A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,372: Gods fall into the mortal world

Zizhan, do you want to go drinking tonight? "

In the censor's desk, Su Shi was taking a nap at his desk.

This year's impeachment task has not yet been completed, and he is worried about this.

But even if the task is not completed, life has to go on, and we have to drink some wine, right?

Thinking of those charming women and those fine wines, the dazed Su Shi immediately shouted: "Go, let's go to the Yamen together."

"Hey! Where are the people?"

Su Shi woke up, but there was no movement from the people outside who had invited him.

Is this deceiving someone?

He opened the door, stretched out and yawned at the same time, feeling happy.

Then he saw Lu Hui with an angry look on his face.

"It's hard to do anything in broad daylight, so I'm dozing off in broad daylight. Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

He angrily walked around Su Shi and said, "Go home and sleep. Come back when you've had enough sleep."

Everyone has happened to dozing off while going to office, and usually it's nothing serious. But who made Su Shi and Shen An good friends? This was not the case for Lu Jie to catch him.

Going home to sleep is not a punishment, but it is very embarrassing, and if word spreads, your reputation as Su Shi will be ruined.

Think about it, the censor should be like a mad dog, and should be looking for clues to impeach people every day, but you, Su Shi, are sleeping.

How unenterprising is this!

Can such a person take on such a heavy responsibility?

Definitely not!

So what seems to be a very simple or even very generous punishment contains a message of despair.

This is officialdom, a place where you can get tricked if you are not careful.

Su Shi was still happy.


Because he didn't know the killer move hidden behind this punishment.

This stick, he was really ready to go home and go to bed.

Just as he was about to get out of the way, someone outside shouted: "Lv Zhiza, someone wants to see you."


Lu Jie was fully prepared for Su Shi to admit his mistake and then void the punishment. But this stick actually wanted to go home, which made him feel a little surprised.

This brain is really like a pig!

He and Su Shi went out together. Someone risked giving Su Shi a wink, but this guy was flattered.

He planned to take the opportunity to rest today, find something to fool people to impeach tomorrow, and get over it.

When they arrived at the gate, they saw a man rushing in from outside. His speed was really lightning fast.

"Lv Zhiza, help me"

The man rushed over, knelt down and hugged Lu Ji's thigh, raised his head and howled: "The villain Chen Fuler, Lu Zhiza, and Shen An are going to kill them all, help!"


Su Shi took a step back and said in surprise: "Chen Fuler? The profiteer Chen Fuler?"

Everyone came out after hearing the news and couldn't help but want to laugh when they heard this.


But Chen Fu'er is really a profiteer, and he is so bold that he even dares to poach Shen An.

What they didn't know was that businessmen risked being hanged for profit.

If everyone in the Song Dynasty had this kind of spirit, Liao and Xixia would be scum.

"Who are you?"

Lu Hui was still a little confused.

"The villain Chen Fu'er!"

Chen Fu'er was already prepared. He shouted, "The villain listened to your words and prepared to fight Shen An to the end. But Shen An is too vicious and the villain can't stop him! Please help Lu Zhiza."

Damn it!

Lu Hui became angry when he heard this. He took out something from his sleeve and swung it hard.


There was a blood mark on Chen Fuler's forehead immediately.

He looked at the wat tablet in Lu Jie's hand, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground.

"This is"

Su Shi said with some horror: "Are you going to silence me?"

Lu Hui glanced at him and cursed: "Idiot, you are fainting."

"Oh!" Su Shi went over, stretched out his hand to test Chen Fuler's breath in a serious manner, then suddenly pulled back his hand, "Oh no, it seems like he's not breathing."

He looked at his fingers, confused.

But Lu Hui was so panicked that he walked over and whispered: "Wake up! Wake up!"

Chen Fu'er didn't move. Lu Jie felt anxious and pinched Chen Fu'er's nose.


Chen Fu'er screamed, which startled Lu Hui. Just as he felt happy, he thought of Su Shi's nonsense.

Su Shi looked at his fingers, "Why can't you feel it?"

This guy was sleeping on his stomach just now, and his fingers were so pressed that he couldn't feel anything.

"Lv Zhiza help me"

After Chen An learned about Shen An's move, he felt that something was wrong. Now he just cut off his shipping channels, but what happens next? God knows what tricks the Shen County Guild, who has too much money to spend, will use.

Those people coaxedly said they could help him, but they turned out to be unreliable at the critical moment.

What to do?

Find a backer.

So he touched the Yushitai and wanted to hug his thigh.

Who would have thought that Lu Hui didn't even know that the people below were trying to win over Chen Fu'er, so he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

So he really used the wat board, and with one wat board, Chen Fu'er was knocked unconscious.

Something doesn't seem right!

Su Shi was agitated, thinking that Lu Jie and An Bei were enemies. It just so happened that a certain person had not completed his task this year, so what were he waiting for?

Then a just and awe-inspiring Su Shi appeared.

"Lv Zhiza, the Kaifeng Mansion has sentenced Chen Fuer to a violation of regulations, but you actually tutted with him!"

He had a look of disgust on his face and said, "You are actually on the same side as him? Then I really have to wonder whose idea it was to go to the Shen family workshop to recruit people."

Is this to impeach Lu Hui?

It is a bounden duty for the censor to impeach people, but how many censors have you seen impeaching their own superiors?

Lu Jie was furious and said, "You don't know this person, how dare you slander him?"

Most people would probably be frightened if he drank like this.

But who is Su Shi?

Su Dazui!

Brother, I am not afraid of anything. I am the one who dares to offend both the old and new parties. You, Lu Jie, are nothing!

"Yes, you have behaved inappropriately and will be impeached."

Su Shi turned around, his steps looked particularly firm, and his expression looked particularly tragic.

At this moment, countless seniors were possessed.

Shen An taught him that if he can't make up his mind, he should remember to pretend to be impassioned or tragic when faced with a problem.

For someone with Su Shi's character to be an official would be to push his family into a pit of fire. For the safety of this brother, Shen An and others were worried.


After waking up, Chen Fu'er was dragged out by his disciples and several petty officials. He cried and howled for a long time, and then went back alone. His back looked particularly desolate.

But after crossing Zhouqiao, he lowered his head and said with a sinister smile: "You want to leave me? I'm dreaming! After me made such a fuss, everyone will know that me is your Lu Hui, and I will have a supporter in the future. How beautiful! As for Shen An’s methods, that’s nothing. At worst, he will do business somewhere else and buy cotton cloth far away. In a few years, we still don’t know who will win and who will lose!”

Feeling proud, he went to find a place to drink.

The next day he went outside the city to see this year's cotton harvest.

The autumn weather is crisp, but slightly cold.

Chen Fu'er was wrapped in a big cloak, thinking about the taste of the woman last night, and felt that life should be like this.

"Are they coming?"

he asked in the bullock cart.

The guard outside said: "Mr. Lang, we are all here, follow behind."

Today, Chen Fu'er paid a high price to hire several petty officials to follow him, just because he was sure that Shen An would take action.

Think about it, a certain person left the city with a few guards. With such a good opportunity, would Shen An not take action?

At that time, those few petty officials will be witnesses, and Shen An will not be able to escape the blame.

You are so wise!

Chen Fu'er touched the scar on his forehead and felt that it was really not bad for him to get such a result after making a fuss.

The cotton in the fields has been harvested, and the farmers are walking in the fields with pleasant smiles on their faces, talking about how the harvest is this year and how much money they have left to make new clothes for the whole family. There are still some wealthy people who plan to renovate their houses so that they will have a completely new look for the fourth year of peace.

The rich no longer care about this problem. They have transcended food and clothing and livelihood. Most of the problems they ponder all day are how to make more money, how to overwhelm their opponents, how to make someone more outstanding and more outstanding. of much attention

So they looked at these foolish men with disdain and pity in their eyes, feeling that these poor people were really pitiful. They could be so happy just to drink a pot of turbid wine.

What is the difference between these people and ants?

This is how people acquire a sense of superiority. Gradually, the sense of superiority becomes stronger and stronger. After a long period of edification, he will feel that he has escaped from the mundane world and has become a god.

The words and deeds of gods naturally need to be coaxed, otherwise how can they show their extraordinaryness.


The curtain of the carriage was opened, and a guard stood in a lunge. Chen Fuler stepped on his thigh and supported his shoulders to get out of the carriage.

He felt that this posture of getting off the car was very cool and showed off his own style, so his eyes became more and more indifferent.

Indifference is the characteristic of gods, which makes them feel that they are overlooking all living beings.

When the farmers saw him coming, some of them raised their hands in panic and said, "I've seen Mr. Chen."

Chen Fu'er didn't even look at him, and said calmly: "How is the cotton this year?"

But most of the farmers gradually gathered together, looking at him with more indifference.

The panicked farmer said: "Fortunately, there is some drought in Hedong and Shaanxi this year, but we are not short of water and the cotton is fine."

"I want to go take a look, lead the way!"

Chen Fu'er raised his head slightly, and his momentum came out.

In front of Lu Jie and others, he was just an ant. But after arriving here, he transformed from an ant into a god.

This is actually another form of biological chain.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

The farmer looked at his companions, hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Mr. Chen, how about another day?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Fu'er had a straight face, staring at this person with a gaze overlooking the world, and said coldly: "Do you believe that you can lose everything in an instant?"

The farmer's face turned pale, but he gritted his teeth and said, "It's better not to read it."


its not right!

Chen Fuler looked at the indifferent farmers and asked, "What do you want to do?"

A farmer came out and said, "Does Mr. Chen know who got the cotton?"

"Shen An." At the mention of this name, Chen Fuler wanted to kill someone.

"If it weren't for Duke Shen, where would we be able to grow cotton? If it weren't for Duke Shen, how could you, Mr. Chen, make a fortune?" The farmer lowered his head at first, a little scared, but then he gradually raised his head with a solemn expression, "You and Duke Shen are fighting , that is ungrateful, if we still sell cotton to you, that would be ungrateful too."

He thought for a while and said seriously: "Being ungrateful, isn't that a beast? You can do it, but we can't. We don't want to be beasts."

In many cases, these people still adhere to morality. And in many cases, morality and justice are just paper to wipe their butts to people like Chen Fuler.

So he got angry and cursed: "How dare you be so rude? Do it!"

This is a conditioned reflex.

Several guards rushed forward. They felt that these timid farmers could not defeat them, so they were very confident.

"Come here! Someone is bullying me."

The sound of footsteps came quickly.


"There! There!"

"How dare you bully the people in our village, UU read books www.uukanshu.net do it and kill them!"

"Yes, kill them and bury them in the ground!"

In the distance, a group of villagers appeared.

Some of these villagers had various weapons in their hands, and some even carried kitchen knives.

Damn it!

The guards were dumbfounded, turned around and ran away.


Chen Fu'er ran away like crazy after him. Several petty officials behind him couldn't help being shocked when they saw him, and then they also ran away.


Thanks to the leader of book friend Xiao Ming 132618 for the reward.

The fifth update is here, good night! Jazz continued to write.

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