A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 141 If the Chanyuan Alliance had you...

"Did your brother bring you something good?"

As soon as he arrived at Shen's house, Bao Zheng picked up Guoguo and asked him.

Guoguo was also counting with her fingers excitedly, almost overflowing with joy.

It seems that Lao Bao was very good to Guoguo when we were at Bao's house!

Shen An nodded slightly, then took a pen and paper to start recalling.

The carriages of later generations were able to pull thousands of kilograms of coal on mountain roads. Except for long slopes, they generally did not require the owner's help and relied on the tying method.

Shen An feels that his painting skills are very good, at least it looks somewhat aesthetic.

"This thing you drew... is a dog pulling a cart?"

Bao Zheng looked at it hesitantly for a long time before he recognized that it was a dog pulling the cart.

"is horse!"

Shen An turned around and said with a look of sorrow and anger: "I say Mr. Bao, have you ever seen a dog before?"

He pointed at the animal pulling the cart and said: "Look, the horse's head, its body, its tail..."

Guoguo was hugged by Lao Bao and suddenly shouted: "Brother, I have no feet..."

Shen An was startled for a moment, then looked at it and found that he really had no legs.

He laughed dryly and said: "I forgot, I forgot, Guoguo's eyes are so good!"

Lao Bao pointed at him angrily and said, "What Guoguo said, you just said you have good eyes. What I said, you are... you are referring to dogs as horses."

Shen An said plausibly: "In my eyes, this is just a horse, perfect..."

Lao Bao angrily put Guo Guo down and said, "You must have messed up when you were writing the document. It didn't take long to write it out... Eh!"

Lao Bao suddenly slapped his forehead and said angrily: "You are such a cunning boy!"

Shen An put down his pen and said angrily: "How could I be cunning?"

Lao Bao pointed at him and sighed: "The document stipulates that if he loses, that person will have to eat...eat that within a quarter of an hour. But it has not been determined how long the competition will last... Shen An, Shen An, you... …”

"How dishonest."

Lao Bao felt that he had lived most of his life in vain, and only now did he think of Shen An's manipulations in the documents.

Shen An felt proud, thinking that there would be countless traps in future contracts. This was just a small test. If he could preside over the signing of the contract with the Liao Kingdom, he was sure to trick Yelu Hongji into vomiting blood.

Bao Zheng was about to go back, but before leaving, a ridiculous idea suddenly came to his mind.

"I'm thinking...if the Song Dynasty had you here during the Chanyuan Alliance and sent you to stir things up, and signed the contract to let you go, then there would be nothing to say about whether the Liao Emperor would have been tricked to death by you. …”

Shen An said with a smile: "How could it be possible! If I were here, I would definitely take the lead..."

So Shen An was thinking about ways to improve the tying of carriages at home, and things gradually became clearer outside.

That Huang Qi was Mao Yushi's cousin, so when he saw Shen An talking nonsense, he took the initiative to run against him.

After getting the documents, Huang Qi ran outside the censor's desk in a hurry, saying that Mao Censor was looking for him if there was something urgent at home.

When Mao Yushi rushed out in a hurry, he didn't see his family. Instead, he saw Huang Qi, his cousin, and said angrily: "What do you want from me about your family's affairs?"

Huang Qi became very angry when he heard this and said, "What are you pretending to be! Brother, I brought you something good today."

This Huang Qi is almost like a rogue. Mao Yushi has always looked down on this cousin. Every time they meet, he is either ridiculed or indifferent.

"nice one?"

Mao Yushi looked at him suspiciously and said, "Did you get into trouble outside..."

Huang Qi took out the document and said coldly: "Read it yourself."

Mao Yushi took the document and looked at it carefully, and casually mocked: "You must have sold your house... Let's decide where the family will live. I don't have room at home... Hey! Carriage! "

Huang Qi crossed his arms and said triumphantly: "Look down. If I hadn't thought about you being beaten twice by Shen An, brother, I wouldn't have come today."

Yushi Mao read it carefully, then patted Huang Qi on the shoulder and said, "Wait a minute."

He ran in quickly, and Huang Qi said angrily: "This is my document, don't ever cross the river and burn the bridge."

Mao Yushi rushed in and found the driver of the Yushitai.

"Is there a better way to tie this carriage? A way that doesn't wear the horse's back."

The carriage at Yushitai was of little use, and the carriage driver had nothing to do all day, which was considered a good job.

But it’s boring to do nothing! So the coachman secretly drank in broad daylight and was currently feeling dizzy.

He raised his drunken eyes, burped and said: "Mao Yushi? No, it has been used for so many years. Anyone who has a way has already used it. No, there is no way."

Mao Yushi reached out and touched his sleeve for a while, and finally took out a small bunch of copper coins.

"If you are right, this money is yours!"

This coachman drinks every day and has lost all his money. Now when he sees the money, his eyes light up.

"Don't worry, Censor Mao, I swear, if anyone can figure out a way to avoid grinding the horse's back, I will eat shit..."

Mao Yushi was secretly happy and said with a straight face: "Stop talking about these disgusting people."

When he turned around and left the Yushitai, he snorted coldly when he saw Huang Qi walking back and forth uneasily.

"You have done well in this matter. If it succeeds, I will help you with your affairs in the future."

This was what Huang Qi was waiting for. After hearing this, he hurriedly handed over his hands and thanked him.

Rascals often get into trouble, and if a censor's cousin shows up, ordinary military patrols will not care about him.

This is equivalent to a death-free gold medal.

Huang Qi went back triumphantly, and Mao Yushi went about his work happily. He wrote a memorial and handed it to the palace.

"Your Majesty, the censor is impeaching Shen An..."

Zhao Zhen was still immersed in the joy of Liao's great loss. Hearing this, he said casually: "He just returned to Bianliang. Did he get into trouble again? Tell me."

Chen Zhongheng took the memorial and read it.


Just now, the emperor and his ministers were discussing about the official position of Jiangdong prison king Anshi. Fu Bi was thinking about it. He burst out laughing when he heard this. He couldn't help but frown and looked, but it was Chen Zhongheng.

Zhao Zhen also said dissatisfied: "What a shame!"

Chen Zhongheng hurriedly apologized, and then said: "Your Majesty...this Shen An, this Shen Daizhao...he made a bet with someone!"

Zhao Zhen hummed and said displeasedly: "He is just looking for trouble, what are you betting on?"

Chen Zhongheng said: "Shen An made a bet with a rogue to improve the tying method of the carriage, saying that it would not wear the horse's back."

"What if I can't?"

Fu Bi felt that this Shen An was really... speechless.

"If you can't, then eat...eat shit."



The monarchs and ministers in the palace burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Zhen was laughing so hard that he finally stopped. Seeing that the ministers below were still laughing so hard, he said angrily: "What if he loses? Why should he eat the imperial edict in public?"

The prime ministers and ministers were startled. They were all just thinking about having fun. As for the officials below being unlucky because of this, that has nothing to do with us.

Just thinking that this matter was Shen An's handiwork, all kinds of emotions suddenly came up.

Should I gloat or sympathize...

"Go and ask. Maybe it has been improved."

Zhao Zhen ignored the angry political affairs and said, "As for Wang Anshi's matter, the ministers will discuss it slowly and report it to me later."

So everyone dispersed.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Han Qi hurried to the political hall.

Fu Bi and others were also in a hurry, and the guards they met on the road were surprised.

"My husband is so anxious. Could it be that something big has happened?"

As soon as they arrived at the political hall, a group of ministers found the coachman.

The coachman is just a small person. When has he ever been treated like this?

Being stared at by a group of prime ministers, he was nervous and at a loss.

"...Ms. sir, I'm afraid...I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Han Qi frowned and said: "If you can, you can, if you can't, you can't. Just say it."

The coachman gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Zeng Gongliang asked again, but the driver killed him and said he couldn't.

"In front of all your gentlemen, I don't dare to lie."

The method of tying carriages has been used for many years and is as ingrained as using chopsticks for eating.

"My dear gentlemen, I am making an inappropriate analogy in front of you."

The driver stretched out the middle index finger of his right hand, pinched it a few times, and said flatteringly: "It's like people have to use chopsticks to eat. Don't you have to use a knife if you don't have chopsticks? That's not allowed. Are savages eating like this...or grabbing it with their hands? How embarrassing! It's worse than savages who use knives..."

This metaphor was a rough statement but not a rough one. Several prime ministers and ministers looked at each other and then returned to the political hall.

Fu Bi asked tangledly: "Could it be that... Shen An really wants to eat that?"

At this time someone came to report the matter.

"My lords, the bet has come out."

"Talk about it."

Fu Bi felt that it was none of his business for Shen An to eat shit, and he would not be reluctant to part with it.

But the official’s face was completely lost!

The clerk outside the door seems to be a gossip and a sycophant.

"My dear gentlemen, the bet only said that the loser would eat shit on the spot, but it didn't say how long it would take to start..."

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