A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1094 The desperate Liao army

Tens of thousands of cavalry were in full force, and they were originally full of fighting spirit, but when they saw the corpses of their own men and horses in front of them, their morale couldn't help but stagnate.

Thousands of corpses of men and horses were walking in front. One of the sacks was not eye-catching at all, but it stung the hearts of the Liao army.

This is their method, using war horses to trample the enemy to death.

But now this method is used by the Song Army. It is really painful!

"The Song Army is advancing!"

The boundless Song army's infantry is advancing, and the cavalry is guarding on both wings.

"how many people?"

General Liao said with a relaxed expression: "We will defeat them."

"Can't see clearly!"

"You can't see the edge at a glance, so you can't judge the number of people!"

General Liao said coldly: "Then go investigate and order the scouts to attack!"

At the sound of the trumpet, thousands of Liao cavalry attacked and outflanked them from both sides.

"Ignore the enemy's rangers unless they get close!"

Shen An ordered very calmly.

This was a pre-battle command, and Han Qi had no say.

The enemy cavalry quickly approached the Song army from both wings. This was a test and a close reconnaissance.

"Ignore it!"

Thousands of cavalrymen were just little sheep to the Song army, not enough to eat.

"The enemy is approaching!"

After all, the Liao Army is still the Liao Army, and their years of hegemony have made them emboldened.

Just like the world police in later generations, small forces dare to provoke powerful opponents.

"Crossbow arrows..."

A part of the huge crossbow array was separated and turned sideways towards the enemy.

The spearmen and axemen on the outside were all on guard.


The crossbow shot into the air, and the accelerating enemy army was in trouble.

Countless people fell off their horses, and their horses neighed and fell down immediately.

Countless crossbow arrows planted a 'forest' on the flanks

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The power of the crossbow array has been tested, but the cost is high.

The Liao cavalry on both wings quickly evacuated and went back to report their findings.

"The Song army has about 60,000 to 70,000 people, with spearmen and axemen on the outside, and a crossbow formation in the middle... You can't see the crossbow formation on the sides. In the middle is a large convoy of baggage."

how to spell?

Everyone was looking at General Liao.

"The Song people relied on their crossbow formations. Today our army will use a bold attack to defeat them."

In the era of cold weapons, the two armies are facing each other. If you want to break the deadlock, you must do something.

The Song army has been advancing. If left alone, the situation will be reversed when they reach Baozhou City.

There is a strong city to defend, and the Liao army's food and grass coming from afar is a big problem, so they can only retreat.

So we must launch an attack!


Thousands of horses ran wildly, the momentum was terrifying.


The Song army stopped, the spearmen and axemen lined up in front, and the huge crossbow array in the middle began to prepare.

Han Qi stood on the carriage and felt excited.

This was the first time he had witnessed such a large-scale offensive and defensive battle. When he saw the pale faces of people around him, he said, "What are you afraid of? I will go up and fight later..."


The people around him looked at Han Qi and whispered: "Prime Minister Han, there is no war horse..."

With your size, what kind of war horse can carry you to kill the enemy? I was afraid that the war horse would collapse just halfway.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

There was a sound of firing the crossbow machine from the huge crossbow array, and then everyone couldn't help but look up and watch the huge dark cloud rushing forward.

Suddenly the people in front of them fell on their backs, and countless people and horses fell to the ground and were trampled to death by the horses that followed.

"What a huge crossbow array..."

Behind the Liao army, the Liao general and a group of people were all having a headache.

"Everyone is safe. A wave of crossbow arrows came down and our army suffered heavy casualties. Such an attack...is inappropriate?"

General Liao glanced at the person who spoke, and said coldly: "Our army came all the way with light cavalry in order to make a surprise attack. We don't have much food and grass. If we don't attack, will we just go back like this? Then your Majesty will kill someone, and here Before that, I will kill you first!"

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that this atmosphere was not quite right.

In the past, when facing the Song army, they always had a psychological advantage and won the battle easily.

But today the atmosphere is a bit heavy.

"here we go again!"

The second wave of crossbow arrows came again. General Liao raised his head and lowered his head as the crossbow arrows landed. He watched countless people and horses in front of him being hit by arrows, and the screams were deafening.

"Is this hell?"

The third round of crossbow arrows appeared, and General Liao sighed: "Who made the divine crossbow?"

"Say it's Shen An!"

The Liao general said angrily: "Tell the soldiers to kill the official leading the Song army, and he will be promoted to five ranks and rewarded with a thousand guan!"

Everyone here was promoted and made rich. When the news spread, the morale of the Liao army was boosted.

"We're going to charge forward!"

The Liao army in front withstood three rounds of crossbow attacks, leaving corpses of men and horses on the ground, and finally attacked the front.

Ahead is a sheet of steel.

The spearmen stuck their spears diagonally into the ground and leaned back...

The Liao army on horseback stretched their bows and shot arrows, and a rain of arrows came.

The spearmen and axemen just lowered their heads slightly, listening to the crisp sound of arrows hitting their armor.

Immediately the horses rushed into battle.

The spear pierced the body of the man and horse, and with the help of the speed of the horse, it penetrated deeply.

Then the spear was bent by the huge impact force. When it was bent to the limit, the sound of breaking could be heard endlessly.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The spears broke, and the spearmen let go and turned and fled.

He was running too slowly and was knocked away by a war horse, falling in front of the following swordsmen.

The Liao troops in the front row suffered heavy casualties, but those from behind still came.

The Song army had no cavalry to fight.

From the beginning of the founding of the country, the cavalry of the Song Dynasty was a treasure. They would not confront the enemy head-on unless absolutely necessary.

In other words, from the beginning, the infantry used their flesh and blood to resist the impact of the enemy cavalry and never flinched.


There were many swords and axes, but the king held up the big sword made by Deyun Temple and shouted: "Tiger!"

Chopping with swords and axes.

The Liao army in front was stunned. Immediately, the head of the war horse fell to the ground, and he himself fell off the horse.

Sword and axemen must be tall, because tallness is conducive to chopping. Otherwise, how can you kill the enemy soldiers on horseback when you look up at them?

The sword flashed, and blood was shooting out in front of him.


When he was in the northwest, Han Qi was only in command, but it was not his turn to go into battle.

So when he saw this kind of fighting with his own eyes today, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Is this how soldiers kill the enemy?"

"Yes, sir."

The light of the sword flashed in front of him again, and blood arrows shot out.

His vision seemed to turn blood red, and Han Qi trembled: "Such bravery...Fight to the death, I...I..."

A swordsman was knocked down by an enemy rider. He struggled to get up, but the weight of his armor limited his speed. When he just stood up, a spear penetrated his lower abdomen.

Han Qi saw this scene and shouted: "Where are the crossbow arrows? Where is the gunpowder? Throw them out quickly!"

His eyes were red, and the veins in the hand holding the long knife were exposed.

The crossbow arrows responded and flew forward.

The casualties of the Liao army gradually increased, and most of them died from crossbow arrows.

The crossbows were fired in waves, and the Liao army was a little scared no matter how strong their nerves were.

"Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

General Liao shouted with a livid face.

At this time, a wave of crossbow arrows flew in, and the Liao army in front fell to pieces.

The feeling of suffocation suppressed by long-range strikes was too strong. General Liao covered his chest and shouted: "The whole army attacks!"

The trumpet sounded, and the entire Liao army attacked.

Han Qi felt the sound of horse hooves filling his ears. At this moment, he realized why there were so many flag bearers in the army.

"Kerosene bombs..."

"Gunpowder jar..."

Shen An didn't scream, and it was useless to scream. At a time when thousands of horses are galloping, his roar cannot reach very far. The flag bearer behind him translated his order into flag language, and immediately everyone responded to the flag to indicate that he had received the order.

"Get out of the way!"

In front of the array, the cart that had been covered was uncovered, and the small trebuchet on it looked particularly cute.


The gunpowder cans and kerosene bombs were put into the pockets and immediately set on fire.

Gunpowder bombs can be launched by simply lighting the fuse, but kerosene bombs are more troublesome and must be wrapped with a layer of oil-soaked hemp rope.

After lighting the hemp rope, the kerosene bombs were projected.

There were countless more flames in the sky.

"what is that?"

The Liao army under attack looked up.

The gunpowder jar hit the ground first and exploded immediately.

Boom boom boom boom!

All kinds of debris are shooting at high speed. Even a small piece of iron filings can become a murderous weapon at this moment.

Countless Liao troops fell, and then came the kerosene bombs.

The war horses were shocked by the huge explosion. The cavalrymen were trying to control their mounts when the kerosene bombs came.

Boom boom boom!

The kerosene bomb shattered on the ground and picked up countless sparks.

Most of those sparks splashed on the horses.

The war horse was burned and began to go crazy.

"Why do people in the Song Dynasty have so many tricks?"

General Liao shouted in pain: "Hold on, hold on!"

As long as he has full contact with the Song army, he will be sure to defeat them.

But when the next wave of crossbows flew, the Liao army, which was driven crazy by the explosions and sparks, almost collapsed.

"Everything is stable, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net morale is unstable."

General Liao knew, but could not make a decision.

He came with tens of thousands of cavalry, and he was to intercept the Song army's infantry in the wild. If he failed, he would die without a burial place after returning home.

"Okay, let's go up!"

At this time, thousands of Liao cavalry rushed out from the front and charged directly into the formation.


Wang Que's voice was so loud that it suppressed the screams.

There are many swords and axes.


The sword flashed and countless men and horses fell to the ground.

"Is this the Modao Team?"

General Liao read the history books and remembered the swordsman Mo of the Tang Dynasty in the records. ,

"The Axeman..."

"If you advance, never retreat!"

The axemen wearing heavy armor marched forward cheering.

When Han Qi saw this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, this is Han'er...Okay, never retreat if you make progress..."

"They're actually moving forward?"

The Liao general nodded and said: "Coming in like a wall, both men and horses will be shattered. It's terrible, terrible!"

"Wan Sheng!"

With the swordsmen and axemen as the forerunners, the Song army array was moving forward.

Countless crossbowmen fired their crossbows amidst cheers and used crossbow arrows to hit the enemy from a distance.

Gunpowder cans and kerosene bombs continued to rise into the air, carrying flames and smoke, making the enemy's horses restless and causing heavy casualties.

"Get back!"

Liao Jiang closed his eyes in pain and made the most difficult choice.

"Song Jun has too many tricks, so retreat first."

Following the order, the Liao army began to retreat.

"The enemy has retreated!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Han Qi slapped the coffin and shouted excitedly: "Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Shen An rode out, pointing his knife forward, "Forward!"

"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

The third update is here, good night!

:. :

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