A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,334 Famous Navigation Pioneer Shen An

What does the Song Dynasty lack most?

Some people say that the Song Dynasty was most short of land.

Some people say that the Song Dynasty lacks talents the most...

But everyone knows that what Song Dynasty lacks most is money.

Whether it is the Qingli New Deal or the current New Deal, the most direct driving force is lack of money.

No money!

Expenses are rising crazily every year, while income is growing slowly.

This Song Dynasty is sick.

What you have is an incurable disease.

The name of this disease is: Poor people die from disease!

It is said that the cause of the disease is three redundancies!

The kings and ministers of the Song Dynasty were most concerned about money.

Why is Shen An tolerated by so many people?

One reason is because this guy can make money.

Not only can he make money for himself, he can also help others make money, and in the end he can help a country make money.

Of course, the emperor should be more tolerant of such ministers.

So if you break your legs, just break your legs.

As an envoy of the Third Secretary, Han Jiang could argue endlessly with people for a few thousand guan. If it was a hundred thousand guan, he would dare to fight with others... If it was a million guan, he swore that he would dare to spit on the official family and not let him Bao Zheng is more beautiful than ever before.

So after hearing more than two million words, he burped, and Ouyang Xiu next to him grabbed him, "What's going on? Stand firm, stand firm."

Han Jiang felt dizzy.

And others are no better.

"More than two million yuan?" Han Qi's eyes were filled with fierceness, "If there is any lie, I will skin you with my own hands!"

Zeng Gongliang touched the porcelain bottle in his sleeve and felt that the smell of beef stewed with radish could not match his current excitement. "Where did you get so much money?"

Zhao Shu was also excited, but then he said suspiciously: "Jiaozhi is poor, how can he get more than two million yuan of property?"

He felt that everyone in the Navy had changed.

These soldiers have become cunning and learned to deceive.

"Your Majesty, man."

Qin Zhen said seriously: "I defeated many enemy troops this time and captured many prisoners... They are all strong men..."


Zhao Shu felt that he might have heard something wrong.

"Prisoner? More than two million guan?"

"Yes!" Qin Zhen started counting with his fingers, "Your Majesty, during the Song Dynasty, the Xiang Army was responsible for building roads, building bridges, and dredging rivers... All kinds of things were done by the Xiang Army, but the number of the Xiang Army is getting smaller and smaller now."

After the ancestral system of integrating disaster victims into the Xiang Army was abolished, the number of Xiang Army has been decreasing.

Large-scale projects in the Song Dynasty were basically carried out by the Xiang army. The reduction in the number of people would naturally lead to a shortage of manpower for the project.

So recruiting migrant workers became the only option.

"Isn't it a lot for a civilian to make two bills a month?"

Han Jiang knew, "It's not much."

"I have captured more than 18,000 prisoners this time. If we calculate it according to the common people, one person has two guans per month, and one person has 24 guans per year. Even if a prisoner can only serve for five years, that is one hundred and two thousand guans." Ten strings.”

"One person is worth 120 guan, ten people are worth 2,200 guan... Ten thousand people are worth 1.2 million guan, plus 8,000 people, 960,000 guan, the total is 2.16 million guan …”

Qin Zhen's voice echoed in the hall, and the emperor and his ministers looked at him blankly.

The Song Dynasty had never captured enemy troops before, but the number was not that large.

The Jiaozhi prisoners captured last time were working on Guangnan West Road to build roads. The monarchs and ministers in the capital thought it was a good thing and did not bother to make calculations.

But now that Qin Zhen had calculated everything like this, they were shocked to discover that the navy army had actually made a fortune during this trip.

And prisoners of war are actually very valuable!

There are 18,000 prisoners of war. Each prisoner of war is worth 120 guan. Is it expensive?

Not expensive!

These prisoners of war only need to be fed and clothed.

This is free labor.

But this labor was obtained by the navy. Who dares to say that it is not the spoil of the navy?

Han Jiang only felt a little weak in her legs.

Can it still be calculated like this?

He felt that he might not live long enough to see him again.

"This...this is questionable..."

He was very excited, but cunningly wanted to calculate less.

The more money and food for Sansi, the better!

In this Song Dynasty, you have to spend money everywhere, and you can save whatever you can.

Qin Zhen looked at him, reached out and touched it, and took out a memorial.

"Your Majesty, this is a memorial from the officials on Guangnan West Road."

"Bring it here."

Zhao Shu took the memorial, read it carefully, then raised his head and smiled bitterly: "The officials on Guangnan West Road unanimously said that within five years, the government can allocate less money every year, but it will require a lot of food..."

"This is greed!"

Han Jiang reacted instantly, her face red with anger, "They must be begging Your Majesty to keep those prisoners on Guangnan West Road, and then build roads everywhere. Money... what's the use of that little money? What they want is food, give it to them." Food for the prisoners.”

"When they have enough food, they can build roads and bridges everywhere. What did Shen An say last time?"

He couldn't remember.

Bao Zheng said: "If you want to be rich, build roads first, raise more grains and raise more pigs..."

"Yes, that's it." Han Jiang gritted his teeth and said, "Most of the prisoners from last time stayed there. According to the officials who came back, Guangnan West Road is now the smoothest road in the Song Dynasty. Your Majesty, Number one in the Song Dynasty!"

Han Qi couldn't help it anymore, "No. 1 in the Song Dynasty? How can he be so good? Your Majesty, those prisoners cannot stay on Guangnan West Road. I thought we should bring them back to Bianliang. Bianliang... Zeng Xianglai said, Is there anything going on in Bianliang?"

Zeng Gongliang left work and explained in detail which projects in Bianliang required a lot of manpower. In a word, those prisoners staying on Guangnan West Road would be a waste of natural resources.

Even Bao Zheng went out and said: "Your Majesty, there were enough prisoners left on Guangnan West Road last time. I think we can't keep any more. Otherwise... what are we going to build with so many roads?"


Guangnan West Road used to be in a semi-barbaric state. Now it has developed, but it is still far behind the Central Plains area. Why build so many roads?

Even the good old man Ouyang Xiu came out and said: "Your Majesty, there are so many roads, so be careful!"

Qin Zhen felt like he was seeing a show.

A big drama.

Is it necessary to be careful on Guangnan West Road?

There are definitely some, but compared with other places in the Central Plains, they are far behind.

So Ouyang Xiu said this out of shame, and his purpose was very simple, to get all the prisoners back.

Zhao Shu's heart was moved and he said: "The navy is so brave, I am very pleased."

This is the opening statement.

"There are many prisoners captured in this war, but the Song Dynasty is a country of benevolence and righteousness... God has the virtue of good life, don't kill recklessly, there is a lot of miasma on the Guangnan West Road, bring them all back..."

Chen Zhongheng was rolling his eyes.

There is miasma on Guangnan West Road...

Your Majesty, the miasma in Cochin is more severe and severe.

Even the officials are shameless, which shows the current desire for money in the court.

Han Jiang promised loudly, and then she couldn't wait to leave, preparing to urge him.


Bao Zheng stopped him and asked: "Those warships of the navy..."

"I'll give you the money later!"

Han Jiang turned around and left, and the monarchs and ministers in the palace couldn't help laughing.

Qin Zhen didn't know why they were laughing, but when he heard the warships, he looked at Chang Jianren and felt overjoyed.

The navy is about to expand again!

After the scale of the warships was expanded, the navy could keep an eye on the Liao people in the north, and at the same time, it could go south to harass Jiaozhi and escort merchant ships out to sea.

This kind of naval force is only a preliminary scale.

According to Shen An's original words, the navy should go out and go further.

What is the concept of distance?

Shen An said that it would take a year or two to go back and forth to the Song Dynasty.

My dear, how far is that?

But Shen An said that those places were full of gold, silver, and cattle and sheep. No matter how far they were, it was worth it!

"The navy has made great achievements this time. Go back. I will give you a reward when you turn around."

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren thanked them, and Han Qi suddenly asked: "Who said the captives are valuable?"

He felt that this idea should not come from Qin Zhen, let alone Chang Jianren.

One is an old navy man. If he had thought of such a vicious idea, he would have put it into practice long ago, and he would have made meritorious deeds by the way.

Chang Jianren was originally a painter and didn't know much about these.

Qin Zhen lowered his head.

Chang Jianren lowered his head.

Zhao Shu snorted coldly and said, "But Shen An came up with it?"

In his opinion, Shen An was good at doing this.

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren still didn't look up.

But in Zhao Shu's view, this was acquiescence.

The two of them went out later, and Qin Zhen said, "Go back home, and I'll go find Duke Shen and talk about vegetables."

"Go together."

Chang Jianren misses his family, but business matters are more important!

The two of them walked along the Royal Street, feeling the heat and prosperity.

Someone recognized the two of them, and the shouts of "good men" were heard all of a sudden.

"This is a small tribute from the shop, please accept it."

A shopkeeper came out carrying two bamboo baskets with a lot of meat in them, one for each person. Qin Zhen wanted to refuse, but he glared and said, "Doesn't the general look down on villains?"


This thing... doesn't happen!

Qin Zhen shook his head and the shopkeeper said fiercely: "Then try it. If it's good, just come next time. I won't charge you."

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren smiled bitterly, each carrying a bamboo basket and continued walking.

"Hey, hey! Here..."

Someone brought snacks: "This is not the right time. There is no food outside. You two generals, please deal with it casually."

Then more came.

The enthusiastic Bianliang merchants made Qin Zhen and Qin Zhen covered with things, and they were swaying when they walked.

"Jianren, for these reasons, it's worth it for us to risk our lives and fight outside."

Chang Jianren feels that this is the goal he pursues. "I used to feel uncomfortable joining the army, but now it seems that joining the army is the best choice for me in this life. I will not regret it."

The two of them arrived at Shen's house. Chen Luo, who opened the door, was happy when he saw their appearance, "Are you two here to give gifts?"

Qin Zhen said with a smile: "It can be regarded as a gift, as long as Duke Shen dares to accept it."

"What is there that I don't dare to accept?"

Shen An came out.

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren bowed their hands and said, "The official said that Duke Shen has a good idea of ​​going to sea to replenish vegetables. Please give me some advice. If we can really solve this matter, it will be a great kindness to the navy, fishing boats and merchant ships going to sea." ah!"

"This is what happened!"

Shen An said: "It's not complicated either..."

"Thank you, Lord Shen."

Qin and Zhen were very happy and quickly asked for advice.

"Um... Ermei, make some food and wine, remember to stir-fry the bean sprouts! Make some cold ones too, that's all. You know how to cook them all."

Zeng Ermei agreed, and Shen An invited them in.

"Fried bean sprouts?"

Fried bean sprouts appeared in the Song Dynasty, but they were not popular and were mostly used as medicinal materials.

It has a sweet and flat taste and is mainly used for dampness miasma, spasm and knee pain.

People in later generations will probably be a little dizzy when they see the effect of this medicine, but that's the case at the moment.

Some people sent out mung bean sprouts for cooking and praised them very much, but it is still rare in Bianliang.

So Qin Zhen and the two were puzzled.

Shen An said calmly: "Just eat."

Later, when the food and drinks came, Shen An pointed to a few plates of bean sprouts and said, "You all have a try and see how they taste."

The two of them tasted it carefully, and Qin Zhen nodded and said: "It's delicious. The chef of Duke Shen's family is really good, but what is this?"

"There are some in Bianliang." Shen An smiled and said, "It's just not many."

"It's delicious." Chang Jianren thinks that fried bean sprouts are the most delicious pancakes, and the more you eat, the more flavorful they become.

"The thing you want is right here."

Shen An put a few bean sprouts into his mouth and chewed them carefully.

This is a sailing weapon!

Now he is about to enter the who's who of world navigation history...

What should I call it?

——The famous sailing pioneer Shen An...

The fourth update is here, good night! Asking for a monthly ticket.

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