A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,343: Deceive that you are a pig

Chen Qing was a businessman who traveled from the north to Bianliang.

He was in the cattle and sheep business, buying cattle and sheep in the north and then selling them in Bianliang.

In just a dozen years, he became extremely rich because of this and had a large net worth.

The son said that at the age of sixteen, the most lively age, he only had one problem: greed.

At the age of sixteen, my appetite seems to be leading to another dimension, and I can't get enough no matter how much I eat.

This time he went to the north with a statement to familiarize himself with this trade route and his business partners.

The performance of the statement was not bad. I followed Chen Qing all the way to bargaining, purchasing, and delivery... It was a journey.

But he discovered a delicacy, boiled mutton.

"Just throw the sheep into a pot and cook it, add some ginger, sprinkle salt on it and eat it... I say it's delicious."

This is the original flavor, and you need good lamb to do this.

"He ate like this every time along the way..."

Chen Qing looked a little haggard, with a sad look on his round face, "I told him to eat some vegetables but he didn't listen. The villain is... doting on him, he can't bear to scold him."

Later generations of children will have a partial eclipse, and many parents are helpless.

This is the medical center. A young man is lying on the bed, looking in good spirits.

Shen An nodded, and the doctor next to him whispered: "Please give me your instructions, Lord Shen."

This medical clinic is well-known in Bianliang. After discovering that something was wrong with his son, Chen Qing sent him here.

The doctor was preparing for treatment when a navy general came here to see a doctor. He accidentally saw the red dots on Zhu's hand and immediately remembered the illness that the fleet encountered this time.

So this place was taken over by the navy.

The doctor was originally very scared, fearing that these warriors would take care of him, but after Shen An arrived, his fear turned into ecstasy.

The only descendant of Mangshan's miraculous doctor, he never prescribes any medicine, but every time he does it, he is extraordinary.

As long as he can learn a little bit from Shen An, the doctor feels that he is lucky.

"Hands and legs."

Shen An nodded, and the doctor went over and lifted off the thin quilt.

"There are red spots, and it looks like bruises here."

Qin Zhen walked over and told Shen An about the symptoms, "When I was overseas, some of my brothers started to have diarrhea..."

It’s hard to describe in one word!

There are red spots on the hands and feet. This is the first symptom of sepsis confirmed by Qin Zhen.

"Clear heat and eliminate toxins!"

The doctor had a lot of skills. After diagnosing the pulse, he quickly gave his opinion, but he looked at Shen An with a longing look, as if he was asking for praise and approval.

Shen An nodded, very seriously, but felt panicked in his heart.

He thought about sepsis, but not how to treat it.

Can bean sprouts be cured?


He turned around and saw Zhang Ba8en standing outside the door.


Zhang has suffered a loss only once in eight years. Is this looking for trouble?

Shen An said: "Confirmed, I haven't eaten much vegetables and fruits for two months, and only eaten meat, so I got sick."

Zhang Baibian nodded, and he would naturally verify it later.

"How to treat it?"


Shen An felt a little irritated, "Then give me bean sprouts, fruits, vegetables..."

"It's not the bean sprouts' fault."

Zhang Baba said seriously: "At this moment, I don't want to waste my private life on public affairs, but you have to find out the efficacy of bean sprouts..."


Shen An knew that he was too optimistic.

Bean sprouts can only prevent sepsis caused by vitamin deficiency, but they cannot treat sepsis.

"Give it a try."

Shen An took a deep breath and said, "Get a few unforgivable criminals..."

Zhang Baibian looked at him and instantly understood what he meant. He nodded and said, "I just asked people from the Navy. They said that once this matter is resolved, the merits will be immeasurable. I will go there myself..."

This is indeed a matter of immeasurable merit, but what does Zhang Baibian mean?

Shen An was a little confused, "Are you going?"

"Yes, I don't eat vegetables, I only eat meat, I only eat pancakes..."

Lao Zhang, are you crazy?

Shen An frowned and said: "There is no absolute certainty that this disease can be cured..."

Sepsis should be an infection, and in this era without antibiotics, patient treatment is more like trying your luck.

Zhang Baibian's eyes were still sunken deeply into his sockets, looking like will-o'-the-wisps flickering.

"A certain person has no relatives, and there is no incense or incense to offer sacrifices after his death. If he dies, he will die. If he does not die, he will have gained great merit..." Zhang Baba said piously: "If you have merit, just ask for the protection of gods and Buddhas, and let that certain person die." After death, the soul can go to your parents..."

At this moment, there was even more water in his eyes.

Shen An was shocked.

Zhang Ba8, who was as cold as a piece of ice, took the risk to test for sepsis, just for merit.

And what does he want to exchange this merit for?

I can reunite with my parents after death.

"If you make suggestions on this matter, the officials will definitely agree. Because they are worried about your fraud, I will participate..."

Zhang Baibian's tone was very calm, "I owe you a favor."

If Shen An caused trouble, there was nothing he could do.

"You...the theory of merit and virtue is illusory..."

Shen An thinks it's okay to use those damn people to test sepsis. If you die, you will contribute to the Song Dynasty. He won't be moved, but what do you want to do, Zhang Bianba?

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of this thousand-year-old iceberg, "When I was...five years old, I left my parents when I was five years old..."

"The man said that it would be best if he was cut when he was a child. This batch should be small and clean..."

"After entering the palace, I practiced martial arts with the five children of about the same age... made potions..."

Shen An couldn't help but shudder.

This is crazy!

"Every day he would scold us, always saying that the emperor is our father and mother, and the original parents are dead..."

"Those children gradually forget their parents. After a while, they will ask who their parents are..."

This is brainwashing, making you forget the original things and treat the palace as your home and the emperor as your heaven wholeheartedly.

"Every day I shout long live the official family, and every day I have to listen to what he says that the official family gave us life and food... Without the official family, we will fall into hell forever..."

Damn it!

Isn't it too much to say this to a group of five or six-year-old children?

Shen An felt terrified when he thought of that scene.

"Later...all those children left."

Zhang Baba's eyes were cold, "The man said that he could only keep one and be punished every day, so we all had to work hard... The fingers were broken and healed, and the fingers were healed and broken again... Some couldn't bear it... and disappeared. ."

Most people can't bear that kind of pain.

Shen An felt that if it were him, he would probably knock the man unconscious with a brick in the middle of the night and then run away.

But that’s the palace! Where can you go as a child?

"In the end, only a certain person was left, and he gradually became kinder to that person."

"He was full of praise for so-and-so, saying that so-and-so was born to practice this. Later, when he talked to people, he said that so-and-so had forgotten the people and things outside, and he was the most pure, but..."

Zhang Baba looked into the distance, "But I always remember that village, I always remember X's parents...that year...my mother cried...crying as I was taken away..."

"I always remember. In recent years, I often dreamed about my mother...she kept crying..."

Zhang Bianba said blankly, "I remember everything, but I forgot the way home..."

I forgot my way home and couldn't find my parents...

"I have killed too many people, too many to count. I will probably go to hell after I die...but I want to go with my mother. If I have merit...maybe I can do it..."

Shen An immediately submitted a memorial.

"Test this with a heinous person..."

Zhao Shu frowned, "Shen An said that the prisoners were divided into two groups. One group did not eat fruits and vegetables, did not drink tea, and only ate mutton, salted fish and cooking cakes... One group ate these, plus bean sprouts, for two months... …”

"Your Majesty, if the test is successful, it will be of great use."

"It is useful." Shen An said last time that bean sprouts are of great use to the navy, but he has not confirmed it.

"Just try it with people..."

Zhao Shu hesitated.

This is not because of his kindness, but because his influence is too bad.

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty, those criminals are people who don't care about death. It would be easier for them to die in vain..."

Zeng Gongliang added: "Your Majesty, there are a few criminals that I know who kill people without blinking an eye. One of them has been beating his own parents all year round, and finally beat his own mother to death..."

Damn it!

Zhao Shu said angrily: "It should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

Those are parents!

The parents who gave birth to you and raised you are like this. It is really not a pity to die!

So the matter was settled happily.

The place was chosen

"Your Majesty, Zhang Ba Ba said he was worried that someone was doing something tampering, and he was going to go in and supervise."

This news surprised Zhao Shu, "How will he supervise?"

"They say they follow those people and don't eat fruits and vegetables..."

Zhao Shu was startled and said coldly: "Is he crazy?"

The visitor said: "He is kneeling outside."

Zhao Shu walked out.

The sun shines on that skinny body, and you will ignore it if you don't pay attention.


Zhang Baibian raised his head and said, "This move has great merits. I want the merits."

Zhao Shu's cheek moved, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhang Baibian is his most reliable force at present. If he dies inside, who will he find to replace him?

Emperors do things mostly from the perspective of profit, with rare exceptions.


Zhang Baba replied coldly.

Zhao Shu raised his hand, Zhang Ba8 raised his head slightly, his eyes indifferent.


His skinny head moved.


Zhang Ba8 stood up and resigned.

"Shen An's memorial said that there was a narrow escape from death."

"Yes, I know."

Zhao Shu looked at him coldly, "Thank you for serving me well. But since you are like this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I won't keep you, so go ahead."

His eyes were cold, and he was already thinking about who to take over as the Imperial City Secretary after Zhang died eight years ago.

The emperor is ruthless, only in this way can he be merciful to the world.

Then more than ten people were blocked in a courtyard outside the imperial city.

There are eight people living in each wing on both sides, and Zhang Ba8 is on the left...

"It's time to eat...salted fish cakes..."

Someone brought food to the left.

And the same goes for the right side.

"It's time to eat, salted fish cakes, and bean sprouts..."

The third update is here, good night.

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