A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1130: Tang Ren, who was promoted, has beautiful features and beautiful eyes

The expansion process of China is often accompanied by changes in local civilization.

For example, the original south was really a barren land, with only a few natives living there. It was not until Yongjia crossed south that the population increased.

The southern crossing of Yongjia was a group of gray descendants of Sima Yi who fought among themselves during the Jin Dynasty and attracted wolves from the north, that is, foreign tribes. At that time, the Central Plains was in chaos and decline. The Sima family only knew how to fight for power internally and was timid externally.

These alien races were suppressed during the Three Kingdoms period, and any warlord could suppress them. Such an experience must be very frustrating.

But after the civil war in the Sima family, the foreign tribe tried it out and found that Han'er had weakened and turned into a woman. So what are you waiting for? Kill!

So the foreign tribes from the north invaded in large numbers, and the Sima family was pissed off, so they moved south. The Han people had no choice but to run south with their families. This was the Yongjia South Crossing, also called the Yiguan South Crossing.

The second is that after the Anshi Rebellion, the population of the Central Plains moved south one after another.

The third population migration to the south occurred in this dynasty, at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty. When the Song Dynasty collapsed, countless people were running south. Zhao Gou finally established his capital in Lin'an, which was later known as Hangzhou.

Three southward migrations brought a huge population to the south, as well as countless technologies.

The south gradually developed like this, but at this time, Guangnan West Road was still in a semi-barbaric period. If the Song Dynasty wanted to have long-term peace and stability, it had to solve the problems of the natives.

Tang Ren went to the southwest with this mission.

No one had any hopes for him, everyone just thought it was a try.

But now Tang Ren, who had no hope, brought back good news.

"Have the natives gone down the mountain?"

Guangnan West Road is mountainous, so it is impossible to drive away the natives by force, so this pattern has been formed for a long time: the government and the people are in the city, and the natives are in the mountains.

Zhao Shu was excited, thinking about the benefits of the natives going down the mountain, and couldn't help but be a little satisfied with Tang Ren.

"Yes, the natives have come down the mountain."

Tang Ren glanced at Huang Da and his son, feeling excited.

This is merit!

A hundred years after the founding of the Song Dynasty, there were always troubles in the southwest. Nowadays, Jiaozhi is suffering terribly from the naval forces of the Song Dynasty, and the natives of the southwest are gradually beginning to assimilate. This situation is gratifying.

"Many villages have been built on Guangnan West Road. The natives are now farming in the mountains and are very happy. They all say it is His Majesty's kindness. Huang Da and his son came here with their gratitude."

As a leader of the native people, learning Chinese is a necessary skill. Otherwise, how can you deal with the Han people?

Along the way, Huang Da and his son made some mistakes in Chinese, and finally got a bit of a handle on it.

"... When I was in the mountains, I had to wait for food and hunger, and there was no doctor. If I got sick, I had to endure it..."

This is good!

Tang Ren nodded slightly, and Huang Da glanced at it, knowing that he had done the right thing.

The natives have doctors, but their skills are impressive.

"The children are not fully clothed, the women are in rags, and they cannot live well."

Huang Da wiped his tearless eyes, "In the past, we always thought that Han'er was fierce and would harm us, but after we came out of the mountain this time, we realized that was not the case."

He worked hard to brew it and remembered Tang Ren's teachings.

——The officials are kind, but you have to show your loyalty.

What is loyalty?

Huang Da was a little confused for a moment, then looked up and saw Zhao Shu smiling and looking kind. He couldn't help but shout: "I am willing to be your Majesty's son..."

What rice?

Zhao Shu's smile froze.

Han Qi was also dumbfounded.

Do you want to be His Majesty's son?

Tang Ren coughed in confusion, thinking that there is no shortage of sons in the official family, so you have to take advantage of it!

But Huang Da shouted: "I used to fight with others, and whoever loses is his son. I can't betray him in the future... As your Majesty's son, I will be your Majesty's loyal minister in this life."


This explanation makes some sense, but Zhao Shu's son is not that easy to be.

Han Qi coughed dryly and came out and said: "This matter... Your Majesty, they have traveled a long way and have a hard time, so why don't they go and rest first."

Zhao Shu nodded, and immediately someone took Huang Da and his son out.

"Your Majesty, this is definitely not my order."

Tang Ren knelt down to apologize.

Han Qi asked with a cold expression: "I want to ask you, is there such a rule for recognizing sons over there?"

Zhao Shu's eyelids twitched, feeling that Gao Taotao would never approve of his son.

"Yes, but not much."

Tang Ren did not dare to lie, "Huang Da is the leader of the local natives and has a high prestige. I have been trying to win him over, saying that I want him to show his loyalty to His Majesty. Who knows that he..."

I am about to become the son of an official. Is this loyalty enough?

Zhao Shu couldn't help but dumbfounded, "That's all, this matter... was gradually resolved later. It's just that I have enough sons, so there is no need for one more."

The emperor's son is not simple, it is mixed with countless meanings.

For example, the crown prince.

Do you, Huang Da, a leader also want to covet the crown prince?

Zhao Shu was even more worried that after Huang Da returned, he would do evil in the name of an official's son, and he would end up in trouble.

An Lushan is a lesson learned from the past!


Tang Ren was a little annoyed and felt that he was in trouble.

"I'm a little impetuous."

If you did something wrong and someone discovered it, you should admit your mistake and never make excuses or excuses. That will only make you more embarrassed.

"I should adhere to nature and let Huang Da and his son see the prosperity and majesty of the Song Dynasty in Bianliang, and then subtly adapt to it. But I tried to induce it more, but it was a bit self-defeating."

It is a good quality to correct a mistake when you know it. Zhao Shu nodded slightly and said, "How is the situation over there on Guangnan West Road now?"

This was wiped out. Tang Ren was overjoyed and said: "Most of the native people over there now go down to the mountains to live and work in peace and contentment, and more and more roads are being built. In addition, Jiaozhi bows its head, even businessmen from the Central Plains are willing to go there to do business, and it has become a lot more prosperous. .”

Zhao Shu nodded and said happily: "Think back a few decades ago, the southwest was a barbaric land. Nong Zhigao and Jiaozhi were threats, which made the Song Dynasty very anxious. Now the people live and work in peace and contentment, and Jiaozhi bows its head. I am thinking, decades ago In the end, it might be prosperous over there?”

This is a big question, and it’s up to the Prime Minister to answer it.

Han Qi said seriously: "Your Majesty, Guangnan West Road has poor mountains and rivers, inconvenient roads, and there is not much cultivated land there. I think we can only do it slowly."

This is a subtle warning to Zhao Shu, don't think about eating a fat man over there, take your time and develop slowly.

"It's not a remote place!"

Tang Ren suddenly spoke, "Prime Minister Han, Guangnan West Road is full of beautiful scenery!"

He closed his eyes, "The mountains are green, the water is green. The water reflects the mountains, the mountains are green and the water... the mountains and rivers are accompanied by it, like a picture scroll, more like a fairyland on earth!"

Zhao Shu said approvingly: "Serving as an official will benefit a place. I have seen many officials boasting about their achievements and not mentioning the local customs. But you are different. I heard someone said that Guangnan West Road If you say something bad, you will immediately refute it, even if the other person is Zaisu... It shows that your feelings are sincere."

Zhao Shu nodded to Han Qi, indicating that he had no intention of humiliating him.

Han Qi nodded, indicating that his mind is as broad as the Bian River.

Tang Ren said nervously: "I feel ashamed to say that before I went south, I went to see Duke Shen. He told me a lot of plans on how to conquer the natives. I benefited a lot. In the meantime, he also said that the scenery of Guangnan West Road is the best in the world. He also said that there are real mountains and rivers there, which made me curious, so I went to the southwest this time. I paid attention to the mountains and rivers all the way, and it was true..."

Guilin's landscape is the best in the world. This slogan has been very loud in later generations. Shen An has been to Guangxi, but he did not go to Guilin due to his schedule, which is a regret.

"Oh! He is well-informed." Zhao Shu felt a little funny when he thought that Shen Ancai would bargain with him and bring three hundred kilograms of gold home.

No matter how poor the royal family was, they would not be short of three hundred kilograms of gold, but Shen An's attitude made him feel at ease.

I will abide by the rules.

This was an excellent signal, which made Zhao Shu feel happy, so when he looked at Tang Ren, he felt more and more beautiful.

But he still had a question, "How are the officials on Guangnan West Road?"

This is the question he asks the most.

The administration of officials was a headache for the emperor, and most of the reports from various places were untrue, mostly reporting good news but not bad news, so he needed the personal experience of these officials.

"When I was on Guangnan West Road, the local officials were very diligent."

Tang Ren's words made Zhao Shu sigh slightly, feeling that this guy was just pretending to be peaceful and had no future.

Tang Ren, who was secretly evaluated by Zhao Shu as having no future, continued: "Many of the officials who were sent to the Central Plains were lazy, and there were also officials who oppressed the natives and exacted excessive taxes. Your Majesty, the natives rebelled. This is also the reason. . If these officials cannot be eliminated, Guangnan West Road will not get better!"

Zhao Shu didn't expect that he would have such words, and couldn't help but nodded, "Yes! The place is not peaceful, and most of the officials are incompetent. So... Han Qing, look back and send someone to patrol over there and catch a group of people. , since these people are not willing to live a happy life as officials, then they should change their place and still be on Guangnan West Road."

Are you still leaving them on Guangnan West Road?

Everyone couldn't help but feel that this official was probably possessed by the late emperor.

Boss, this can’t be done!

Those officials have long had connections in the local area, and there is no way to reform them unless they go elsewhere.

Zhao Shu said calmly: "Isn't Qiongzhou under the jurisdiction of Guangnan West Road?"

Damn it!

Tang Ren couldn't help but look at Zhao Shu rudely, thinking that the officials were ruthless!

Thinking that those officials would be sent to Qiongzhou, Tang Ren couldn't help but feel happy.

"How are the local warriors doing?"

Zhao Shu's questions came one after another.


Tang Ren said: "The local warriors performed their duties loyally. While I was there, there were many cases of Jiaozhi people crossing the border and burning, killing and looting in the Song Dynasty... They were all driven out by the soldiers."

He even saw villages burned down by the Cochins, and the ground turned into black stains of blood.

"Your Majesty, the people of Cochin are disgusting. I thought I should teach them a lesson."

Both Zaifu and Zhao Shu were holding back laughter. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

How dare the current Cochin people commit such burning, killing and looting?

These were all tricks done by Da Song himself, just to break the contract.

Is it time for the navy to arrive?

Zhao Shu thought of the scene of the navy attacking Jiaozhi, and couldn't help but feel good, so he said: "You have made a great contribution this time. I think of how hard you have been working as an official for many years. Please stay in Bianliang when you come back this time. You can do a good job for cultivators." Daily Note.”


Repair daily life notes?

Tang Ren couldn't help but be ecstatic.

The third update is here, good night!


steal fragrance

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