Later, Wang Anshi's New Deal gave many local officials hope.

Corrupt hope.

There is such a good opportunity for corruption, why don’t we take action?

It says we don’t care how much interest the young people earn on their money. Anyway, those people are as stupid as pigs and don’t know anything. When we say a few percent, isn’t it just a few percent?

Such a good opportunity to make money, if you don’t take action, why are you waiting?

As a result, corruption gradually became rampant.

And the other level is promotion.

Wang Anshi was in charge of the government, and of course whoever implemented the New Deal effectively would be promoted to official position, so all the local officials were very happy.

But the New Deal is too slow to see results!

What to do?

Officials wish they could be promoted in a matter of seconds, so how can they have the patience to wait for several years?

So all kinds of ‘ripening’ methods came out.

People who shouldn't have borrowed money from Qingmiao were forced to borrow money, and political achievements came immediately.

Look at how much money the people under a certain government have borrowed from young people this year. This performance... is really proud of their colleagues!

Should such a capable official be promoted?

That's right

If he shouldn't, then who will contribute to the New Deal in the future?

So that person was promoted, leaving a mess and countless public complaints in his wake.

The New Deal was not yet completed, but it made a mess of officialdom. This was also a key point of attack on Wang Anshi.

Therefore, Shen An's original proposal to have two censors in one mansion was for the purpose of supervision.

Some people may worry that two is not enough, so three, four, five...

Rotate them every one or two years, not giving them a chance to take root locally.

In a word, as long as you really want to do it, there are always more ways than difficulties.

Only when the greedy hands of officials are tied can the New Deal be implemented under the watchful eyes of countless opponents.

After all, Han Qi was worried. He and Lao Bao stood outside the gate of the Zhengshi Hall and pretended to be talking nonsense. In fact, they were staring at the History Academy opposite.

"Xiren, do you think Shen An can let these young people go all out to supervise the place?"


Bao Zheng was also a little unsure.

Han Qi sighed: "We hide here and watch the fun, but let a young man do the work. It is really unkind to think about it."

This shameless old guy actually feels guilty?

Could it be that you drank too much?

Bao Zheng glanced at him and said, "Yes! How about Prime Minister Han go in and take a look?"

Han Qi shook his head, "Everything should be done from beginning to end. This was Shen An's suggestion. I always feel that the officials below are not as miserable as he said, right? Since Emperor Taizong, the redundancy of officials in the Song Dynasty seems to be serious, but there is one thing Dividing it into several offices can at least reduce the possibility of official corruption. It is not good to stack roofs and build beds, but at least it can reduce corruption!"

Bao Zheng frowned and said, "This old man doesn't know either."

Han Qi sighed: "I wanted to object at first, but thinking about how many officials had no arrangements left, let's forget it and finally find something for them to do. But most of those people were out of place and full of complaints. I felt it was quite annoying. .”


Han Qi was leaning against the door, looking lazily, when there was a sudden shout from the other side, which shocked him so much that he almost slipped.

He held on to the wall and said with a smile, "My legs are a little sore."

Before he finished speaking, there was another shout from inside, louder and more excited.

"Perform your duties faithfully and serve your country loyally!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Before Han Qi could stand still, he was startled by the shouting. His feet slipped and he sat down by the door.

Bao Zheng had no time to care about him and just stared at the door.

Shen An came out later, and Bao Zheng asked, "How is it?"

Shen An said calmly: "They are all crazy."

In an instant, Bao Zheng thought of the vendors who were bewitched by Shen An.


Han Qi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes!" Shen An lazily handed over his hands, "I have to go home and take care of the children to cook, so I'm leaving."

Damn it!

What kind of children are you taking?

Han Qi went up and grabbed him and asked, "How did you do it?"

These censors are not just censors, they are also the sharp blades of the New Deal. But there are too many people who oppose the New Deal, and many people are afraid to take the sword.

So Han Qi felt that this matter was a headache.

Shen An said with a smile: "I didn't do much. I just told them how much the officials valued them and how much the gentlemen valued them, and then they got excited."

I believed your lies!

They didn't know how many times they said this to these censors, but Mao didn't use it.

Is your mouth, Shen An, made of gold, and what you say is more effective than the rest of us?

"You kid, are you trying to trick me?"


Shen An chuckled and said: "If Mr. Han doesn't believe it, there are many people present today. A large group of people from the Academy of History are there. Mr. Han can go and ask."

Shen An held up his hands, smiled at Bao Zheng, and then went back.

Zeng Ermei was miserable last night and would definitely not be able to cook today.

The servants can order takeaway food, but not the family members. Shen An is going to go back and make a hot pot, and the whole family will eat around it, and feel comfortable after eating.

Han Qi stood there, and when a few officials came out, he waved, "Come here, I have something to ask."

Several officials came over and Han Qi asked: "What did Shen An say inside just now? Tell the truth."

Several officials had no chance to talk to Han Qi on weekdays. Now that they had the opportunity, they wanted to make a good impression on Han Qi, so they talked about what Shen An had said before.

Han Qi was stunned.

"that's all?"

He can also say these things!

Bao Zheng waved his hands, and after these people left, he said, "Prime Minister Han, don't underestimate this. Back then..."

What was that year?

Han Qi was waiting, but Bao Zheng stopped talking. He said eagerly: "What was it back then?"

"Back then...I forgot."

Bao Zheng felt that this matter should not be discussed anymore, otherwise everyone would think that Shen An's methods of deceiving people were too powerful, and no one would take the opportunity to slander Shen An in the future, saying that Shen An was deceiving people and had evil intentions.

Han Qi asked anxiously: "What exactly is it?"

"That's it...those words should be said with all your heart, and you should say them sincerely."

"That's it!" Han Qi thought for a while and felt that Lao Bao was not telling the truth.

But that poem is really good.

"I lie down in the Yazhai and listen to the bamboos rustling, which is suspected to be the sound of suffering among the people. These little officials from Caozhou County are always concerned about each branch and leaf."

Han Qi sighed: "What a poem! Officials all over the world should recite it ten times a day."

He also wanted to verify it, when a group of people came out from the opposite side. If he looked carefully, they were the censors.

Yesterday they were dejected, but today they are in high spirits, making people think they are two groups of people.

Head held high, face rosy, eyes sharp...

"Xiren, this is a group of people? Could it be that they have been completely reborn?"

Bao Zheng had seen Shen An's methods, so he said firmly: "It's the result of being inspired by Shen An."

"I've met Prime Minister Han, and Prime Minister Bao!"

The group of censors bowed their hands to Han Qi and Bao Zheng, looking very energetic and no longer dissatisfied.

Han Qi raised his hand and said, "Would you like to go down?"

The censors all smiled and said, "Yes."

"We must serve the king and take the world as our own responsibility. Didn't Duke Shen say... Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. As a censor, it is our bounden duty to supervise and govern the officials. Please rest assured, I will definitely live up to my responsibility." Trusted."


Han Qi perked up and said to Bao Zheng, "That kid... is really awesome."


Bao Zheng also doesn't know who taught Shen An's strange skills from Mangshan. It may seem inconspicuous, but it will make you fall in unconsciously, and you will either be buried or trapped.

"It's a pity that boy is not very utilitarian, otherwise based on his ability, the position of Prime Minister will be just for nothing in the future!" Han Qi shook his head and sighed, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net "Why don't you have any ambition?"

Bao Zheng said angrily: "I have beaten him many times about this matter, but he said that in a hundred years of life, why bother to let yourself hang around like a dog and a dog, calculating all day long? Are you tired? Are you tired of running around all day? It is better to sit at home and have something to do. How happy it is to have my wife and children as my companions, to have a few good friends, to toast to a drink, and to travel as a family!"

Han Qi couldn't help but said leisurely and fascinated: "Yes! It's really enviable to live like that, but if my nephew talks like this, I will have to swell his face."

Bao Zheng was helpless: "I chased him three streets at that time, but he didn't change his mind. There was nothing I could do."

Han Qi sighed: "You can advance and become the prime minister and assistant, and you can retreat and become the richest man. You can advance and you can retreat. At this point in your life, you are almost as good as the gods."

Zhao Shu received the news, and it was more comprehensive than what Han Qi and Bao Zheng received, and even Shen An quietly waved his arms.

"Take responsibility!"

Zhao Shu sat there, thinking of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and couldn't help but sigh: "Yes! Responsibility is what I value most, but there are countless officials in the world, but few are responsible. Shen An's words moved them. , Why? Promotion as bait? But I also hinted at the beginning that if you do well, you will naturally be given priority."

Chen Zhongheng smiled flatteringly and said, "Guan family, I think your kindness inspired them."

"Benevolence is useless!" Zhao Shu is not the late emperor, and he knows that being benevolent means being weak. "I thought about Shen An's words, but I still feel that something is wrong."

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