"Mr. Shen!"

Zhong E met Shen An on the street. He praised without concealment: "Your calculations are unparalleled. The Liang family really attacked the city overnight."

From the moment he judged that Liang's family might be attacking, Shen An was like a magician saying something they couldn't believe.

Liang will come, everyone should be careful.

Okay, so the rangers were sent.

As a result, Youqi was chased by an army led by Liang.

Then he once again judged that Liang didn't have the patience to wait slowly, and she would attack quickly.

So more troops were sent to the city, and a lot of materials were accumulated to defend the city...

Then everyone waited.

As a result, countless people were slapped in the face.

Liang really attacked the city overnight.

"Get out of the way!"

The infantry in front moved out of the way, and Shen An led the generals and rushed over.

The eyes of the soldiers followed him quietly, and they judged the enemy's movements correctly twice in a row. At this moment, even if Shen An said to attack the city, they would not hesitate at all.

This is trust in the general.

Among these trusting eyes were members of Wan Shengjun and the defenders of Qingjian City.

They had never given such a look to Zhong Er, but now they gave it to Shen An.

Zhong E looked at these subordinates and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He calls himself a Confucian general, but his writing is not as good as Shen An's, and his military skills are even worse.

Shen An even refused to call himself a Confucian general!

He looked at Shen An, wanting to see a little joy and pride.

But all he saw was peace.

Is this person actually so unfazed by flattery?

Zhong E couldn't help but shake his head, feeling that he still had a long way to go.

Then use Shen An as your goal?

He felt a little guilty.

Shen Anwen can open a line of miscellaneous studies. No matter how others belittle miscellaneous studies, just because he can open a Mangshan Academy based on miscellaneous studies, it shows that this subject of study is not simple.

Can such a grandmaster... be able to catch up?

Zhong E felt that it was quite annoying.

He felt like he couldn't go any further in literary matters, really.

This is the end of articles and poems, unless he can explain the knowledge of the sages again, which is what countless people want to do, and annotate the knowledge of the sages with his own understanding. Once it is recognized by others, it can be called A scholar who is half a saint.

But he felt that being so sincerely boring, thinking over and over again the words of the sages, was really not his cup of tea!

And what about martial arts?

His martial arts skills are average, he can rush into battle and kill some soldiers.

But when he met Shen An, he didn't dare to say he would win.

Especially the two Hengha generals beside Shen An.

Wen Xiaozhong always looked like a passerby, but Zhong E had seen his methods before.

And Yan Baoyu's fighting methods on the battlefield are even more impressive.

As for the art of war...

After tonight, Zhong E felt that he had no face to compete with Shen An in terms of military skills.

As for the famous general, he also felt that he was shameless.

So I have to work hard!

He followed Shen An and rushed to the top of the city.

Just as a few enemy troops rushed up to fight, the Song army in front of them was dispersed.

Seeing that these enemy forces are about to expand their breakthrough.

This is the most dangerous time.

A group of archers on the left is approaching.

"Get out of the way!"

Zhong E passed Shen An and Yan Baoyu with a knife.

Shen An looked at him in astonishment, thinking that the old man's specialty was not martial arts!


Zhong E knocked down his opponent with just one strike, then avoided the strike and bumped into him. The enemy soldier stumbled and fell from the top of the city.

He shouted: "Get them down!"

A figure flashed beside him.

Zhe Kexing is here.

Zhong E could only see the flash of the sword from behind, and the screams kept coming.

When Zhe Kexing turned around, the front had become a pool of blood, and there was no longer a standing enemy.

Zhong E shook his head, feeling very bitter.

The Zhe family is under the care of Shen An. Even though he is currently dormant in Wansheng Army, how old is he?

Du Yuhou, who is more than 20 years old, where can the whole army be found?

This is an exceptional promotion. If you don't lie dormant for a few years, who will believe you?

When the time is right, Shen An will naturally take action, letting Zhe Kexing continue to experience actual combat, and then continue to rise.

That's the benefit of having someone behind you.

There are people behind the family, take your time and take a look.

Zhong E shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

The arrow was thrown down.

Zhe Ke walked to Shen An's side and chopped off an arrow with his sword.

Shen An didn't avoid it. He looked left and right and asked, "Where is your uncle?"

"Uncle Guo is on the right."

Shen An's eyes turned and found Cao Yi on the right.


Cao Yi led a team of gunmen to rush over, and more than ten enemy soldiers were forced to jump down.

"Kerosene bombs will burn these dogs to death!"

Half of Cao Yi's face was covered in blood.

"Uncle, be careful!"

Just as a sergeant pulled Cao Yi away, a heavy sword flew over.


Cao Yan scolded: "The gunpowder jars are calling them."

Amid the explosion, the enemy's momentum stalled again.

Shen An walked to the front and looked around.

The city is full of enemy troops, so densely packed that people with trypophobia cannot see them.

Yan Baoyu and Wen Xiaozhong protected him on the left and right, and any arrows would hit him directly.

Shen An was under the light of the torch.

"Who is that?"

Empress Dowager Liang ventured closer and saw Shen An in the firelight.

Someone from the front shouted: "It's Shen An, shoot him!"

Suddenly the arrow was directed there.

Empress Dowager Liang felt cold in her heart. When she saw the fire there, she shrank back and disappeared behind the city wall together with Shen An.

"That thief!"

Empress Dowager Liang said coldly: "How dare he take the risk to come out? Attack the city!"

Arrows were flying, and Shen An squatted behind the city wall and cursed: "That bitch... smash our crossbow arrows and gunpowder cans and throw them away."

Along with this shout, countless crossbow arrows flew over the city.

The Xixia people below were risking their lives in the attack.

The city walls were constantly breached, and then arrows and spears were used to drive them down.


Cao Yi came over, covered in blood.

"The enemy is crazy!"

The flat-headed brother went crazy.

"Get some oil!"

Shen An gritted his teeth and said: "Burn them to death!"

The kerosene was carried up and then poured down.

The Xixia people below the city had their heads poured with kerosene. Some sniffed, then turned around and ran away.

"It's kerosene!"

"They poured kerosene on the beasts that killed a thousand cuts!"


There was chaos ahead.

The torch was thrown down from the top of the city.

Queen Mother Liang looked at this scene, gritted her silver teeth and shouted: "Get back."

It's a pity that her order was still a little late.


Flames suddenly burst out, and the ignited soldiers ran wildly.

Someone was hugged by them, struggling wildly to no avail, and finally turned into a torch together.


What is hell, this is it.


Liang rode back, followed closely by the guards around her.

A general caught up with him and said, "Mother, my army's surprise attack tonight has actually been successful. However, I didn't expect that the Song army was well prepared. The city had strong troops and a lot of firearms, so the success was in vain..."

"Then could Shen An guess that we would attack tonight?" A civil servant asked in surprise, "He is not a god, so why can he be so accurate?"

The general shook his head and thought, how could he know?

Someone said: "And the overnight attack was a temporary decision made by the empress..."

These words were somewhat ambiguous, and even contained some unknown hints.

Madam, how could Shen An predict your decision so accurately?

Could it be that between you...

Everyone was shocked.

Empress Dowager Liang glanced at the man and secretly remembered it, waiting for the right time to deal with him.

But that man was just analyzing the matter. Unexpectedly, he actually got into the little book. If he knew about it, he would probably run away overnight.

Empress Dowager Liang said in a deep voice: "That man is cunning... No, the Emperor of Song Dynasty said he was a famous general. How long has it been since the death of Di Qing that the people of Song Dynasty did not have famous generals? Zhe Jizu fought to the death on Linfu Road, but Bian Liang ignored him. ? Not to mention a famous general, he is just an ordinary general. Among the Song people, famous generals..."

She looked back at the city on horseback, which was illuminated by torches as if it were daytime, and said: "This person's military skills are indeed extraordinary, but his military skills are inferior to those of military strength."

Everyone knows that this is true, but the Song people are not bad at all!

Famous general!

At this moment, everyone remembered the evaluation given by Queen Mother Liang to Shen An.

Famous generals of the Song Dynasty!

That Jingguan is the best footnote.

At the top of the city, watching the enemy troops gradually retreat, Zhong E and Cao Yan said, "You are in great danger tonight."

Cao Yi nodded, "If we didn't have enough troops, I might not be able to stop you now."

Zhong E glanced at Shen An and said, "Yes!"

You are so lucky.

Without Shen An's advance judgment, Cao Yi would probably be doomed.

The fire under the city was still burning, and there was a smell of fire oil and a smell of barbecue.

Shen An frowned and looked ahead, and said, "Ms. Liang is decisive, so be careful in the future."

When he was in Bianliang, he would naturally not be wary of Xixia attacks at all times, but Zhonge was different. Qingjian City might be attacked by troops at any time.

Zhong E was aloof and arrogant. He probably felt that all the emperors and ministers in the dynasty were idiots, so he dared to kill first and then report later. From then on, he gradually polished off the disadvantages of the Song Dynasty and Xixia into an advantage.

With him and Wang Shao, the Song Dynasty gradually took the initiative in Xixia.

So Shen An asked him to just nod in agreement.

In full view of everyone, Zhong E walked out, lowered his head and said, "Yes."

The people in Wan Shengjun didn't think anything, but the soldiers in Qingjian City felt like they were seeing a ghost.

How could Zhong E be so respectful?

He always looked like that when he faced everyone, with a distant look on his eyebrows.

As for what you want to teach him, haha, he will only think that you are overestimating your capabilities.

A descendant of a great Confucian scholar, with both civil and military skills, you are worthy of teaching me?

This person is better than Wang Yu.

But the kind of virtue that overlooks the world is almost the same.

But today he respectfully said yes to Shen An.

Is this impressed?

Everyone looked at Shen An, wanting to see what he would say next.

Shen An nodded and said: "Now that the power of the Song Dynasty is constantly improving, there is no need to build forts extensively. Such a defensive method that consumes manpower and material resources is inappropriate and too passive. In the northwest, we focus on cities. If the enemy comes, if we are not strong enough, we will Stand firm and wait for reinforcements. If you are strong enough, then go out of the city to fight in the field... Remember, the Song Dynasty will become more and more tough. The enemy will have to adapt, and you will have to adapt too."

Everyone couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this.

It should be true again.

He was really impressed by Shen An.

Shen An looked outside the city and said with a smile: "Liang is coming from afar and doesn't have much food and grass. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net She didn't expect Shen to be here, so if she can't attack, she will definitely want to retreat..."

Zhong E nodded, "Yes."

Shen An said that Liang would retreat as soon as possible because of his presence, and everyone took it for granted.

The night wind was blowing, and someone at the top of the city shouted: "We have won a great victory!"

The enemy's night attack failed and they retreated leaving behind countless corpses. What is this if not a great victory?

The soldiers rejoiced, and someone shouted: "Master Shen is here, Mrs. Liang is here to play!"

Damn it!

Shen An shook his head and walked down the city.

Goodnight everybody.


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