A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 3190 Reinforcements Arrive

The flames were still burning inside and outside the gate. Those occupying the city were unable to rush in for a while. Then someone shouted: "Climb the wall!"

The walls of the palace are not tall, but they represent the dignity of the king. In the past, no one dared to climb, but today this wall is densely packed with sergeants.

At this moment, the screams in the palace have ended, and no one knows who will win and who will lose.

One person bends down, another person steps on it, and then tries to climb up.

Then many Champa people jumped off the wall like dumplings, and they rushed inside in disorder.

"Kill all the Song people!"

The generals who commanded the army were going crazy.

The Song Dynasty's envoy only had more than twenty people, but he commanded more than a thousand people and could not stop them.

No, it wasn't that he couldn't stop it, but he felt that he had already known about the Song people's coming night attack and had prepared an ambush in advance, so the Song people naturally had no way to escape.

He only thought about where the Song people would escape, but he never thought that the Song army had no intention of escaping. After discovering that it was a trap, he actually rushed in.

What followed was as tragic as hell's demonic fire.

He had never thought about what kind of fire it was, but after more than ten people were burned to death, his subordinates refused to break through the door even after being beaten to death.

He stood further back and urged anxiously: "Hurry in and protect the king!"

As long as he can keep the leader of the country, then he can offset his merits and demerits. If he cannot keep it...


He suddenly thought of something. If the leader of the country was killed, no one would be responsible for his crimes!

This discovery made him extremely confused and didn't know what to do.

The flames at the gate were gradually shrinking, and the Champa people who climbed over the wall had already rushed over.

The palace door was wide open, and he was about to enter.

At this moment, a familiar face appeared behind the door.

"Lord of the country!"

Everyone was shocked and immediately cheered: "Long live!"

Is this the mission to kill the Song people?

Just as they were cheering, something appeared on the king's neck.

A long knife was placed on the king's neck. The Song envoy grabbed the king's back collar with one hand and held the knife in the other, slowly forcing the king to come out.


Su Yan smiled and said: "More than a thousand people surrounded and killed more than 20 people, but you still can't stop it. A group of idiots. Now the king of the country is in the hands of someone. The brave ones... Oh, someone saw someone's eyes filled with tears. Ambition, do you want to kill the country’s leader and establish independence? That’s fine, I think a new country leader will know how to respect the Song Dynasty.”


Someone originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and rush over, but Su Yan didn't dare to take action because of the gamble.

But listen to what the interpreter said, this person actually had a vicious motive for the attack.

Whoever does it wants to murder the leader of the country and then take the throne himself.

This man is so vicious!

The king's cheeks trembled, "As long as you dare to take action, this is where you will be buried!"

There were more than a thousand people outside at the moment, and they could swamp the Song delegation in an instant.

"The king can give it a try."

Su Yan pulled the long knife inside, and the king trembled: "Bold!"

At this moment, he was still pretending to be the king. Su Yan raised his long sword and drew it hard.

The king received a heavy blow on the cheek, and he shouted in pain: "Thief, you will not die a good death!"

There was a commotion among the Champa people in front.

Su Yan looked to the right and said, "Does anyone want to take action? Come, kill your king, and a certain guarantor will confer you the title of King of Champa."

This provocation was a desperate move. The king spat out bloody saliva and was about to speak when he saw an arrow flying towards him.

Damn it!

Su Yan was stalling for time, waiting for the cavalry to arrive.

But the appointed time has come, and the cavalry is still missing.

Su Yan felt a little unsure, but he had to endure it at this moment.

The general behind him chopped off the arrow with his sword. Su Yan laughed and said, "Well done. This arrow is not accurate. Another one."

Others didn't see it clearly. After the general knocked down the arrow, he whispered: "It's for you."

Only those who face the arrow know who it is intended to hit.

This is too much!

Su Yan said with a smile: "Are you really going to kill the king? But I don't want to give up!"

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over.

Damn, who did this?

Someone yelled over there: "Shoot him!"

But Su Yan is standing behind the king, with half of his head exposed. Who can tell who you shot with this arrow?

Someone roared: "Whoever hurts the king, I will kill him!"

This is an opportunity to show loyalty.

Some people are ambitious and want to kill the king, and some are ambitious and want to use this opportunity to show their loyalty. If the king escapes from trouble, he will be the hero.

The situation is deadlocked.

At this time, someone inside shouted: "Kill them, kill them, otherwise Champa will perish! They use the power of the country to hold us hostage. But after tonight, Champa and the Song Dynasty have turned against each other. Do you understand? We are already enemies. , if you don’t take action, the Song people will take action and kill them, and then we will join forces with Jiaozhi to resist the violent Song Dynasty!"

This was Han De's voice, filled with despair.

"What did he say?"

Han De used Champa dialect this time, and the interpreter said: "He said that the two sides are already enemies. He will kill us, and then join forces with Jiaozhi to resist... the Song Dynasty!"

"Bao Song?"

Su Yan was startled, "This reminds me of the name Bao Qin."

During the Warring States Period, the Qin State swept across other countries and finally unified the world. The laws of Qin were strict, so many people called it violent Qin.

Su Yan smiled and said: "Bao Song, for the enemy, the name Bao Song is very good."

"Kill them... ow!"

Hande inside was taken care of.

Those Champa people are ready to make a move.

Su Yan pressed the long knife and said, "Let him speak to stop it."

The interpreter threatened: "If the king doesn't stop it, don't regret it if you look back."

The king suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhang Chi shouted: "This is wrong! Do it!"

At the same time, the king shouted: "Kill them! Kill them!"

He shouted wildly.

Su Yan and the general grabbed him and dragged him in with all their strength.

At the same time, those Champa people also rushed over.

"Close the door!"

Su Yan pulled the king in, and someone on both sides sealed the door. Immediately, someone pushed in a large bronze utensil of unknown purpose, as well as various heavy objects to block the back of the door.


The sound of banging on the door outside made people upset. Zhang Chi slapped the king so hard that the corner of his mouth bled, and then said angrily: "Do you want to die? I'm putting you in a dilemma between life and death!"

In the desperate situation, the people in the mission did not panic. Some people continued to block the door and some were collecting weapons.


The door is crumbling.

Su Yan shouted: "The reinforcements from the Song Dynasty will arrive soon. If you retreat now, you can still survive, otherwise we will all be trapped and killed."

There was a commotion outside, and then someone was shouting.

"He said it was a lie!"


The door was knocked open a gap, and the big things behind kept moving back.


The Champa people found wooden pillars, which became stronger this time.

The crack in the door became wider and wider, and arrows flew in.

"Block it, block it with your armor!"

The armor of those fierce soldiers was taken off and used as shields, which worked fine.

"Where are the reinforcements?"

asked a mission official.

These were all arranged by Su Yan, and no one knew the specific details.

Su Yan said calmly: "On the way."

The king was lying on the ground panting, he was laughing, his whole body was shaking with laughter, and then he said: "Let me go, Champa and Song Dynasty will still be friends. If I die, my successor may join forces with Jiaozhi, Will you be able to break through the miasma by then?"

This person actually thought that the Song Dynasty would use Champa as an offensive base to launch an attack on Jiaozhi from here?

Su Yan couldn't help but laugh.


The academy has been studying the miasma in the southwest. Su Yan believes that the brothers and sisters can produce results. When the army marches from the southwest and destroys Jiaozhi, what will happen to the occupied city?

"Let me go!" the king said excitedly: "I promise to put you in a good situation and let you leave Champa."

Su Yan shook his head. The king was angry and shouted: "Then you all have to die, you all have to die!"

Su Yan said contemptuously: "A certain person said that reinforcements will come."

The king laughed and said: "Where are they? Where are the reinforcements? The Song people like to brag. From your officials to the prime ministers and ministers, and then to those officials, they were clearly miserable by the Liao and Xixia people, but they still want to Why are you putting on the airs of the Celestial Empire? If it wasn’t for some benefit, do you think Champa would pay tribute? I’m dreaming!”

Before he finished speaking, an exclamation suddenly came from outside.

"It's said..." The interpreter listened carefully, a smile gradually appeared on his face, "It was said that there was the sound of horse hooves."

Su Yan stood up suddenly and shouted: "Reinforcements are coming!"


The gate was half-opened, and those occupying the city began to push the obstacles ferociously. Some people were shooting bows and arrows...

"Wan Sheng!"

Cheers came from outside, and the Champa man was startled and looked back involuntarily.

This is the cheer of Song people.

from behind them.

Su Yan took a deep breath and said, "When we left the dock, someone noticed something was wrong with the Champa King and made an appointment to take action. They really lived up to their trust."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A dense explosion sounded outside the palace, followed by various screams and the sounds of running wildly.

"Kill the enemy!"

The Champa people were panicked by the bombing, and the cavalry took the opportunity to start strangulation.

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