A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,349 This is the great work of several legs

After Shen An left the imperial city, he went to take a look at the courtyard first.

"The left side can't poop these days..."

The imperial doctor who was staying at the station said very melancholy: "I don't even have farts."


What will happen if you only eat salted fish and bacon?

Shen An was puzzled and went over to take a look. Zhang Baibian was still closing his eyes and concentrating, as if he was a master.

The other seven felons looked very depressed.

After all, Qiao Er is a rare flower. Most people can't pull it out for several days. It would be difficult for anyone!

Zhang Baibian opened his eyes and said, "I feel fine, but my feet are itchy."


Rotten feet?

Athlete's foot?

Shen An thought for a while and asked, "Where are the others?"

Zhang Baba said calmly: "I want to ask you a question."

"The villain has an upset stomach."

"The little man feels uncomfortable all over."

"The villain's feet are itchy."

"Young people also have itchy feet."

"The villain's teeth are bleeding."


Shen An nodded and said, "Look over there."

The eight people on the right looked fine. When asked about their situation, they found nothing wrong except being unable to move.

"From now on, the two sides will rotate out and move around, just watch and watch from the side."

"It's just... Lord Shen, why did you let them come out?"

The imperial doctor thought it would be better to keep him locked up.

Does this person regard these people as guinea pigs?

Shen An said calmly: "People who go to sea have to work every day. Except for a very small number of people, most people have to work. Now we are doing this to test the impact of vegetables on long-term going to sea, so we should try our best to imitate it. Life at sea.”

The imperial doctor said with admiration: "Mr. Shen is brilliant."

Of course I'm smart.

Shen An went home all the way, picked up Maodou and said regretfully: "My son, it's a pity that you are too young, otherwise the officials would give you a reward today."

Yang Zhuoxue was sewing small edamame clothes on the side. Hearing this, he glanced at the taro on the side and looked up at his brother, and said, "If you want to give a reward, the taro should come first."


Only then did Shen An remember this. He leaned over and touched Taro's head and said, "A manly man, if you want fame, go get it yourself. No matter how great your father is, it still belongs to him. Do you understand?"


Taro just said oh, looking very honest.

"Why is this kid so honest?"

Shen An felt something was wrong with his son, so he touched his forehead and said, "No fever!"

Taro held a book in his hand and was reading it seriously.

But he hasn’t been able to read for long, so what kind of books can he read?

However, it is always gratifying for children to make progress. Shen An said: "Make an old hen stew tonight."

Taro likes to eat chicken recently. He heard Shen An's words and just raised his head, "Okay."


This kid...

Shen An had a headache.

At dinner, Taro ate a piece of chicken and called it a day. Later, Shen An asked him to drink some more soup.

"This kid is sensible."

Taro unexpectedly resigned before leaving. Although she looked young and cute, Shen An and Yang Zhuoxue couldn't help but be deeply moved.

This is the most rewarding moment of being a parent.

The next morning, Taro still studied the Chinese characters honestly.

A four-year-old child was sitting on a chair, his legs unable to reach the ground, listening to his aunt talking about how to pronounce this word.




Shen An, who was outside the window, was greatly relieved and couldn't help but feel that her seed was really good.

Testing outside the Imperial City has been ongoing.

"Mr. Shen, there are spots on someone's body."

Shen An followed the visitor to the yard and saw a scene that left people speechless.

A pool was dug in the middle of the yard. It was just a pool, but there was a small boat in the pool, and several felons were rocking on it...

"This is an imitation of the sea..."

The imperial doctor spoke proudly of his arrangement, looking forward to Shen An's praise.

"You're fine."

Shen An was speechless.


If you want to simulate the situation at sea, do you have to ask someone to bring in sea water?

In the room on the left, a felon was lying on the hay, his eyes rolling around.

"it's him."

The felon was completely stripped naked, and the red spots on his hands and feet could be clearly seen.

"It looks like bruises."

That's right!

Shen An nodded, "It must be so."

"Mr. Shen, are you sure after just one look?"

The imperial doctor felt that he was too quick, and even the people from the naval army who came to confirm the symptoms only took a stick of incense to look at him!

The felon laughed and said, "I'm trying to trick you, hahahaha!"

The imperial doctor couldn't help stamping his feet and said angrily: "I was coaxed by this guy."

Shen An said: "Why panic? Just watch."

A few days later, Shen An was called over. He was the repeat offender who was wrapped in a quilt and crying out coldly.

Shen An looked up at the sky. The sun was shining and it was very hot.

"Mr. Shen, he gets cold and hot at times, like an epidemic!"

"It's not a disease!"

Shen An said with certainty: "A certain guarantee is not."

The next few days were lively. Some people had diarrhea, some were vomiting, some were trembling...

What disease is this?

The imperial doctor was confused.

"Separate this place."

Shen An slapped the screaming imperial doctor back to consciousness and said, "This is scurvy!"


"Yes, scurvy, the enemy of navigation. It is revealed here today. You must remember it clearly, every change!"

Shen An said excitedly: "This is a huge benefit to the Song Dynasty."

After seeing the disadvantages of not eating vegetables and fruits, the Song Dynasty will be more organized in going to sea in the future.

Zhao Shu also got the news and said he came to take a look.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

Han Qi took the lead, and a group of Zaifu stopped Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu said helplessly: "Da Lang said that it was caused by not eating vegetables, not an epidemic."

Han Qi raised his head and said, "What if it happens? Your Majesty, anyone can die in the Song Dynasty, even Zaifu can die, but you can't."

These words were very vulgar and direct, but they moved Zhao Shu a little.

But he really wanted to take a look and see the dangers of lacking fruits and vegetables in his diet.

The news reached the courtyard, and Shen An, who was sitting in charge, said calmly: "It's not even a big deal..."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone outside the gate said: "Discourteous!"


Shen An was furious, the door opened, and Zhao Shu stood outside.

Han Qi immediately stood in front of Zhao Shu, and the look of him dying generously made Shen An want to laugh.

"You must not enter the official's house!"

Zeng Gongliang took a look inside and said nervously: "The stench inside is overwhelming. What if there is an epidemic?"

Some people are vomiting, some have diarrhea, and some are trembling...

This is the scene of the end of the world!

Shen An was sitting on the edge of the pool in the courtyard, frowning at the nervous expressions of the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers outside, and said: "This is not an epidemic. Of course, if it is not handled properly, it may become an epidemic."

In a swish, Zhao Shu was surrounded by guards.

"What disease?"

Seeing him sitting there, Bao Zheng couldn't help but said angrily: "Why don't you get out quickly?"

Shen An calmly said: "If it dies and is not disposed of in time, it will indeed cause diseases when it rots."


Bao Zheng turned his anger into joy and walked in without hesitation.


Han Qi thought about it carefully and said, "I'm going to test it out."

In fact, he was also very curious about what a person would be like if he didn't eat fruits and vegetables.

The two of them followed Shen An to the left and saw seven people lying inside and one person sitting.

Sitting there was Zhang Baibian. He was getting thinner and thinner. At first glance, he seemed to be seeing a mummy.

The seven people had already been stripped naked, and Shen An ordered: "Wear obscene pants."

Zhang Baba opened his eyes, turned around and said: "Right away!"

With a whoosh, the seven people struggled to put on their obscene pants even if they couldn't get up.

"Why are you so obedient?"

Han Qi felt that Zhang Baibian did this very smoothly.

"Prison head."

Shen An felt that it was really good to have Zhang manage these people for eight years.

"The officials want to come in and take a look."

Bao Zheng whispered: "At least think of a way to protect me."

"That's easy."

Shen An ordered the doctor, and soon he got a large piece of cloth, a headscarf and a simple mask.

"Please also ask the officials to put it on."

The cloth wrapped Zhao Shu, the scarf covered his hair, and the mask covered his mouth and nose...

How does this look like a mummy?

Shen An felt that this idea was unkind, but he laughed.

"very funny?"

Zhao Shu knew that he would not be wise or powerful in this image, so he glanced at Shen An.

"No no no."

Shen An smiled dryly and welcomed Zhao Shu in.

"Is this what illness looks like?"

"It's really shocking!"

The two navy sergeants here today couldn't help but feel sad.

When they returned home this time, septicemia claimed the lives of more than seventy brothers. It was very sad for them to see these familiar symptoms now.

Zhao Shu turned around, "But is it like this?"

A sergeant nodded, "The official family is exactly the same."

Zhao Shu sighed: "Every time I think about the hardships faced by the navy officers and soldiers, I feel bad. The government should think of more ways to make the officers and soldiers live a better life. Otherwise, while asking people to die, they will also need to eat people." Braan throat vegetable, this is inappropriate, inappropriate!"

Han Qi looked at the bodies of these felons, feeling a little heavy, and asked: "How many navy officers and soldiers were lost overseas this time?"

The meaning of "going" is to die for one's country.

The sergeant said: "Totalizing all the things along the way, more than a hundred brothers died for the country, and more than seventy of them died of this disease."

Han Qi nodded, "How to prevent and treat this disease? If there is anything missing, report back one by one. Verify that everything is correct and give it all."

I have never seen such a generous political hall before. The two sergeants were overjoyed and said, "Thank you, officials."

Zhao Shu looked at Zhang Bianba and said, "Why are you doing this?"

Zhang Ba8 said: "I have been watching here. They all eat the same thing, except that the one on the opposite side has more bean sprouts in every meal."

This is also supervised!

Zhao Shu nodded and went to the opposite side.

"Guan Jia, UU read www.uukanshu.net They haven't shown symptoms yet."

Seeing that the situation was good, the eight felons knelt down inside after hearing the name Guan Jia.

Zhao Shu nodded, "Shen An."

"I'm here."

Shen An walked out from behind.

Zhao Shu looked at him, nodded and said: "I have asked some people during this period, and they said that everyone in the sea wishes to bring more food, drinking water, etc., but in the end there is no way, because if you want to make money, you have to bring more Goods, people have good intentions. But one of them is wooden barrels. You have to bring a lot of them. They contain soil-grown vegetables, which is very cumbersome... Now that the bean sprouts have appeared, these disadvantages are gone. What a great achievement... Say, what reward do you want?"

Instantly, envious and jealous eyes focused on Shen An.

Good night!

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