A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,329 Old Fox, Commander of the Wan Sheng Army

In the scorching sun, Shen An stood outside the imperial city, holding a bowl of Song Dynasty ice cream in his hand, eating it very happily.

"Mr. Shen, uncle Guo has come out."

Shen An returned the bowl to the vendor, and when he went there again, Cao Yan had already come out.

He looked darker and his hair was disheveled...

Swelling at the corners of the mouth...


Why does this swollen area look so fresh?

Shen An said angrily: "Who did it?"

Cao Yi, who had bruises on the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand to cover it and said awkwardly: "No one, I bumped into it myself."

I believed your evil deeds!

Shen An frowned and said: "Who is in the palace? We brothers can't be angry like this. If you tell me, someone will turn around and get at him."

But Cao Yi just talked about him.

In the end, he was annoyed by Shen An's questions and could only say vaguely: "That... behind, behind..."

Shen An was stunned, "Hit by the empress?"

Cao Yi nodded, his eyes turning red.

When they were about to meet, the eldest sister was very happy, but after hearing him talk about his experience of this trip, the eldest sister became furious and said that he was frivolous and would definitely suffer losses if he used troops like this in the future.

Then...then there was a severe beating!

He twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a dull pain where the scabbard had slapped him.

According to his experience, the pain will be worse when you go to bed at night, reach a peak tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then gradually decrease.

"Hey!" Shen An patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "If there is an old man in the family, if you have a treasure, if you can still be beaten by your mother-in-law when you are seventy or eighty years old, that will be a blessing!"

"Who says it isn't?"

Cao Yi became proud again. When the person who came to pick him up heard the news and said that Shen An offered a reward of 20,000 yuan just for information about him, Cao Yi was moved.

"Anbei...good brother."

Brother is not virtuous!

The news brought by Cao Ji was only spread within a small area, and the ministers and ministers were notified later.


Han Qi said with a red face: "Daliwan can not only make money, but the key is that it can continue to stir up trouble in the Liao Kingdom. What is this thing Shen An is doing...is it called the Rat Club? This thing is so vicious, Yelu Hongji is afraid that he will cry. Tears, I just want to find the person behind him, and then kill the nine tribes."

"It's very vicious." Ouyang Xiu was a little worried about the scam Shen An had pulled off. "If someone in the Song Dynasty follows suit, they're afraid something will happen!"

"Can't get out."

Old God Han Qi said: "Shen An made a suggestion, saying that anyone who does this in the Song Dynasty will be exiled and not allowed to return."

This is cruel enough!

"This is a great thing to say!"

Bao Zheng said: "I think this matter should be written down. In the future, if we find out together, we will deal with them together. No need to discuss, just distribute them directly!"


Han Qi stood up and said, "I'll go talk to the officials."


Several prime ministers and assistants stared at him, which made Han Qi feel scared.

"Let's talk tomorrow." Zaifu can't go to see officials alone. Don't you understand this rule?

Of course Han Qi understood, he laughed dryly and said: "But Uncle Guo is an eye-opener! He actually killed more than ten people by himself. With such bravery, is it possible that the Cao family will really become military generals in the future?"

"The Cao family used to be warriors, but now they are just the original ones. Besides, the sword skills of the empress are so sharp, the uncle she taught must be good too. This is the general's confidence. Now this confidence is still there, if it goes on again For decades, I’m afraid it’s all been lost in the wine and beauty.”

Bao Zheng is the staunchest advocate of Shen An's point of view, "What is the use of culture to control military force? I will control military force if I see it, but I can't humiliate it, right? It's better to let people like Uncle Guo lead the army. Let's see who dares to humiliate him." "


Ouyang Xiu muttered: "Your Majesty is really going to get angry. She might even come out of the palace with a knife. Who would dare to stop her then? So... it's better to be honest."

The last time Sister Cao Yu took action in the palace, everyone was still frightened.

Zeng Gongliang whispered: "Can you ask the empress to... take away the knife?"

How about confiscating the Queen Mother's sword?

This way everyone doesn't have to worry.

Han Qi laughed and said: "When the uncle came out earlier, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen... Haha! The queen can even beat her own brother, who can advise me to accept her knife..."

If you want to kill Zeng Gongliang, don't drag me with you!

Zeng Gongliang looked around.

Bao Zheng looked down at the document in his hand, as if there was gold on it.

Old Ouyang Xiu was looking into the void with dazzled eyes, muttering something unknown.

They are all cowards!

Zeng Gongliang snorted coldly, and then said: "If anyone spreads what I just said, I will be at odds with him!"


The clerk waiting beside him couldn't help but laugh.

Even though you are so strong and unyielding, in the end you still have to be afraid of a severe beating from the Queen Mother!

"Um...how do I get the reward from my uncle?" Zeng Gongliang blushed and changed the subject.

"The officials' envoys have the final say on military achievements."

Han Qi said very calmly: "Since it is a military merit, it must be calculated in the army. Didn't the Cao family give up literature and join the martial arts? They just give military awards... It's just that there's no point in giving awards to officials. Why don't you ask? "

Just ask, the prime ministers and ministers entered the palace collectively.

"This... I am also in a dilemma!"

Zhao Shu was very confused.

You said you should give a reward, that's what you should do, but the Cao family has all turned into warriors, how can you give a reward?

"It's not easy to ask the queen."

Sister Cao Yu is in the harem. What does she mean?

But you can’t ask her this!

Otherwise you will become a laughingstock.

The emperor actually had no idea of ​​awarding a reward to the Queen Mother's younger brother. He had to ask the Queen Mother, this is the harem interfering in politics!

The prime ministers and assistants also knew this taboo, so Han Qi suggested: "Why don't we send him outside?"

Zhao Shu shook his head, and Zeng Gongliang said: "Your Majesty feels sorry for your uncle, so if you take him outside, I'm afraid your Majesty will not feel at ease in the palace."

Zhao Shu nodded approvingly, feeling that Lao Zeng was doing really well recently.

"What should we do?"

Han Qi was at a loss for words: "All the troops in Bianliang are elites, but I don't have that ability. When the time comes, the forbidden army will be defeated, and everyone will be embarrassed, and good things will turn into bad things."


Both the king and his ministers had headaches.

Ouyang Xiu suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I... Shen An has a relationship with Uncle Guo. Shouldn't he ask about this matter?"

Everyone nodded together, thinking this was a good idea.

Let Shen An come up with an idea. If Empress Dowager Cao is dissatisfied afterwards, then use your strength against Shen An and we will be there to cheer you on.

Shen An entered the palace in such a confused manner.

"A reward from my uncle?" He shook his head subconsciously, "This is not something I can say."


Cunning boy!

Han Qi sneered: "If you don't tell me, I'll tell you later that you suggested that I take my uncle to the north. Yes, that's the north, to Baozhou."

What a poisonous old Han!

Shen An glanced at Zhao Shu, but Zhao Shu sat blankly, apparently acquiescing to Han Qi's threat.

They are all shameless old foxes!

Shen An sneered in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said, "My wife misses my uncle, so it is inconvenient for my uncle to leave the capital."

He glanced at the emperor and his ministers, who all looked like the old gods were there, and knew that they had considered this issue.


Shen An thought about Lao Cao's ability and felt that suddenly being promoted to the leader of an army would cause trouble.

But that’s Cao Jiazi! Still the uncle of the country.

Should he be allowed to take on the post of Marquis of Yu?


Du Yuhou, Zhe Kexing is in the Wansheng Army, so he can escort Lao Cao, and at the same time gain the favor of the Cao family and the Queen Mother!

Shen An's heart moved and he said, "I think... how about Wanshengjun?"


Zhao Shu made the decision almost as soon as Shen An finished speaking.

"Zhe Kexing should serve as the Marquis of Yu in the Wan Sheng Army. Let him keep an eye on him."

Damn it!

I was fooled!

When Shen An saw Zhao Shu smiling and Han Qi and others looking triumphant, he knew he had been fooled.

These monarchs and ministers were clearly thinking of Wan Shengjun and Zhe Kexing, but was it possible to ask Zhe Kexing to escort Cao Yi?

No one dared to vouch for it, so they kicked Shen An into the pit and asked him to bury himself.

In the future, if something happens to Cao Yi in Wan Sheng's army, Zhe Kexing will bear the responsibility, and you, Shen An, can't run away.

A bunch of old foxes!

Shen An knew that Zhe Kexing had to pay this price if he wanted to get the benefits, so he nodded in agreement.

"go Go."

Zhao Shu waved his hand and Shen An resigned.

At this time, the Cao family was gathering with dignitaries, and banquets from Fan Lou had been delivered like water.

"Official officials say that someone has achieved military merit and will be rewarded when he returns."

Cao Yi took a shower and changed clothes. He looked good, and he was considered a handsome guy.

It's just that the bruises at the corners of his mouth are a bit embarrassing.

He solemnly said: "I have never thought about whether to give a reward or not. I just want to do it for the official family and the Song Dynasty. The Cao family will go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Everyone applauded, but a sense of alienation came out.

Everyone was originally a powerful person, but your old Cao family actually broke away from the organization and suddenly became warriors.

At that time, everyone was still laughing at the Cao family behind their backs, thinking that Queen Mother Cao was stupid and Cao Yi was stupid for actually changing the family and returning to the status of general.

It's easy to put it simply, but you have to make a breakthrough!

You, Cao Yi, just went out with Shen An to see some battle formations and killed a few people. Do you really have the ability to control the army and command?

Without these, why would you become a general? Why do you lead the army?

Everyone was laughing, but this time Cao Yi went north and actually made a meritorious service. It was like a slap that made stars shine in their eyes.

Take a look.

It depends on how the officials award the reward.

Several dignitaries were muttering.

"It's impossible to send him out. Your Majesty loves your uncle as much as you love your own children."

"Then in the capital? But the imperial guards in the capital are all elites. It would be inappropriate for him to lead an army. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "

"It's definitely not appropriate."

"So the officials must find it difficult."

"Look at how proud he is. When the reward comes...then he may be proud."

"Just watch."

Cao Yi was half drunk after drinking a round of wine, so he leaned there to rest.

"Mr. Lang, Chen Zhongheng is here."

The reward is here!

Cao Yan opened his eyes and said, "Welcome in!"

Chen Zhongheng came in and read the decree loudly.

"...can serve as the commander of the Wan Sheng Army..."

Those powerful men lowered their heads, but their eyes were darting around.

Wan Sheng's army is commanded by envoys. Are the officials really not afraid that Wan Sheng's army will be destroyed by Cao Yi?

Someone whispered: "No!"

"What's wrong?"

"The Marquis of Du Yu in the Wansheng Army is Zhe Kexing, the son of the Zhe family."

"What's wrong? Hey! No, Shen An..."

"Shen An must have been involved in this matter."

The dignitaries were dumbfounded.

With Zhe Kexing here, Cao Yi is like a fish in water and can practice step by step.

This is Shen An’s advice!

Cao Yan also felt it, and said with tears in his eyes: "Quick, go and invite An Bei for a drink."

:. :

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