A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 116 Dark under the lamp

There is still a 'zombie siege' under the imperial city, but the weather is hot now, so everyone is relatively more lively.

Shen An hasn't been here for a long time, and he also enjoyed some attention today.

Bao Zheng was very proud of himself recently. He walked over with a straight face, and when he saw Shen An was neatly dressed, he said with satisfaction: "You behave yourself."

Shen An glanced at his official uniform, pointed to the water stain on his chest and asked, "This is..."

Bao Zheng said proudly: "My boy peeed very vigorously. He was soaked inside and outside. I wanted to change my clothes and come back, but the time was not right."

Shen An felt that the old man did this on purpose. He just wanted to show off his son's ability to pee, so he came to court wearing wet clothes.

Come on, everyone, take a look. This is what my son peed.

Are you excited?

Whoever has a good daughter should hurry up! Otherwise, there would be no store like this after passing this village.

Bao Zheng touched his chest proudly, and then asked, "What are you doing here today?"

Shen An said: "Witch Gu..."


Bao Zheng was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "That's an internal battle within the royal family. Why are you getting involved?"

Only then did Shen An understand the reason why he was being noticed.

Everyone knew that this was an internal matter within the royal family. Except for the important ministers and censors, everyone else probably wanted to watch the fun.

Shen An smiled dryly and said, "I'm here to see the fun."

How could Bao Zheng believe it, but at this time the door had been opened and everyone started to go to the palace, so he warned: "Don't talk nonsense later."

If others interfere with the internal affairs of the royal family, they will be cannon fodder if they are not careful.

Everyone rushed in, and Shen An followed the important ministers leisurely.

Xiao Qing also came today. He slowed down his pace, and after he was side by side with Shen An, he chuckled and said, "You are a rare visitor."

This was a mockery of Shen An's absence from the morning court for a long time.

"Didn't your master inform you before he tricked someone?"

With some morning light, Shen An stared at Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing said in shock: "Who are you cheating on?"

Well, Shen An's testing was fruitless.

In the Chui Gong Hall, Zhao Zhen sat with a sullen face.

"Your Majesty, the Prince of Huayuan County has a memorial..."

Instead of discussing the matter first, he went directly to Zhao Yunliang's memorial.

This is directly on the knife!

Zhao Zhen nodded slightly, and Chen Zhongheng took the memorial and read it out loud.

There was no accident. Zhao Yunliang said in his memorial that he suddenly fell ill. The doctor could not find the cause of the illness, so he invited a monk to perform rituals to exorcise evil spirits.

"...The eminent monk's magic power is boundless. There was a flash of black energy in the wing. The servant looked forward and saw blood and water... Digging two feet into the earth, he found a doll with a blurred birthday..."

What a birthday blur!

Shen An sneered in his heart, feeling that this move was really trying to cover up.

Whoever is born is who, now comes a blur, who knows who it is for.

He glanced at Zhao Zhen and saw that his face was as dark as water, and he knew that he had underestimated the influence of witchcraft in this era.

And Zhao Zhen had published a prescription on how to treat poisonous poison back then, which shows that he believed it deeply.

This move is really powerful!

There was silence in the palace for a moment, and Fu Bi said: "Your Majesty, this matter must be handled by the Kaifeng Mansion."

Shen An glanced at the old man with gray hair and blank eyes.

This was the first time he saw Ouyang Xiu up close.

Fifty-one-year-old Ouyang Xiu looks older than 61-year-old Bao Zheng.

Zhao Zhen said calmly: "I will ask the Imperial City Secretary to take action on this matter."

Fu Bi wanted to persuade him again, but in the end he backed away.

The emperor used the Imperial City Division, which meant that he did not trust anyone in this matter.

Zhao Zhen's eyes slowly moved, he looked at the ministers and said: "The matter of witchcraft is the most harmful thing, please don't spread it."

This meant that it was not going to be expanded, and all the ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

If you are a preschooler, a witchcraft disaster can completely empty the court and change the color of the harem.

So let’s all just watch this matter first.

Fu Bi was about to start discussing things, but saw Shen An walking out.

What does this kid want to do?

Everyone is looking at Shen An.

"Your Majesty, I want to see the so-called witchcraft."

The corner of Zhao Zhen's mouth twitched, ready to scold Shen An back.

Shen An said seriously: "When I read history, I sigh with regret every time I see the disasters caused by witchcraft in the early Han Dynasty. If it weren't for witchcraft, Han Wu's reputation would not be so mixed..."

Zhao Zhen finally understood that this boy wanted to excuse Zhao Yun's family.

"You must not be rude in court!"

When the censor saw that the emperor was silent, he forced Shen An back.

Then the proceedings began.

Shen An listened casually on the side, while Xiao Qing on the side sneered from time to time.

The sound was so low that only Shen An could hear it.

Zhao Yunrang is in trouble!

The meeting was over and everyone was waiting for the emperor's last words.

"Your Majesty, I think there are many false accusations about witchcraft!"

Shen An actually came out again. Bao Zheng's eyes were filled with anger and he wished he could rush over and slap him awake.

The emperor even asked the Imperial City Secretary to intervene, just to make this matter a private matter.

The disaster of witchcraft!

Do you want to turn a private matter into a public matter?

Everyone present will regard you as a big enemy.

Zhao Zhen had a look of displeasure on his face and said, "Whether it is a false accusation or not, we will wait until the Imperial City Secretary investigates."

The emperor was already so proud that he didn't drink back, but explained.

But Shen An raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, if this succeeds, if you want to frame others in the future, you only need to bury a doll in your home and ask a few monks to do the ritual. What will happen in that way?" result?"

He slowly looked at the ministers, "As long as a precedent is set, someone will dare to make false accusations against you tomorrow. Who will prove it then?"


Everyone just thought of avoiding the witchcraft, but they didn't think carefully about the taste.

It’s dark under the lamp!

Bao Zheng was the first to react and said: "Your Majesty, this is wrong!"

Only then did a group of important ministers think of this problem belatedly.

We can't just let this matter go!

Otherwise, in the future, anyone can bury a doll in their own house to trick people, and who does it belong to?

Zhao Zhen frowned slightly and said, "I have my own discretion in this matter."

He thought about this issue very clearly yesterday and decided to investigate behind closed doors to see who was behind the scenes.

Bao Zheng said stubbornly: "Your Majesty, this matter cannot be handled privately, otherwise the consequences will be endless!"

Fu Bi also went out and said: "Your Majesty, this matter should be handled by Kaifeng Mansion."

"I second the proposal..."

All the important ministers present stood up and adopted a common position on this issue.

Zhao Zhen glanced at the ministers and saw the seriousness on their faces, knowing that this matter might be difficult to handle.

He originally wanted to suppress the impact of this matter within a certain range, but now it seems that it has become a luxury.

"That's all..."

"Ouyang Xiu..."

"I'm here."

The gray-haired Ouyang Xiu went out to listen to orders.

Zhao Zhen said with complicated eyes: "You go, I sent the Imperial City Department to investigate together."

"Your Majesty is wise."

The ministers bowed and praised.

Zhao Zhen said calmly: "I'm just waiting for the news."

He fluttered his sleeves and left, and the officials slowly dispersed.

Before they reached the political hall, a group of people came from the left side of UU Kanshu www.uuknshu.net, headed by Zhang Ba8.

"Prefect Ouyang, without further ado, let's leave the city immediately."

Ouyang Xiu opened his eyes wide, took a closer look, and then said, "It's Zhang Douzhi! Why is it so sinister?"

Zhang Baba said coldly: "Hurry up, don't wait for that place to be hollowed out."

So as soon as the people on both sides gathered together, they were ready to leave the city.

"What are you here for?"

Ouyang Xiu asked displeasedly when he saw Shen An following.

Shen An said plausibly: "I am waiting for the imperial edict, a close minister of His Majesty, and a good friend of Zhao Zhongzhen. I have to go and witness it no matter what, otherwise you can just fool me..."

"Your Majesty promised him."

Zhang Ba8 blocked Ouyang Xiu in one sentence.

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