A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 998 Tang Ren, you beast

Yang Quan felt that he was unlucky.

As the magistrate of Shangsizhou, Yang Quan planned to stay here for two years to gain seniority before being transferred back to Bianliang.

In other words, he is just here to fool around.

But this dawdler encountered the gangster Tang Ren.

Tang Ren sent a letter, saying that Yang Quan was both civil and military and was of great help in recruiting native people.

After the Jiaozhi people subsided, the biggest problem on Guangnan West Road was the natives, so the transfer envoy and others were happy to hear this.

What, we actually have such talents below? What's there to say? Just go ahead. When the natives come down from the mountain and surrender, you can go back to Shangsizhou.

So Yang Quan was so unlucky that he kept squatting at the foot of the mountain.

Life in the military camp was difficult. Yang Quan liked to keep a straight face. Those sergeants were vulgar and bold. As time went by, he was no longer afraid of him and would even play some pranks.

Dawn is a good time to sleep, and most of the time you are dreaming...

Yang Quan was dreaming. In the dream, he returned to Bianliang in glory. The officials summoned him and asked him cordially about his political achievements in Shangsizhou...

A certain person has many political achievements...such as building ditches and educating the people...

The officials looked cheerful and prepared to reward him, while the ministers and ministers around him looked envious and jealous...

A certain Yang Quan has reached the pinnacle of his life, right?

Yang Quan, who was feeling happy in his dream, suddenly felt a little cold on his neck, so he stretched out his hand to scratch it.

Sweet dreams, don’t go...

His sweet dream suddenly disappeared, and then his body trembled.

What did someone touch?

A round thing, a long thing...

It seems like it's still squirming...


Tang Ren sleeps very well. When he was in Fuzhou, Zhe Jizu told him that if you want to maintain a good mental and physical condition, you must learn to fall asleep anytime and anywhere.

He took this as a guideline, but he couldn't fall asleep anytime and anywhere, but he slept very well at night.

Bang bang bang!

The door was pounded hard. Tang Ren woke up and was in a very bad mood.

He got up and went to open the door. Just as he was about to curse, he was blocked by a snake.

This is a non-venomous snake and very fat.

Now is its hibernation time, but it was dug out, and it looked extremely angry.

While the snake was hesitating, Yang Quan roared angrily: "Those bastards got this snake and put it on someone's neck, put it on someone's neck... I haven't seen anything like this in a day... Find those people, someone will be killed." them!"


Those ** are really...

Tang Ren glanced around and said calmly: "This snake is not poisonous!"


Nontoxic is just a prank.

"Tang Qianjia, I want to go back."

Yang Quan suddenly squatted on the ground and cried.

An old man suddenly burst into tears, looking extremely pitiful.

Tang Ren drove away the onlookers, and then sighed: "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Quan just ignored him. After crying for a long time, he stopped crying and said quietly: "I wanted to be the prime minister and assistant minister. After I entered the official career, everything went smoothly, but I met you..."

His voice was full of resentment, with a hint of 'meeting Tang Ren and ruining your life'.

Tang Ren felt goosebumps all over his body and said, "This matter is quite simple."

Yang Quan quickly asked: "How simple?"

"As long as you lead the natives down the mountain, you will be a great success...are you willing?"

Since you like to get promoted and make a fortune, then there is an opportunity in front of you, are you willing?

Tang Ren was like a devil, inducing.

Yang Quan raised his head and said suspiciously: "Last time you tricked someone... and let someone shoot an arrow, and almost shot someone to death."

"That was just X's plan. Didn't X change you back later?"

Tang Ren said with a stern face: "A certain person does things honestly, just don't worry."

yes! Last time, Tang Ren fearlessly replaced him and then followed the natives up the mountain. After the news spread, he was praised for his unparalleled loyalty.

Yang Quan thought of this and nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

Tang Ren smiled and said: "If someone has a plan, all he needs is someone..."

When Yang Quan thought of being able to make meritorious deeds, his heart suddenly became hot and he asked, "But what do you want me to do? Just say so."

Tang Ren said: "Those natives are preparing to rebel and attack us, but I can't tell when they will attack us, so... I need someone to seduce... No, no, no, it's to seduce them and make them go down the mountain decisively..."


Yang Quan was dumbfounded, "Why is it like this again?"

Last time he went on a bait mission and was shot by an archer arranged by Tang Ren.

He hesitated.

"I swear that I will keep you safe." Tang Ren said lightly: "Is that okay?"

The battle between heaven and man was about Yang Quan's current state. He struggled for a long time and finally said: "If I lie to someone..."

Tang Ren said without hesitation: "Then someone will be killed by the natives."

Yang Quan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile emerged. He cupped his hands and said, "I'll go and get ready now."

"Go ahead."

Tang Ren watched him go out with a smile, and then said with a smile: "The Marquis of Guixin once said that oaths are just something to deceive people. If you are serving the country and the people, no matter how poisonous the oath is, it is useless..."

The next day, Tang Ren took Yang Quan outside with civil and military officials.

One horse and a dozen sergeants were all he had for this decoy mission.

"As I said before, if you find a native, just run away."

Tang Ren was very sincere, but Huang Wu said: "Brother said that the person last time was stupid and ran around randomly, and we finally caught him."

Yang Quan glared at him, remembering the bad luck last time, he couldn't help but glance at the dozen or so sergeants, fearing that Tang Ren would arrange for the archers to plot against him again.

None of the dozen or so sergeants were carrying bows and arrows. This discovery made Yang Quan feel at ease.

"Go with peace of mind and have a safe journey." Tang Ren's voice became gentler.


Everyone raised their hands and said, the voice was so loud that it startled Yang Quan. He smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Let's go, let's go."

The bait of more than ten people set off.

They walked back and forth on the edge of the mountains, like officials coming to inspect.

In the past, officials had come to inspect the place, but most of them came under the guise of wandering around for a while and then went back.

Yang Quan was different. He even took out a pen and paper and kept recording something.

Very serious!

After wandering around like this for two days, Yang Quan even recognized the surrounding trees.

After sleeping haphazardly all night, the soldiers buried the pot to make rice.

There's not much to say when you're out. The so-called breakfast is just getting some dried meat to make soup, and then eating the dry food you brought.

Yang Quan didn't want to eat, so he went to the side to relieve himself.

After he finished defecation, he came back rubbing his belly and heard the sergeants muttering...

"Qian Hao said that the target of those natives is the camp, and they will definitely not attack us first."

When Yang Quan heard this, he couldn't help but feel grateful secretly.

I misunderstood Tang Ren last time, and I still misunderstood again this time, hey! How embarrassing! How about... go back and apologize?

"Well, it's just that they will leave people behind and surround us when they raid the camp..."

What rice?

Yang Quan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Yang Zhizhou has a fast horse, and he is an official, so the natives will keep an eye on him. We are small soldiers, of no use. The natives are not stupid. It would be a waste of food to catch us, so once the natives make a surprise attack, we will Run in all directions, remember, don't run in the same direction as Yang Zhizhou, it will be bad luck..."

"Yes! Those natives just want to arrest a high-ranking official to threaten the government. There is no point in arresting us."

"So be smart, and just run away when you find the natives. Once you find out that Yang Zhizhou is on the same road as you, then quickly change the route... In one sentence, if Yang Zhizhou dies, we will make a meritorious deed..."


Damn Tang Ren, you beast!

Yang Quan felt a chill in his heart. He gritted his teeth and hated Tang Ren, and then quietly walked towards his horse.

He took the reins and climbed onto the horse, a set of movements that Yang Quan completed in a smooth manner.

Brother is gone! I won’t accompany you anymore, you can go and play by yourself.

Yang Quan felt proud and was about to ride his horse when he heard some movement in the forest on the side.

He looked sideways and saw two bows...


Arrows flew towards him, and Yang Quan rode his horse to escape, but his horse was hit by an arrow...

"The natives are coming, run!"

The sergeants fled in all directions, and sure enough, the natives didn't give chase at all.

Yang Quan's horse was hit by an arrow and started running wildly.

"Tang Ren, damn your ancestor!"

Yang Quan was cursing Tang Ren wildly, and started to cry after cursing.

"You bastard, you actually tricked someone again... How could someone be so stupid and still believe your words..."

The war horse gradually failed and its speed slowed down.


Yang Quan kicked and hit the horse, but the horse just panted.

The natives chased him, and a native swooped over and threw Yang Quan under his horse.

He was riding on Yang Quan's body, looking up and cheering.

Hundreds of natives were cheering with various weapons.

Yang Quan collapsed and cried: "Spare my life..."

Tang Ren is waiting.

Someone is asking: "Qianjia, will Yang Zhizhou..."

His plan was not impeccable. Yang Quan was greedy for profit, so he lost his mind and was manipulated by him, but there were many people who were sober.

If Yang Quan is killed by the natives, you, Tang Ren, won't be able to recover either!

Tang Ren said calmly: "He has a war horse, but the natives have no horses..."


You can't escape if you have a horse, this is your life.

"Besides, how dare these natives kill officials casually? Aren't they afraid of the wrath of the Song Dynasty?"

Today's Song Dynasty is different from before, otherwise Huang Da would never think about going down the mountain.

Everyone nodded, "Qian Ju's plan is excellent."

Tang Ren also felt that his plan was excellent, and his biggest reliance was the telescope.

The natives did not know that the Song Dynasty had artifacts such as telescopes, so when they snooped around, the Song army had long known about it.

"Qianju, the natives have begun to gather."

The latest news made Tang Ren a little dumbfounded. He looked up at the blue sky, "How dare they attack us during the day?"

Everyone's heart froze, "Thankfully I found it."

Because everyone expected the natives to launch a surprise attack at night, the Song army was resting and waiting for night.

In other words, Song Jun's biological clock has been disrupted in the past few days. If the gathering of the natives was not discovered in time, it would be hard to predict this raid.

"Wake them up and prepare..."

The natives were already out in the distance, walking slowly to a trot... They were approaching quickly.


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