A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1033: My life has been in vain

Taixue's results in this imperial examination were good. With the popularity of the question-taking method, although there is an advantage in guessing the questions, the number of students who passed the Imperial Examination is still decreasing.

Guo Qian was a little anxious about this, but he couldn't figure it out.

How to improve?

He discussed it with Chen Ben and others for a long time, but to no avail.

Someone said to ask Shen An for advice, but he slapped himself as soon as the words came out.

Shen An is now in charge of the Mangshan Academy and the Clan Academy, and is the number one educator in the Song Dynasty. If Taixue goes to ask for advice, does he have to include Taixue?

How can Guo Qian still have the face to manage Imperial College?

So the discussion broke up unhappy.

Guo Qian was very depressed, so he found an excuse to go out for a walk.

After leaving the gate of Taixue, he looked to the left. Over there was Mangshan Academy, and beyond that was the clan academy. The three academies were in an alley, which was quite spectacular.

Guo Qian on the left doesn't want to go, for fear of being upset.

He walked slowly along the right side, looking at the urban scenery along the way, and his mood gradually improved.

"If you want to study, just study. If you don't write poetry or write articles, what are you doing?"

There was a quarrel in a shop on the right that sold brooms and other sundries. Guo Qian walked over and looked at the father and son inside, waiting for the result with interest.

The young man looked a little cunning when he looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, but his father was a tall man with an angry look on his face.

This kid might get beaten up.

Guo Qian felt inexplicably happy in his heart, and it made him feel very comfortable to see a naughty child being taught a lesson.

The young man glanced at Guo Qian and said, "Dad, I can't pass the Jinshi exam."

"Then you have to study." The man said angrily: "I worked so hard for my father to make a living, even knitting broom handles to pieces. Isn't it just to let you study? You should study wisely. My father has suffered the disadvantage of not studying all his life. You spent the first half of your life ignorant and ignorant, and your life was in vain. My father refused to let you eat these things, so he gritted his teeth and squeezed out money and food for you to study, but you actually said that you didn't want to study anymore..."

The man picked up a broom and was obviously ready to take action.

OK! Fight, the naughty kid can't make progress without fighting.

As an old guy who has been in charge of Taixue for many years, Guo Qian likes to see this scene the most.

The young man took a step back, obviously a good man who would not suffer the immediate disadvantages, and then said: "Dad, you work hard, so I stopped studying. I will come back to help you..."

This is a good boy!

Guo Qian regretted it again and felt that he shouldn't have been beaten.

When the man heard this, he threw away his broom. He walked over and took the boy's hand. Looking at the blood bubbles in his palm, he said heartbrokenly: "This hand is supposed to hold a pen, but now it is used to knit brooms... Why?" My father is hopeless and cannot allow you to enter Imperial College..."

The man squatted on the ground, held his head and cried.

The young man also cried, squatting opposite and saying: "Dad, our family can have enough food and clothes to wear. These are all earned by you. You... you are the best dad in the world..."

The man looked up and both father and son began to cry.


Guo Qian felt his eyes were a little hot, so he rubbed them.

"Go and study. Being a father can support you."

The man wiped away his tears with some embarrassment, and then urged his son to study.

The young man said: "Dad, my son's essays and poems have been criticized by Mr. He also said that I study hard, but poetry and essays require talent. Without this talent, no matter how hard you work, it will be useless. It will be a waste of money and food. I think..."

"Is that so?"

The man was in pain again, "As a father... my father's seed is not good! He has harmed his own child."


Guo Qian also sighed, feeling that there was really nothing he could do about this kind of thing.

"Dad, there's no such thing as talent in miscellaneous studies!"

"What miscellaneous studies?"

"It's Mr. Shen's miscellaneous studies."

"My father, Duke Shen, knows that he is the one who was both civil and military, the one who beat Yelu Hongji half to death and robbed his wife?"

Guo Qian had a dark look on his face, thinking how could Shen An ever rob Xiao Guanyin?

"Yes, that's Mr. Shen."

"But miscellaneous subjects cannot be taken in the imperial examination..."

"My child can't pass the imperial examination!"

The young man said very proudly: "Dad, you don't know that general knowledge is a real skill. Once you learn it, you can support your family by doing whatever you want..."

"so good?"

The man clearly didn't believe it.

The young man said: "Dad, do you know about Mangshan Academy and Clan Academy?"

"Mangshan Academy knows about it." The man said with some trepidation: "My father, Mangshan, went there once to help people drive a car. Hey, there were graves on them. Mangshan was used as the name of the academy. I'm afraid County Duke Shen didn't Those who teach are all ghosts.”

"The clan academy, isn't that where noble people study."

"Yes!" The young man's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found his own way, and he had no doubts anymore, "Dad, Mangshan Academy and Clan Academy teach mainly miscellaneous subjects!"

"What? The clan academy teaches miscellaneous studies?"

"Yes." The young man said excitedly: "Dad, those clan members are all noble people. In the past, we couldn't even see people when we looked up. Now they are begging County Duke Shen to teach them miscellaneous studies. Do you think miscellaneous studies are good? "

"Okay, it's just..." The man was a little confused, "Why did they study miscellaneous subjects?"

"They are all well-off, why do they need to learn miscellaneous subjects?" The man's question was simple but direct.

The young man had obviously prepared the answer, "Dad, the court has already said that the clan after the fifth server will no longer be cared about, and the court will no longer distribute money and food. Think about it! Those golden branches and jade leaves cannot be carried on the shoulders or carried by the hands. Yes, where can they support their families?"

The man nodded, "One year, my father met a clan member. When we were at the ferry, he disliked the smell of sweat on my father and others' bodies, so he asked people to put up a curtain, and he and his maids joked and drank inside. There was a cloth Separated by the curtain, it looks blurry from the outside, looking like a deity. Will this deity descend to earth now?"

"They are not gods!" The young man said very excitedly: "Dad, my kid has read a few books on miscellaneous studies, and he is really capable. Look, my kid even did this..."

He took out something. Guo Qian poked his head in and took a look, but it was a small box.

"These two blades are standing here. You can see on the sides that the width can be adjusted, so that no matter how big or small you are, you can come in..."

The young man took a bamboo branch and passed it upside down through one end of the box mouth, stepped on the box with his feet, and then pulled it through with his hands.

"Look, these branches are gone." The young man said proudly: "Dad, in the past you had to use a knife to scrape slowly, but now you don't need to. You can just pull it. What do you think?"

"Okay, okay!" After trying it a few times, the man happily touched his son's head. "You are really smart, and your heart is filled with joy for your father... How did you do this?"

"Dad, this is what is in miscellaneous studies!"

The man raised his head, "Is this a miscellany?"

"Yes, daddy." The young man said very excitedly: "My child thought this general subject was good, so he saved some money and bought a few books... and learned according to the above."

Just teach yourself?

Guo Qian felt a buzz in his head, as if he had been hit.

"what are you looking for?"

The man turned around, saw him, and walked over.


Guo Qian wanted to say that he wouldn't buy anything, but he felt guilty.

It's unethical to eavesdrop on people's conversations.

For Guo Qian, who has always regarded himself as a moral expert, the eavesdropping just now made him feel ashamed.

So he said mysteriously: "Buy, buy a broom."

"Isn't this Guo Jijiu?"

The man recognized this neighbor and said happily: "Guo Jijiu, Taixue needs some better brooms, but I used to buy them from other families. That family's ones are not as good as mine, and they are not as durable as mine. You are here to buy a broom." ?"

Guo Qian glanced at the boy who was working on the box and felt a little guilty, "Yes! I came to your house to buy a broom."

I remember there were a lot of new brooms piled up in the utility room...I don't want to buy them!

"I'm too imitated. I have to waste a lot of brooms every month. Just wait. That's fine."

The man called the boy to the back, and the father and son dragged dozens of brooms out together.

The man said happily: "Do you think these are enough?"

"Enough, enough." Guo Qian gave the money tangledly, then refused the man's offer to send it to the academy, so he asked him to tie the brooms together and prepare to drag them back.

"That miscellany is so useful... go and learn it. My father's broom business is going well. You see, it has now become a business for Taixue. From now on, Taixue will buy a lot of brooms from our family every month. You can earn a lot of money, so just go to school and don’t worry about your family.”


Guo Qian just dragged his broom back, and everyone he met along the way was a little surprised.

"Guo Jijiu, what are you doing?"

Who has ever seen a dignified Imperial College official dragging a broom to sweep the streets?

"Are you going to sweep the streets? Do you want help?"

Guo Qian shook his head in confusion, thinking that I am not sweeping the streets, but there are too many brooms and I can’t carry them!

After arriving at the Imperial Academy, the disciple said, "You are... we still have some brooms. It's too early to buy them. Besides, you just give the order. There is no need for you to buy them!"

"Get it in!"

Guo Qian felt sore all over, so he sat at the door to rest.

Chen Ben came out and said when he saw this, "What are you..."

"Buying a broom."

Guo Qian suddenly felt very sad and choked up.

Chen Ben was shocked and asked hurriedly, "What's going on?"

Guo Qian shook his head and said after his emotions calmed down: "The clan academy has started."

"It doesn't matter if he does his thing and we learn ours." Chen Ben felt that Guo Qian was a little weird today, maybe he was sick.

"But... all the members of the clan study miscellaneous studies, what will the people in the world think?"

Chen Ben only felt like he had been knocked on the head, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "Yes! What will the people in the world think? The clan members all study miscellaneous subjects, will those people learn it? I'm afraid they will."

He patted his thigh and said, "Shen An...he has selfish motives for reforming the clan."

Guo Qian smiled bitterly and said: "Everyone thinks he is brave enough to touch the clan, but now I know that he also used the clan academy and then pushed the miscellaneous students out. With this method, I think I feel a chill running down my spine. When I was in Taixue, luckily he didn't attack me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop him!"

If Shen An had attacked Guo Qian back then, he would have been able to stay at the Imperial Academy for a long time, and maybe even become the future Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine.

But Shen An did not attack him, but chose to leave and start over.

The clan academy has such a good advertising sign, but Shen An actually labeled it as a miscellaneous student. This advertisement will last as long as the academy is open.

Still free advertising!

Guo Qian and Chen Ben looked at each other, feeling that they had both become idiots.

"Now his miscellaneous knowledge will be famous all over the world..."

Guo Qian said painfully: "He turned a clan reform into an opportunity for the implementation of miscellaneous studies. This person... is he a snake? He came up along the pole. We... our Taixue was also started by him... ...I have lived for decades in vain, and compared with his Shen An, my life is all in vain."

"That's all, that's all, we can't control this matter."

Chen Ben sighed, feeling that the future life of Taixue would be even more difficult.

Guo Qian stood up and said, "I'm going to take a day off to think about these things. Well... From now on, I'll buy brooms from another store, so I'll go to the one I just bought. It's not far away. Turn right when you go out. It's less than a hundred steps away."

He thought of the father and son crying relative to each other, and their longing...

Confucianism or miscellaneous studies?

The people will choose for themselves.

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