A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1026 I work very hard

Zhao Xu used both soft and hard tactics to keep the foreign vassals in Bianliang City docile, especially the big cannibals. The Bianliang people who did business with them were surprised to find that they were much more sincere.

The prince's performance was good. In the eyes of the people of Bianliang, he was considered qualified. No one would worry about problems with the inheritance of the Song Dynasty in the future.

This is the meaning of Guoben's existence...to stabilize people's hearts.

The stability of people's hearts is the most important thing for the ruling class, and education plays an important role in this.

Lu Hui runs a small school, also known as a private school.

There are many private schools in Bianliang, but Lu Hui's is somewhat famous.

Just ten years ago, his school produced a Jinshi, and he was among the best.

Is it easy to produce a Jinshi from a private school?

not easy.

Being ranked among the best is an unexpected surprise.

As a result, Lu Hui became famous, and there was an endless stream of people signing up. They even had to pass a test before they could get in.

But a Jinshi is not enough. Lu Hui felt that this was just the beginning, so he worked hard to teach...

Teaching and educating people is very tiring. After three years, five years later... there are no more names of school students on the Jinshi list.

Just like in later generations, schools at this time also relied on performance to attract students.

Yang Zhuochao's test was good when he came in. At least Lu Hui regarded him as one of his hopes.

But as time passed, the school never produced a Jinshi again, and Lu Hui became anxious.

People make mistakes when they are in a hurry, and Lu Hui is like this.

He only wanted to focus on studying, but forgot to focus on discipline. The students made a fuss in private, and the effect of learning was greatly reduced.

And Yang Zhuochao, a young man he had placed high hopes on, disappeared from everyone, which made Lu Hui a little desperate.

But despair is despair. Teaching is his job, and it is impossible for him to do anything to ruin his job.

In the morning, he ate two steamed buns, drank a large bowl of Erchen soup, and then came to the school burping.

There was an exam recently. This was a test he used to test the students' academic performance. It happened every month.

There were no students yet, so Lu Hui went to the toilet first, and then came out slowly, holding a book in his hand.

The students began to arrive, and when they saw him, they all saluted and said hello.

Lu Hui nodded majestically, and when he saw the lonely Yang Zhuochao, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

It was in vain that he valued him so much, but Yang Zhuochao was celebrating the New Year with Wang Xiaoer, and every year was worse than the previous year. If it weren't for Yang Jinian's status as censor, Lu Hui would have scolded Yang Zhuochao bloody.

"Meet sir."

Yang Zhuochao saluted, then raised his head. A pair of dark circles under his eyes made Lu Hui couldn't help but sneer: "Are you playing again at night? Your father doesn't care about you. At least he can punish you a few times, so that you can turn around as a prodigal!"

Yang Zhuochao opened his mouth to defend, but Lu Hui walked over.


I stayed up late doing the questions!

Yang Zhuochao felt aggrieved. At this time, several students in front were playing around. When they saw him, they threw the remaining half of the cake in their hands.

The behavior of this kind of rich man shows that this student is not short of money, and the fact that he dares to start a fight after Lu Hui turns around shows that he is a top student with excellent grades, otherwise...

This student is called Xu Yi. He comes from a good family and is smart. Such people, as long as they don't make mistakes in the future, will probably be winners in life. Sooner or later, they will marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

Being accustomed to smooth sailing, Xu Yi was quite proud, so he habitually wanted to tease Yang Zhuochao.

But a classmate next to him accidentally touched his elbow, so the pie flew higher and farther.

Fortunately, Lu Hui happened to hear the noise and turned around to scold the students.

The pie is flying, not very fast.

These naughty students!

When Lu Hui saw the dull Xu Yi, he sighed slightly, then raised the book and swatted it away like a fly.

He was very confident, but he forgot that he had been squatting in the pit for too long, and his legs and feet were numb.

At the critical moment, his leg twitched, and then his right hand became somewhat deformed.

Everyone was waiting for Lu Hui to swat a fly in a dashing way, but who would have thought that he would miss it.


Half of the pie was slapped firmly on Lu Hui's face, and because it was covered with sauce, it actually stuck to it and wouldn't come off.

Everyone was stunned.

Damn it!


Xu Yi, who was the best in academics, had a flying cake, and then Lu Hui failed in his cool slap and was awarded the big cake.

Everyone was silent, worried about being angered.

Lu Hui slowly stretched out his hand to open the pie, opened his eyes and shouted: "I made a mistake five hundred times when I went home and copied someone!"

I go!

This punishment is very powerful!

Everyone looked at Xu Yi with sympathy. Xu Yi kept a straight face and said nothing, feeling that this would damage his image.

The unlucky Yang Zhuochao was at a loss as to what to do. Lu Hui became angry when he saw him and said: "You too, copy it a hundred times!"

This is anger!

What does it have to do with me!

Yang Zhuochao wanted to cry but had no tears, but a poor student is a poor student and has no human rights.

The class started later, and Yang Zhuochao listened carefully, but Lu Hui took the gunpowder today. After a while, he picked one up and questioned him. If he failed, he ridiculed and scolded him. Suddenly, the school was filled with gloomy wind, as if the end of the world was coming.

"If you fail the exam tomorrow... I have to study hard and copy a thousand times." Lu Hui roared, foaming at the corners of his mouth, which looked a little scary.

There are more words in this one, and there are more calligraphy and strokes in it. When the students calculated it, their faces turned pale.

Xu Yi and several students with good grades were very calm, but Yang Zhuochao was no longer calm.

I will definitely go home and copy it a thousand times. When my father sees it, I will probably not be able to avoid a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

He has been working hard and studying very hard recently, almost obsessively, but at this moment he still has no confidence at all.

So he worked harder.

"Dalang, go to bed."

Mrs. Li came to check on her son before going to bed. Seeing that his son was still writing under the lamp, he advised him.


Yang Zhuochao agreed without raising his head.

After Mrs. Li left, the oil lamp was still swaying.

The questions were dazzling in front of Yang Zhuochao's eyes. He closed his eyes and remembered all his previous education.

Those memories that had been hazy in the past gradually came out now, extremely clear, and slowly merged together.

A feeling of joy made him open his eyes, and then looked at the next question.

It’s not complicated!

He solved the problem easily and then continued to write the article.

It was late at night, and the entire Yang family was quiet. Occasionally, a breeze passed by, rustling the leaves...

After Yang Zhuoxue married, the Yang family's living standard has improved a lot, which was reflected in the breakfast.

A bowl of mutton and radish soup, two steamed buns, and an egg.

"This is the rule from the son-in-law. It is said that eating an egg in the morning is good for the child... He also mentioned cow's milk or goat's milk, saying it can make the child grow faster... I just haven't found it recently. I'll give it to you later." Let’s go look for it again…”

Mother's nagging is a very magical thing. It has been there since you can remember, almost non-stop from morning to night, making you irritated and bored. But when you are far away from your mother, you will miss these nagging again.

In the past, Yang Zhuochao was annoyed by his mother's nagging, but today he was eating his breakfast very steadily.

His mind is full of questions, but they do not affect real life. It is like cutting a person in half, half thinking about studying and half dealing with life.

Yang Jinian hummed, his wife's nagging was more like a kind of enjoyment to him.

When your wife nags, it means she cares about everything.

He looked up at his son who was drinking soup and asked, "Dad, remember it's the exam today?"

"Yes." It's great to be able to do two things at once. You can study and observe the outside world at the same time.

"You...that's all." Yang Jinian wanted to say that he would take the exam well, but thinking of his son's poor grades in the past, he could not say these words.

But as a father, he had to say something. He looked at the mutton in the bowl and lost most of his appetite, "Study hard."

If it's very stiff, it's very routine expectations.

It's like losing all expectations.

Later, Yang Jinian went to Yushitai, and Yang Zhuochao went to school.

Spring outing, apricot blossoms blowing all over your head...

There are no apricot blossoms on the streets of Bianliang, only a vague smell.

"Mutton steamed buns, good mutton head meat from Xixia..."

"Wang's tea soup, a cup of it will make you feel refreshed!"

"Chen's soup cakes are here..."

All kinds of sounds are mixed together, all kinds of smells are mixed together, all kinds of people are mixed together, regardless of high or low... this is prosperity.

Yang Zhuochao flexibly moved in and out of the bustling scene, all the way to the door of the school.

He came earlier, even Lu Hui was still on the way.

He stood in front of the wall and recited the text in a low voice.

Those Confucian classics will appear in the form of fill-in-the-blanks in the exam, which tests your familiarity with the books.

In a word, we will test these books in the exam. If you can't memorize them, then your qualifications will be useless in entering the officialdom. Go find a job as soon as possible to support yourself.

The walls are old, and the moss in the gaps looks full and green, making people want to reach out and touch it.

A few unknown small plants poked their heads out stubbornly from the cracks in the wall, tender and tender.

These plants will firmly pierce their roots into the wall, and use the nutrients in the old wall to fight for their own lives.

Yang Zhuochao looked at this and suddenly felt something.

Normally nothing grows in the walls, but these greens appear here tenaciously. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

They are so hardworking and tenacious, why should I not work hard?

He raised his head, feeling his anxiety gradually dissipate.

My brother-in-law said that hard work is a quality that people will never regret throughout their lives. If you stick to this quality throughout your life, you will benefit from it throughout your life.

He laughed and turned around.

A group of students and Lu Hui stood behind him, frowning at him.

"Uh... I've met Mr.

Lu Hui shook his head, then took out the key and asked a student to open the door.

Just now, Yang Zhuochao was talking to himself there alone, which frightened him, fearing that the child would turn into a lunatic under the pressure of exams.

"I'm afraid this person is going crazy."

Several students were a little entangled, feeling that they were probably going crazy.

If you come here to study, your family will have one less labor force, which means one less income. Secondly, studying requires tuition and all kinds of learning materials...

Adding the two together, the average family will make greater efforts when their children study.

Therefore, the quality of the exam represents the value of this effort and investment.

Good or bad.

If it’s good, the family will laugh and feel happy.

If it is bad, parents will become silent and depressed. Some with a bad temper will even beat them with bamboo sticks to let you know the price of not studying hard.

Everyone entered the classroom and took out pens, inks, paper and inkstones, but Lu Hui was still squatting.

Squatting in the latrine for a quarter of an hour every morning was a pleasure for Lu Hui.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Lu Hui entered the classroom with a book in his hand.

When the topic came out of Lu Hui's mouth, most of the students exclaimed.

Why is it so obscure?

Lu Hui sneered: "No whispering, let's get started."


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