A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 107 The powerful driving force of businessmen

Because I had a fever, I merged chapters 107 and 108 into one chapter. Today is the sixth update.


The bellies of the two concubines in the harem have been confirmed to be ready. Even if there is a half chance, they should give birth to a prince this time.

There was a lot of joy in and outside the palace. Someone suggested building a Qianlong Palace for the future prince to live in. Zhao Zhen readily agreed, while the ministers and ministers were silent. Even the censors did not give any advice for the first time.

The entire Song Dynasty was looking forward to the birth of that prince.

At this moment, the Runan County Prince's Mansion was naturally ignored.

Zhao Zhongzhen was a little confused and asked, "Can't I submit a memorial?"

What kind of memorial should a child write to please others?

Shen An glanced at Zhe Jizu and said, "Just say it at home."

Zhe Jizu didn't even blink.

Zhao Zhongzhen understood immediately.

There must be someone from the Imperial City Department in his family. If he told it at home, it would be equivalent to telling the emperor.

He thought of the taboo words his grandfather often said at home, and his face instantly turned pale.

Shen An sent him out and whispered: "Don't worry about this, you Weng Weng are not stupid."

Everyone is an actor and must play every role well.

Child, husband, father, grandfather…

Your role is different at each stage, and Zhao Yunrang's role is to pretend to be real and speak out, in order to protect his children and grandchildren.

Zhejizu's role at this moment is that of an ally.

He heard Shen An's words and then calmed down. This was a statement: We are on the same team. Even if the things you arrange are taboo, I don't care.

Shen An returned to the study and saw that the uncle and nephew of the Zhe family still looked calm, so he said, "Many things need to be taken in the long term."

Shen An didn't care what Zhe Jizu thought, he was just building the foundation out of habit.

After sending the uncle and nephew of the Zhe family away, Shen An's face changed.

"Who spread the news?"

Shen An was not angry, but felt a little funny.

Zhuang Laoshi said with a bitter look on his face, "Mr. Lang, the whole city is now saying that you are good at both civil and military skills. You can write poems and articles in literature, and you can make crossbows and heavy weapons in martial arts. You will definitely leave your name in history in the future."

"It's hard to say whether to leave a name or not, but I have to find someone to find out about this."

Shen An felt that he couldn't let this matter go, so he went to find Bao Zheng.


Bao Zheng was also present at the time and scorned Chen Zhongheng's warning, but who would have thought that the news would leak out in the blink of an eye.

Shame on you!

"His Majesty was furious about this and called all the ministers present to come back and question him, but everyone said they were wronged."

Shen An sneered and said: "Mr. Bao, you also know about interrogating criminals, right? Who of those criminals doesn't cry out for injustice? Who confesses as soon as they are asked?"

He asked in a low voice: "Who did it?"

Bao Zheng shook his head and said, "No one will admit it."

Shen An sighed slightly and said: "Whether it is intentional or not, you are trying to trick me, Mr. Bao. If the Liao and Xixia people knew about this, do you think they would take the risk and take me away for torture?" "

Bao Zheng sighed: "Your Majesty is having a headache right now. How can I reward you? Just calm down. As for the leak of the crossbow, I can say it was unintentional."

If he had the intention, he should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Shen Anxin said this, so he asked with gleaming eyes: "Mr. Bao, do you think the official family will give me a promotion?"

Bao Zheng frowned and looked at him and said: "What kind of official position do you want to be promoted at a young age? It would be good to wait for the imperial edict. Do it for a few years and then find an opportunity to be released. This is the safe way."

He said earnestly: "You are still young. Even if the officials ask you to go to Zhixiongzhou, are you really able to do it?"

When he mentioned Zhixiongzhou, Shen An's eyes lit up.

Bao Zheng sighed: "I know you still want to continue on your father's path, but that is a dead end! Why do you bother..."

He slapped his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Look north to the country. As soon as you brought it up, the officials became a little more energetic, but this energy was useless."

He stood up and said, "Looking north! It's difficult!"

The current mainstream thinking of the Song Dynasty is to maintain peace. If it wants to develop its military, it also needs to build as many forts as possible, that is, to put on armor.

Shen An couldn't help but said: "There is no invulnerable magic in the world. No matter how many forts and cities there are, they are not enough to protect the Song Dynasty. The only thing that can protect the Song Dynasty is swords and guns."

"I know."

Bao Zheng didn't want to discuss this issue with him because he couldn't explain it clearly in three days and three nights.

Then Shen An was kicked out of the Yushitai.

Opposite the Yushitai is Anxiang. Shen An hadn't been there for a long time, so he took advantage of the situation and strolled in.

"This piece of shit will never be used again!"

As soon as he entered, he heard a complaint, and then something flew over.

Shen An grabbed it with one hand and caught the flying 'hidden weapon'.

While he was enjoying himself, he saw several women standing on his right. One of the women's left hand was just outside her chest, maintaining the posture of taking something out.

And in her right hand she held a breast cup produced by Anxiang...

Shen An looked at the thing in his hand, but it was an old-fashioned tube top.

Several women were surprised at first, but when they saw a young man with red lips and white teeth coming in, they laughed together.

Shen An's old face turned red, his hands loosened, and while the tube top was still floating in the air, others had already rushed in behind.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The loud laughter behind her left Shen An speechless. Most of these women were wives and mothers who followed the rules at home. Once they got the chance to go out, they and a few of their best friends would start having wild affairs.

Wang Tiande happened to be there too. When he saw him coming, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Do you have any idea of ​​getting rich?"

"I said, Lao Wang, you have made a lot of money, why are you not satisfied?"

Shen An feels that businessmen at all times and in all countries have the same virtues: they want money to the death and love money to the death.

Wang Tiande patted his big belly and said plausibly: "Who doesn't like money too much? Anbei, when I die, my children and grandchildren will be buried with me with thousands of copper coins. Even if I go to a new place, I won't be afraid of running out of money to spend."

"You should also save more. He can't tell for sure about this person. For example, let's say I made a good friend when I was a child. I was doing business and he became a petty official. Then I slowly became rich and he slowly got promoted. The result was Last year, I died of an illness. Alas! Life is unpredictable!"

He said to Shen An seriously: "Save more money, and have more children."

People these days have this kind of virtue, and Shen An now understands why the Song Dynasty needs to mint so many coins every year.

One is sustained economic development, but the biggest factor is storage.

Chinese people have the habit of storing, and this habit has been strong almost since ancient times.

And people like Wang Tiande are also helping the evildoers.

Shen An remembered that in later archeology, large amounts of copper coins were often dug out of cemeteries.

So he jokingly said: "The more people buried with you, the greater the possibility of being targeted by tomb robbers. Which one do you choose?"

Wang Tiande hesitated for a moment, "It's better to be buried with him, otherwise it will be embarrassing."

"You rock!"

Shen An then asked about the business situation.

When it comes to business, Wang Tiande's eyes light up, and it doesn't matter if his tomb is robbed after his death.

"The fragrant dew is delivered to the palace once a month. Every time I call for more carriages to build momentum, and the business of this store is getting better and better. It's just that Anbei doesn't have enough fragrant dew!"

Wang Tiande thinks that we should open up the supply and make money with trembling hands.

Shen An, of course, knew the merchant's urinary properties, so he asked: "Is the dried flower enough?"

"If it's not enough, we'll raise the price and ensure that flowers are grown all over the Song Dynasty!"

"Where's the drinks?"

The Song Dynasty has a monopoly on wine, and the wholesalers are those merchants. If you make fragrant dew on a large scale, how much wine will you need to distill every day?

Wang Tiande said with a look of disbelief: "If you have money, are you afraid that you can't buy it? Anbei, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy in the Song Dynasty! Drinks... let's raise the price! Xianglu makes so much money, Let’s raise the price to purchase!”

Seeing him take it for granted, Shen An felt a little chill in his heart.

These are businessmen who dare to risk beheading for profit.

For profit, there is nothing in this world that they dare not do.

Wang Tiande continued to incite, his two thick lips moved up and down, saliva flew everywhere, as passionate as a speaker.

This is profit driven!

Shen An felt like he had something in his heart.

Chapter 108.

Shen An and Zhe Kexing invented a very powerful crossbow, which was said to be an important weapon in the Song Dynasty.

After this vague news came out, it became a topic in some circles.

Most people think it is a good thing, but when it comes to Zhe Kexing, they all shake their heads in disdain.

No one has studied whether the Zhejia were from Xianbei or from Dangxiang.

Moreover, the Zhe family has long been integrated into the Song Dynasty and has thrived for many generations. What kind of thing do you want to say... This is really a bit nonsense!

This time, everyone was happy and fulfilled when their ancestors came to Beijing, so they gave a lot of "local specialties" as gifts.

But Katsuyuki felt that he should send something alone, otherwise he would feel very sorry.

Now he just goes to Dianqiansi every once in a while to have fun, and then returns to Shen's house. But the people in front of the palace didn't care at all and allowed him to roam freely in the capital.

Not to mention food and accommodation, Shen An actually taught him some knowledge that was not available outside. This was something that Zhe Katsuyuki was extremely grateful for.

The Shen family is not short of money now, so Zhe Kexing found a jewelry store and planned to buy a girl's goldware for Guoguo.

"Thieves match the army!"

There was a man and woman inside. When they saw Zhe Kexing coming in with a sword, they frowned and cursed.

Zhe Kexing was startled, then lowered his head slightly and asked, "Do you have the girl's gold vessel?"

The men who cursed were well-dressed and most likely came from official families. This kind of people could not be offended by warriors. Moreover, this is Bianliang, and Zhe Kexing must be careful in his words and deeds to avoid causing trouble to the Zhe family in Fuzhou.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Yes, does the guest want a collar or a gold hairpin?"

Necklaces are big business, gold hairpins are also good, so the shopkeeper is very kind.

When the men and women next to him heard this, their brows furrowed even more.

Zhe Kexing looks like a young man, probably just joining the army. How can such a person get the money to buy goldware?

“How much does the collar cost?”

Zhe Kexing was ready to vomit blood, but the man and woman next to him became even more unhappy.

In their eyes, this is probably a beggar showing off in front of the rich.

It is unbearable!

The woman said contemptuously: "A thief joins the army!"

Zhe Kexing's cheeks trembled, he clenched his fists and said, "I'll come back tomorrow."

The shopkeeper felt regretful and was about to speak, but the man sneered: "Where did you get the money? Could it be that you committed adultery and committed a crime... Report it to the official! Call the people who patrol the shop!"

People can be cruel many times, especially when there are weak people to bully. Many people who usually look gentle and gentle will turn into beasts.

In the Song Dynasty, warriors were the weak.

Zhe Kexing's cheeks trembled suddenly and he said, "I am from the Zhe family."

The Zhe family has been stationed in Fuzhou for generations. Although there is a shortage of money and food due to the suppression from above, buying a gold collar is not difficult for Zhe Kexing, the son of Zhe Jimin, the former magistrate of the state.

This explanation is enough.

The man smiled, raised his head slightly and said, "It turns out he is a bastard..."


The shopkeeper only saw the figure flash for a moment, and then the man fell to the ground, with blood and a few big teeth splattered in the air.

Zhe Kexing had an evil look on his face, and he retracted his right hand to hold the handle of the knife.

The shopkeeper was stunned.

The woman bit her finger, stepped back step by step, and suddenly shouted: "Killing!"

The screams shattered this peaceful afternoon...

"Businessmen can be a force if they use it well."

The construction of the Qianlong Palace in the palace was in full swing, and Zhao Zongshi, who was the backup, naturally completely lost hope.

So Zhao Zhongzhen has been very free recently. According to Zhao Yunrang, he said, "I'll let you play freely for a few years."

As a result, Zhao Zhongzhen almost became a frequent visitor to the Shen family.

"Is it just to make money?"

Zhao Zhongzhen sat by the door, touching the big stone slab on the ground, trying to get some coolness.

Shen An squatted under the eaves, holding a bowl of ice tea in his left hand and a cattail leaf fan in his right hand. He said calmly: "You have to know that people are born with a spirit, a greedy spirit. As long as they can make money, businessmen can burst out to make you happy. The stunned power, if this power can be controlled, Zhong Zhen, the Song Dynasty will have a lot to do!"

Zhao Zhongzhen wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt that this topic was really boring.

"It's so hot!"

The cicadas were chirping very noisily, and Shen An also felt very hot. He took a sip of the ice tea that was starting to heat up, and said lazily: "You have to think about these things. If you think about it thoroughly, there will be many benefits in the future."

Zhao Zhongzhen was still young, so Shen An only mentioned it briefly to give him an impression.

As for what will happen next, who can tell.

Qianlong Palace!

Shen An smiled, and then there was a knock on the door. Yao Lian went to open the door, but it was Tuesday and Zeng Ermei who went shopping who came back.

"Can we buy chicks?"

Shen An stood up and asked.

Guoguo saw someone else's chick in the alley the day before yesterday. It was yellow and very cute. When she got home, she shouted that she wanted to raise a chick.

Zeng Ermei's basket was empty, and her face was a little pale.

"Mr. Lang, Mr. Zhe Lang has been taken away."

Shen An was startled and asked, "Why?"

Zeng Ermei said: "It was said outside that he beat someone and was taken away by the military patrolmen."

Shen An took a deep breath and said, "Yao Lian, follow me out. Zhong Zhen, please go home quickly."

Zhao Zhongzhen refused to leave, saying: "I know the capital better than you, and... if Zhe Kexing is arrested, it will definitely be difficult to deal with, and you can't do it either."

He didn't say anything about using culture to control force, but Shen An felt it.

Several people left their homes and had already inquired about everything before they reached the imperial city.

"Zhe Kexing beat the son of Privy Council Editor Yang Jin with just one slap. Half of his face was swollen to the size of a pig's head, and half of his teeth were lost. It's terrible!"

"The Privy Council is in charge of military personnel. Zhe Kexing is so brave!"

"I heard there was an argument."

Shen An turned around and walked towards the two idle men who were talking. He handed over a bunch of copper coins and asked, "Do you know where Zhe Katsuyuki was beaten?"

When the two idle men saw the copper coins, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net had a look of greed in their eyes. Shen An said: "Ten breaths, otherwise I will find someone else."

Yao Lian also came over with a glare.

"It's the Li's Jewelry Shop in Tianshui Lane."


Shen An ran all the way, and when he found the Li's jewelry store, he felt relieved when he saw the shopkeeper inside.

The Zhe family's trip to Beijing went smoothly, but it also aroused resentment among many people. These people felt that the warriors dared to threaten the central government with their picks, which was almost equivalent to treason.

But then Shen An beautifully saved the situation with a crossbow that could be regarded as an important weapon of a great nation, and everyone was happy.

But the knot in his heart is not so easy to smooth away, so when Shen An heard the news, his first reaction was that someone had set up a trap to defeat him.

And the shopkeeper's presence means it's not a scam.

Shen An walked into the store panting, slapped the counter and said, "Tell me what happened before."

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then Yao Lian said: "It's about the beating before."

The businessman's caution made the shopkeeper choose to be vague: "The people patrolling the store are not allowed to talk about this matter."


Shen An gradually recovered. He slapped the table and said, "I am Shen An."

The shopkeeper said calmly: "So what?"

The shopkeeper couldn't be moved by Shen An's name. On the contrary, he felt that this was an opportunity.

"I just made a great contribution, do you know?"


The shopkeeper said coldly. He felt that Shen An might have underestimated his willpower and confidence in asking price.

Shen An smiled, and just when the shopkeeper was proud, he suddenly grabbed the shopkeeper's collar and shouted: "I am willing to use that credit to make your whole family miserable!"

The fifth update is completed and we will continue the fifth update tomorrow. We sincerely ask for your support.

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