A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,135 Killing without blinking an eye

There are more than 3,000 Jiaozhi people. No matter what, Qin Zhen thinks it will take at least a quarter of an hour to defeat them.

Chang Jianren's mission is to distract the enemy troops and then defeat them.

Qin Zhen's mission is to intercept.

He led the saber and axemen slowly ashore. According to his calculation of time, there was more than enough time.

"Military Lord..."

The axemen wear heavy armor, move slowly, and need to conserve their strength, so they can move as slowly as possible.

A scream broke Qin Zhen's plan, and he cursed: "It's calling the soul!"

The sergeant who was observing the battle ahead put down his telescope and said dullly: "Military Commander, the enemy army has collapsed."

Damn it!

How long has it been since this?

Qin Zhen raised the telescope in disbelief, and his jaw almost dropped.

More than 3,000 Cochin people are fleeing frantically this way.

"Why so fast?"

Qin Zhen is confused, but the most important thing now is not this.

The swordsmen are still moving slowly, and their formation is not yet ready.

It's getting late!

Qin Zhen blinked and suddenly shouted: "Array! Array!"

What does it mean?

The swordsmen and axemen were puzzled, but they lined up on the spot out of habit, and then saw Qin Zhen and his men escaping back.

There were only over a hundred of them, and behind them were more than 3,000 Cochin people chasing them.

Yes, the swordsmen thought the Cochins were after them.

So Wang Ben shouted: "The sword and axe-hand..."

There are many swords and axes.

Wang Ben firmly believes that what follows will be a fierce and short battle, and the winner will still be the swordsman.

Just when he was complacent, a group of Song soldiers suddenly rushed out from the side.

These soldiers were all naked from the waist up, and the current man was even thinner than Zhang Ba8en.


Wang Ben was worried that Chang Jianren would be overwhelmed, but when the Jiaozhi people saw him, they actually slowed down.

"Let so-and-so die!"

Chang Jianren rushed into the middle of the enemy army, waving his long sword, no one could defeat him.


The Cochin people actually started to flee.


Qin Zhen, who was halfway through, turned around and stared at this scene in shock, "He alone... He can drive so many away..."

More than 3,000 Jiaozhi people were chased and chopped down by Chang Jianren alone, and no one dared to look back.

Qin Zhen felt a rush of blood and couldn't help but draw out his long sword and shouted: "Attack, the whole army attacks!"

He led people to block here just to capture prisoners, but now the Jiaozhi people have been dispersed by Chang Jianren, what a fool!


The swordsmen and axemen were also dumbfounded.

"Remove armor, remove armor!"

The swordsman removed his armor, then dragged the sword and ax in pursuit.

"Let so-and-so die!"

A strange spectacle appeared on the battlefield: the Song troops were chasing each other in groups, and only Chang Jianren was alone.

But Chang Jianren, who was alone, was chasing thousands of enemies alone.

This is unscientific!

If Shen An were here, he would definitely say it was unscientific.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

Cheers suddenly broke out, indicating that someone in front was killing the general and seizing the flag.

Chang Jianren was holding a general's head and shouting. Qin Zhencai suddenly remembered his mission and shouted: "Surrender, surrender!"

Mudd! We are here to rob the coolies! The more you kill, the less a coolie will be to build the road. If you turn around, County Lord Shen will probably jump at the chance.

Every population is money!

So the soldiers of the Song Dynasty all used bad Jiaozhi dialect to recruit surrender.

"Kneel down and pray that you won't be killed!"

"Every day there is wine and meat to eat, and there are women to play with!"


so good?

The people of Cochin, who had never seen such treatment, were moved, so a large number of them knelt down on the battlefield.

"Jianren! Jianren!"

Qin Zhen laughed and found Chang Jianren. When he saw the blood red in his eyes, he couldn't help but be startled.

What a fierce guy! No wonder those Cochin people are afraid of him.

Qin Zhen had never seen such a desperate guy. He knew that Chang Jianren was in a bloodthirsty state at this moment, so he hugged him and whispered: "We have won a big victory, Jianren, we have won a big victory, we have captured him." There were almost 3,000 prisoners who had made meritorious service.”

"Are you successful?"

Chang Jianren shook his head to calm down his crazy brain.

"Yes! A meritorious service has been achieved."

When Qin Zhen heard that his voice became calmer, he let go and looked him up and down. When he saw the wound on his waist that was still bleeding, he shouted: "Here comes someone!"

The doctor in the army ran over quickly. When he saw the wound, he couldn't help but gasped, "The military prince almost died!"

As a doctor in the military, he was no stranger to such wounds.

This is the warrior who walks on the blade!

"Marquis, please sit down."

Sit down and rest, but it will cause trouble for him to treat the wound.

"No need, just leave it like that."

Chang Jianren looked at the prisoners and said happily: "Military Commander, when will I be able to become the deputy privy envoy?"


This guy actually wants this?

Qin Zhen smiled and said, "Almost."

Slowly accumulate merit and keep gaining empty titles. In the end, you will not be rewarded for your merits, and you will become the Deputy Privy Councilor.

"Are you still thinking about those things?"

Chang Jianren nodded, "I will be a deputy privy envoy, or I will die in battle."

Qin Zhen took a breath. If Ren Shouzhong knew Chang Jianren's mentality, he would be scared to death.

The deputy privy envoy can go to court and meet with officials.

"Marquis! Don't move."

There was a hole in Chang Jianren's waist, and his skin and flesh were turned to both sides.

The doctor was trained, but bandaging was useless for this kind of wound.


Chang Jianren lowered his head, saw the open mouth, and said calmly: "Mr. Shen said last time that if the wound is too big to be sealed, use needle and thread to kill the wound and sew it up."


The doctor thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work, right?"

"Of course you can't."

Chang Jianren said calmly: "Find a brother who is good at sewing."

Later, a boatman who spoke somewhat effeminately was brought over.

"The villain Surami has met the military lord."

Surami is a man with gentle manners and gentle words.

Chang Jianren asked: "How about needlework?"

Surami said shyly, "The clothes of the brothers on the boat are torn, and they are mended by villains. No one can say anything bad."

Chang Jianren said: "Get some needle and thread, and some alcohol too."

The needle and thread were sterilized in alcohol. Surami didn't know what to do, so he looked at the doctor beside him.

But the doctor was also puzzled.

He used needle and thread to sew the wound. This military prince was afraid that he would go crazy for murder.

Sulami looked up at Chang Jianren, and when he nodded, he raised his orchid fingers and started threading the needle.

His hands are very dexterous, and he looks like moving clouds and flowing water.

Chang Jianren said: "Let's get started."

Surami inserted the needle, and the feeling of the fine needle piercing his flesh made him tremble, "Junhou..."

It hurts!

Can you survive it?

Chang Jianren frowned and said, "Do it!"

Surami lowered his head and started sewing.

Plunge in, turn around, come out, then plunge in again...

When the soldiers passing by saw this scene, they couldn't help but look at Chang Jianren with admiration.

"The Marquis is full of courage!"

"The number one hero in the Navy is worthy of his name. Anyone who dares to fight will be killed."

"Bring me the wine!"

Chang Jianren suddenly asked for wine, and everyone couldn't help but feel relieved.

"It turns out that Junhou is also afraid of pain!"

Chang Jianren, who was afraid of pain, was a normal person, and everyone finally found a balance.

Chang Jianren took the alcohol and slowly poured it on the wound.

"Junhou, it hurts!"

The doctor knew the irritation of alcohol on wounds, as anyone who had been injured would know. So when he saw him pouring alcohol on the wound, he realized that he was not trying to numb himself with alcohol, but to disinfect it.

The doctor said in shame, "I forgot, little man."

He was frightened by Chang Jianren and didn't even go through the disinfection procedures.

"None of your business."

Chang Jianren couldn't help laughing as he watched the Jiaozhi people being tied up in strings with ropes and then driven to the shore for loading.

This is all credit!

The officials on Guangnan West Road were most eager for prisoners, and even said that whoever could get Jiaozhi prisoners would be the benefactor of Guangnan West Road.

One of the Cochin prisoners felt something was wrong and suddenly shouted: "Where are we being sent?"

Those big ships are all empty, which shows that the Song people came well prepared. Where are they sending us?

He heard that the captives from last time were used by the Song people to build roads and lived a very difficult life.

"They want to send us to build roads!"

Damn it!

The prisoners were confused upon hearing this.

Life like that is worse than death!

The prisoners began to get restless, and Qin Zhen drew his sword and roared: "Shut up!"

But the noise remained, and the prisoners began to become restless, and the next step was to resist.

Qin Zhen felt a little numb.

If we suppress them, that's certainly fine, but that means killing people!

Before setting off, Shen An had said that this trip was mainly about arresting people.

What are you trying to catch when everyone is dead?

He was in a dilemma.

"Junhou! I haven't finished sewing yet!"

Qin Zhen turned around and saw Chang Jianren walking over with a long knife and needle and thread hanging on his waist.

"Jianren, go and have a rest."

Qin Zhen gritted his teeth and prepared to suppress.

Chang Jianren shook his head and walked straight over.

The swordsmen and axemen began to form a formation, the crossbowmen were cocking their bows, and other soldiers were approaching with swords and guns.

At this moment, Chang Jianren walked out.

He held a long knife, looked at the commotion in front of him, and asked: "Who started it?"

Some people shook their heads and said: "I don't know, it's confusing."

"Not afraid."

Chang Jianren walked over.

"Marquis, be careful!"

Chang Jianren actually walked towards the rioting prisoners. The soldiers were shocked, and someone shouted: "Get ready to fire arrows."

"Crossbow arrows..."

The crossbowmen raised their crossbows.


Qin Zhen stopped the attack, looked at the prisoners who gradually calmed down, and murmured: "Are the Jiaozhi people so afraid of him?"

Chang Jianren walked to the front of the prisoners with one sword and asked: "Who shot the head?"

The prisoners remained silent.

One person stood in front, and the captive who had just been commotion became as docile as a sheep.

"Junhou... so mighty!"

"It's scary. This is the majesty of killing."

No one answered, Chang Jianren suddenly waved his sword, and the head of a Jiaozhi man flew up in front of him.

No one dared to resist.

The interpreter rushed over, "Junhou, they don't understand."

"Oh. Then tell me."

Chang Jianren's eyes were indifferent, but the interpreter shuddered and translated his words. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The prisoners were muttering, and then they all looked at the tall man in the middle.

"It's him!"

The interpreter nodded affirmatively.

"Step aside!"

The prisoners moved out of the way, and Chang Jianren walked in.

He walked straight up to the tall prisoner.

The prisoner said angrily: "I won't build the road..."

The interpreter was wiping cold sweat while translating, feeling that this man would definitely be beaten severely.


Chang Jianren brandished his knife, then turned around and came out, with heads flying behind him and blood splattering.

Deathly silence.

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