A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,152 Zhao Xu’s anger, Shen An’s trap

When Zhao Xu returned to Qingning Palace, his aunt brought tea and stood timidly by the side.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhao Xu frowned and looked at her. Seeing that her head almost dropped to her chest, he couldn't help but smile: "This is my place, who are you afraid of?"

He makes the decision in Qingning Palace, who dares to bully the aunt?

The aunt raised her head, her eyes evasive, "I'm not afraid."

This is timid.

Zhao Xu smiled, then waved his hand, and after she went out, he said with a sad face: "The saint wants a mirror... I remember last time Shen An said that the mirror was difficult and expensive, so why should I ask?"

The aunt took the plate to the tea room, first fetched a bucket of water, and then carefully washed the plate and tea-making utensils.

She squatted there and worked very seriously, but she didn't notice a palace maid walking behind her.

That pretty face was full of jealousy, "Why does the king look at you differently?"

The aunt trembled, turned her head and glanced, then stood up and stood with her hands tied.

It was this palace maid who originally had the job of making tea for Zhao Xu. After the aunt arrived, she was changed to tidying up the clothes.

It's easy to put on clothes, but you can't get close to Zhao Xu. For a palace maid who is very ambitious and wants to be a concubine or something like that in the future, it's like being demoted.

The palace maid walked around her twice and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!"

As she said that, she reached out and touched the aunt's body. She didn't dare to twist it, for fear of causing bruises and being noticed by others.

The aunt trembled, took a step back, and said in panic: "I don't know."

She really didn't know why Zhao Xu looked at her differently.

"You don't know?" the palace maid sneered: "How important is the king's tea? You can't serve it unless you trust someone very much. I stayed up for a long time and even sent some things for half a year. I didn't expect that it would be given to you by a country girl. He took it away, it really... made me angry!"

The aunt became more and more frightened. She lowered her head and did not dare to speak, and she did not dare to express her anger.

When you are timid, others will look down on you and bully you.

It is the nature of many people to bully the weak, and they like to use this behavior to show off their strength.

Seeing that she was scared, the palace maid couldn't help but slap her on the back of the head.

A pat on the back of the head will not leave any scars and is the safest.


The aunt was staggered by the slap, sobbing with tears in her eyes.

The palace maid scolded: "If you cry again, I will throw you into a dry well."

The dry well in the palace is a legend. It is said that dry bones often appear, and the old people like to use this to scare newcomers.

The aunt trembled and raised her head to beg for mercy, but she was stunned.

Seeing her in a daze, the palace maid couldn't help but get angry. She took a step forward and wanted to take action, but she saw a person standing outside the door with an expressionless face.

Da da da……

The sound of teeth chattering was very clear in the quiet environment.

The aunt blinked her eyes quickly, but she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The palace maid forced a smile and said, "I have met your Majesty. Your Majesty, I am teaching her..."

Zhao Xu outside the door said calmly: "I heard it very clearly outside."

The palace maid's legs softened and she knelt down.

"Your Majesty, this slave is really..."

"Somebody come!"

"Your Majesty."

Wang Chongnian and Qiao Er came in.

With just one glance, both of them saw the clues.

Aunt Chang was being bullied, and the palace maid was pretending to be pitiful.

They had experienced many struggles in the palace and sneered in their hearts, but they didn't know how Zhao Xu was going to deal with it.

According to Zhao Shu's past habits, he was mostly fined and then imprisoned for a few days.

Zhao Xu looked at Aunt Chang with tears on her face, and his anger welled up, "Hit!"

"Your Majesty..."

The palace maid was dumbfounded, and so were Wang Chongnian and Qiao Er.

From the time of Zhao Zhen's reign, there were very few beatings in the palace. It was not until Zhao Shu came to the throne that this official who did not like the servants and maids made the people in the palace know again what it means to be unpredictable.

But Zhao Xu had been in the palace for several years and never punished anyone around him!

And she's still a palace maid.

Even Zhao Shu mostly punished the chamberlains, and more often scolded and fined the palace maids.

what does this mean? It's not a good reputation if it gets out.

Qiao Er smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this..."

"How about you make the decision for me?"

Zhao Xu got a little annoyed and said, "Fight now!"

So the people from Qingning Palace were summoned to watch the drawing together.

Being stripped of her clothes and spanked in public was a double torture for the palace maid, which was humiliation and corporal punishment.

Following the screams, the people in Qingning Palace looked at Aunt Chang differently.

The king would make an exception and beat the maid for her sake. Why?

Later, news came to the harem as well.

"what happened?"

Gao Taotao was admiring his daughter's mirror, and the flesh on Zhaojun's face moved and he said, "It was said that the man was beating the newcomer in private, and the king saw it, and the king was furious..."

Gao Taotao raised his head and said very wisely: "The big man usually doesn't want to punish the palace maid, but this newcomer can win his favor, which shows that he is beautiful. Looking back, if he has good character, then I will give it to him."

To him here refers to the woman who becomes him.

The flesh on Zhaojun's face trembled again, "Sage, it's that Aunt Chang."

Gao Taotao slipped his hand and the mirror fell down. She hurriedly caught the mirror and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"That woman from Wenfeng Village?"


Feiyan walked over from the side, her fat body trembling everywhere as she moved, looking quite scary.

Since Zhao Shu ascended the throne, there is still only one woman, Gao Taotao. This has given rise to several opinions from the outside world. The first is that the emperor and empress have a deep love for each other. Zhao Shu refuses to find another woman, and the second...

Anyone who saw the appearance of Feiyan and Zhaojun basically agreed with the second opinion.

——The queen is jealous!

One has a face full of flesh, and the other is full of fat, so these two women are with him every day. If Zhao Shu has an appetite, Gao Taotao is willing to grant it.

"Sage, people say that Aunt Chang is a woman that the king values."

Gao Taotao shook his head, "No. Dalang probably feels pity for her."

Feiyan said: "Someone in the palace said... that the king is cruel."

Gao Taotao was furious in an instant.

"What kind of cruelty?" she said angrily: "Punishing a palace maid who made a mistake is cruelty? Who said this?"

Feiyan shook her head and said, "It was a mess and I couldn't find it."

Gao Taotao said with a sullen face: "Go, find the palace maid who made the mistake, say it was me and drive her out!"

The queen was angry, which showed that the maid made a big mistake.

So the rumors outside gradually faded away.

But Zhao Xu knew that this was his mother reminding him: Son, what happened to the mirror?


Is it really okay for mother and son to settle accounts openly like this?

All the way to Shen's house, Shen An was strolling with a taro in his arms. When he saw him coming, he said casually: "The sun is rising in the west! By the way, you didn't bring any gifts or anything. Are you embarrassed to come to my house?"

Zhao Xu screamed in his heart that he had made a mistake. Remembering that he had something to ask for during this trip, he touched it and found a new golden gourd.

He untied the golden gourd and handed it to Shen An, "It's for taro."

"Hey! That's great!"

Shen An looked at him and said with a smile: "To be courteous for nothing, to be an adulterer or a thief, tell me, what do you want?"

This person is born in the year of the fox!

Zhao Xu said with some confusion: "Do you still have the mirror?"


Shen An sighed, and Zhao Xu felt a little embarrassed when he thought that Shen An had already sent San Mian to the palace, so he said, "I'm not here to ask for it, I'm just curious to ask."

As for how to deal with my mother when he returns to the palace, he has already thought about it. He just said that one side of this thing is worth tens of thousands of gold, and every side can be obtained by chance. This chance is probably more difficult than becoming an immortal.

"That's what you said."

Shen An put away the golden gourd with a smile and prepared to go back and change the thread for taro to play with.

Hahaha, you earned it for free!

Even if you have a lot of wealth, you still get the pleasure of getting it for free.

Zhao Xu's eyes lit up and he heard the unfinished meaning in his words, "Is there... more?"

"You just said you don't want it." The three princesses were each given a look, but what about the Queen Mother and the Empress?

Shen An didn't forget it, he just wanted to slow down, lest those people think that the mirror is just cabbage and cannot be sold at a high price.

Zhao Xu said tangledly: "Yes!"


Taro struggled to get off the ground. Shen An put him down and held his hand. The father and son walked forward slowly.

Zhao Xu followed behind and was struggling. Shen An knew his state without looking back, so he pretended to be regretful and said: "There are still two sides... that was made after a lot of hard work."

As soon as Zhao Xu heard that there was an opportunity, he tentatively asked, "Who are you going to sell it to?"

"How can such a treasure be sold? Who can afford it?"

Zhao Xu thought about it and sighed: "How is it between us?"


Shen An held Taro and smiled very lovingly.

"How about...give those two mirrors to me."

It felt bad to go back on one's word, which made Zhao Xu feel uncomfortable all over.

"Where's the money?"

Shen An rubbed his fingers.

Zhao Xu said confidently: "Didn't you say that talking about money hurts feelings? Why should we brothers talk about money?"

Shen An laughed, "Yes! We brothers should talk about feelings, but talking about feelings hurts money!"

Zhao Xu sneered and said, "Is this just refusal?"

Shen An raised his head and said, "So what?"

Mr. Zhuang was watching with fear, worried that Zhao Xu would be angry.

Zhao Xu suddenly sighed and relaxed his shoulders, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Shen An has too much money to spend, so how can he ask for money?

This guy must have some problems waiting for me.

Zhao Xu looked at him eagerly, hoping that the problem would not be too troublesome.

"elder brother……"

Guoguo ran over with Huahua. When she saw Zhao Xu, she threw herself around and shouted, "Hello, Brother Zhongzhen."

"Guo Guo is good." Zhao Xu was a little listless.

Guo Guo ran away again, and Shen An asked, "What if Guo Guo is bullied?"

"Get him!" Zhao Xu said reflexively.


Shen An sighed: "Last time Guoguo almost burned Mr. Wen to death with a fire. Is this a credit?"

Zhao Xu nodded, "Mr. Wen is quite harmful. After being burned by Guoguo, we haven't seen him show up yet. Officials are much bolder when leaving the palace, so this must be credit."


Shen An said with a sad face: "But where is Guoguo's reward?"

Zhao Xu's heart skipped a beat as he remembered what someone had said yesterday.

——When Wang, Liu Zhan’s wife, met Guoguo, she said that she was the prince of the county and looked quite arrogant.

Guo Guo is almost like a daughter to Shen An. After hearing such words, will Shen An be able to bear it?

Shen An had been holding it in for a few days, and it turned out that he was waiting here!

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