Han Qi actually entered the palace.

Basically, the prime minister cannot meet with the officials alone. This kind of behavior is called "staying alone" and is a taboo.

But Han Qi not only saw him, he also knocked on the palace door and entered at night.

Old Han, you are not authentic!

The prime ministers and assistants restrained each other, and no one was allowed to go to see the officials alone because they were afraid that the other party would give them bad medicine, and they were even more worried that the other party would decide something with the officials alone.

But Han Qi made an exception.

This old guy walked into the palace at night and didn't know what he said to the officials.

Is this a plea for mercy after being impeached?

That's right, otherwise why would he be in such a hurry to enter the palace?

The temperature in Bianliang was a bit high this night.

"elder brother……"

"I'm coming!"

The morning in the Shen family is so full of energy.

Shen An tied her hair while running, and when she saw Guo Guo, she was already fully dressed.

"start running!"

Shen An was leading the race and Guo Guo was urging from behind.

Every time I ran past the kitchen, I could hear movement inside.

Guoguo thought as she ran, "Brother, it seems like fried rice cakes."

Shen An sniffed and said, "It could also be glutinous rice cakes."

Rice cakes are not complicated things, but they also require good teeth, so the two Shen brothers and sisters are no problem. There are many ways to make rice cakes, but Shen An and her sister’s favorite is fried.

Get some oil and fry both sides of the rice cake until brown, then put it on a plate, sprinkle it with salt, and eat it one by one.


Guoguo sat on the edge and thought fried rice cakes were the most delicious.

Glutinous rice cakes have a relatively soft and chewy texture, while rice cakes are hard and chewy.

Shen An's breakfast is soup cakes with fried rice cakes, plus a fried egg.

Yang Zhuoxue was eating breakfast beside her with taro in her arms. The mother and daughter ate half of the sky and half of the ground.

Yang Zhuoxue fed Taro a spoonful of millet porridge. Uncle Taro ate half of it with his mouth clacked, and then spat out the remaining half with a pop.

Shen An felt something jump on his forehead.

This brat!

But Yang Zhuoxue was already used to it. She quickly caught the millet porridge he sprayed in a bowl, then stirred it up and continued feeding.

"Taro, is the food you vomited delicious?"

Shen An asked with a smirk.

Taro glanced at him and opened his mouth blankly.


This time it was harder, and Shen An, who was sitting opposite, was hit. He slowly reached out and wiped his face...

"Hahahaha!" Yang Zhuoxue hugged the taro and laughed so hard.

"Brother..." Guoguo also smiled happily.

"Hey..." Even Taro laughed in surprise.

This kid...

"Teach him something. Next time he spits out things, take care of him!"

The weather was nice. After breakfast, Shen An stood in the yard for a walk, feeling that it was okay for life to pass by so slowly.

A hundred years of life can be lived vigorously or in an ordinary way. Success or failure does not depend on how high your achievements are, but on what kind of life you like.

People have different ideas and different experiences, so their choices naturally vary.

Shen An feels that what she likes most is walking around the world alone with a bag on her back.

Those exotic customs, those mountains and seas, grasslands and deserts...

No one knows you, so you can smile openly, hide behind a pillar and pee in an inconspicuous manner... Of course, you can also smile what you think is the most handsome smile to a girl who is looking at you curiously.

Complete relaxation.

Shen An felt that he needed this.

"Mr. Zhuangzi, this year's harvest should be good. They said that they would like to invite you to take a look at this year's harvest..."

At the beginning of summer, Zhuang Laoshi began to get busy, and he had to monitor Zhuangzi's affairs.


Shen An likes those relatively simple farmers, and of course the women in those workshops are also good.

"Lang Jun, almost all the country soldiers in the Mangshan Army have married wives, and the village next door needs to be expanded. Also, some of the country soldiers have babies like eggs. They give birth to too many babies without taking a break in between."

"This won't work." Shen An said, "Go and tell them that women are not sows. They give birth to babies every year. Whose fault is it for getting sick? Tell them to take care of the thing in their crotch, at least a year later. That's Their wives are not meant to give birth to children, damn it!”

He felt really fucked.

Zhuang Laoshi agreed and was about to say the next thing when someone knocked on the door and shouted, "Is Shen An here? Come into the palace quickly and the officials will summon you."


When Shen An was enjoying himself, his mood was completely ruined.

Zhuang Laoshi reminded: "Lang Jun, I'm afraid something happened to Mr. Han."

Old Han!

Shen An couldn't help but laugh when he thought about those people who impeached Lao Han.

Old Han is a typical example of being unreasonable and unforgiving. There is something good to watch today.

Shen An walked all the way into the palace, and when he entered the palace, Han Qi was furious.

"I have met His Majesty."

Shen An saluted, and then hid in his old place, in front of a pillar.

Standing for a long time hurts the bones, but sometimes the meeting will encounter difficult decisions and delay them for a long time. At this time, Shen An can lean on the pillar and watch the others standing staggering in pain.

"... An Xiang's accountant drank too much and wrote two hundred guan too much. When he paid, he only gave 50 guan. In other words, the official knew that he wrote two hundred guan too much. But he didn't report it. Without telling anyone else, I took the voucher given by Anxiang and collected the two hundred and fifty coins..."

"Two hundred and five!" Han Qi said sadly: "He actually corrupted two hundred dollars quietly. If someone hadn't made a special trip to check the accounts this time and found out about it, the official family would not have had the two hundred dollars. Got it."

Zhao Shu was also very angry. Two hundred strings was a small case, but it was Zhao Zhen's mausoleum!

You say you can be corrupt anywhere, but don't be greedy for other people's money, otherwise there will be retribution.

But where is the retribution?

"People's hearts are not ancient!" Zhao Shu was really angry. "The late emperor worked hard for the country and the people all his life. He was kind to the people and tolerant to the officials. Everyone knows it."

Renzong really lived up to the word benevolence. After his death, the military and civilian officials were crying and sad. Even Yelu Hongji shed a few tears.

"The late emperor was frugal. He always repaired his clothes when they were torn, and refused to make new ones. When eating, he always asked the price when he saw good dishes, and he was reluctant to eat them if they were expensive..."

Zhao Shu's voice echoed, and the ministers lowered their heads slowly, recalling the benevolent king.

"How frugal he is, how hateful the corrupt officials are!"

Zhao Shu said with murderous intent: "Go immediately, arrest him immediately, and let Zhang Bianba interrogate him in person. I want to see his evil deeds immediately!"

This was a murderous intention, but the prime ministers and assistants collectively agreed.

"Your Majesty is wise."

How dare you commit corruption in Renzong's mausoleum, everyone in the world will hate him if you tell him.

"The late emperor was kind and frugal, but whenever he heard that there was a famine somewhere or that the soldiers were short of food and pay, he would always open the treasury and watch the money being moved out without hesitation..."

Zhao Shu hated Zhao Zhen in some aspects, but he admired and admired him in many aspects, such as his frugality and generosity.

This is something that few emperors in the past have been able to achieve.

"If the evidence is conclusive..." Zhao Shu's eyes were cold, "I want to kill someone!"

The Song Dynasty did not kill civil servants for a long time. It was an exception last time, but the overall pattern was still the same.

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty is wise."

That scumbag deserves death!

It was the Song Dynasty's luck that the prime minister and the emperor could be consistent.

Zhao Shu thought that Han Qi had been wronged, so he asked Shen An: "Where is that stupid accountant?"

Only then did Shen An know the reason why he was called here, "Your Majesty, he was watched after the incident. After it was proved that he was just an unintentional mistake, Anxiang kicked him out yesterday."

Zhao Shu nodded with satisfaction, "Many people say that things should be done based on the original intention. For example, if this person drinks and does things unintentionally, it seems that he should be forgiven and should not be punished. But I think things should be based on the results and what results he achieves. , As for intentionality or unintentional...if someone harmed the country unintentionally, should they be forgiven? Ridiculous."

Huh! This is very insightful!

Shen An said: "Your Majesty's words are very true. I remember a few words, which is that if you intend to do good, you will not be rewarded even if you do good. If you do evil without intention, you will not be punished even though you are evil. These words may seem calm, but they ignore the consequences."

Any evaluation that does not combine the results is just a hooligan!

Ouyang Xiu suddenly said: "This sentence does have some meaning. If you intend to do good, you will not be rewarded even if it is good. If you do not have the intention to do evil, you will not be punished even though you are evil. Why is there some shadow of Buddhism?"

Zeng Gongliang said: "This is like a very wealthy person who deliberately donates tens of thousands of dollars to do good deeds. Shouldn't he be praised? This doesn't make sense."

What everyone said was actually flattery, starting from Shen An and all the way to Zhao Shu.

Han Qi didn't take any pictures. He said murderously: "Your Majesty, this time I was wronged. Some people are making trouble. I ask your Majesty to make the decision."

Anyone with a discerning eye will know there is something wrong with this.

It has been so long since the late emperor passed away, and so long since the tomb was built, that those account books have long been lying in the pile of old papers, slowly growing moldy. But someone suddenly went to check the accounts... This is very interesting!

The envoy of Shanling was Han Qi. When he went to check the accounts, he found out that it was Lao Han's enemy who did it.

Shen An glanced at Zeng Gongliang. Old Zeng had a strong desire to survive and said, "This matter needs to be investigated. I remember that someone asked for instructions at that time..."

Damn it!

Old Zeng is so brave!

He actually dared to burn Zhao Shu's body. Even Shen An admired his courage.

But Shen An underestimated Zaifu.

Zhao Shu said: "I remember that. At that time, someone said that they heard that a petty official was corrupt, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net wanted to check the accounts, so I agreed... Now it seems that this matter is a bit interesting."

Going to check the accounts for a small official, this kind of spirit is worthy of praise, but in the end it pulled Han Qi out. This is a drunkard who doesn't care about wine.

That person is going to be in trouble.

Shen An gloated, thinking about how Lao Han and Zhao Shu would deal with him, whether they would fry him or stew him.

Zhao Shu suddenly changed the topic and said: "However, some people said at the time that it was difficult to check the current account books, otherwise this matter would not be confused."

Shen An's heart moved when he heard this.

This... I also studied it for a while back then. Do you want to apply what you learned?

Han Qi sneered and left the palace, and later went to the Imperial City Department.

Old Han really must retaliate for his anger!

That corrupt official is in trouble.

Han Qi went into a rage. It is said that he personally whipped the official more than ten times in the Imperial City Department, and then took leave to go home on the grounds that he had a fever.

After returning home, Han Qi took a shower. When his sons came to say hello, he sent them away casually, but suddenly something popped into his mind.

"Um..." He stretched out his hand, and a woman came over, "Alang, what do you want?"

Han Qi coughed dryly and said: "Um...you have been working very hard recently. I am too busy to take care of you. So, you go to Anxiang to buy some clothes."

"Thank you Alang."

Fragrant clothes!

The price is so expensive, how can this woman have the money to buy it?

She happily went to Anxiang and asked about the clothes directly.

"Clothes and underwear? They are all here. Take a look... the breastplate, underwear... these are Anxiang's clothes."

The woman stared at these small things in stunned silence, remembering what Han Qi looked like at that time, and couldn't help but feel stupid.

Co-author Alang actually asked me to buy these?

How shameful!

It's the end of the month, Jazz is asking for votes. Goodnight everybody!

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