A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1018: Big mouth still, take action

There is no way to stop giving and receiving bribes. As long as people's human nature remains unchanged, it is a luxury to hope to completely stop it.

Don’t give money or property, but you can change it in another way!

There are many ways to exchange interests, and they don't necessarily have to be monetary transactions.

This is high-end bribery and bribery.

Pu Jiu has been in business for many years and is quite proficient in bribery. After arriving in Bianliang, he also obtained a lot of benefits through bribery.

But he has been having a hard time recently. He is worried about being watched, so he doesn't dare to pay bribes in the settlement.

After getting Shen An's approval, he felt like he was untied and could fly at any time.

After returning home, he searched for connections, and finally asked for a favor and invited Cao Shenjunjun Mao Xu, a householder in Kaifeng, to a restaurant for a drink.

Mao Xu looked very elegant and graceful.

After drinking for three rounds, he said: "Why are there no female actors singing and dancing?"

His eyes were clear when he spoke, and he was obviously not a womanizer.

This is the initiative test.

Once a song and dance is called, no taboo matters can be discussed between the two of them.

It's not called singing and dancing. Pu Jiu's treat today is something taboo he requires of himself.

Officialdom is a training ground. As long as you wallow in it for a few years, it will be impossible for a person to be innocent.

Pu Jiu knew it well, so he stood up and poured wine for Mao Xu, and then said: "I have something here, little man... It's not big or small, but it's your business."

If you can handle this matter, the benefits are certainly not bad.

The benefits cannot be said, but once they are, this is a deal.

But most of today's officials like to flaunt their own integrity. Can we talk about transactions?


So it’s tacitly understood.

Mao Xu said calmly: "What is it?"

Pu Jiu leaned over and said with a smile: "There are some fellow villagers who are loyal to the Song Dynasty and have always wanted to become people of the Song Dynasty, but... you know, this requires household registration..."

“Household registration is difficult to apply for!”

The so-called household registration does not mean to confirm that they are from the Song Dynasty, but to allow them to live in Bianliang, the capital, for a long time. After that, their descendants can even take the imperial examination in Bianliang.

This is probably a bit like permanent residence. As time goes by, no one will comment on it.

In Pu Jiu's view, the so-called difficulty is just an excuse. He smiled and said: "You are a Hucao who joins the military and is in charge of household registration and land and houses. If you can't control it, who can? They don't have the right either, right? Hahahaha!"

This is considered a small compliment, but you still have to look at the benefits.

Pu Jiu smiled and said: "The villain's family recently went to sea for trade and got a lot of good things. However, there are too few people in Bianliang who know the goods. There is no place to sell them. The price is so cheap! No one buys them."

Mao Xu nodded slightly, thinking he was a smart man.

You have to pay attention to the means when giving bribes. It is convenient and simple and crude to just give money, but those who are willing to accept it are Sabi. Greedy people who have never seen money will capsize sooner or later.

But buying and selling is different.

Pujiu had goods but could not sell them, but someone bought them. Can this be considered bribery?

This guy is nice.

Moreover, the means are superb and can lead to long-term relationships.

After Mao Xu knew what was going on, he raised his glass and said, "Why is there no singing and dancing?"

Now the meaning of him mentioning singing and dancing is different, because the matter is done, there is no need to talk about taboo things, everyone can start having fun.

Pu Jiu was overjoyed, but it didn't show on his face. He clapped his hands and said, "Come quickly."

The door was pushed open and a group of women walked in.

When the music starts, singing and dancing start, the night becomes particularly blurry.

Mao Xu praised: "This is the day!"

People have different requirements in life. Some people want to be dull, while others want to be passionate.

Mao Zhu felt that life was best set on fire, burning hot from beginning to end.

And wine and sex are the best way to heat up life.

The temperature in the room gradually increased, and Pu Jiu said lightly: "These women... you can enjoy them tonight."

What does it mean to be a performer but not to sell oneself?

Throw money at it and never follow it?

Don’t obey?

Then smash it again!

Pu Jiu saw the happy faces of those female actors and said disdainfully: "You know, a certain trader has seen many things like this for many years. Anything that can be done with money is nothing."

At this time, he had become more contemptuous of Mao Xu, but he was still very respectful in his words.

After just a few interactions, he was sure to turn Mao Xu into a boneless official, begging for mercy in front of him.

Officials of the Song Dynasty... isn't that a joke?

The female dancer's dancing posture became more and more seductive, and Mao Xu's eyes became warmer, and he said, "What you said reminded me of someone."


Another official was conquered with money. When Pu Jiu was complacent, he became a little careless.

"Shen An."

Mao Xu sighed: "That man is really rich. Money is nothing to him. If he wants to use money to hit people, not many people in Bianliang City can stop him."

Seeing that Pu Jiu looked a little strange, he smiled and said: "You know, because the palace got involved in his business, the expenses were more relaxed. Otherwise, even the saints and ladies would have to weave... Hey! If you have money, At this point, Shen An took the initiative to share the profits and gave the king a lot of money. This man is really different from you when he has money. He is not arrogant and knows how to advance and retreat, which is rare!"

Pu Jiu nodded stiffly, feeling aggrieved.

If it had been someone else, he would have dared to argue, but it was Shen An. In terms of money, he could crush him, in terms of power, he could be killed, and in terms of ability, he could make him feel ashamed.

"Why are there such people in this world?"

Pu Jiu shook his head and sighed. A dark figure outside pressed tightly against the window, smiled coldly, and then slid down.

Su Shi was also drinking, and coincidentally he was next door.

Colleagues were asking him who he wanted to impeach in the first half of the year. Su Shi just shook his head, but said confidently: "There is already a case against someone, so you don't need to worry. Looking back, we will still...ah! Still the same!"

Looking back, the sound of the waves is still there!

Colleagues resorted to various means, but the big-mouthed Su Shi refused to say anything and did not reveal any words.

"This Su Shi is actually more mature."

Colleagues all know that he has a big mouth, but this time he has changed, and they can't help but admire him.

Su Shi drank too much and suddenly pointed at a colleague and said: "You... did you have a good time with that woman last time?"

The colleague's face turned pale and he said, "It's okay. Zizhan, you drank too much. You really drank too much."

These days you can go out and keep a mistress, but hooking up with a woman requires a third party to intervene, and is often looked down upon by others.

"Hehe, you still said no?" Su Shi said with drunken eyes: "Last time I saw you go to that place, you rented a house to meet her? Tsk! It's true..."


The colleague wished he could find a needle and thread to sew Su Shi's mouth shut and then kill him. But in the end he had to drink wine as a penalty.

Su’s big mouth problem is still the same!

And it's still hateful.

However, due to his outgoing personality, most people don't care about his big mouth. Instead, they think this is Su Shi's candid performance.

There are no people who can't be friends with each other, but Su Shi's hobby is good. He specializes in exposing people's shortcomings and leaking other people's things...

When everyone thought about his previous refusal to reveal who he was planning to impeach, they laughed and said, "This is a lie. If he had a goal, he would definitely tell it."

Big mouth is still big mouth, everyone can rest assured and don't have to worry about being overtaken by Su Shi.

Everyone was happy overnight, and in the afternoon of the next day, Su Shi was called to Shen's house.

"That Pu Jiu has already paid a bribe...do it!"

Su Shi looked at the evidence, patted his chest and said, "Okay!"

During the early morning Umrah session, the breeze blowing from outside made people feel swaying and comfortable.

"The weather has been nice this year and it looks like it's going to be another good harvest."

Others who felt this feeling of elation would probably compose poems, but what the ministers and ministers were thinking of was what benefits this weather could bring to the Song Dynasty.

This is Zaifu.

Bao Zheng was walking in the middle. After entering the palace, he saw Zhao Xu standing at the back and was a little dissatisfied. "Your Majesty, you should stand in the front, otherwise you will be disrespectful."

This is the future prince and emperor, standing behind Zaifu is nothing.

Han Qi said with some embarrassment: "This is what the king himself requested."

Old Bao, don't look for trouble! Otherwise, I will give you a good look.

Bao Zheng glanced at him and said: "A minister is a minister. If the king says that we can sit on it, should we go too?"

Han Qi glanced at the throne above, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

You old and ungrateful Bao Zheng, is that the place we can talk about?

Zhao Shu is not Zhao Zhen. If he suffers from convulsions one day, he will think of these things and settle the scores later. At that time, I, Han Qi, will still be the unlucky one, but you can laugh at my stupidity from the sidelines...

"Your Majesty has arrived..."

Zhao Shu came, and Han Qi, who wanted to vomit blood after being criticized by Bao Zheng, just found an excuse, "I will argue with you next time!"

Bao Zheng said calmly: "Whatever."

Are I afraid of you?

Zhao Xu watched the whole battle but did not want to get involved.

With Bao Zheng here, he can be regarded as having a helper, a hidden helper.

Needless to say, the relationship between Shen An and him, and the relationship between Bao Zheng and Shen An, went without saying. With such a turn, Bao Zheng actually had some of his own interests.

This relationship is very subtle and interesting!

Zhao Xu was thinking about this tortuous relationship when he heard Zhao Shu say: "The censor Su Shi impeached Han Zhi of Kaifeng Prefecture, saying that he was lax in his duties, which led to corruption. He also said that businessmen openly bribed, and Kaifeng Prefecture But they turned a blind eye, which shows that most of them are derelict in their duties.”

The prime ministers were a little surprised.

Su Shi usually doesn't make any fuss at all. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net rarely hears him impeaching people. But he didn't move at all. Every movement was startling.

Last time he impeached Bao Zheng, everyone thought that he would be torn into pieces by Bao Zheng himself, but unexpectedly it was Shen An's arrangement.

But what about this time?

This time Su Shi actually involved all the officials in the Kaifeng government office.

It can be seen that most of them are derelict in their duties!

This map cannon is so powerful that it destroyed Kaifeng Mansion with one shot.

Han Qi frowned and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that Su Shi is a bit big... He just likes to talk nonsense, and I'm afraid he will do the same this time..."

Zhao Shu also heard about Su Shi's reputation as a big mouth, so he said: "Go and call Su Shi and Han Zhi."

Zeng Gongliang laughed and said: "This is probably an exaggeration."

Ouyang Xiu was Su Shi's boss, and he said dissatisfiedly: "If you don't say anything, I will die. Su Shi has been delayed a lot recently, and he still has to study!"

Later, Su Shi and Han Zhi came, and Zhao Shu asked: "Han Zhi, did you know that someone in Kaifeng Prefecture was bribed when Su Shi impeached him?"

Han Zhi said in surprise: "Your Majesty, it's nothing!"

He looked at Su Shi and thought, why did this man come to invade my territory?

Young man, do you want to become famous by impeaching me? Then I will help you.

The good-tempered Han Zhi was also angry.

Su Shi calmly said: "Your Majesty, I heard that Cao Shenjun Mao Xu, a householder in Kaifeng, accepted a bribe, and the briber was Pu Jiu, a food businessman."

"Pu Jiu? Why does this name sound familiar?"

"Yes! I seem to have heard of it too."

Su Shi introduced: "This Pu Jiu is the big cannibal who originally helped the navy build ships."

"I remembered."

Zhao Shu also remembered and asked, "Why did he pay bribes?"


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