A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 993: Are you worthy of me?

"What a great victory!"

Zhuang Laoshi stood outside the gate of Shen's house, surrounded by neighbors on both sides, just listening to him bragging.

"My husband took the lead and almost captured Yelu Hongji alive... Yelu Hongji knew, right? That was the Emperor of Liao. He was surrounded by masters who could control the wind and rain, and there were also heroes who could kill people with one slap... But so There were many people, but my husband chased and chopped them down with one knife..."


The neighbors all exclaimed.

For as long as they can remember, the Song Dynasty has been singing songs of peace everywhere, and it is like a blank sheet of paper about war, and they don't understand anything. This gave Zhuang Laoshi the opportunity to brag.

Zhuang Laoshi's left leg trembled slightly, and he said triumphantly: "Later, Yelu Hongji begged hard and said that he would give the queen to my husband as a concubine, and then he escaped with his life..."

Just like those idle men in later generations who squatted together and boasted about national affairs, the truth is never important, what is important is comfort.

The old enemy, the Liao people, suffered a big loss. If we think more divergently, talk about the Song Dynasty as more powerful, and talk about the Liao people as useless, we will feel happier.

Chen Luo ran quickly from the entrance of the alley and shouted: "Lang Jun is back, Lang Jun is back."

Zhuang Laoshi magically changed his expression, and said solemnly: "Everyone stand still, and you will all speak according to X's instructions later to make Mr. Lang happy."

After learning that Shen An had entered the city, he summoned his servants to rehearse, and the effect was extraordinary.

So the servants all stood outside the door, with their hands tied.

Later, Shen An and Wen Xiaozhong came, and Zhuang Laoshi said: "Lang Jun..."

All the servants shouted in unison: "Mr. Lang..."

The neighbors couldn't bear it any longer. When they saw Shen An coming in, they cheered: "What a man! What a man!"

The compliments given by people in the market are very simple, without any fancy words or sense of ceremony, but just one sentence about a good man expresses everyone's feelings.

A good man, in future Peking dialect, would probably be: "He is a man!".

If it were the land of Shu, the answer would probably be: "I insist on it!"

Zhuang Laoshi's carefully rehearsed welcome ceremony was scrapped. Amidst the cheers of the neighbors, their voices were like the chirping of insects.

Shen An held up his hands and said a few words to the neighbors, and then he was surrounded by servants and entered the house.

"Welcome to you, officials."

"Welcome brother!"

Yang Zhuoxue and Guoguo were waiting at the door early, and they were both happy.

Shen An's eyes turned and he smiled: "Where's the taro?"


Guoguo walked behind Yang Zhuoxue, stretched out her hand, and the taro sprouted on Yang Zhuoxue's shoulder, looking at Shen An stupidly.

This is a backpack, and it was Shen An's idea. It was mainly used to make it easier to take Taro out. Unexpectedly, it was used today.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An laughed and walked over, took a closer look at his son, and said with a smile: "He looks stronger, good."

When you return from an expedition and your family is safe, this is a family's blessing.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, a hot pot was ready. My wife and sister were sitting beside me, waiting with a smile.

Aunt Chen held the taro beside her and whispered: "Call me daddy..."

Taro struggled a bit, "Post..."

I go!

Shen An's eyes filled with tears instantly.

"Can my son call me daddy?"

"Ah..." Taro spoke again, but it was meaningless.


After a long time of fussing, it turned out that I just followed my example and posted it.

Shen An thought his son could recognize his father, but he was overjoyed in vain.

But it's also a good start.

Shen An sat down and Yang Zhuoxue raised his glass and said: "The officer has returned home after a great victory. I congratulate the officer on his great martial arts..."

Shen An smiled and drank the wine, and Guoguo couldn't wait to say: "Brother, how many legs can you break this time?"

"What's this mess?" Shen An felt that the older her sister was, the more ridiculous she became, but she remembered a good thing, "The official's previous title was given to the Founding County Duke."

"The county official?"

Yang Zhuoxue said happily: "This is a military knighthood. Officials will definitely be famous in history in the future."

People these days also pay attention to pursuits in life. Probably the biggest pursuit is to be famous in history.

Shen An felt that he was certain.

Not talking about military achievements, just talking about the things he created can leave his name in the history books. It will probably be commemorated by future generations.

"Brother, what am I?"

Guoguo seemed to remember that she had a reward, but it was never used, so she forgot about it.

Shen An smiled and said, "You are the Lord of Xuancheng County."

"Is it useful to the county magistrate?"

"it works."

Seeing that Yang Zhuoxue was stunned, Shen An said, "You should also have it, but it will be later."

After awarding officials, they should then award awards to their wives. This is the rule.

This is what the saying goes: Husband is honored and wife is valued.

Among the goals that men strive for these days, making their wives and children noble is also one of them.

Yang Zhuoxue said casually: "It doesn't matter if I am okay..."

Even though she said this, her eyes lit up.

After dinner later, Yang Zhuoxue called Zhuang Laoshi and said: "The official has made the county official..."

"God has eyes!"

Zhuang Laoshi was so excited that he wished his mouth could turn into a loudspeaker and go out to spread the word.

"Madam, my husband is already a county prince when he is only twenty years old. I am afraid he will not be a county prince when he is thirty years old."

The relationship between master and servant these days is prosperous, so Zhuang Laoshi is excited for this reason.

The only exception was probably Zhao Yunliang's family. The servants of the father and son Bigu Nong were complaining, wishing that the county prince's palace would collapse.

"It's frivolous to say this now." Yang Zhuoxue said calmly: "It's hard for you to wait for the officials to make meritorious service. Later, each person will be rewarded with fifty guan as a congratulation to the officials."

"Thank you so much, Madam." Zhuang Laoshi went to the front with a bright face and shouted: "The official has made the county official. Madam has an order to congratulate the officials and reward each of them with fifty guans!"

His voice was so loud that all the neighbors next door heard him.

"The county official? Fifty guan?"

"It's fifty guan each."

"Tsk tsk! Being a servant in the Shen family is better than ordinary people."


Yang Zhuoxue then asked people to prepare a banquet. When he was preparing to celebrate, the neighbors took the initiative to send congratulatory gifts.

"The Duke of Guixin... No, no, no, now it's Duke Shen. If Duke Shen can defeat Yelu Hongji, we will be honored. This is what I mean."

A neighbor said some congratulatory words and took a big rooster as a gift.

Mr. Zhuang was keeping accounts, raised his head and said solemnly: "Thank you very much. Yao Lian, please accept the gift quickly."

According to Shen An, neighbors are often closer than relatives, so don't dislike the poor and love the rich. No matter what others give you, even if it is a needle, you have to accept it with a smile.

There were all kinds of people giving gifts, and the gifts were all different, but the Shen family were very polite and didn't mean to look down on them at all, which made the neighbors even more satisfied.

"The Shen family is very particular. He accepted the quail given by the Chen family, politely said thank you, solemnly wrote it down, and then invited him to the table. This is such a particular person... Hey! He is indeed a great scholar!"

"What kind of great scholar? Mr. Shen is engaged in miscellaneous studies, and he is the master who founded the sect. Those great scholars are all just eating leftovers from their ancestors. How can they be compared to Mr. Shen?"

"That's right! Do the miscellaneous students...clan academy know about it?"

"I know! Isn't that where the clan members study? They said they had several fights over that place."

"That's right, but do you know why? Then County Duke Shen will teach in the clan academy in the future. The people in the clan are going crazy trying to squeeze in to study. Those who don't get in are not satisfied, so they fight Get up."

"Tsk! It's better to go to Mangshan Academy."

Zhao Yunrang, who came over there to congratulate him, was supported by Zhao Xu. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but praise: "These people are quite knowledgeable. People in the clan still know some good things, so they all crowded into the academy to study... Most of Mangshan Academy is Common people, they don’t mix easily.”

"Mangshan Academy has an exam, and most of the clan members are just drunkards. How can they get in?"


A few neighbors just talked nonsense and buried the clan members. Zhao Xu looked at his father's face and worried that he would get angry, so he persuaded him: "Weng Weng, these are not knowledgeable, they are just nonsense."

Zhao Zong'e also came and immediately agreed: "Yes! What the king said is very true. These people know nonsense."

Zhao Yunrang is now not only the elder of the clan, but also the biological father of the official family. With this status... According to common sense, Old Zhao should find a spiritual sustenance for himself, such as speaking in the clan, making decisions for everyone, and calling on everyone to do something. Things like that, this is called doing something for the elderly.

Zhao Yunrang felt his throat was a little itchy, so he coughed dryly, and then said: "This is absolutely true, most of the members of this clan... are just drunkards and ricebags!"

Originally, the same was true for his descendants, but now it's different.

His son is the emperor, and his grandson will be the emperor in the future. We are the royal family, hahahaha!

Zhao Yunrang was in a good mood.

Zhao Zong'e's face instantly turned the color of pig liver.

We are the clan members! Don't you mean that someone is a drunkard?

If it had been anyone else, Zhao Zonge would have yelled and cursed, but Zhao Yun told him not to dare. He could only say aggrievedly: "I don't drink. UU Reading www.uukkanshu.net "

Zhao Yunrang glanced at him and said calmly: "But you fart!"

Zhao Xu couldn't help laughing and helped him in. Zhuang Laoshi outside the door saw him and shouted: "The prince is here, the prince is here."

Zhao Yunrang straightened his back immediately and said, "This is so lively. It looks festive. Come in and take a look."

When he entered, there were several tables already set up, and all the old people from the neighborhood were sitting there. When they saw him coming in, everyone quickly stood up to greet him.

"I've met the prince."

Zhao Yunrang didn't want to embarrass his son, so he rarely went out. Today was a relaxing day. He didn't like these red tapes when he was enjoying himself. He said: "Just do what you want, otherwise I will go back immediately."

Shen An smiled and said: "The prince is approachable and everyone can eat and drink with peace of mind."

Zhao Yunrang naturally sat in the first place. A group of old men all thought that there would be an approachable emperor father so that they could get close to each other so that they could go out and brag about it in the future, so they laughed and said some auspicious words.

As soon as Zhao Yunrang sat down, Zhao Zonge was ready to sit under him.

This is a habitual reaction.

According to his status, he can sit here, but this is not an official banquet, but a private celebration banquet. Zhao Xu is standing behind Zhao Yunrang without even a seat. Are you worthy of sitting here at your age?

A few old people had more perseverance in their eyes. They wanted to rely on their elders to talk to them, but they were worried that they would be retaliated against, so they smiled, raised their glasses and prepared to drink.

Zhao Yunrang looked at Zhao Zonge and felt that this man was really uninterested, so he said lightly: "Are you worthy of me?"

Zhao Zong'e realized that his etiquette was wrong, stood up quickly, and then went outside to find a place with a red face.

This prince is really approachable!

The old men were all happy and raised their glasses to wish Zhao Yun Rang a long life.

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