Everyone was gone, but Zuo Zhen still stood there in a daze.

Wang Yu's mother is here.

She came to see me...

Look at me.

But I just knocked the villain unconscious with a stick. Wasn't that too cruel?

Also, my face is so shiny!

Zuo Zhen touched her face and it was oily.

"Help, something is wrong, something is wrong, madam, help me!"

The man with the broken leg was dragged away, and the sergeant who took action talked excitedly about his escape.

Wang Anshi’s wife came forward!

This matter is certain. The villain who molested Zuo Zhen will definitely stay in the prison of Kaifeng Mansion for a while. He will go in with a broken leg and come out with incontinence.

After Wu returned home, she told the old lady about Zuo Zhen's situation.

"So violent?"

The old lady was obviously interested.

She was not kind when she was young, and this temper was later passed on to her eldest grandson Wang Yu.

"Yes!" Mrs. Wu said very tangledly: "She doesn't want to hang out with men, which is an advantage. She is just a mother! She has been married."

The old lady had a headache, "We'll wait until Da Lang comes back."

Wang Anshi went home from the office, carrying a few fried quails in his hand, thinking of giving them to his cousin to eat.

My cousin likes to nibble on this little thing, saying that it doesn't have much meat, but it is delicious.

But quail has no meat!

Wang Anshi is often distracted when eating, so Wu usually doesn't put vegetables with bones in front of him, lest he swallow all the bones.

Lao Wang knocked on the door, and as soon as the person inside opened the door, Lao Wang walked in as a habit.

Usually the servant who opened the door would step aside to let him in, but today he didn't.

The two bumped into each other. Wang Anshi was about to get angry, but when he saw it was his son Wang Yu, he asked, "Why did you open the door?"

This is not a small room. You can open the door by walking two steps from the hall.

Lao Wang's house is quite impressive, but most family members are in the backyard and can't open the door.

Wang Yu lowered his head and said, "Dad, the child is wrong."


Wang Anshi felt surprised, thinking that his son had been arrogant since he was a child, but when he grew up, he didn't even think highly of his father. He couldn't even bow his head, let alone admit his mistake.

What's going on today?

Lao Wang felt something was wrong and asked, "What did you do wrong?"

It would not be a small thing to make this son admit his mistake. Wang Anshi thought about the recent events and couldn't help but tremble.

"Dalang, you didn't give me the memorandum, did you..."

The night before last night, their father and son had a chat and talked about the problem of land annexation becoming more and more serious, as well as the problem of tax avoidance by wealthy gentry. Wang Anshi said that improvements should be made and that the land in the world should be inventoried.

But Wang Yu said that he would be punished severely and that the annexation would be ignored, but anyone who dared to make false declarations to avoid taxes would be punished...

He even wrote a memorial for Wang Anshi, and his words were full of swords and swords. Wang hesitated for a while, but still didn't write.

If this memorial is published, the gentry all over the world will regard Wang Anshi as an enemy.

Even though Lao Wang was very nervous, he was still scared.

His old mother is still here, and he hasn’t written thousands of words, and he hasn’t reflected when he went home to observe his mourning, so it’s really a waste of time.

My son, do you want to kill my father?

"Dad, Mom went to see Zuo Zhen today..."


Wang Anshi felt relieved and sighed: "You, you, this matter... where is the memorial?"

Wang Yu had no intention of thinking about the memorial at the moment, so he said: "It's still there."

Wang Anshi rushed into the study first, found the memorial, and after seeing that it was correct, he tore it into pieces, and then warned: "Don't do such cruel things in the future."

This son would make his opponents physically disappear at every turn, which made Wang Anshi worried about his future career.

Think about it, after Wang Yu became an official, if he met an opponent, what methods would he use to fight against him?

Wang Anshi felt that it was probably a ruthless method, and it would be best to make the opponent disappear completely.

Such a son gave him a headache. He even had a private conversation with his wife about his son's temper, but he felt that it had nothing to do with the couple.

But they ignored the old lady who was not very effervescent.

That old lady looked very peaceful all day long, but her skills were not bad back then!

Wang Anshi felt relieved and asked, "What did your mother say when she came back?"

Wang Yu said: "Mom said it was okay, but...but still refused. Daddy..."

This son basically didn't ask for help, but now he looked pleading, which made Wang Anshi feel a little secretly happy.

There is a time when you want to be a father!

Wang Anshi wanted to be reserved, but seeing the anxiety on his son's face, he sighed in his heart and said, "What an injustice!"

In many cases, it is actually easier for fathers to understand their sons, and the opposite for mothers.

The so-called love at first sight and misunderstanding at first sight all mean the same thing.

When I see a woman, I suddenly feel my heart skip a beat, my heart beats faster, my face turns red and I am speechless, I wish I could spend all day with her...

This is love at first sight.

If that's the case, that's it, but after a few years, Wang Yu still likes that woman and becomes more and more obsessed with her. This is true love.

All right!

The old father is here to take the blame.

"Go and see for my father."

Wang Anshi knew his wife's temperament, and when she went out, she felt like the wind was blowing and the water was cold.

After seeing his wife, Wang Anshi asked, "What do you think of Zuo Zhen?"

"It's okay." Wu was a little confused, "But she has been married before."

Wang Yu was eavesdropping outside, and on the other side, the old lady was standing by the window, threatening the servants not to speak out.

Wang Anshi is really good to his wife. He basically doesn't interfere in family affairs, but now it's his son's marriage, and he can't avoid it.

Will the couple have a big fight?

The old lady was worried about this, and she was also worried about her eldest grandson's marriage.

The old son, the eldest grandson, the lifeblood of the old lady.

This sentence from later generations is a portrayal of the old lady's state of mind at this moment.

In the room, Wang Anshi said softly: "But Dalang likes it!"

Wu shook her head, "But... after all..."

"Da Lang really likes that woman..."

Wang Anshi grabbed his wife's hand and said seriously: "Since Da Lang grew up, my husband has never seen him begging for anyone, but today he did... He told his husband that he likes Zuo Zhen, look at him It’s clear that he will be discouraged if he can’t get it…”

"What does he mean?" Wu was a little flustered.

Wang Anshi knew his wife's temperament, so he said: "Don't you know your son's temperament? If you can't marry Zuo Zhen, others...even if you find the most beautiful woman in the Song Dynasty, she will only be a pink skull in his eyes." That’s all…”

This is Wang Yu's personality.

What I like may not be what everyone likes.

I am who I am, and I never want to change my options for any reason.

This maverick son!

Wu held Wang Anshi's big hand with her backhand, raised her head and said, "Cousin..."

She hadn't called Wang Anshi that way for a long time. The past between husband and wife was still vivid in her mind, and the room was overflowing with warmth.

Wang Anshi whispered: "Cousin."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said: "When I heard that I was going to marry you, I thought it was great! You are very kind, and it will be easier to live with you... You are not that kind of sweet talker..."

Wang Anshi was also smiling, "Yes! At that time, I said that you were going to marry me, and you were happy to be your husband. I felt that having a woman who understood me as my wife was a blessing in life..."

The good thing about childhood sweethearts is that no matter what happens, the most beautiful feelings mixed with them are difficult to completely dissipate.

Wu said affectionately: "In the blink of an eye, now Da Lang is getting married, but I think of my own youth."

"On a spring outing, apricot blossoms are blowing all over your head. Whose young man is so charming on the street?"

Wu's singing made Wang Anshi feel peaceful in his heart.

Outside the house, the old lady nodded and smiled.

"I plan to marry and rest for the rest of my life. Even if I am ruthlessly abandoned, I cannot be ashamed."

Wang Anshi slowly turned sideways and looked outside the door.

Wang Yu walked in and knelt on the ground, "Thank you dad, thank you mom."

If you want her, then your mother will allow her to come in, but you can't go back on her words later.

——Even if you are ruthlessly abandoned, you can’t be ashamed!

In fact, it is difficult for mothers to bear the entanglement of their children, and the same is true for Wu.

But she was unwilling to do so after all, so she cried.

Wang Yu walked forward on his knees, hugged his mother's legs, raised his head and said, "Mom, if the child marries her, it will be easy for him to live happily ever after. The child will learn from his father and not want other women... A pair of people, for a lifetime..."

Wu rubbed the top of his head and sniffed, "Okay."

The old lady outside suddenly said: "I've already thought about it here, but is Zuo Zhen willing?"


Wang Anshi and Wu just remembered this problem and looked at Wang Yu.

Wang Yu's mood at the moment was probably not as good as that of winning the top prize. He said, "Father, mother, she must be willing."

Wang Anshi felt that this matter should be dealt with quickly: "Then hurry up... Madam, I will find a matchmaker tomorrow to find out what's going on."

In that moment, Wang Yu felt so beautiful!

He had never known what it felt like to be happy before, but now he felt it.

He couldn't sleep that night and got up at dawn.

Wang Anshi and his wife were walking in the yard at the moment. When they saw their son coming out, they looked at each other.

Has this son ever been so interested in something?

Wu had no choice but to give in when she saw it.

Later, Wang Anshi went to the Yamen, and Wang Yu asked someone to go to Mangshan Academy to ask for leave.

Then this guy actually climbed over the wall and ran away.

Wang Anshi was well aware of his son's urinary properties, so he was not allowed to go out today.

But he had forgotten how ecstatic he was when he learned that he was engaged to his cousin, and how he wished he could go to his cousin's window immediately to tell her the good news.

So Wang Yu fled.

Wu said angrily: "If this kid goes to Zuo Zhen's place, what will happen if the matchmaker sees him? Go and call him back."

"It's difficult!"

The old lady came out. Seeing her daughter-in-law's anxiety, she ordered: "Go and ask Shen An to go to Zuo Zhen's place to help."

Wu was thinking a lot, but she forgot that Zuo Zhen had already started her own business and she was the only one in the family. When the matchmaker went, we could only discuss it directly with her...

Who has ever seen a woman directly discussing her marriage with a matchmaker?

It's so shameful, okay? UU reading www. ukanshu.net

Wu was overjoyed and Fu Shen said: "My mother is really wise. Zuo Zhen is a girl and lives alone. Shen An goes to help the girl's family... and Yuanze also obeys him, so he can kill two birds with one stone."

The old lady said calmly: "You are still young, you should learn more and think more."


Wu was sincerely convinced.

The old lady nodded slightly, turned around and went out.

When I was in power, you and Dalang were still children!

Ha ha ha ha!

At this time, a servant woman came in and reported: "Madam, Shen An sent someone to spread the news, saying that he has taken up command in Zuo Zhen."

"Cough cough cough!"

Just after she finished speaking, she saw the old lady coughing, and she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

There's nothing wrong with the old lady's voice! Why is the cough so heartbreaking?

Wu quickly went over to give her a pat on the back and whispered: "Then Shen An is a thoughtful person. It's a good thing that Yuanze can associate with him. You...don't do that..."

The old lady nodded and said, "He is a good young man."

She was just about to say that Wu's youth was a waste of time, but she didn't expect that there was no one at Zuo Zhen's side, but Shen An reacted faster than her and was already stationed there.

Why! Old arms and legs...why are they so annoying?

Shen An arrived at the shop early in the morning. Seeing Zuo Zhen lighting a fire, he directly asked her to stop working.

"The guests are not happy that it's late!"

It’s not easy for a woman who lives alone to make a living!

"That Xiao Zhao...wuwu."

Shen An said hello, and a troubled Zhao Wuwu came in.

She glanced at Shen An and thought, why don't you just call her Zhao Wuwu or Xiao Zhao? What five-five... is too ambiguous!

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