This horse's status in the Shen family is not high, really not high.

His favorite thing is to pull a cart. Whenever he sees the family horse harnessing a cart, he will growl and become restless, as if his beloved baby has been taken away.

But when it arrived on the battlefield, it transformed and became extremely reliable.

Speed, rhythm...

He also has all the qualities of a good horse.

But today it twitched.

The Liao army was preparing to take action, but what came in front of them turned into horse hooves.

Shen An was caught off guard and quickly clamped his legs around the horse's belly.

The war horses stood up, and the Liao general who had been knocked unconscious by Shen An slid down and rushed into Shen An's arms.

Shen An felt that he could no longer hold it up, but he was more worried that the bitch horse would not be able to support the weight of the two people and fall upside down.

You bitch, I'll deal with you when I get home!

His face was earth-colored, and he felt the cheap horse leaning back...


The stupid horse stopped leaning and then lunged forward.

Shen An finally sat up straight and was about to curse, but couldn't open his mouth.

The face of the Liao man could not be seen anymore, it was trampled to pieces by a horse's hoof.

The cheap horse neighed, extremely happy, as if to say: You are so unskilled in killing people, look at someone, one hoof for each horse.

Shen Anxin patted it on the head with lingering fear, then turned his horse around...

Everyone saw the Liao general in front of the saddle.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

Such things as taking the heads of enemy generals among thousands of troops did not exist between Song, Liao and Xixia, and capturing enemy generals alive was even more of a joke.

Under normal circumstances, when the two sides encounter each other, they will kill each other, either you die or I live, but the Liao general encountered the unreasonable Mangshan army.

After Shen An accepted the Mangshan Army, he instilled some concepts of later generations into it, and Huang Chun was the best among them, best at sneak attacks and so on.

Huang Chun used a crossbow to make a sneak attack from behind, while Shen An fought head-on. The two had never cooperated before, but they were able to work seamlessly, allowing Shen An to become famous in one fell swoop.

"Wan Sheng!"

Bao Zheng on the top of the city was trembling.

Cao Yan on the side was explaining: "Prime Minister Bao, the rules of the Song Dynasty are that unless you need to boost morale, you can only call for victory if you kill generals and capture the flag, or win a decisive battle... This is... I don't know what it is. What's wrong."

"Then what did you say?"

Bao Zheng was so excited that he pulled on the city wall with both hands and leaned half of his body out.

"Hold Bao Xiang!"

Liu Ke had become a skilled worker, and he rushed over and hugged Bao Zheng's legs. Cao Yan also hugged Bao Zheng's waist in time, and then stabilized his sliding body.

Lao Bao is so excited!

Just then, an enemy general was killed, and he was cheering for victory. Who was he killed?

"The Conqueror captures the enemy general alive! A great victory!"

A general observing the battle situation at the top of the city saw Shen An and the enemy general with a telescope, and couldn't help but cheer.

"Capture alive?"


Bao Zheng got excited and shouted: "Hurry! Hurry..."

Cao Yi and Liu Ke didn't know what he wanted to say, so they quickly pulled him back.

"Attack! Attack!"

Bao Zheng had gone crazy, waving his sword and shouting: "The whole army attacks! Attack immediately!"

Liu Ke was stunned: "Prime Minister Bao, the enemy army is powerful..."

Bao Zheng slapped him with his hand, and then shouted: "Attack immediately!"

Zhang Ju said: "Prime Minister Bao... why is this happening?"

As the guard of Yanmen, he has not heard of weapons for many years and has long lost his judgment on the situation of the battle.

Bao Zheng scolded: "Our army is at its peak. If we don't attack, what are we waiting for?"

He was the boss of the trip. Zhang Ju did not dare to object, so he rushed down in person and shouted: "Follow me!"

The cavalry and infantry quickly formed a formation, but the crossbowmen rushed to the front...

Shen An led his army to drive away the enemy, and the crossbowmen hurried out to fire a few more rounds.

At this time, a horn sound came from outside. When Zhang Ju heard it, he asked the city to attack. He couldn't help but praise: "Prime Minister Bao is indeed a famous general..."


On the top of the city, Bao Zheng watched Shen An's continuous advancement and murmured: "Silly boy, come back quickly..."

Shen An can't come back anymore. Those soldiers are red-eyed, and he is red-eyed too.

"Army attack!"

He threw the Liao general to the ground, then led his cavalry to drive away the enemy.

The terrain here is steep and there is not much room for maneuver, which also gives him the opportunity to be bold.

If it is in the plains, Yelu Hongji only needs to send troops on both wings, and Shen An can only withdraw with the cavalry. Otherwise, the Liao army can directly flank him on both wings, or even surround him.

This is the advantage of Yanmen Pass. It is so steep that even when the army comes, it is just for show.

"Block! Block!"

Yelu Hongji was shouting with a blue face, but the terrain here was restricted and the army could not deploy, so the reinforcements he sent were scattered by the broken troops.

This was the first time that Yelu Hongji personally took action against the Song Dynasty. In the past, he had always regarded himself as the advocate and presiding officer of peace between Song and Liao Dynasties, but this time he couldn't help it.

If you can't help it, then you can't help it. The imperial commander's personal expedition must have results after all. Even if he can't take Yanmen Pass, he still has to make the Song army look bad.

As a result, the army attacked the city smoothly, and successfully took advantage of the Song people's previous slackness and successfully destroyed a section of the city wall.

This should be a victory, right?

Countless battles throughout the ages told Yelu Hongji that he would never be able to enter the city for lunch today.

But before lunch was served, the Song army used dense kerosene bombs and gunpowder cans to burn the Liao army into torches and explode it into waste...

That would be enough, but the Song Army's crossbows kept firing, as if the arrows were free of charge. The trebuchet never stopped, and all kinds of kerosene bombs and gunpowder cans were thrown at them desperately, causing heavy casualties to the Liao troops who were reinforced later.

The combination of distance and nearness, the combination of gunpowder and crossbows...

This is crazy...

This is purely a combination of money!

Whether it's kerosene bombs or gunpowder cans, arrows or trebuchets, these are all money!

But the Song army was so wealthy that they directly threw money at them, which made the Liao army dizzy.

"Your Majesty, we can't use it here, we must go back!"

The generals wanted to show off their power, but the terrain here was narrow and gave them no chance to do so.

But the defeated army in front has already arrived. If they don’t leave...

"Your Majesty, you can't leave if you don't leave!"

Someone led Yelu Hongji's horse to turn around, and then shouted: "Stop them, stop them with all your strength!"

After Yelu Hongji is gone, you can have as much fun as you want!

A general shouted: "Don't worry about those in front, don't save them, let the Song army kill them. When they are satisfied, we will be behind...the archers gather and prepare...the heavy cavalry is ready..."

This is to prepare the defeated troops to make dumplings together, so that we can no longer distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

"The Song Army has left the city!"

At this time, the crossbowmen of the Song Army in front began to run wildly.

At this time, the crossbowmen are the existence of small steel cannons. Covering them with intensive firepower, the Liao army's counterattack will be delayed.

But this is also a risk. Once Shen An is defeated, almost none of these crossbowmen will be able to return.

But they rushed over bravely.

"Crossbow arrows... cough cough cough... release!"

Bang bang bang bang!

No one remembered to form an array. The crossbowmen were in a mess and just started firing arrows.

The crossbow arrows dealt the biggest blow to the Liao army's defeat. The joy just because of seeing the friendly troops in front immediately dissipated.

"Fire the arrow!"

But those friendly forces suddenly changed and became extremely strange.

The arrows were flying, but they were shot at one of his own people.


Countless defeated soldiers were shouting and cursing, but behind them were the wolves and tigers of the Song Army, and in front of them were the murderous friendly troops. They were like rats in the bellows...

"Return and kill the enemy! Otherwise, shoot without mercy!"

The Liao army began to shout, but how could they turn their horses' heads while fleeing at high speed?

He was afraid that he would be killed by a crossbow arrow as soon as he turned around.

So those defeated soldiers could only shout wildly, but it didn't help.

"The Song people are charging to kill, get ready..."

The Liao general who stayed behind looked at Shen An who was charging at the front with a stern face and said: "They are coming. This is the best opportunity for our army in this battle. Young people always like to pursue victory, but they don't know that stability is the key." The famous general...he will die today."

The generals around him praised him for a while, and everyone expected the Song people to continue their charge.


The Liao general drew his long sword and shouted: "Don't worry about the defeated troops. Anyone who dares to block the front, whether they are Song people or our people, kill them all!"

Everyone drew their swords and their momentum was like a rainbow.

If we use a war to describe the confrontation between Song and Liao, then this fight is just a corner. As long as there is a comeback later, the Liao people can still win a complete victory.

"Song Jun...they are back!"

Someone stood on the horse, shaking his body and cursing: "That Shen An, that shameless thing, he took the lead and ran away, he ran away."

General Liao didn't care about his image, so he stood on horseback and observed.

The Song army in front has begun to retreat, and the crossbowmen are running wildly at the front.

This is a hit and run, almost like a thief!

General Liao cursed: "Pursue! Pursue!"

The defeated troops reacted quickly this time. They rushed to both sides, leaving a narrow passage in the middle for the main force.

The Liao army swarmed out, but the passage was too narrow and the attack speed was a bit slow.

"Kill it!"

The Liao general went crazy and urged his subordinates to fight hard to pursue him.

"The Song Army's crossbows!"

General Liao looked up and saw a black cloud flying towards him.

"Didn't their crossbowmen come out?"

Damn it!

The level of luxury in the Song Dynasty was beyond the imagination of the Liao people, and the important ministers were afraid of the Liao people, so they were willing to spend money to equip the northern army with any good things. This was the case for the Yanmen Pass defenders.

Only half of the crossbowmen came out, and the remaining half were still squatting in the city, waiting to inflict a blow on the Liao people.

"The trebuchet is coming again..."

The crossbow arrows had only been washed for one round, and the trebuchet began to show its power.

Kerosene bombs and gunpowder cans flew over, and the Liao general couldn't help but look up to the sky and sighed: "How can we fight like this? How can we fight like this?"

How can we fight this battle when we encounter an army of local tyrants?

The Liao army was desperately chasing them with crossbows, but when they were more than 300 steps away, the last Song army rushed into Guancheng, and the city gate was immediately closed.

On the top of the city, Bao Zheng shouted: "Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers reached Yelu Hongji, who was reorganizing his troops at the back. His body shook and his face flushed.

"His Majesty!"

Everyone found that something was wrong with the emperor and hurried over to inquire.

"I have nothing to do..." Yelu Hongji said with a smile: "I just laughed at Shen An. He only knows about defense and surprise attacks, but he doesn't understand that the most important thing in a war is food and grass... Hahahaha!"

This was a message to restore morale, and everyone knew it, so they all laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A Liao general turned around with a smile, then his expression became stern...

"There's a fire, where is it?"

"The baggage is on fire!"

"Oops, the food and grass are burned!"

Yelu Hongji opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass. Goodnight everybody!

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