A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1106: Want to touch my son-in-law? hehe

In full public view, the matter of Su Shi beating Lin Zhong became fermented.

The target of impeachment by those people became Su Shi, and Su Shi suddenly transformed into a street rat.

Go home and rest.

This is what Zhao Shu did.

He now has some understanding, feeling that this is not a battle of one person in the forest, but a group of people, a large group of people.

"These people attacked Shen An and set the fire on fire, which also discredited the great victory of Yanmen Pass. As for the peace talks... why did the winner want peace talks? Have the Liao people ever taken the initiative to send people for peace talks before? No."

Zhao Shu thought clearly, "In the past, the Song Dynasty was the loser, so the Song Dynasty took the initiative to send envoys to sue for peace. Now that the Song Dynasty has won, it has to take the initiative to send people to negotiate for peace. Is my face so worthless? The Song Dynasty has taken the initiative to send envoys to seek peace. Do you still want Song’s face?”

This was the harem. Seeing his anger, Gao Taotao persuaded him: "Let's wait until the news comes from the north. However, as an official, Su Shi is loyal, so Lin Zhong's intentions are impure!"

Lin Zhong thought of everything, but he didn't expect that Su Shi would take action, let alone that Su Shi had two super female fans.

"Yes!" Zhao Shu sighed: "This man in the forest has bad intentions. He is speaking for those people. Those people don't want the Song Dynasty to take the initiative and wish that the Song Dynasty would suffer for another hundred years..."

There will never be a shortage of pacifists, especially in the Song Dynasty, which has been weak for hundreds of years. The pursuit of peace has become the ultimate goal of many people.

Most of these people are opponents of the New Deal.

"They want to hold me back!"

Zhao Shu's eyes were deep, "But I won't let them get their way, but I still have to consider this matter and find a way to solve Bao Zheng's matter..."

"Somebody come!"

"Official family."

Zhao Shu said coldly: "Go, the weather is dry, let the imperial doctor go and check on Bao Zheng..."

This is to support Bao Zheng!

Chen Zhongheng glanced at Zhao Shu with admiration.

Official, you are such a good man!

This glance made Zhao Shu feel a little sad.

"There are too many ministers, but few who can be reused. Bao Zheng can be reused, but can't he save me some trouble?"

Gao Taotao also felt that it was a bit pitiful for his own officials to be the emperor, so he comforted him: "After this incident, I think Bao Zheng's temper will be tempered, which can be regarded as an unexpected blessing."

This consolation was very reluctant, but Zhao Shu accepted it: "Yes! I think he will become more stable."

After the news spread, public opinion immediately exploded.

Officials who supported the change rejoiced and called Lin Zhong a clown.

The opponents were furious, and memorials floated into the imperial city like flakes of snow.

Unfortunately, Zhao Shu suppressed all the memorials this time.

So those people became even more angry.

They blocked outside the imperial city and didn't say anything, just waiting.

"Bao Zheng likes to go out to look for delicious food at noon. He especially likes hot and sour soup. I recently bought a new hot and sour soup...it's very delicious. I feel energetic after drinking it all day long."

"Yes! I drank a bowl just now, and now I feel energetic and can eat ten pieces of cake."

"Let's talk about business!"

"Oh, with such delicacies here, Bao Zheng will definitely come out."

Everyone looked forward to it and finally saw Bao Zheng.

"Bao Zheng is out!"

A group of people gathered around and started spitting.

"...Hitting people in court is domineering."

"If this continues like this, where is Chao Gang? Where is the majesty of the official family?"

"Shameless old thief, I have nothing to do with you..."

Bao Zheng looked at these people and said calmly: "Summer insects cannot talk about ice."

I am the Prime Minister and you are scum. You are not worthy of talking to me.

Those people's faces were flushed with anger, but they didn't dare to take action.


This posture is really comfortable. Bao Zheng has seen Shen An come here several times. Today is a small test of his skills and he feels very comfortable.

It turns out that it’s so annoying to be so angry!

He walked through the crowd and stared at the newly opened stall.

Hot and sour soup, this thing is the most appetizing thing. Just get a few big cakes and eat it. It is more delicious than delicacies from the mountains and seas.

He walked over and said, "Have a bowl."

The hawker had seen him a long time ago. Originally, Zaifu's love for his hot and sour soup was a living advertisement, but looking at the people around him, they were all furious. If it weren't for Bao Zheng's identity, they would probably take action.

This business is not easy to do!

The hawker smiled dryly and said, "Sir, please have a seat."

Business has to be done. As for those people, do they still dare to set up a stall?

The hot and sour soup is delicious and Bao Zheng is in a good mood.

As for beating up Lin Zhong...it depends on what the official wants.

It’s just that Su Shi doesn’t seem to have made much progress!

Bao Zheng was observing the young men around Shen An. They were martial artists who were very good at killing people. There was nothing to say about this. Wang Yu is sharp and vicious, but so smart that it makes people despair. There is only Su Shi, who is famous all over the capital, but his brain doesn't seem to be big enough!

Why are you talking to Lin Zhong about this? It was of no use, but in the end he was so irritated.

Now it's better, Lin Zhong has been wronged again, and even the officials can't attack him.

What a blessing in disguise!

Bao Zheng sighed, his teeth itching with hatred.

There is a person who is also itching his teeth with hatred, and he is outside the alley at the moment.

"There is never an unexplained illness... Of course Lin Zhong's illness has been traced for a long time, twitching... Once the minister of Tianzhang Pavilion often twitches, the officials will naturally dislike him, so... he is trying to make trouble. ...The word Anbei is right, it's just a matter of porcelain."

Yang Jinian was wearing shabby clothes and his face was painted gray and black. He looked like a down-and-out middle-aged man.

He approached a small alley, looked around, and then entered slowly.

After arriving outside Lin Zhong's house, he coughed dryly and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and a servant saw him and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Yang Jinian gasped and said painfully: "I want to go to find my wife. I am thirsty on the way, so I beg you to give me a drink. Here are two pence..."

The servant said impatiently: "Then you wait here.". He casually took the copper coins and went in.

"Yes, yes, thank you."

Yang Jinian waited for him to enter and sat on the threshold.

Later, a servant came out with a bowl of water. Yang Jinian took it and drank it carefully.


Seeing that the servant was getting impatient again, Yang Jinian asked: "Mr. Lang looks very handsome! But why... Tsk!"

He looked so confused that the servant couldn't help but be attracted and asked: "Is there anything wrong with me?"

Yang Jinian sighed: "I have learned some physiognomy... I see that you are destined to be an official, but why..."

"Is it your destiny to be an official?" The servant's eyes sparkled and he said, "I used to help officials, but then the official's legs were broken by Shen An, so I had no choice but to come to the Lin family..."

Damn it!

His previous master had his legs broken by someone's son-in-law?

Yang Jinian couldn't help but widen his eyes, thinking that we were really enemies of each other!

He smiled and said, "The Lin family...someone felt that they had an official air when they looked at this family, but it gradually faded away."

"Yes!" The servant immediately started chatting, "...my husband is twitching. You know, how can you be an official if you are twitching? Fortunately, it was Bao Zheng who was twitching, and the official family can't ignore it..."

"Eh! That's wrong!" Yang Jinian asked, "Have you never seen Toutang in the Lin family?"

The servant shook his head, "My husband is always served by my wife, so we can't get close...Besides, the servants in the family change every year, and I still have half a year left, hey! Where can I find something to do now..."

Change once a year...

If you, Lin Zhong, don’t feel guilty, what would you change?

And you don’t let your servants serve you closely. What’s wrong with you?

Yang Jinian knew what was going on, so he stood up and left.

He went to find a friend who was an official in Kaifeng Mansion.

"Servants all have contracts. I want to check the servants of Lin Zhong's family and see where they have gone..."

His friend was very honest and helped him check it out, and Yang Jinian took the information to find the person.

But before that, he went to the county prince's mansion, and after he came out, he went to Cao's house...

He and a few others searched all the way to find the servants who had worked in the Lin family, and asked them one by one for money, but did not induce confessions.

"...I won't let you get close!"

"I don't know what's wrong with Lang Jun. I never get close to him, but...one time I saw Lang Jun fall..."

"The husband is ill. It must have been the year before last. I saw the husband fall in the small garden and wanted to help him, but she saw that he was twitching and foaming at the corners of his mouth... Then the lady came and said that the husband was You drank too much... I left without thinking much."

When Yang Jinian returned to the Yushitai, it was the most violent time to impeach Bao Zheng and Shen An.

As for Su Shi, he is now squatting at home. It is said that he cooks meals for Su Xun, who is editing books, every day, which is very painful.

"Yang Yushi is back? Did you know? Your son-in-law has also been impeached. It is ridiculous to say that he went on a mission under the pseudonym Cao Xueqin. It is even more ridiculous to light a fire and almost burn the Emperor of Liao to death. He deserves to be punished."

"This is a good situation. Someone is killing the enemy in front, but someone is stabbing him behind. Yang Yushi, we will not impeach your son-in-law in this matter."

"Yes, although we are censors, we still have a pair of eyes! Yelu Hongji was so embarrassed that his son-in-law was set on fire. He was so happy that he even got drunk at home."

"The same goes for someone. I just feel proud and proud, and I only regret that he didn't burn Yelu Hongji to death."

"Rest assured, Yang Yushi, we will support your son-in-law in this matter."


Yang Jinian was stunned by the attitude of his colleagues. He bowed seriously and said, "Thank you very much."

yes! The censor is the one who impeaches people, but Shen An is so good at setting the fire! Everyone felt proud and proud.

Are these things worthy of impeachment?

Most of the officials in Yushitai stood on Yang Jinian's side, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net but they didn't know that he already had the wisdom in his hands.

"I have been dormant for many years. Everyone thought that I was useless, but I am just lazy. Touch my son-in-law? Haha!"

At the court meeting, more people were impeaching Bao Zheng, and others were impeaching Shen An.

Bao Zheng stood there dumbly, knowing that this was a trend.

If you want to suppress it, it will easily trigger a bigger trend.

But without suppression, these people are too unscrupulous and dare to say anything.

"...If this continues, the country will no longer be a country."

"Unscrupulous people, no matter how talented they are, can't be used!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, think about those traitors, who are not talented... there are many who are more talented than Shen An..."

Zhao Shu was a little angry. He sneered at the performance of these people and thought it was really wonderful.

"Your Majesty, Censor Yang Jinian would like to see you."

Yang Jinian?

Zhao Shu was startled, and Chen Zhongheng, who had been worried about his good friend Shen An, said, "Your Majesty, you are Shen An's father-in-law."

Su Shi came, but he didn't tell the truth and sent him home to cook.

What is Yang Jilin doing?

Zhao Shu nodded, and Yang Jinian came in a moment later.

This man is the famous Wannian Censor, also known as the Censor of Fuwu.

As soon as he came in, Yang Jinian saluted and then stared at Lin Zhong.

"Your Majesty, I am impeaching Lin Zhong for being... disloyal!"


Lin Zhongzhong sneered, thinking that this was just alarmism.

So he knelt down after leaving work and said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, this is slander..."

Yang Jinian said numbly: "I have evidence."

Zhao Shu's eyes lit up, "Tell me."

Thanks to the book friend "Mercenary 23" for becoming the leader of this book. I will update it in the afternoon.

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