A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,383 The Return of the King

In the political hall, the prime ministers and assistants were holding teacups or writing brushes, but they were all looking at Shen An.

Someone outside prevented others from approaching.

"...Don't think of ordinary people as unparalleled heroes. The vast majority of ordinary people do not have any ambitions. They just want two words: stability."

"Some people say that they are looking up at the sky. Yes, they are indeed like that. They are like children waiting for food, waiting for the Lord Gonggun above the court to save them. But before saving, you have to let them know that what will happen next The days will only get better, otherwise... the power gathered by the people will shock Bianliang."

Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, rebellions in the country have not stopped, but at least the number is still small, more like a joke.

"...Because the people can still have enough to eat, at least they won't starve to death."

Later, during the Zhao Ji period, the situation in the Song Dynasty gradually deteriorated, and the scale of the rebellion became larger and larger.

"When people feel desperate, they will carry kitchen knives, wooden sticks, and even use their teeth and nails to bite, tearing out a hole in the Song Dynasty that makes them desperate, and a hole that can fill them up. The hole in your belly!”

Han Qi asked: "If iron money is abolished, will the people feel despair?"

"What do you think?"

Shen An thought of those low-level people in his previous life.

They have lived their lives day by day for decades, saving some of their savings, and then happily thinking that after saving enough money, they can let their son get a wife, or prepare a better dowry for their daughter...

But suddenly one day a message came from above, saying that in the future we will no longer use paper money, but we will use that... electronic money. What will be the consequences?

And it happened in a relatively remote place.

What will be the consequences?

Your banknotes can no longer be used, so go and exchange them for electronic coins.

Those people don’t even know what electronic coins are. Have you considered the consequences of doing this?

Han Qi put down the tea cup and thought carefully.

"Will the people feel that this is taking away their money?" Han Qi thought of this possibility.


At this time, the people are still ignorant. It is their instinct to guard the wealth they currently have. If you want to shake their wealth, they will fight you desperately.

And what the hell are banknotes?

The Yizhou Road side is far away from Bianliang and the road is difficult, so banknotes are currently only being circulated sporadically.

Under such circumstances, Yang Jingan dared to propose the abolition of iron money. What is this?

He wants to use this as a political achievement to get promoted!

He wants to eat steamed buns with human blood!

Shen An narrowed his eyes. He had been watching, but he didn't dare to watch for too long. He was worried that once the decree reached Yizhou Road, it would spark civil unrest.

Those who are promoted will still be promoted, and those who are unlucky will still be unlucky.

It shouldn't be the people who are unlucky.

So here he is.

Bao Zheng suddenly asked: "You mean that when the New Deal is implemented at the local level, we should beware of local officials getting involved, and we should beware of them using the New Deal to benefit themselves?"

Shen An looked at him, feeling a surge of joy.


This is what he fears.

The failure of Lao Wang’s New Deal lies in this point.

He can't control his subordinates, nor can he supervise them. If the policies of the New Deal are thrown away, God knows what those local officials will do with it.

“The integrity of local officials cannot be overestimated.”

Shen An mentioned this many times, but apparently the prime ministers and ministers felt that there were still more gentlemen these days.

Lao Wang stumbled, we can't stumble again.

Bao Zheng could notice this, which made him unhappy.

Han Qi lowered his head, and his huge body looked like a mountain of flesh.

"If this matter is really what you say, supervision of the New Deal will probably become a top priority."

He looked up at Shen An and asked: "At the beginning, you proposed that each palace in the Song Dynasty should be assigned two censors. They would not belong to the local area and would be directly governed by Bianliang. You would also change places every two years. You have never Is it okay to trust local officials?"

Shen An nodded, "Human ethics... How should I put it? We cannot pin the New Deal on the so-called gentlemen, let alone the so-called ethics. Ten thousand gentlemen, when faced with the temptation of power and money, , How many people can remain unmoved?"

Han Qi narrowed his eyes, "It's hard to say."

Everyone here is a seasoned official, and naturally they have an extraordinary understanding of human nature.

"The only thing the court can do is to supervise." Shen An's eyes flashed with sternness, "There is also severe punishment. When it is time to kill someone, don't talk about being sent into exile, let alone being put into a local official position as punishment. That's not punishment, that's vacation! Such a light punishment will only bring shame to the law! It will only encourage future generations to dare to violate the law!"

Han Qi closed his eyes, "This matter is just speculation by Wang Anshi and you."

"Then we'll see."

Shen An bowed his hands and said goodbye.

As soon as he walked away, Han Qi patted the table and ordered: "Go quickly, send someone to Yizhou Road to see what's going on!"

His expression was so ferocious that the officials who came in were so frightened that they rushed out crawling.

"Quick, prepare your horse!"

Zeng Gongliang was silent for a long time, "Do we really know what the people are thinking?"

Bao Zheng shook his head, "I don't know, I just thought I knew."

"Self-righteousness is a taboo for an official!"

Zeng Gongliang patted his thigh. If this matter was true as Wang Anshi and Shen An said, then the integrity of the local officials would be questionable.

"Why didn't Shen An come earlier?"

Ouyang Xiu's question makes people think deeply.

Bao Zheng explained: "There is something going on at home."

"If you have anything to do, you can come with your child!"

Ouyang Xiu sneered: "He is watching the excitement! Look at our excitement! If Yang Jingan is as Wang Anshi said to him, Wang Anshi is a great contributor, and Shen An is just a bastard watching our excitement!"

Han Qi waved his hand, "Nothing is known at the moment. Let's wait for the news."

Everyone was silent.

Zaifu has a lot of things to do, and they are all major events, so he needs to be highly concentrated.

After a busy day, Han Qi looked energetic, but Ouyang Xiu was a little tired. He rubbed his eyes and said that he had to drink some wine when he got home.

They slowly walked out of the political hall. Han Qi stretched and felt extremely comfortable.

There was a sound of footsteps, followed by Zeng Gongliang's voice.

"We've already gone to the Yamen, why are there still memorials coming in?"

"Prime Minister Zeng, gentlemen, this is the memorial from Yizhou Road. It says there is an urgent need!"

Han Qi's body stiffened, and he immediately felt a dull pain under his ribs, as if he was breathing.


He called out, lowered his head and stretched out his hand, "Bring it to me and take a look."

His domineering behavior was known to everyone, so the messenger handed him the memorial.

Han Qi carefully checked the seal and then opened it...

He looked at the memorial slowly, his body gradually trembling.

"Xiang Han? Is this a draw?"

It is best not to be frightened when people stretch, otherwise they will easily become breathless and convulsed.

Han Qi slowly raised his head, the anger in his eyes almost burning the void.

He spoke word by word: "Yizhou Road imprisoned Li Zhonghe and the following five officials, and jointly impeached the transfer envoy Yang Jingan. He was impeached for clamoring for the abolition of Jiaozi and Tieqian without the consent of the central government, so that Civil unrest.”

Zeng Gongliang's body swayed and his face turned pale, "The traffic on Yizhou Road is inconvenient. If trouble occurs and cannot be controlled at the moment, what should we do?"

Bao Zheng said in a deep voice: "Why are you panicking? Li Zhonghe and the others impeached Yang Jingan. This means they disagree with the matter. The two sides are in a stalemate. The so-called civil unrest...ask the Imperial City Division."

Han Qi turned around and left, and Zeng Gongliang sighed: "Sure enough, sure enough, Wang Anshi has a foresight, and Shen An can see through it at a glance... We are the only ones who are ignorant. It's extremely embarrassing, extremely embarrassing!"

Everyone came together to see him. Zhao Shu didn't know what was going on. When he met, he saw that the prime ministers and ministers were all sullen and angry, so he smiled and said, "Where is the trouble?"

Now that Da Song is considered safe, he is also very comfortable.

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty, I have just received the memorial from Yizhou Road. I boldly opened it. Yizhou Road ordered Li Zhonghe and the following five officials to be impeached for impeaching Yang Jian'an, the transfer envoy, without the consent of the DPRK and China. They clamored for the abolition of Jiaozi and iron money, causing civil unrest."

"Wang Anshi!"

Zhao Shu instantly thought of Wang Anshi's determination to return the word.

"Wang Anshi said at that time that the sudden abolition of iron money would be too hasty and the people would be in trouble. At that time, I did not listen and became angry. Now it seems that I was wrong."

There was anger in his eyes, and he ordered: "Recover the messenger immediately, and send someone to Yizhou Road to find out the matter. If it is true, bring Yang Jingan back."

When he talked about bringing it back, his voice became murderous.

Yang Jingan, please wish yourself well.

"Press this matter!"

Zhao Shu took a deep breath and said, "Yang Zuo of Kaifeng Prefecture is feeling unwell. He has requested to become an official many times, and I have approved it."

Han Qi asked: "Who does Your Majesty prefer to take over?"

He can only ask this, but has no decision-making power.

Taking charge of Kaifeng Mansion is the heart of ruling the Song Dynasty. Such candidates can only be decided by the emperor Qiangang, and no one else can interfere.

Zhao Shu looked at the memorial and sneered: "I originally preferred others, but now I changed my mind!"

"Go and ask Wang Anshi to come to the court tomorrow morning."

The chamberlain immediately went to the Wang family to inform.

"Tomorrow morning?"

Wang Anshi didn't know what it meant, but Wang Yu said: "Dad, just go!"

He said confidently: "Don't be afraid even if you leave the court temporarily. When the incident on Yizhou Road breaks out, you will experience it... what Brother An Bei said... By the way, the king is back! "

Wang Anshi reached out and patted him, and said with a straight face: "The return of the king, how can there be any king in the Song Dynasty? The dead one is the king."

It's very easy to be crowned a king. You have made great contributions, and after your death the officials will soften their hearts and maybe they will posthumously grant you the title of king.

But he felt the joyful meaning implicit in this sentence.

King's return!

After a good night's sleep, Wang Anshi got up early the next morning. After breakfast, he went all the way to the imperial court.

The weather is getting colder, but the grand scene of the zombie siege is still the same, and the lanterns are still shining whitely on the surroundings.

"Wang Anshi is here."

"What is he here for?"

"Didn't this person resign? Why is he here again?"

"The officials haven't allowed him to resign yet!"


There was a lot of discussion, UU Reading www. uuukanshu.net Wang Anshi stood there in silence.

There was a lot of chatter around, and a lot of malicious sneers.

The most common thing in this world is schadenfreude, not sympathy.

Later the palace door opened and everyone filed in.

Wang Anshi walked alone among the crowd and remembered what his son said last night.

King's return!

The first update is here, there are more. Today there is a new leader to update, and there are still five chapters.

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