been updating 9,000 words three times. I feel that I am doing my best and I am tired. In order to watch today's military parade, Jazz coded until 3:30 in the morning last night, just to watch the military parade this morning. I watched the military parade today, and saw a lot of it... and then I felt a little inexplicably excited. Then...it seems uncomfortable and uncomfortable if I don't update it, so let's update it, for the seventieth birthday of the Republic and for this prosperous age.

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