A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1324: Dali Pill Sweeping the Liao Dynasty

This summer is very hot.

Every year at this time, Yelu Hongji would go out to escape the summer heat and go hunting, and this year was no exception.

As a result, there were no emperors in Zhongjing City, and the air of freedom spread everywhere.

There are many things that travel with the free air.

On the vast grassland, the grass is green, and sheep and horses graze on each side.

The shepherd was muttering to himself on the horse, while a dog beside him was watching the surroundings warily.

"...It takes five hundred coins to be eligible to buy medicine, and then you can find someone to buy it. It is much cheaper at that time. If you get five hundred coins, you can sell it for five hundred and fifty coins... One person can earn fifty coins Wen, how much is ten...five hundred wen? How about a hundred? Many relatives didn't buy it..."

The shepherd raised his head and shouted happily: "Someone is going to get rich!"

Woof woof woof!

The dog suddenly barked to the right. The shepherd looked and saw a horse galloping towards him.

As he got closer, he realized it was his cousin, so he smiled and greeted him.

"There is a magic medicine here... Brother, I thought of you first. Come on, six hundred and five copies, you can still sell it yourself..."

"No, I only need 500 coins here. Let me sell it to you..."

"What? So cheap? That liar, go find him."

This cousin found his boss who sold medicine to him, and they got into a fight after saying something wrong.

The sound of horse hooves came loudly, and a group of cavalry rushed over. Yelu Hongji, the leader, was in a bad mood. When he saw this, he pointed at them. Someone went over and beat them, and separated the two for questioning.

The news came later.

"Your Majesty, they were making some powerful pills. They said they were too expensive, so they started fighting."

"Dali Pills." Yelu Hongji's eyes became gloomy, "I have seen many people buying and selling Dali Pills these days. Are they that good?"

A general said: "Your Majesty, that medicine is indeed good. After taking it, I feel energetic every day and have a particularly good appetite..."

As he spoke, he patted his belly, and waves suddenly rippled under his leather armor.

Looking at the surging flesh, it’s obvious that he has a little belly!

Yelu Hongji resisted the urge to take action and said calmly: "How many people take the medicine?"

The people accompanying him looked at each other, and in a strange atmosphere, someone said: "Your Majesty, quite a few."

"Do you think it's good?"


"After I ate it, I felt very energetic. Later, the whole family ate it."

A military general said very naturally: "The doctor used to say that I have bad gastrointestinal problems, but after taking this medicine, I feel very good... I used to be able to eat half a sheep in one meal, but now I can eat more than half of it." ."

"The same is true for me, and my spirit is really much better." A civil servant said: "I handle political affairs much faster. Your Majesty, this medicine is really good!"

"I used to have a bad waist and get sick when riding a horse. Now I can run a hundred and eighty miles without any trouble."

Is this a thousand-mile horse?

Yelu Hongji's face dropped like water, "Who has this medicine?"

The civil servants felt nervous and did not dare to speak when they thought of the topic of poisoning or something.

The generals were obviously more aggressive. They took out the pills one after another and handed them over enthusiastically.

"Your Majesty, you are a slave to me."

"Your Majesty, I was afraid that the pills would get cold, so I kept them in the creaking nest to keep them warm."

Yelu Hongji smelled a hint of body odor. He took the pill from another general, looked at the three words outside, and couldn't help but praise: "Good words."

"Hey! Why does it look familiar? Whose name was it last time..."

Yelu Hongji thought for a while and then took the pill.

sour and sweet……

Tastes great!

He nodded slightly and said, "It tastes good."

The team continued to set off, but before noon, Yelu Hongji felt very hungry.

"Make food."

After lunch, he felt a little unfinished.

His appetite has long been reduced due to the long-term life of abundant wealth. Today, this rare feeling makes him feel very relaxed.

"Who made the pills?" Yelu Hongji said with a smile: "I invited him into the palace, and he cooked and made medicine for me every day, and his salary was favorable..."

This is the treatment of the chief cook of the royal family!

In future generations, this career would probably be snapped up.

But everyone lowered their heads.


"If there's anything wrong with you, tell me!" The emperor's sensitivity made Yelu Hongji angry.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, a military commander said: "Your Majesty, you are from the south."

To the south is the Song Dynasty.

"That's poison!"

Yelu Hongji's face was livid. Ever since the defeat, he no longer had any good impressions of the south. He was eager to find an opportunity to defeat the Song army and conquer the country southward.

"Let the doctor come!"

He remembered that he had taken a pill and couldn't help but want to spit it out.

When the doctor came, he first checked the pulse, then looked at it, even the tongue.

"...The coating on my tongue is too thick, and my heart is burning... Your Majesty, what did you eat?"


The most fearful people in the world are probably those at the top. The higher their status, the more they fear death. Why? Because their lives were so exciting that they were reluctant to say goodbye to this world.

"That one?" The doctor was stunned, and then he touched and touched him in his arms. The guard came over immediately, picked him up, put his hand in and touched it himself, and finally found an oil paper bag.

"Hey, hey! Be careful, that medicine is expensive."

The guard opened the oil paper bag, and Yelu Hongji looked at the word, "Dali Pill?"

"That's right." The doctor said proudly: "Your Majesty, the medicinal materials in this Dali Pill are very interesting. I have tasted several of them and tried to imitate them, but they are far behind..."

"Give it to me."

Yelu Hongji reached out to take the oil paper bag and asked, "Who got it from the south?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know."

"I don't know?"

Yelu Hongji asked: "Why are so many people eating? Why are so many people selling?"

The civil servants did not speak, but a military commander still spoke, "Your Majesty, this is a good thing. I only took it for 400 coins, but I can sell it for 450 coins... I have many family and friends..."

Yelu Hongji nodded. He had no objection to the officials below wanting to make money, as long as they did not touch his taboos.

"How many people bought it?"

"I don't know."

Yelu Hongji raised his head, murderous intent flashing in his eyes, "Go and ask!"

With the horses flying out, Yelu Hongji stood by the fire that had just been extinguished, and said with a cold look: "The money has been stolen by the southerners. What rules have you forgotten? Tell me!"

Everyone bowed their heads, and the general said: "Outside of the market, you are not allowed to communicate with the Southerners privately."

Both countries were worried that the other would smuggle strategic materials. For example, the Song people smuggled Daliao's war horses, and Daliao smuggled the Song people's copper coins.

And this Dali Pill Yelu Hongji has seen it many times, so he feels uneasy in his heart.

"Even if it's four hundred copies, how many have I seen during this period? If calculated, can there be ten thousand copies? I'm afraid it's more than that?"

That’s tens of thousands of strings.

Yelu Hongji felt that these people should be taught a lesson, so he said with a cold face: "Look back and check yourself, you will be punished inappropriately!"

At this moment, he still thought this was a small problem, but he was just annoyed that these people did not understand the importance and condoned smuggling.

But soon he felt a little heartbroken.

He didn't think much of ten thousand guan in the past, but after the Song Dynasty cut off the annual currency, life in Daliao was a little tight. Ten thousand guan, that's not a small amount of money!

Thinking that all the money had been taken away by the Song people, he wished he could drive all these idiots across the Baigou River to attack Xiongzhou.

He sat down to rest. Someone brought a big umbrella, someone brought a cloak, someone brought a table and tea...

An emperor, even in the wilderness, he must have the pedigree of an emperor!

After dinner, the tent had been set up. It was not far from Zhongjing City. Someone said they would buy some good food, but Yelu Hongji refused.

He looked at Zhongjing City in the night with cold eyes.

There is his queen and the prosperity there.

Zhongjing City, the commercial capital of Daliao!

In the middle of the night, people who went to inquire about the news came back one after another.

"Your Majesty is resting, please don't disturb him."

The sergeants nodded, and someone said: "There is food over there, you can go there yourself."

"What news?" A person came out of the tent, but it was Yelu Hongji.

Even though it was early in the morning, he was still neatly dressed and majestic.

"Your Majesty, many people bought Dali Pills, and they even went to people they knew to sell them... and sold them to them at a higher price... The people below went to their acquaintances to sell... ...It’s almost all involved.”

Has Zhongjing City turned into this?

Several other sergeants also said similar things.

"Who did this?"

Yelu Hongji was very angry. It would be fine if the money was made by his own people, but this was to make money for the Song people!

"It seems to be Xiao Dieyi..."

All civil and military officials came out.

"go back!"

Yelu Hongji felt cold in his heart, so he mounted his horse and left.

Later, a large group of people caught up.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

If Tang Ren saw Xiao Dieyi again, he would never recognize him.

There are several gold rings on his hands, a gold chain on his neck... and even a golden tiger hanging on his waist...

He was sitting there, with beauties on both sides, and a group of singers dancing in front of him.

Several of the guests were his confidants. At this moment, everyone was half drunk, and they were violently attacking the women around them. Various sounds came from all of a sudden, which made people's hearts beat.

"drink wine!"

Xiao Dieyi raised his glass and said with drunken eyes: "A batch of goods is coming recently, that Xiao Moyi."

A person came in from outside, it was Xiao Dieyi's cousin Xiao Moyi.


Xiao Dieyi said: "Go and pick up the goods."


Xiao Moyi left, and Xiao Dieyi said: "The southerners are pretty good. At least the Dali Pills they gave me have never gotten smaller. I personally tried them one by one... They are all the same size, but some people say... there are A few pills smelled a little strange, like the smell of someone who hasn’t washed their feet in half a year... and some dark stuff was taken out... but those were a few. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net ”

"We are now considered to be rich. Everyone in Daliao is asking for Dali Pills. We will send people out to Song to ask them to get more. The more the better... Hahahaha!"


Xiao Dieyi hugged the two beauties and praised: "Then Tang Ren is a real person. Next time I see a certain person, I will definitely invite him to play with women."

"There's the sound of horse hooves!"

The sound of horse hooves came closer and closer. Xiao Dieyi smiled and said, "I'm just passing by."


There was a loud noise from the door, and Xiao Dieyi cursed: "Which beast is here? Kill him!"

Many people swell when they get rich, and Xiao Dieyi is like this.

He led people to the front and met a bunch of people halfway.


Both sides had torches and lanterns, but they couldn't see clearly.

"Come closer! Let me see this Daliao God of Wealth!"

The cavalrymen stood with their bows and arrows ready, and someone shouted: "Your Majesty is here, abandon your sword and kneel down!"

"Your Majesty?" Xiao Dieyi said blankly, "What is your Majesty doing here?"

Yelu Hongji said coldly: "Come and see you, a spy who knows the Song Dynasty!"

Xiao Dieyi knelt down behind him...

Under the light, Xiao Dieyi's face turned pale.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

The third update is here, good night!

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