A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1111 Zhao Shu with blurred vision

Bao Zheng was very angry and wanted to burn the quilt with his hands.

But thinking that the quilt was valuable, he held back.

And just above his head, Bao Shou stood on the tiles with his head held high, one hand on his hip, and a wooden sword in the other while he was slashing.

"Someone wants to be a general! Kill..."

He had been shouting silently, but the word "kill" was so refreshing that he couldn't help but shout out, and there was movement below.

Too bad!

Bao Shou covered his mouth and waited with his eyes wide open.

"Who's on the roof?"

Bao Zheng's voice sounded calm, but Bao Shou knew that the weather before the storm was also very sunny, so he looked up.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse...it seems like the weather is nice!

"Dad...I was wrong."

Bao Zheng stood in the yard, furious.

When he saw Bao Shou climbing down from the roof as smoothly as a little monkey, Bao Zheng's anger had already rushed to Tianling Gai.

"Bring it home!"

Bao Shou's eyes rolled, and the old servant next to him said with a heartbroken look on his face: "Alang, I'm still young."

"What's the point of being too small? Such a naughty child cannot be effective unless he is beaten. Let me scold him and see how long I can control him."

The servant who was looking for Jiafa came, holding a bamboo stick with a troubled look on his face. Note that it is a very thin bamboo stick, the kind that will probably break if you use too much force.

"Is this a family law?"

Bao Zheng's eyes almost popped out of his head.

The Bao family's specialty is a ruler. Let alone hitting people, this bamboo stick may break if you swing it harder.

"Who did it?"

Bao Zheng turned his eyes, and Bao Shou said sadly: "Dad, it must have been a rat."

"Yes! It's still a little mouse." Bao Zheng turned his eyes, walked to a tree, jumped, pulled a branch and broke it off hard.

Bao Shou felt that something was wrong, so he shouted: "Dad, the child is wrong."


Bao Zheng walked over quickly and raised the branch.

Bao Shou closed his eyes, thinking about how to be more careful next time so that his father would not find him climbing on the roof.


At this time, there was a loud shout from outside, and then the doorman rushed in and said happily: "Alang, Mr. Shen has returned to Beijing, and Han Qi has also returned to Beijing..."

Bao Shou secretly opened his eyes and found that his father was in a daze, so he quietly grabbed the branch and pulled it down gently.

The father was carrying something to teach his son, and the son snatched the thing away...

What kind of behavior is this?

"Dad, I didn't mean to..."

Bao Shou was about to cry but had no tears. He swore that he just wanted to play, but he didn't expect that he was pulled out.

"My son, you are so smart!" Bao Zheng leaned down, kissed him hard, and then laughed loudly and said: "Come here, please return the quilt given by Zeng Gongliang's family, and the family will pay twice as much." Give him the quilt and prepare the horse!"

Zeng Gongliang, do you have this day too?

Bao Zheng was ecstatic, but immediately remembered the outcome of the war, and couldn't help but become melancholy.

"Why didn't you report victory?"

The old servant said: "Alang, didn't Shen Langjun also report victory last time?"

"But Han Qi is also here, what is he going to do?"

Shen An failed to report victory last time because he ran faster than the sergeant who reported victory, but this time Han Qi is back...

Returned, based on the distance, they shouldn't have arrived today, that is to say, Han Qi followed him all the way to the capital, faster than the courier reporting the victory.

What situation made Han Qi so crazy?

"Let's go and take a look!"

After riding all the way to Jinglong Gate, Bao Zheng heard cheers.

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers frightened the horse, but Bao Zheng forgot to comfort him and asked blankly: "Win?"

The attendant stood up, took a look, and said, "Alang, it seems so."

"Wan Sheng!"

Cheers spread to the palace. Zhao Shu, who was having dinner, was stunned for a moment. Then he let go and dropped his chopsticks on the table.

Gao Taotao looked up and saw him covering his face with his hands, so he turned around and took a look.

Feiyan said: "Everyone, please go out."

After everyone went out, Zhao Shu choked up.


Gao Taotao knew what he had gone through, so he was very sad.

Zhao Shu has been worried since the army moved north. He was worried that the army would fail, and then the Liao army would move south in a large scale. What would the Song Dynasty do then?

This kind of person who carries a country on his back is called an emperor.

During this period, Zhao Shu had trouble sleeping and eating. Whenever he had time, he would take out the suona and play it.

This is an illness.

Zhao Shu's condition has become more and more serious in recent days, and many servants in the palace have been punished. If there is no news, Gao Taotao is worried that he will go crazy.

Zhao Shu took a few hard breaths, raised his head, and said with a smile: "Let's go take a look."

He smiled so freely that all the negative emotions were taken away by his smile.

Gao Taotao followed him out all the way to Gongchenmen.

The Gongchen Gate was now full of sergeants. When they saw the official family and the queen coming, they all cheered: "Long live the official family!"

The fire was blazing, illuminating the happy faces. Zhao Shu nodded slightly and then ordered: "Open the door."

If the harem door is locked at night, it will not be opened again, but the officials and the queen are there, and there are people cheering outside. How long will it last if it is not opened now?

The palace door slowly opened...

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers came in like a flood and washed over the current Zhao Shu.

He squinted slightly, looking at Bianliang City in the night, and at the carriage in front of him...

The red coffin is very ominous and unlucky.

But when he saw the big fat man sitting next to the coffin, Zhao Shu felt relieved.

Han Qi climbed out of the carriage and walked over with Shen An who dismounted.

Zhao Shu's lips moved and his eyes felt a little hot.

I hope you bring good news, the better the better.

Before and after, Han Qi cupped his hands and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I am reporting to your Majesty that when I sent troops one day's journey north to Baozhou City, I encountered a surprise attack by the Liao army in the wild. The two sides fought fiercely, and the Liao army had no choice but to retreat. Then in the early morning, the Liao army launched an attack with 50,000 cavalry. During the night attack, our army responded and defeated the enemy..."

When Zhao Shu heard the night attack, he couldn't hold himself any longer, and his hands were shaking again.


"Yes." Han Qi said loudly: "In this battle, the three armies sacrificed their lives, and with the flying treasures given by the government, we had an insight into the enemy's situation. Our army won a great victory in this battle. Later, we chased..."

He looked at Shen An.

Shen An came out and said: "Your Majesty, I will lead five thousand people to ride across Laishui and reach Fanyang City..."

"Fan Yang?" Zhao Shu sighed: "That's the place of the Song Dynasty!"

One sentence clearly demonstrated his ambition.

"Yes." Shen An smiled and said, "I chased the enemy troops into the city, and then reviewed my subordinates under the city!"


The surrounding atmosphere immediately boiled.

For so many years, only the foreign races have shown off their power, but the Song Dynasty has been shrinking.

Now the Song Dynasty army actually dares to review under Fanyang City under the eyes of the enemy. This...

There are countless lanterns at the top of the city and countless lanterns at the bottom of the city, illuminating the outside like daylight.

Zhao Shu burst into tears.

The people were filled with tears of excitement, and some even cried bitterly.

The Song Dynasty is up!

How can one not burst into tears after years of fear were shattered in one fell swoop.

Gao Taotao held Zhao Shu's clothes, feeling the excitement, and suddenly knew why her husband had been suffering during this period.

This is what he is cheering and excited for!

The leader is reviewing under the eyes of the enemy. He is a very naughty boy!

But why am I so excited?

Gao Taotao felt his eyes were a little moist.

"On the return journey, I will lead the army to attack Laishui."

If the previous school review under the city was a bomb, then this news is a bomb.

"Have you conquered Laishui?"

Zhao Shu trembled a little.

How many years?

Since the Northern Expedition of Emperor Taizong in the Song Dynasty, how many years has it been since the Song Dynasty failed to seriously attack the Liao army's city?

His vision felt a little blurry.

"Yes, I led my army to conquer Laishui. All the Han people in the city were very happy, and they all took their families and children to follow me back to the Song Dynasty... Now they are on the way."

He and Han Qi ran all the way, leaving the large army and the people behind.

He was homesick for his son. Han Qi had been a wife for many years and wanted to come back and feel proud.

This is good news.

"Your Majesty, those people who were exploited by the Liao people are all very happy when they get the chance to come back!"

Zeng Gongliang is here, smiling broadly and having a great attitude.

Han Qi has returned from his great service. His position as prime minister is unbreakable and he will become even more domineering. If he dares to sneer, blood will be splattered at every step.


That’s all, I’ll hibernate for a while.

"Yes! I think about those Han people all the time. If there is a chance..." Zhao Shu looked at the night sky and sighed: "If there is a chance, we must let those Han people return to the Song Dynasty."

This statement was a bit false and empty-handed, but after everyone catered to it, it suddenly became logical.

Zhao Shu suddenly took his wife's hand and UU Reading www.uukanshhu.net took two steps forward.

Why are you holding hands?

There are so many people, so embarrassing!

Gao Taotao lowered his head slightly, and a few strands of his long hair hung down, covering his blushing face.

However, Zhao Shu felt that his heart was full of excitement at this moment. He said: "The Liao people attacked Baozhou, and the Song Dynasty had no choice but to fight. In this battle, the Liao army had more than 50,000 troops, and they were defeated in two battles... In the 100 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, this battle is the most exciting. I At this moment, I just want to tell the emperors this good news and tell them that the Liao people have been defeated."

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers gradually grew louder. At this moment, Han Qi walked to the side of the cart and called on a few strong men to lift the lid of the coffin.

"Your Majesty, I have decided that if I die in the future, I will use this coffin."

Zhao Shu's cheek twitched, remembering the scene of Han Qi riding on this coffin and slashing, and felt...

That's all, that kind of thinking is unkind.

The lid of the coffin was lifted, and someone came over with a lantern. When he saw what was inside, he exclaimed, "There is someone!"

Damn it!

Zeng Gongliang took a look out of curiosity, only to see a frightened face. He was so frightened that he dropped the lantern in his hand.

The lantern fell on the cart and burned quickly. While the cart was set on fire, the coffin also showed some signs of catching fire.

"Your Majesty, step back!"

At the critical moment, Han Qi pulled out his long knife and broke the rope that tied the horse. Someone took the frightened horse away. Then Han Qi shouted: "There is someone inside, rescue him!"

He glanced at Zeng Gongliang. Old Zeng looked confused and thought, I really didn’t mean it!

Han Qi said loudly: "There are enemy generals captured by me personally in this battle, and they are the top generals of the Liao army on this trip..."

Lao Zeng, are you trying to silence someone?

Zeng Gongliang's face turned green.

Double Eleven, just updated to this chapter...

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