A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,138 That shameless aura is very familiar

"Song and Liao will inevitably fall out."

Li Rizun has been in a good mood recently.

"The stronger the Song people are, the more likely they are to fall out. And the root cause lies in the land of Yanyun. Once the Song people feel strong enough, they will gather all the strength of the country to go to the Northern Expedition just like they did decades ago. As long as By seizing the land of Yanyun, the Song people have a barrier in the north. From then on, they can overlook the grassland, attack when they want to attack, and defend when they want to defend... Is it possible for the Liao people to tolerate such a situation?"


The ministers were all shaking their heads, except Li Changjie who was thoughtful.

"What are the Taibao thinking?" Li Rizun asked with a smile.

Li Changjie said: "Your Majesty, the Liao people have not yet shown their decline. I think it is still too early for the decisive battle between Song and Liao, so there is a possibility that the Song army and navy will go south, so we must be prepared."

Li Rizun nodded and said: "I have sent people to various places along the coast to keep them on guard. If they find the Song army, they will report it immediately."

"Da Viet's naval force is still being built. It is not a match for the Song people at the moment. Just keep a low profile and bide your time." Li Changjie felt that this was Dai Viet's best choice at the moment.

But keeping a low profile is only temporary. He said coldly: "When the Song and Liao people start, that will be our opportunity. When the Song people attack in the north, we will send troops from their southwest and sweep them away in one fell swoop." Then, under attack from two sides, can the people of Song Dynasty resist? I think it is absolutely impossible, so my patience is temporary."

This was an analysis to boost morale. Li Rizun nodded, with a stern look in his eyes, "At that time, don't miss Fuzhou and other places, and keep attacking. I hope to be able to go boating on Dongting Lake and see the officials of the Song Dynasty kneeling. In front of me, there are stunning women from the Song Dynasty singing and dancing... Sir, is it possible to do this?"


The atmosphere in the hall gradually became heated, and the eyes of the monarchs and ministers became full of longing.

"His Majesty……"

A sharp voice came, and Li Rizun frowned and said, "Go and have a look."

One of the chamberlains went out and scolded: "Keep your voice down, you are disturbing His Majesty. How many heads do you have?"

The person rushed over, and the chamberlain stretched out his hand to stop him, shouting: "You are seeking death!"


The visitor slapped him away and rushed into the hall.

"Here comes someone, capture him!"

The chambermaid covered her face and screamed.

Li Rizun's eyes became filled with anger. He looked at the chamberlain who rushed in and shouted: "Take it down!"

"Your Majesty, it's not good." The chamberlain knelt down, sweat dripping from his forehead, "The Song people are here, the Song people are here!"

The guards in front of the palace who came over stopped and turned around to wait for orders.

"The Song people are here? Where? Where are they?"

Li Rizun kept saying that he was not afraid of the Song Dynasty, but at this moment he showed his timidity. He stood up suddenly, and immediately felt something was wrong, so he sat back down, but his nervousness could not be hidden from these ministers.

The chamberlain raised his head and said: "At the seaside... the Song people attacked our army."

"How many people?" Li Changjie approached and asked.

"I don't know. There are more than 8,000 people on both sides of us. Apart from more than a thousand corpses, there is nothing else. Those people... those people seem to have disappeared out of thin air."

"How did six or seven thousand people disappear?" Li Changjie asked: "Who saw the Song Army?"

"They were farmers. They saw the Song Army from a distance, and then escaped from the Song Army's pursuit, but they didn't see how many people there were."


Li Rizun shouted: "Go and check right away, go right away!"

"Please go arrange it." Last time, Li Changjie was tricked by the Song Army into attacking in the east and in the west, which resulted in the convoy of powerful and powerful businessmen transporting money being robbed by the Song Army. This time he vowed to avenge his humiliation!

"Those shameless people, Song people are shameless and shameful!"

Li Rizun waved his hand and said with a livid face: "What about the fifty thousand guan? What about the fifty thousand guan? Call Li Bo!"

The Song Dynasty people really refused to admit their debt after taking 50,000 yuan!

In the past, only Jiaozhi and Da Song acted like hooligans, but now they all changed. Da Song acted like a hooligan, which made him feel a little unreal.

Is that still the Song Dynasty?

He missed the Song Dynasty during the Renzong period very much. The Song Dynasty at that time was considered harmless.

what to do?

His expression was ever-changing, and countless thoughts flashed through him in an instant.

The day before yesterday, Li Bai said to be careful of the Song Dynasty's navy going south, and also said that Shen An was shameless, but no one paid attention to his words. Now that disaster has come, this is retribution.

"Your Majesty, Li Bai knows the people of Song Dynasty quite well, and I think he can be relied upon."

Li Changjie's words before leaving moved Li Rizun.

yes! Li Bai tried his best to explain the threat of the Song Dynasty that day, but I ignored it. Now his words have been verified, I...

"Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was good at accepting remonstrances, which is why the Zhenguan rule was established. I... was wrong." Li Rizun lowered his head slightly, "Go and let Li Bai come."

At this moment, Jiaozhi was facing the threat of the Song Dynasty navy. He had to make a gesture and gather all the strength for his own use.

So there was nothing wrong with bowing his head and admitting his mistake. Compared with the emperor of the Central Plains who frequently issued edicts to punish himself, he felt that the officials and people of Dai Viet were very kind.

Li Bai came later and looked a little thin.

"The Song navy attacked our army and lost more than 8,000 people. What do you think will happen to the Song navy next?"

Li Bai was startled and thought, is he really here?

"Your Majesty, I think we should be vigilant, especially the troops in Shenglong City must not be moved lightly, and we must beware of sneak attacks by the Song people..."


Is this your suggestion?

A military general said: "There is a powerful army in Shenglong City. Are we still afraid of the Song navy?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, and someone said: "It would be fine if the infantry of the Song Army come over. The navy army cannot assemble a large army, so they are destined to just harass and cannot attack the fortified city."

"If the Song people attack Shenglong City, I will resign!"


The important ministers present were still proud of this, so they looked at Li Bai with dissatisfaction.

You can't destroy your prestige like this!

Li Rizun also felt that this was impossible, so he said, "It's okay not to talk about this matter."

Li Bai lowered his head, thinking that I had warned him, so don't look for me if you suffer a loss.

He felt that the monarchs and ministers of the Li Dynasty still didn't understand the Song Dynasty, especially Shen An.

In order to subdue him, the man shamelessly threatened him to write Li Rizun's love story indiscriminately, and the content was unsightly. This kind of behavior is unheard of in ancient times and today, which shows how shameless and informal this person is.

Such a person had a great influence on the diplomacy of the Song Dynasty. If he was responsible for the harassment of Dai Viet, the navy of the Song Dynasty would never simply harass the country.

Immediately, the cavalry in the city came out in all directions and began to search for traces of the Song army along the shore.

The news came that night.

"Your Majesty, the Song people attacked one of our military camps!"

"How many of them are there?"

Li Rizun vowed to make the Song army pay a heavy price. He held the hilt of his sword and waved his hand, signaling to summon the ministers quickly.

"Your Majesty, there are about four to five thousand of them."

"Four to five thousand people... Dai Viet was caught off guard last time, so they succeeded in a sneak attack, but this time it's different."

When the officials arrived, they saw Li Rizun in full military uniform with a solemn expression.

"We have found the Song army. They number four to five thousand. I am determined to attack. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

It was impossible to allow the Song army to harass them, so an attack was inevitable. No one doubted this.

Oh, someone, Li Bai suggested that the army in Shenglong City should not move.

But most of Dai Viet's elites are in Thang Long City. If the army here is not moved, most of the local troops are Fan soldiers, that is, Xiang troops similar to the Song people. How can they control the Song people?


The order was issued, and the gates of Thang Long City were opened wide at night. The cavalry and infantry set off with great noise, disturbing the peace of the city.

Li Bai was drinking tea at home, with the spy beside him.

"The army has left the city. What can you do? The only option is to run away."

Li Bai felt that it was wrong for him to listen to the spy and suggest not to send troops, which would affect his status.

The spy smiled and said, "Since we have sent troops, it doesn't matter. The purpose of our army is not to kill people, but... to rob people."

"Robbing people?" Li Bai clenched his fists and suddenly realized, "Are you coming to rob people?"

"No, no, no." The spy shook his head and said, "Jiaozhi harassed the border of the Song Dynasty and committed all kinds of evil. This time the navy is here to punish them. As for robbing people... they are prisoners."

Don’t we just need population? What's the use of talking so grandly?

"Is it County Duke Shen's plan?"

Li Bai smelled a hint of shamelessness and felt very close to Shen An.

The spy glanced at him in surprise, and then said calmly: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Yes, it must be the plan of that shameless guy.

They bought peace for two years with 50,000 guan, and the people of Song Dynasty accepted the 50,000 guan with peace of mind, and then had people forge it in the southwest, and then used it as a basis to invade Dai Viet.

How shameless!

"Then..." He suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "But the army is out, can they still defeat it?"

This is impossible, if it were possible...

"If it were possible, Dai Viet should have destroyed the country, and the Song Dynasty should have swept the world."

It can only be a myth that thousands of people can defeat Dai Viet's elite army.

In the face of myth, the only thing mortals can do is surrender.

Li Bai stared at the spy, with a look of madness in his eyes, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Do you think it's possible? Is it possible for the navy to defeat Dai Viet's elite?"

His heart belongs to Dai Viet, but for the sake of his own life, he can only bow to the Song Dynasty. But deep down in his heart, he still hopes that Dai Viet will be well.

The spy looked at him and said coldly: "The navy is only here to punish us. If we want to attack Jiaozhi, do you think it will be difficult?"

"Is it possible?" Li Bai gasped: "Can the navy transport tens of thousands of elites here? How to prepare the food and grass along the way?"

"Da Song is rich!"

"Does the Song Dynasty have so many ships?"

"Da Song is rich!"


Li Bai was desperate, "Yes! The Song Dynasty is rich. Just as Shen An likes to throw money at people, the Song Dynasty is also the same. Let's wait and see how the navy can defeat the elites of Dai Viet."

He looked at the spy and suddenly asked: "What if the navy fails?"

If all the elite navy troops were lost in Jiaozhi, would Bianliang feel distressed? I'm afraid it will hurt me terribly.

The secret spy said calmly: "If this is the case, then the information is not accurate enough, and I will go to find Li Rizun with a knife."

"what you up to?"

"Marie your country!"

Terrible Song people!

Li Bai was suffering, while the elite troops leaving the city were running wildly, trying to intercept the Song army that had just attacked the Dai Viet army.

When night fell, a small fleet quietly approached Thang Long City.

"Come ashore!"

"Bring the gunpowder cans and kerosene bombs with you!"

Chang Jianren set off with more than two hundred horses.

When morning came, a large cart was pulled out, filled with kerosene bombs and gunpowder bombs.


Chang Jianren smiled evilly as he watched the long lead being ignited, and then stabbed the horse in the butt.

This is the street of the outer city, and the injured war horse rushes madly.

Ahead is the city gate. UU Reading www.uukansshu.net


A sergeant started lighting fires along the street, and the shops on both sides burned one after another.

The sergeant on the top of the city discovered the fire head, and someone shouted: "Who is it?"

Chang Jianren turned around, looked up at the top of the city, and shouted: "Chang Jianren, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the navy of the Song Dynasty, is here!"


The carriage rushed to the city gate, the horse stopped, and then a huge explosion occurred. The city head shook violently, and with a bang, a section of it collapsed.

"For the Song Dynasty!"

Both sides of the street were full of burning shops. Under the light of the fire, Chang Jianren tore off his clothes and was the first to rush forward.

He wants to teach Li Rizun a lesson!

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