A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,147 Let Shen An be cut off and brought into the palace

? Zhao Xu found an excuse to stay and went to the study room with Shen An.

"A dose of medicine is three hundred cents, and the cost is about dozens of cents."

Zhao Xu was calculating very simple data, but he was sweating profusely.

"One hundred people...one thousand people, how many people will there be in the end?"

No one counts too many.

"There are always 100,000 people. Also, the cost of this is only five cents. I didn't tell the truth to the officials and ministers. I'm afraid that people will talk too much, so you can tell the officials privately later."

Shen An casually gave the figure of 100,000 people, but in an era where there is no resistance to such large-scale deceptions, 100,000 people may not be able to resist it.

"Five cents? You... one hundred thousand people, each person counts as five cents, right?" Zhao Xu was trembling. He accidentally reduced the cost ten times. He felt that Shen An must have a black heart.

Shen An nodded, "One portion is definitely not enough. Those people have tasted the benefits and will definitely increase their share from top to bottom. So a certain workshop is going all out to make Dali Pills now."

"Five million copies, 290 coins per copy, 145 million..."

This is a number from miscellaneous studies. Zhao Xu looked up and felt a little confused.

"How many times?"

"Always count it as eight hundred cents."

Shen An had not calculated this thing. He just wanted to use a large-scale deception to disrupt the Liao Kingdom. When those people have no intention of doing anything and spend all day thinking about who else can develop into a downline, the Liao Kingdom... Haha!

"One hundred and eighty thousand strings..."

Zhao Xu raised his head, his eyes full of greed, "One hundred and eighty thousand guan! How many years can it last?"

"No, you should ask how many times you can do it."

Shen An didn't expect there to be so much, "180,000 yuan, how can you earn so much?"

If 180,000 Guan were used in the army, it would be able to raise several elite troops.

The army is one thing. After Zhao Shu ascended the throne, his relationship with his ministers was not harmonious and he needed to build momentum...

Shen An said: "This business will not be just one time. Those people will continue to purchase goods, and those 100,000 people will form a cycle. Before Yelu Hongji issued the ban, we could earn at least a million dollars."

"A million strings!"

Shen An asked: "How is life in the palace now?"


It turns out that Zhao Shu got a lot of money from the small treasury and gave it to the foreign court. The life in the palace... It's hard to describe in a word! Even Empress Dowager Cao returned to her old business and started weaving.

Fortunately, a glass business emerged, and the palace received a large dividend, so the difficulties were overcome.

The difficulty has passed, but the palace has a large population and cannot be said to be wealthy.

During the Han and Tang dynasties, the days of the royal family could be described as fiery trees and silver flowers all night long. In this dynasty, starting from Renzong, the days of the royal family were like Wang Xiaoer's New Year, and each year was worse than the last.

This is inappropriate!

Shen An pointed to the calculation paper and said, "The officials have been too tough recently. Please tell me... how to ease the atmosphere with the ministers?"

It is not good for emperors to be tough. For example, in the future, Ming Taizu, in his eyes, officials were mostly beasts, so he asked people to keep an eye on them. Once corruption was discovered, he did not say anything, but just peeled off the skin and made grass.

Officials have had enough of this kind of life. If Zhu Yuanzhang had not been the founding emperor and held military power, the Ming Dynasty would have been in war.

So the officials just endured it. When Zhu Yuanzhang left, Zhu Yunwen was in tragedy.

Those officials had suffered from Zhu Yuanzhang's "abuse" and had long been fed up with it. As soon as Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne, everyone felt that an opportunity had come.

Various memorials entered the palace, mostly with the same opinion, asking Zhu Yunwen to implement benevolent government.

What is benevolent government? At this time, it's probably time to abandon Zhu Yuanzhang's tactics and let everyone be on the same page.

This is an external factor. Internally, the group of people around Zhu Yunwen say every day that he should be a benevolent king.

What is a benevolent king? Someone who kills people indiscriminately is definitely not a benevolent king.

Zhu Yunwen didn't have many opinions and was still young, so he surrendered after a few moments.

Zhu Yuanzhang in the front was very tough, such as peeling off skin and making grass, which was really cruel, but the subsequent rebound was not light.

The atmosphere in the officialdom suddenly changed. After several decades, it became uncontrollable. Corruption became an obvious rule, and officials felt at ease with it.

Zhao Xu thought for a while, "How about..."

He and Shen An looked at each other, and an idea came to him.

Later he went back to see Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu was taking Dali Pill. He took a bite and found it sour and sweet, which was very interesting.

Zhao Xu came in and said, "Guan, don't eat too much of this."


Zhao Shu didn't think there was anything wrong.

"This powerful pill is appetizing, but it can hurt your teeth. Also, eating too much will hurt your stomach."

Zhao Shu was stunned, and Zhao Xu continued: "The prescription was worked out by Shen An by inviting several famous doctors. The medicinal ingredients are very simple."

There is no harm in eating it, but eating too much of anything can be harmful.

"That's all."

Zhao Shu felt that he liked this bite, but he had to control it.

"Guan family, I'm afraid this Daliwan can make a lot of money..."

Zhao Shu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It's pity that he is an emperor, but the expenses in the palace are high, the external income has not changed for many years, and he has also reduced or exempted contributions from many places. It is really pitiful to say that!

"How much can I earn?"

Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but sigh as he talked about money like an emperor and a businessman, thinking of the late emperor.

As long as they heard that there was a disaster or difficulty somewhere, the officials from the outer court would look embarrassed. If they said they had no money, Zhao Zhen would open the inner treasury and just pull money out.

There is no problem that such an emperor can be called a benevolent king, but life will be difficult for subsequent emperors.

Zhao Shu touched a powerful pill and rubbed the oil paper outside, and couldn't help but salivate.

What a good thing!

"The first batch can earn at least 180,000 yuan."

"How many?"

Zhao Shu peeled off the oil paper and was a little dazed.

"One hundred and eighty thousand strings."


Zhao Shu said with a red face: "One hundred and eighty thousand coins is a small matter, but what I value is the damage it will do to the Liao Kingdom. This is just like gambling. Once you get involved, you can't get rid of it. The people's customs are so bad!"

He was in a good mood and looked at his son who was particularly pleased with him. "I will reward Da Lang with a thousand guan."

One thousand guan is a lot of money nowadays, and Zhao Shu felt that he was very generous.

Zhao Xu smiled bitterly and said: "The official family, if you add it up in the future, it is estimated that they can earn millions of dollars."

Zhao Shu couldn't help but put the peeled Dali Pill into his mouth and chewed it hard.

"A million strings? Why are there so many?"

"Yes!" Zhao Xu analyzed the matter and finally said: "You can make money just by sitting. Those people will go crazy to recruit people, and then let people who develop themselves buy them... The key is that this thing only has five coins. The cost of money.”

Zhao Shu couldn't help being shocked, sniffed and said: "Five cents? That Shen An... he actually deceived Zaifu and me last time."

The cost is so low, the key is that it is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Shu took a breath and said, "How much can you share?"

He lost his composure. Zhao Xu lowered his head and said, "It's about 300,000 guan."

"Three hundred thousand strings!"

Zhao Shu was suddenly startled.

"Just a few years ago, money and food were tight in the DPRK. A few tens of thousands of guan would give the prime minister a headache and make the three secretaries rack their brains... It was really difficult at that time!"

Life in the Song Dynasty was not easy in those few years. At the end of each year, the third commander wanted to commit suicide. He had to find ways to mend the holes everywhere, just like the tinkers of later generations.

"But now you can get three hundred thousand guan at your fingertips, how easy it is."

Zhao Shu stood up and walked out. Zhao Xu followed behind him and gave Chen Zhongheng a probing look.

Chen Zhongheng shook his head and said that he didn't know what the officials were thinking.

"When I was a child in the palace, what I often heard were the rules, the rules of the ancestors."

"Then when I entered the palace for the second time, the most important thing those gentlemen talked about was the rules."

Zhao Shu was going to the harem, but Zhao Xu stopped when he saw him.

From the moment he left the court, he was an adult and was not allowed to enter the harem.

Zhao Shu turned around and smiled, "Let's go."

Only then did Zhao Xu follow behind.

"What are the ancestral rules for?" Zhao Shu walked in front with his hands behind his hands, with a sneer on his lips, "I thought the rules set by the ancestors were for fear that future generations would not live up to expectations, so I used these rules to frame them and not to exceed them. , then even if we don’t live up to expectations, it won’t be too bad.”

"But in the hands of the ministers, the ancestral rules have become their sharp weapons. Whatever is good for them is the ancestral rule, and whatever is bad for them is naturally not, ridiculous!"

Chen Zhongheng winced and thought of his good friend Shen An.

Three hundred thousand dollars!

The palace can allocate 300,000 yuan, how much can Shen An receive?

700,000 yuan, how to use that much money?

Being extremely rich is not a good thing!

Chen Zhongheng decided to wait for an opportunity to talk to Shen An.

The father and son met with Gao Taotao, and Zhao Xu explained the matter. Gao Taotao felt a little confused.

"Our family has 300,000 yuan?"

Three hundred thousand yuan, such a huge sum of money is about to fall from the sky.

Gao Taotao immediately looked at his son kindly, "Da Lang, what did you help him with?"

Three hundred thousand gold, the royal family will not be rewarded for no merit!

After Gao Taotao was surprised, he immediately raised questions.

Zhao Xu said: "I searched for the imperial doctor, and most of the final prescriptions were based on the imperial doctor's advice."

Damn it!

Gao Taotao felt relieved and felt that he could get the money with peace of mind. At the same time, he looked at Zhao Shu and said with a wry smile: "The imperial doctors are our people. They have countless prescriptions, but they may earn millions with one prescription." Not us."

Zhao Shu shook his head and smiled: "Then Shen An... When it comes to his ability to make money, he is second. No one in the world dares to say that he is first."

Gao Taotao said with some envy: "It would be great if he entered the palace!"

If Shen An enters the palace and takes charge of the royal family's assets, the royal family will become prosperous in a few years.

Zhao Shu had a strange look on his face, and Zhao Xu turned away and was trying to hold back his laughter.

Chen Zhongheng glanced at Gao Taotao and said, "Sage, Shen An will never enter the palace."

It is impossible for Shen An to cut himself. If he is forced to do it, UU Reading www.uukansh.net According to Chen Zhongheng's understanding, that guy will rebel.

Gao Taotao sighed, and Zhao Shu knew that his wife was in a depressed mood, so he smiled and said: "We are the small family, and Da Song is the big family. I often think, if Shen An was older, even if it was just ten years older, I would give him Kick him to the Third Division and take charge of the Song Dynasty's money bag."

He said this very easily, but Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but feel happy for his good friend.

This is what the officials promised.

Shen An is in his twenties now and will be in his thirties in ten years. The officials promised to let him serve as the third envoy in ten years.

The youngest Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty will be born ten years later.

This will be recorded heavily in the annals of history.

In the distance, Queen Mother Cao has come out after receiving the news.

"I've met my empress."

The emperor's family saluted, and Empress Dowager Cao said with a smile: "It's rare for a family to come, and I happen to have some fruits here. Come in."

After waiting inside, there was indeed some fruit. Everyone ate some, and Gao Taotao talked about the matter.

"...Mother, you can be more relaxed in the future. Stop all those chores."

"Three hundred thousand guan?" Sister Cao Yu was a little stunned. She looked up and saw Ren Shouzhong standing next to him with a dull look on his face, so he cursed, "Diao Nu, why don't you go make some tea!"

Didn’t you see that the officials and the others had all finished the fruit? What are you waiting for?

Ren Shouzhong hurried out, and Empress Dowager Cao sighed: "What I regret most at this moment is...why I didn't find a good girl from the clan to marry Shen An."

Starting from today, the update time of the first chapter every day will be changed to: twelve o'clock, please pay attention.

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