The defenders of Laishui were looking eagerly in the direction of Fan Yang. They hoped that the defenders of Fan Yang could defeat the Song army in one fell swoop, and then Laishui could intercept them and make a great contribution.

Waiting and waiting, a group of people waited eagerly for the news.

A group of scouts rushed into the city excitedly and shouted: "The Song army has been defeated and is fleeing this way..."

General Liao's eyes lit up and he asked, "Really?"

The scout said: "Someone has a broken arm and is covered in blood... There are still our troops chasing him behind!"

Running away with a broken arm, this is real.

The Liao general was overjoyed and shouted: "Get out of the city, the whole army out of the city, let's intercept and kill the Song people."

A group of people cheered and rushed out of Laishui City. General Liao said happily: "Once this battle is won, our army will turn defeat into victory. Your Majesty's side will be a great achievement. What a great achievement! If Shen An can be captured alive, let alone others, everyone will win." It’s not a matter of getting promoted to two levels.”

Promoted to two levels!

Everyone in the Liao army was excited.

"Capture Shen An alive!"

"Capture Shen An alive!"

Morale was high for a while. When he saw the smoke and dust billowing in front of him, General Liao shouted: "Steady, steady, prepare to intercept and kill..."

Gradually, the broken troops of the Song army appeared in front.

They looked embarrassed and were in disarray. They were beating their horses and running away, shouting at the same time. A Song general's right arm was broken, and his empty sleeves were flying in the wind...

Behind them, the Liao cavalry could be vaguely seen chasing after them.

"Capture Shen An alive!"

General Liao raised his sword, feeling that the pinnacle of his life was right in front of him.

Shen An defeated Daliao several times. If he could capture him alive, it would be an unparalleled achievement.

This credit belongs to someone!


He raised his sword and was the first to rush forward.

Everyone in the Liao army was scrambling to be the first, fearing that someone would kill Shen An first.

"Capture Shen An alive! Get promoted and make a fortune!"

Just when they were ecstatic, someone in the Song army's retreat shouted: "Crossbow arrows..."

The defeated soldiers took out their crossbows, and the Liao general felt something was wrong.


Thousands of crossbow arrows flew over, and the two thousand Liao troops were stunned.

Is this a rout?

Such uniform movements, you tell me this is a rout?

And the pursuers behind are also holding crossbows...

"Kill the enemy!"

A group of black-armored cavalry suddenly rushed out. The young man at the head laughed and said, "What's my plan?"

Huang Chun took his right hand out of the blood-stained sleeve and said with a smile: "Someone's arm is back again, hahahaha!"

It was nothing for those beggars in later generations to pretend to have broken arms. They could also pretend to have broken legs. Shen An just gave a casual order, and Huang Chun understood it, so the scene where Song Jiang broke his arm and fled for his life happened.

"The gentleman is brilliant!"

A group of people were cheering, and the Liao troops behind them suddenly surrounded them from the left and right wings.

There are no pursuers here, they are clearly disguised by the Song Army.

"You were fooled, take it back!"

General Liao regretted it just after he issued this order.

The distance from here to the city gate is not close. What if the Song army bites its tail? When the city gates cannot even be closed, can Laishui City be saved?

"No, fight! Fight!"

At the Liao general's order, the fleeing Liao army began to turn around again.

Damn it!

This formation is completely messed up!

General Liao covered his face and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

His response was completely confused and he was confused.

Your strategy is not bad!

He thought that his strategy and military skills were good, but he felt guilty when facing Shen An.

People with a guilty conscience will make wrong decisions, and that's what happened to him.

The inconsistent orders caused chaos in the Liao army's formation. The Song army took the opportunity to rush over and disperse the Liao army.

The Liao general shouted in pain: "Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

But the Liao army was dispersed, how could they kill the enemy?

The Song army could be seen everywhere on the battlefield besieging and killing the Liao army. Gradually, the Liao army began to flee in all directions.

General Liao also wanted to escape, but he knew that if he escaped, he would die. The furious Yelu Hongji would have others kill him and harm his family.

So it’s better to fight and die!

Then the Liao general raised his sword and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

He rushed over alone, one person and one rider looking particularly tragic.

"Good man!"

Someone in the Song army was praising him. Shen An heard it and shouted: "Go to Xiao Zhong and kill him!"


Hearing that Xiaozhong raised his sword and went into battle, he galloped towards him.

General Liao thought he would be shot to death by random arrows, but unexpectedly, Shen An arranged for someone to come out for a duel.

This is the opportunity!

Once he kills this person, he will still be a warrior even if he dies later, and Yelu Hongji will treat his family well.

Shen An, you Sabi!

Ha ha ha ha!

General Liao laughed and charged towards him, brandishing his sword...

He didn't know that his opponent was an assassin, and he was the king of duels.

Wen Xiaozhong looked dull, like a farmer. He blocked numbly, seemingly very slowly.

——Change is very important. Don’t be fast all the time, but be fast for a while and slow for a while. When the other party adapts to your slowness, you can suddenly exert force...

It's a change of pace.

The slow long knife suddenly accelerated in Liao General's disbelieving eyes, and passed through his neck, bringing a trace of blood.

Wen Xiaozhong spurred his horse back and raised his knife to Shen An, "Thank you sir!"

Shen An keeps giving him opportunities to fight in the war, which is cultivation.

Shen An nodded, pointed to the city and said: "The city must be empty now. Go in, find those Liao people, and let them collect the food, grass and money in the city. Also, remember to collect all the livestock, make them into big carts, and carry the property All the grain and grass were loaded on the cart and taken away."

Huang Chun said happily: "Although Mr. Lang has never beaten grass and grain, he sounds like an expert at this."

Shen An glanced at him and said, "Huang Chun leads people to be on guard."

Huang Chun said with a bitter face: "Mr. Lang, I still want to go in and look for a woman!"

Looking for your sister!

Shen An thought of this and shouted: "This is the Han Dynasty. Remember, this is the Han Dynasty. Although those Han people do not agree with us, we are connected by blood and sooner or later we will become brothers and sisters again, so... a certain If you hear anyone harming the Han people, kill them!"

Everyone was horrified, took orders one after another, and then rushed into Laishui City.

"Song Jun is coming!"

There was a panic in Laishui City, just like in the movie.

The Song army rushed to the warehouse and the Yamen, and a group of people were looking for the Gaomen mansion in the city. After finding it, they broke in.

"Look for money, food and grass!"

"Someone is blocking it!"

"Who is it?"

"They are from Liao!"


The miserable howl came, and Wen Xiaozhong glanced at Shen An and saw that his expression was expressionless, so he knew something in his heart.

The Han people could not move, but Shen An, a Liao man, did not mention it.

Shen An felt the gaze and said: "Back then... the Liao and Xixia people liked to hunt grass and valleys the most, and they also liked to invade. Every time they invaded the Song Dynasty, it was their carnival day. They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil... and they Compared with others who do no evil, a certain person only wants property and food."

Hearing Xiaozhong couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Lang has a broad mind."


At this time, a woman's scream came, and then a big man from the Song Army carried a Liao woman out. When he saw Shen An, he smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, a villain has no wife..."

"You damn thing, get out of here!"

Shen An yelled and cursed, and the big man ran away with the woman on his shoulders.

Wen Xiaozhong looked sideways at Shen An, feeling that the famous Song Dynasty general in front of him was hard to see clearly.

You might say he has integrity, but the robbery of a civilian girl just happened right under his nose, and he turned a blind eye.

There were screams everywhere in the city, and occasionally there were screams.

Then hundreds of strong men from Liao were brought out.

"Let them carry the food and grass and follow them to Baozhou City."

Shen An's order was extremely cold-blooded, but no one had any objections.

In the past hundred years, the Liao people have been the nightmare of the Song Dynasty. Countless killings have long made the two countries a life-and-death enemy. Now that the Song army has an opportunity, they will naturally not let it go.

The property and food were loaded into the truck, and then the government office was set on fire. Shen An shouted: "Let's go back!"

Everyone turned around and saw a group of men, women and children kneeling in front of them.

There must be thousands of people, right?

And these people are all carrying big carts and carrying baggage...

An old man at the head raised his head and said: "I have met Mr. Shen, and I would like to ask Mr. Shen to beg me to wait for Han'er's life."

Shen An said calmly: "After entering the city, a certain person ordered his subordinates not to touch Han'er in the slightest. Did anyone disobey the order?"

The old man said: "No, the Duke of Shen County is strict in running the army. His military orders are as clear as a mountain, and his subordinates never commit any crimes."

Is it true that you are cruel and ruthless?

These cavalrymen all know Shen An's methods, so no one dares to offend him after a military order.

Shen An said calmly: "Then what are you doing here?"

Huang Chun looked at these people and suddenly became excited, "Baoyu, these people...are they all the Han people in Laishui City?"

Yan Baoyu nodded, and Huang Chun asked in surprise: "Why do they look like they are migrating?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "You ordered your subordinates to do no harm to Han Erqiu, but the Liao people are in bad luck... When the Liao army returns to Laishui, we will be the first to attack... We are all spies!"

Huang Chun was horrified, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett whispered: "Yes! We only attack the Liao people, and Han'er Qiu has done nothing wrong. This is a fraud. If the Liao people suspect that Han'er opened the city gate... …I’m afraid all the men in this city will be killed. Mr. Lang… is so poisonous!”

Damn it!

Wen Xiaozhong and Yan Baoyu were both shocked.

Does co-writing Qiu Wuzuo still have this meaning?

"The Liao army is brutal. This defeat will definitely be heartbreaking. They want to relieve their anger... but how? The only way to relieve their anger is to use us..."

The old man knelt down and said, "We are willing to return to the Song Dynasty, and I beg Duke Shen to agree."

Everyone bowed their heads, "We are willing to return to the Song Dynasty, and I beg Duke Shen to agree!"

The voices of thousands of people were loud. Shen An raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, thinking of the future...

In the future, the Han'er in the north will be completely integrated into the foreign tribes. They will actively follow the foreign tribes to invade south, and it will be the Han'er who finally destroy the Southern Song Dynasty...

He said slowly: "In the past, the Song Dynasty was weak, so the Han people in the north were willing to serve the Liao people as their masters. But today I want to tell you, the Han people are the Han people. No matter how powerful the foreign swords and guns are, they can't defeat the Han people." The backbone of Han'er! Following a certain person and the Song Dynasty, we straightened our backbone again and revived Han'er's name."

The Han people looked at each other, and someone whispered: "Are Han'er very powerful?"

The Liao people suppressed the Song Dynasty for a hundred years, and also ruled the Han people in the north for more than a hundred years. These Han people had long forgotten the reputation of their ancestors.

An old man said blankly: "Han'er... During the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was an existence that frightened foreigners. But now..."

The officers and soldiers of the Song Army were in high spirits, their eyes were sharp, and they could not see any weakness.

"Now...Han'er seems to have stood up again."

The most comfortable thing about code writing is to write a plot that touches yourself and your book friends, and then come up with a leader...

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