A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1331: Defeating the battle, scared

"His Majesty……"

Zhao Shu, who was in a happy mood, was reading a book. When he heard the shout, he was surprised and said: "Why do you hear grief and anger? What's wrong with Han Qing?"

Han Jiang didn't know what was wrong with herself.

As soon as he came in, he said angrily: "Your Majesty, is it right for the navy to cultivate and recuperate?"

The ministers are already waiting, they are the witnesses.

"Yes." The Song Dynasty has attacked too many times in recent years. Zhao Shu felt that it was time to take a rest and take advantage of the opportunity when external threats were reduced to work hard to solve domestic problems.

Moreover, the navy's expenditure is not small. He also wants to make more surplus this year so that he can start several projects next year.

"But there are actually many warships in the shipyard waiting to pay the bill!"

Han Jiang felt that this was the overlord's forced bow. He Shen An became the overlord, and he and Sansi became the bow.

"Then Shen An didn't know when he got those warships. Your Majesty, this is transgression! How can he convince the public if he is not punished!"

Han Jiang was furious and felt that she had to deal with Shen An once, otherwise this young man would be too courageous.


Zhao Shu asked: "How many are there?"

Han Jiang shook his head, "I don't know, but looking at Shen An's appearance, there must be a lot."

"This is too much."

Zhao Shu said displeasedly: "If we want to build a warship, we should have told you earlier. It's inappropriate to keep quiet and do it without consent!"

Han Qi smiled and said: "Shen An wants to expand the navy. He wishes he could spread his warships all over the sea of ​​the Song Dynasty. I think he can do this."

Your Majesty, deal with him!

Han Qi looked at Bao Zheng gloatingly.

Lao Bao, you can't hold back that trouble-making boy this time.

Bao Zheng's expression remained as usual, "Your Majesty, the naval forces submitted a report saying that they were building a larger warship just last year."

"Do I agree?" The emperor is busy with everything, and if he can remember everything, it is not an emperor, but a computer.

Bao Zheng said: "You didn't say anything."

No words?

Zhao Shu tilted his head and looked at the big pillar on the right.

Big pillars are big pieces of wood, made from deep mountains and old forests, and are valuable.

"In other words, I neither agree nor object?"

Zhao Shu nodded, "Yes, Shen An Dingran grasped this point, and then ordered the shipyard to build a warship, just waiting for me to accept this fact helplessly. It is indeed cunning."

"Your Majesty, the Third Division doesn't have the money." Han Jiang really felt aggrieved.

The money of the three companies is all counted, and the destination of each money has been roughly determined. Now that there is suddenly an additional expense, Han Jiang has to go around to reduce expenses, and also has to explain to the yamen...

Thinking of those troubles, he wished he could strangle Shen An to death.

"But..." Han Qi said thoughtfully: "The bank is rich!"

Zhao Shu glanced at him and felt slightly moved in his heart.

There is a lot of money in Da Song Bank, really a lot of money.

The Song Dynasty was always short of money, and sometimes Han Jiang wanted to jump off the building.

How about borrowing some from the bank?

Han Qi and Zhao Shu smiled at each other, thinking this was a good idea.

Of course Bao Zheng knew what they were thinking and said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, a bank is a bank..."


Zhao Shu said awkwardly: "Yes!"

It was agreed at the beginning that the government could not reach out to the bank, otherwise it would be chaos.

Han Jiang was the official who wanted to start with the bank the most. When he saw that Zhao Shu was a little embarrassed, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, knowing that this road was blocked.

"What to do with those warships?" He raised the problem again.

"Leave it alone." Zhao Shu thought it was time to teach Shen An a lesson, "We'll see next year."

The officials were really nice to that boy!

Later, they dispersed. When they were outside the palace, Zeng Gongliang said to Bao Zheng: "The official said next year, this is an admission of responsibility. It is just delaying for half a year to teach Shen An a lesson. I have been in the court for many years and have never seen an official. Who have you been so tolerant to, Xiren...you have to let that kid remember the lesson."

Bao Zheng was silent.

Han Jiang said: "It's an advantage for him."

Han Qi smiled and said: "He is not cheap. Just think about it, do the merchants and boatmen in the shipyard need money?"

You have to be paid for work!

With such a bunch of warships squeezing together, the businessmen in the shipyard would probably go crazy.

Han Jiang smiled and said: "Of course they will go to Shen An, hahahaha!"

The merchants advanced money to start shipbuilding, but in the end they couldn't get the money for the goods. They were still in good temper if they didn't blow up.

Let you brat, that's fine now, I don't care, people will naturally come to trouble you.

Trouble did come.

People from the shipyard came to Shen's house and said they wanted to treat Shen An to dinner. They were very polite in their words.


Who reported the letter?

Shen An was furious, and after thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't help but have no idea.

He wanted to trick Han Jiang, but Han Jiang backhandedly informed the people at the shipyard, probably telling them that you should forget about the money for this year's batch of warships.

The people in the shipyard were naturally frightened and had no choice but to come to the big benefactor Shen An.

Damn it!

Shen An went there, drank a few glasses of wine, and told the other party to just rebel. If it was not enough, the Shen family's money could be spent as he pleased.

Now that things have come to this point, what else can everyone say?

Several shareholders of the shipyard had grimaces on their faces, but Shen An pretended not to notice.

You didn't say anything when you were making money, but now you are grimacing just because you are delaying payment. Who do you show it to?

He returned home and found Wen Xiaozhong.

"Mr. Lang."

Wen Xiaozhong looked very relaxed, holding a half-finished straw grasshopper in his hand.

"Since the navy was rebuilt, it has always been smooth sailing. This time, I killed it first and reported later for no other reason than to expand the size of the navy as soon as possible. Now the emperor and his ministers feel that the navy is expanding too fast and want to suppress it..."

No money, no money, these are all excuses, the real purpose is to suppress the trolls.

The navy is expanding too fast!

Since the beginning of reconstruction, the navy has been rushing on the road of expansion. In the north, they defeated the Liao navy. In the southwest, they made the Cochin people miserable...

In this ocean in the east, the Song navy never found an opponent.

"The army is meant to fight." Shen An squinted at the tea cup, "The navy spends a lot of money and food, so naturally they have to go out and eat people for nourishment...otherwise, how can they be worthy of the people's wealth? If you eat people, you have to vomit, and vomit out more benefits, otherwise water The army is a bottomless pit that wastes money and food... Go there, find the navy army all the way, and tell Chang Jianren and the others that even if it is a lie, you still have to support me in the face of the navy army..."

Wen Xiaozhong frowned and said, "You said it's best for warriors not to imitate the methods of politicians, otherwise it's easy to make mistakes."

"But it's different now." Shen An said calmly: "The navy can't stop!"

Once the pace of the navy stops, it will be difficult to think of speed again.

"Some people in the Song Dynasty have been saying that the navy has squeezed out the army's money and food. After all, the Song Dynasty is dominated by infantry. When the navy becomes stronger, they will be wary and feel that an enemy has appeared, so the navy has many enemies. You can’t retreat, just go.”

Wen Xiaozhong went.

Shen An smiled and said: "Playing with this? I'm not afraid!"

"Lang Jun, my uncle has gone."

Yao Lian's voice came from outside.


Shen An said angrily: "What does it mean to go?"

Yao Lian said with a smile: "Yes, a small person doesn't hesitate to speak. Uncle Guo has gone to the army and looks very energetic."

"That's nerves."

Shen An said: "Prepare your horses and go take a look. It can be considered as a way to break up the battle."

He went all the way to the Wan Sheng Army, but didn't go in. He just watched from the outside.

Inside, Zhe Kexing took Cao Yi to see Huang Yi.

The news had come a long time ago, and Huang Yi had been waiting for the handover.

After seeing Cao Yi, he smiled bitterly and said, "My uncle also came to lead the army, which surprised me!"

Can a relative also lead the army?

Huang Yi felt that he had worked hard for the Wansheng Army for many years, and now he was picked off by Cao Yan, so he was naturally unhappy.

He was not afraid of Cao Yi, so he dared to ridicule and question.

Cao Yi was wearing armor and looked calm: "The Cao family and the Zhe family have no friendship."

Zhe Kexing can help him gain a foothold in the Wansheng Army, and can also monitor him and prevent him from taking risks.

The emperors of the Song Dynasty were all masters of balance, so they would never give the generals a chance to rebel.

Huang Yi glanced at the expressionless Zhe Kexing, sighed in his heart, cupped his hands and said, "Let's hand it over like this."

It is said to be a handover, but in fact there is nothing to hand over.

A quarter of an hour later, Cao Yi and Zhe Kexing saw Huang Yi off.

Every plant and plant in the camp was so familiar. In the past, Huang Yi didn't think it was anything, but now he felt a little sad.

Some familiar generals came out to say goodbye, but everyone just handed them over.

After all, he will work under Cao Yi in the future. If he is too close to Huang Yi, he may be marginalized.

Shen An said that he did not want generals to become politicians, but when generals reach a certain height, they are actually politicians, otherwise they would never have the chance to rise up.

To get promoted, you have to find backers, and finding backers means taking sides, and taking sides is the most skillful and difficult method for politicians.

Huang Yi was wondering whether to dig a hole for Cao Yi, otherwise he would not be willing to leave like this.

His whereabouts are currently unknown, but according to his estimation, he should be in charge of an army.

But what’s so good about being in charge of an army?

Isn’t the Wan Sheng Army just an army?

This is like starting over, having to start all over again.

Not convinced!

Huang Yi was very melancholy.

He glanced at the most reliable general, who hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

It's okay to give Cao Yi a blow, right?

We have seen this kind of thing so much in the military that no one would say anything wrong.

"Hahahaha... uncle Guo, stay!"

There was the gate in front of him. Huang Yi turned around and held his hands, smiling and saying: "I hope Wan Shengjun will be more brave and good at fighting in the hands of uncle Guo. Let's wait and see."

Cao Yi cupped his hands and said, "It must be so."

He felt Huang Yi's unwillingness and was quite wary.

Huang Yi walked out of the camp gate and was about to mount his horse, but stopped. Then he turned around and held his hands again, saying: "Someday, when I have the opportunity, I will invite my uncle to drink."

His smile was very amiable, even flattering.


Why did this person suddenly change his attitude?

Isn’t it too obvious that the former is arrogant and the latter is Kyouya?

Cao Yi was puzzled, but since Huang Yi made such a gesture, he would naturally not look down on him.

So he cupped his hands and said, "Easy to say, I'm going to treat you."

Lao Cao is not short of money!

As long as you, Huang Yi, don't get in the way of someone, it's easy to drink and find a woman.

Huang Yi smiled and mounted his horse and left. Zhe Kexing said in a low voice: "He was planning to trip you up before, and I saw the look in his eyes. Those people... can't all be replaced. Now that Huang Yi lowers his head, it's the best." ."

If he wanted to be safe, the best way was to replace his confidants and acquaintances.

But there are only so many generals in the army. Did you replace them all?

That's not appropriate. Outsiders will say that Cao Yi has no ability and only knows how to toss.

The most important thing in the army is ability. If a general has no ability, his subordinates will look down on you. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

That's why Zhe Kexing said that Huang Yi's change of attitude was a good thing.

Cao Yi smiled and said: "What luck!"

Several generals were a little embarrassed and didn't know why Huang Yi changed his attitude.

At this moment, someone at the sentry post shouted: "Jun Gong Shen is here."

The war horse slowly came over, and Shen An cupped his hands toward the inside.

Someone whispered: "It turns out that Huang Yi saw Duke Shen and was frightened..."

Those Huang Yi's confidants were obviously frightened, and they all looked at Cao Yi with flattery in their eyes.

Cao Yi moved his lips a few times and finally gave up his hand.

Shen An laughed loudly and said: "Uncle, I have a good time leading the army. I will take a break now. We brothers will drink and we will not return until we are drunk. Let's take our leave!"

Shen An rode away and the camp was quiet.

This is the deterrent power of the famous generals of the Song Dynasty.

Zhe Kexing nodded slightly, "Brother An Bei shocked them."

It turns out that the reason why Huang Yi changed his attitude was because he saw Shen An.

Shen An is a famous general. If Huang Yi dares to cause trouble for Cao Yi, he will naturally have many ways to deal with this person.

Huang Yi was covered in cold sweat at the moment, feeling that he had escaped.

From then on, he never dared to stab him in the back, and he ended up having a good death.

Some book friends rewarded the leader and added an update in the afternoon.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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