A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,366 Officials’ eyes filled with tears

Wang Anshi visited the Privy Council today and communicated with Fu Bi.

"A job is just a job."

Fu Bi picked up the tea cup and said calmly: "You have been doing well from the local area to Bianliang. The officials have seen this, so you seem to have not moved in the past two years, but I know that the officials want you to serve as a magistrate. Make the imperial edict..."

"I still want to be an official somewhere."

After witnessing the implementation of the New Deal in Bianliang, Wang Anshi was a little confused. He felt that he needed to go to places to see what kind of changes the Song Dynasty needed.

As for the Wanyan Book, he has now locked it in the box.

In his opinion, it was absurd to sit at home and rely on imagination to describe the future of the Song Dynasty. What he needed at the moment was to settle down and serve as a local official for a few years to reflect on it.

Fu Bi shook his head and said, "You and Jun Shi are favored by everyone as candidates for the political affairs hall in the future. Jun Shi is now...he is popular, but you have not seen any action. Jie Fu, you are lagging behind in this regard."

Sima Guang's popularity was gained by the group of people who opposed the New Deal, so Fu Bi pursed his lips slightly when he mentioned this.

"But Xia Guan thinks this is not bad."

Wang Anshi felt that what he needed was not popularity, "Why do you want popularity when you are a low-ranking official? What the Song Dynasty wants is officials who can do things, not people who are famous...that kind of people..."

He and Sima Guang had finally broken up, but they still refused to say bad words.

This is one of the reasons why Fu Bi admires him.

He took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "But if you want to do something, you have to be an official first. Officials appreciate you, but you have to create something..."

He raised his head and said, "You have to make some noise, that is, political achievements..."

Wang Anshi said with a straight face: "I'd better stick to the rules..."

"You're stubborn!"

Fu Bi was so angry that he said, "Well, if you don't have the ability yourself, then let your son and Wang Yu give you some advice."

"How can a child understand this?" Wang Anshi felt that his son had no room to interfere in this matter.

Fu Bi shook his head, "Your son is much smarter than you, and he also has a group of friends, all of whom are outstanding. If we join forces to make you shine, I think there is hope."

Wang Anshi smiled, stood up and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister Fu, for your attention to this matter. I will take my leave."

Let my son handle my promotion, I can't afford to lose this person.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard shouting outside.

"Good news..."

With a whoosh, Fu Bi rushed out from his side and disappeared in an instant.

Wang Anshi was excited and ran out.

Everyone in the Privy Council who heard this voice raised their heads while bending over their desks and stopped walking...

The entire Privy Council seemed to be enchanted and frozen, and then the hoarse voice came.

"Jun Gong Shen destroyed the Wei Mingshan brothers in one battle, and Suizhou returned to the Song Dynasty!"

A small official holding the book was stunned for a moment, then threw the book somewhere. He cheered: "We have regained our homeland!"

"Long live!"

In the various rooms of the Privy Council, there are books, brochures, account books...even writing brushes, and teacups...

Countless things flew up.

"Long live!"

Ever since the Li family rebelled and became independent, the Song Dynasty has always been unable to cope with the Xixia people. Today they were taken away from here, and tomorrow they were taken away from there. In the end, they had to buy peace with money and food.

But what about those lands?

I can’t come back!

The Liao Kingdom in the north occupied a lot of places in the Song Dynasty, as did the Xixia Kingdom in the northwest.

Gradually, everyone took that land as a matter of course as the territory of the Liao Kingdom and the Xixia people.

So much so that in the future, Sima Guang also tremblingly wanted to send more territory over in exchange for peace.

Now with a shout, everyone knows that the Song Dynasty actually regained Suizhou?


This is not Kaijiang!

But to recover.

An official burst into tears and said: "These past few decades! I have watched the Western bandits rampage, and finally defeated them, but those territories cannot be taken back. Today I heard that Suizhou will be recovered, even if I die. I can go to see Emperor Taizu... and die without regrets!"

"Suizhou...it's been eighty-four years!"

A clerk sat on a chair and sighed: "I'm back, I'm finally back."

In the harem, Zhao Shu was talking to Gao Tao about Zhao Xu's marriage.

"Have you ever seen Xiang's little lady?"

"I've seen it before, it's not bad." Gao Taotao was about to be upgraded to a mother-in-law. Although he was happy, he also felt a little like he was in another world, which was quite sad.

"The child was so small back then. I felt like I couldn't hold him even if I tried hard to hold him. I was very cautious. But in a blink of an eye, the child grew up. He was about to get married and then had a child..."

Zhao Shu knew that the words "I am getting old" were coming next, so he interrupted her first, "You are not saying that the palace is boring. When he has children, you can also hug his grandchildren. It is a pleasure." ."

"Yes!" When he mentioned his grandson, Gao Taotao smiled and said, "Look at Shen An's family, Yang Zhuoxue gave birth to sons one after another, making many people in the capital envious. I mentioned this when I met Xiang, that Xiang said very respectfully that it is up to me to make the decision, and what kind of decision I can make depends only on what happens between them."

That son is not easy to manipulate, and Gao Taotao is quite sober about this. This is the time when the mother-in-law has to complain and let Zhao Shu discipline Zhao Xu.

Zhao Shu frowned and said: "After all, Dalang has been outside the palace for many years. He has become ambitious and cannot be trapped in the palace. That's all. This matter is not something we can interfere with."

"That's all, between husband and wife, they still have to grind it out on their own."

Zhao Shu and Gao Taotao couldn't help but laugh when they thought of what happened to their husband and wife over the years.

There is no husband and wife who are always harmonious, they just compromise with each other.


A person rushed towards him in the distance. Looking at the unique running posture, Zhao Shu smiled and said, "Chen Zhongheng is quite loyal."

The loyal Chen Zhongheng ran all the way with his butt between his legs, "The official family... is so happy, so happy!"

Being able to get him to say the word "great joy" is a big deal.

Zhao Shu stood up suddenly, took a step forward, and then took it back.

"His Majesty……"

Chen Zhongheng came closer and gasped: "Shen An destroyed the Wei Mingshan brothers in the northwest battle, Suizhou... Suizhou has returned to the Song Dynasty!"

Zhao Shu stood there without moving.


Chen Zhongheng looked at him, thinking he didn't hear clearly, so he said again: "Shen An destroyed the Weimingshan brothers in the northwest battle, and Suizhou returned to the Song Dynasty.". As he said this, he handed over the good news.

Zhao Shu slowly clenched his fists, then received the good news and suddenly said: "Go get the map quickly!"

Chen Zhongheng once again ran with his butt between his legs. At this moment, he would not leave the work to others.

"Officials, prime ministers and ministers ask for an audience."

The chamberlains who came to report were all beaming with joy.

The Song Dynasty regained its lost territory. This was a sign of the prosperity of the empire!

But in the end, Chen Zhongheng arrived first.

The two chamberlains opened the map, Zhao Shu stood in front, and Chen Zhongheng gave enthusiastic directions.

"The official family, it seems...it seems to be here?"

"Get out of the way!"

Zhao Shu shouted impatiently, and Chen Zhongheng quickly stepped aside and smiled dryly.

Zhao Shu walked over, looked carefully, and stretched out his finger to slide on the map...

"Yancuan, Qingjian City... used to be Suizhou... of the Song Dynasty... yes, Suizhou of the Song Dynasty."

He slid his finger to the right, "This is Shizhou on Hedong Road. Now Suizhou and Shizhou are connected..."

He closed his eyes and said, "The Hedong Road not only blocks the Liao people, but also the Xixia people. All along, the soldiers there have to turn a blind eye when sleeping and wait for danger. Now that Suizhou is recaptured, the Hedong Road will be blocked." It will be much easier... Ancestors... Our ancestors have always wanted to regain their homeland, but it has been so difficult that they are still worried about it. Now this wish has come true in my hands. My ancestors have spirits in heaven..."

He opened his eyes and said proudly: "Look at the Song Dynasty that I rule. This is not a weak Song Dynasty. It is not now and will never be in the future!"

Before he knew it, tears filled his eyes.

After he ascended the throne, because he was not the biological son of the late emperor, there were a lot of rumors outside. Some people say that he does not have the ability to rule the Song Dynasty, but he is just pretending. The Song Dynasty still has to look at the prime ministers and the gentlemen...

"This is the Song Dynasty that I rule!"

"The homeland that our ancestors longed to regain has returned in my hands."

"Who dares to question me?"

He turned around slowly, and the newly arrived prime ministers and ministers all bowed, "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "Do you know, sir?"


Zhao Shu looked up with a smile, "Suizhou has been recovered, this is just the beginning."


This is Zhao Shu’s political stance.

"In the future, the Song Dynasty will continuously regain its homeland, fight all the way to Xingqing Mansion, and turn Hetao into the horse breeding land of the Song Dynasty..."


Han Qi was happy in his heart and said: "Xi Xia will definitely be in an uproar at this moment, and the Liang family will be angry. I thought I should send reinforcements as soon as possible."

Zhao Shu shook his head, "Before Shen An left, I warned him that the Song Dynasty cannot use all its strength to attack Xixia at this moment, otherwise the Liao people will take the opportunity to put pressure. When the two sides join forces, the Song Dynasty will be in trouble... It's not because of trouble, but It is the Song Dynasty that needs to accumulate strength. Those craftsmen are building more sophisticated weapons, and on the border between Song and Liao, there are merchants who specialize in smuggling war horses... My dears, this Song Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger day by day, just like the rising sun, it is exciting and bright. .”

He walked to the map, pointed at Suizhou and said: "This place is not far from Xingqing Mansion. If the Liang family wants to take action, what's the use of sending reinforcements now? I'm afraid the fight will be over long ago."

Han Qi thought so, and then became a little frustrated, thinking that I have been pondering the art of war for so long, why is it still not good enough?

That's all, I'll go to bed later tonight and think about it more.

Han Qi, who vowed to become a famous general, was in high spirits, and Zhao Shu was very satisfied to see him.

"Shen An said in his memorial that he was sure that the Liang family would come, but he was confident of repelling the Liang family."

Han Qi nodded, "Since he is confident, I have nothing to say. Your Majesty, this is a great joy and should be celebrated."

Look at the prime ministers and ministers, everyone is beaming with joy, as if they are about to be a bridegroom.

Zhao Shu didn't notice that the same was true for him. He said happily: "Everyone in the palace will be rewarded with a set of clothes and a lot of money..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The maids and maids present were also excited.

Happy events in the Song Dynasty, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net is also a happy event for them.

When the country is prosperous, the officials and saints in the palace will naturally give frequent favors.

"Preach my will and reward the lonely old man in the capital with wine and meat."


Zhao Shu stood there and said calmly: "I am going to report the victory to my ancestors..."

The officials were extremely happy and wanted to show off to their ancestors.

The prime ministers and assistants looked at each other and laughed.

As the news spread, the entire palace was rejoicing.

Gradually, the good news spread throughout Bianliang, which immediately triggered a carnival.

Fourth update, good night!

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