A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,388 Decided in one word

Champa in late autumn is like Bianliang in early autumn. I feel very comfortable wearing single clothes.

Su Yan was sitting behind the desk, reading a book in his hand.

There were footsteps outside, and a sergeant walked in.

"What's the matter?"

Su Yan raised his head with sharp eyes.

He has grown some beard, it looks very short, but a circle of black can be seen.

The sergeant lowered his head and said, "Tongjian, someone is watching us outside."

"This is alert!"

Su Yan smiled and said, "No problem."

After the sergeant went out, Zhang Chi came. As soon as he came in, he said worriedly: "Go back, let's go back and report to the officials. The next time the Song Navy comes again, they will definitely make them cry!"

The old man was really angry, and his beard and hair were trembling.

"You don't need to worry." Su Yan said, "It's up to them, let's just stay there."

"How long will it take?" Zhang Chi frowned and said, "The Champa people have cut off the supplies on our ship today by using the excuse of inconvenient roads. What will happen to the soldiers on the ship? How long can they last without food and water? This is forcing them. Let’s go!”

The Champa people's expulsion order was very vague, and in Su Yan's eyes it was completely unnecessary.

"Don't worry, it's just tonight!"

Su Yan closed the book and said, "It rained last night, which is not conducive to travel. It looks like the weather will be good tonight."

Zhang Chi could hear murderous intent in his tone. He moved forward and whispered: "We are not sure if we can do it!"

The gray beard trembled slightly, and those somewhat cloudy eyes were full of calmness.

This is a mature official who works steadily.

Stability also means conservatism to a certain extent.

Zhang Chi said eagerly: "Let's go back right away. Your teacher, Duke Shen, is the toughest person in the Song Dynasty. When he learns about it, he will definitely roar at the court. The subsequent thunderous revenge of the Song Dynasty will make the people of Champa regret it." and."

He took a deep breath, "The people in Champa thought that the warships could not go ashore, but they had never seen the Song Dynasty's firearms. With only five thousand men, the Song Dynasty could make them surrender!"

He had seen the firearms of the Song Dynasty, so his eyes were full of excitement, "Those firearms will light up the Champa Palace, and the soldiers of the Song Dynasty will take the Champa King back to Bianliang and let him kneel in front of the official palace." Crying loudly in front of me..."

He raised his head and said loudly: "How happy it is to hold the master of his country in front of the emperor and count his crimes!"

When the Song Dynasty was founded, many countries were destroyed due to conquests in the east and west. After obtaining the king of the other party, they would be sent to Bianliang.

For example, the famous Empress Li later had her daughter-in-law treated like that by Zhao Laoer.

Su Yan raised his head with a deep gaze, "Deputy Envoy Zhang, why do you have to wait for the troops from the DPRK to come out?"

Zhang Chi's lips trembled, "Do you still want to take risks?"

Su Yan stood up, took a look outside, put his hands behind his back and turned around, "There will definitely be stars tonight."

Night came as expected.

Su Yan was sitting behind the desk, and the candlelight in the room flickered, reflecting his figure on the wall.

The figure suddenly stood up as the candle flame swayed, and then listened.

"Tong San, everything is fine." Someone outside said.

Su Yan walked to the wall, took off the long knife hanging on the wall, and tied it around his waist.

Turning around, Zhang Chi walked in, also wearing a long knife at his waist.

"You should wait here for news. Let us young people do this."

Su Yan didn't want the old Zhang Chi to fight, but Zhang Chi frowned and said, "Why, are you looking down on me? When I was an official in the southwest, I drew swords against the natives. Those natives Much more powerful than the Champa people, I will show you my methods today!"

With a cry, Zhang Chi pulled out his long knife and waved it vigorously.

He swung a few times, and the last one was so hard that he almost fell into the street. Then he stabilized his body, turned around and asked, "How is my swordsmanship?"

Su Yan had practiced swordsmanship, which was Shen An's request, so he was not a layman in swordsmanship.

The corner of his mouth twitched and he said: "Your sword skills are extremely good. If you practice for a few more years, you may be able to kill enemies in battle."

Zhang Chi was overjoyed and said, "Let's go."

Su Yan sighed in his heart, and was immediately overwhelmed by murderous aura.

He walked out of the room, and members of the mission stood quietly outside.

"Everyone used to say that the Song Dynasty was cowardly. A teacher often used the deeds of his predecessors in the Han and Tang Dynasties to encourage his students."

This is about Shen An.

Everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Su Yan's deep voice came: "What would the seniors of the Han and Tang Dynasties do if they encountered such a thing?"

Officials who can accompany envoys on missions basically have no problem with their knowledge.

They knew very well what the envoys from the Han and Tang Dynasties did.

One word: kill!

"Set off!"

Su Yan took the lead, and the group of people walked out and headed towards the palace.

The streets in Champa... To be honest, they are probably not as good as the streets in any other city in the Song Dynasty. They are very simple.

Moreover, there are few lights here, and the occasional light is as scary as seeing a will-o'-the-wisp in a tomb.

But the palace is obviously different.

There are obviously many more lights there. Although it is not almost like daylight, it can be regarded as brightly lit.

"How many people are outside the door?"

Su Yan stood in the darkness, and someone looked through binoculars.

"Tongjian, there are thirty people holding swords outside."

This is the basic configuration, anything less than this is suspicious.

"Our people are on the warship, otherwise we can attack them in one go."

There were more than a thousand sergeants on the accompanying warships. If they followed, Zhang Chi felt that it would be no problem to capture the defenseless palace. And there are more than a hundred cavalry accompanying them. In Champa, the cavalry is invincible.

At this time, someone came out of the palace.

"It's a servant!"

"Another one came out."

"Hey...why did you run to the side?"

"Tsk! We're hugging each other."

"That's it for making out."


The sergeant holding a telescope was broadcasting live, and it didn't take long for the incident to be completed over there.


Su Yan turned around and said to the general who was following him: "Be decisive in killing people. Don't be afraid of getting out of control. If something happens, someone will be the one to blame."

The general slowly pulled out his long sword and put it behind him.

Everyone pulled out their long swords one after another.

Su Yan walked over first.

The group of guard sergeants noticed them and asked, "What's the matter?"

But what he said was a dialect that Su Yan couldn't understand. The interpreter said according to the plan: "The envoy suddenly thought of something important and wanted to see the king."

The sergeants looked at them, "Why are there so many people?"

"It's dark at night and I'm scared."


The sergeants laughed.

The prestige of the Han and Tang Dynasties has long since dissipated, and the bravery of the Han and Tang envoys has also been forgotten by many people...

Su Yan and the others slowly approached, the long knives behind them reflecting slightly under the starlight.

When they were ten paces away, a sergeant noticed something was wrong.

"Their right hands are all behind their backs!"

A sergeant laughed and said: "One of them is left-handed!"

"Idiot! That's left-handed!"

"What are you going to do? Stop!"

the sergeant shouted sharply.

People could be seen flashing inside, and Su Yan shouted: "Do it!"

He was the first to rush forward.

The soldiers were stunned and immediately drew their swords.

"Song people killed people!"

A sharp shout kicked off the night attack.

Su Yan slashed away with a knife, but the sergeant in front of him blocked it, but the long knife in his hand did not break.

This is the batch of weapons that Shen An sold to Champa last time, and they were given priority to the troops of the king.

Su Yan had no experience in killing enemies, and his mind was almost blank at the moment. He only knew how to swing the knife, and then swing the knife again.

He has nothing else but a strength that few others can match.

Su Yan woke up when a spurt of blood shot onto his face.

"Get out of the way!"

The general led more than a dozen plainclothes Song troops to charge forward and chopped off the enemy in front of him with one blow, making Su Yan ashamed.

These are the elites selected from the army. How can the king's men stop them?

Zhang Chi hesitated as he followed, and his previously mentioned invincible sword skills became a joke.

The general in front cut off the opponent's arm with a sword, and the enemy was left behind, and he happened to face Zhang Chi.

Zhang Chi trembled, then stabbed him with a long knife.


This is Hina!

When Su Yan was practicing swordsmanship, he heard a saying from Zhe Kexing, saying that the most basic move of a long sword is to chop.

As for the stabbing...that's a joke.

If you stab someone with a long knife, you might as well go into battle with a long sword.

But after the enemy soldier broke an arm, he collapsed and subconsciously turned around.

Zhang Chi stabbed away with the knife, originally intending to stab his lower abdomen...

——The lower abdomen has no bones!

He knows this common sense very well. UU Reading www.uukashu.nnet

But in actual operation, the long knife was a little biased, and it was pointing downwards!

The long knife stabbed in smoothly, and the enemy's body froze for a moment, then stood up on tiptoes.


Zhang Chi stabbed his opponent in the butt, but Su Yan's eyes turned red and he rushed after him.

Thirty enemy troops guarding the palace gate were defeated in one blow.

Su Yan was overjoyed and rushed in with people.

The palace is not big, and there is an open space as soon as you enter. The front is brightly lit, but there are no lights on the left and right.

Almost subconsciously, Su Yan shouted: "Retreat!"

As soon as they turned around, there were footsteps coming from the left and right sides of the door.

Footsteps came quickly, and then a group of sergeants holding swords and shields blocked the door.

Su Yan turned around again.

A man slowly walked out of the palace, it was Hande!

The king didn't come out, but he could see people flickering in the palace.

Han De looked at Su Yan and smiled: "How did your envoy come here this late at night? Did he get lost? If he got lost, what happened to the fallen person?"

He sniffed, changed his face and said, "The smell of blood is overwhelming. What did you do?"

This is asking knowingly!

Su Yan looked around and saw that some of the people in the delegation looked frightened.

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