What is the long-cherished wish of an official?

Or what is their ultimate goal?

Wenzhi and martial arts!

Don't think that only emperors can think about this.

In the Song Dynasty, the emperor was the gatekeeper in the palace, and the real person doing the work was the prime minister.

There is no such thing as personal conquest. You are overthinking it.

If you want to say that the Zhen clan has personally conquered the country, then you are a stick.

Zhenzong wanted to run away to the south, but Kou Zhun refused and forced him to go and conquer it himself.

This was forced by the ministers.

After that battle, Kou Zhun became famous and could be compared with Yu Qian of the Ming Dynasty.

Both of them were famous ministers who became the mainstay when the enemy invaded and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were in panic, trying to save the empire from crisis.

Such a famous minister would probably be deliberately obliterated by the emperor. Why? Because the ministers were so powerful, they made the emperor look too stupid.

This is a form of taboo for the Venerable.

But the courtiers still continued to work hard to become the second Kou Zhun and the second Yu Qian.

This is making contributions!

The Song Dynasty's first large-scale external campaign was about to begin.

Who leads the army?

This person will definitely leave his mark in history in the future, it’s exciting to think about it!

In a certain month of a certain year, a certain prime minister led an army to conquer Xixia and won a great victory.

Just such a paragraph can make people feel relaxed and happy, even lying in the coffin feels happy.

But this matter can only be decided by the emperor Qiangang.

Zhao Shu looked at the prime ministers and assistants, and then looked back.

The palace was very quiet.

Everyone is waiting for this decision.

He looked at Shen An and saw that Shen An was leaning against the pillar with a serious look on his face, as if he was thinking about national affairs. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Young people cannot be too idle, otherwise they will easily become decadent.

He turned his eyes and looked at Zhao Xu.

As a prince who listens to politics, Zhao Xu is generally not qualified to speak and can only listen.

This is Duan Lian.

Who leads?

Zhao Shu said slowly: "Back then, the Western bandits suddenly rose up, catching the Song Dynasty off guard. There was a powerful enemy in the north, the Liao Kingdom, and the Song Dynasty had no time to take care of the northwest, so the Western bandits were rampant. After several subsequent campaigns, the Song Dynasty... was defeated! "

That's a shame.

It still makes me sad to mention it now.

Han Qi clenched his fists even more.

Good water river.

Li family, I'm waiting for you!

"In this way, Xixia became a scourge, costing the Song Dynasty countless money, food, manpower and material resources, and making the Song Dynasty even more difficult."

The Song Dynasty was really born at the wrong time.

Life was pretty good originally, but if there was no external interference, it would only take decades of concentration for the country's national power to expand to an unimaginable level.

But as soon as the country was founded, a giant beast called the Liao Kingdom squatted in the north, making the Song Dynasty miserable.

Later, there was a thief named Xixia.

The national power of the Song Dynasty was consumed in these places, and coupled with various untimely conditions in the country, no amount of money and food could be consumed. When Huizong arrived, there was finally a big explosion.

Zhao Shu thought of the past years and couldn't help but feel sad. But soon he cheered up.

"Now that the Song Dynasty has gathered together for decades, its national power is strong, which reminds me of the Han Dynasty back then."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also had the capital to launch a war against the Xiongnu through the savings of the previous two generations of emperors.

That battle lasted for decades, creating the majesty of the Han Dynasty and the strong folk customs, so that at the end of the Han Dynasty, foreigners were still pinned to the ground and beaten violently by the warlords.

Any powerful empire must have such a battle.

"...During the former Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong was forced to eat his courage and expel the Turks. Subsequent emperors continued to move in, destroying Goguryeo and sweeping across all directions."

Zhao Shu said brightly: "Now that the Song Dynasty has reached this moment, I am very happy. Who can teach the Xixia people a lesson for me?"

In an instant, all the officials in the palace raised their heads.

"I am willing to serve your Majesty."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Shu couldn't help laughing.

He stood up slowly, looked down at his ministers, then looked up into the void and said, "Would Han Qing be willing to go to the northwest?"

Han Qi looked up in disbelief, and instantly he thought of that year.

The loyal and brave soldiers of Haoshui River were still lying there, even if they were turned into corpses, they still told him about the tragedy of that year in his dreams.


The huge body knelt down. Tears shone in Han Qi's eyes. He kowtowed solemnly, "My lord, we will never return if we win!"

He knew that this was an opportunity given to him by the official family.

The last time he united the army to defeat the Liao people, he was very happy, but he had regrets after all.


That was where he was sad.

Wherever you fall, you get up.

"Hel Qing Han up."

Han Qi's body was too heavy and it was difficult to get up.

The two chamberlains suppressed their faces and turned red before they asked Han Qi to get up.


What a sin!

Shen An couldn't help but turn away, keeping his eyes out of sight.

Zhao Shu also felt melancholy looking at such an obese prime minister.

"This battle will be divided into three groups." This is to assign the leading generals to each group.

The generals in the palace were very excited and wished that the officials would mention them.

This battle is a battle of ebb and flow, and it is an honor to participate.

Zhao Shu took out a piece of paper, which was the result of his discussion with the ministers.

"Attack from the Zhenrong Army on the left, leading an army of 70,000. Chen Hong..."

Chen Hong, the commander in charge of the front office, trembled, his face flushed, and he walked out excitedly.

"You lead the army to attack Huizhou and Xishou Army Division. We must defeat them one by one. Finally, we must encircle Weizhou with Zhonglu and attack Lingzhou."


Chen Hong stood up happily and glanced at the generals proudly.

Brother is ahead!

Zhao Shu was very happy to see the warrior's excitement.

If you hear about the war, you will be happy, this is a good sign.

He looked at the record on the paper and said: "Lead 50,000 troops on the right, attack from Suizhou, defeat Longzhou, Yinzhou, and join forces with Linfu Road to defeat the Zuoxiang Army Division, and then return to Hongzhou and Youzhou ...There is also Yanzhou, but I am afraid that Yanzhou will not be left for them in the middle, so after taking the above-mentioned places, the right army immediately moved closer to the middle. Zhejizu..."


Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Boss, Zhejizu is on Linfu Road!

Zhao Shu smiled and said, "The relationship on the right is not small. The Zhe family has been fighting there for many years, and no one is more familiar with it than them. I have already sent someone to notify Zhe Jizu and let him ride there."

"Your Majesty, beware of the Liao people on Linfu Road!"

Linfu Road is an enclave with the Yellow River on its back. For the Liao and Xixia people, it is like a thorn in the back. It would be so cool if we captured Linfu Road and faced off against the Song Dynasty across the river.

Zhao Shu nodded, "I know. I have ordered the Baode Army to cross the river, and the follow-up troops on Hedong Road will keep up with the deployment to warn the Liao Army."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Zhao Shu said: "The two groups on the left and right should attack with all their strength, without delay."

Let Zhao Shu warn the left and right parties, this is Shen Anti's suggestion.

The Song Dynasty had not had such a war for many years, and it was afraid that the generals would have different ideas and would be held back.

This is what he said at the time: "If someone is hesitant to move forward, or is greedy for success, it's easy to just kill him."

Such murderous words were actually approved by Zhao Shu and the ministers, which made Shen An feel a little strange at the time.

He didn't know how long the monarchs and ministers of the Great Song Dynasty had been holding back. Seeing the opportunity for revenge coming, if anyone dared to mess up, the monarchs and ministers would have them skinned alive.

Shen An didn't know who was in the middle, and it was not something he could interfere with. But he thought he could try the wing general.

He thought of Zhe Kexing and Wang Shao.

Cao Yi and Zhe Kexing were already on their way to the northwest with Wan Shengjun, while Wang Shao was still hanging out in the Privy Council.

Shen An felt that a great talent like Wang Shao should not be trapped in the Privy Council, and this battle was an opportunity to stand out.

There are also some high-ranking officials within the reformist faction. Shen An and others are considered rising stars. He has to win over some people, otherwise no one will listen to you!

This is the law of natural development, and we can only try to control internal problems and disputes.

"We lead 40,000 troops in the middle. They are elite soldiers and strong generals."

The left and right routes have to be circuitous, but the middle route is to attack directly and is invincible. Once defeated, the left and right routes will be in danger.

Therefore, it is right to use elite troops in the middle.

"Shen An..."

Shen An was thinking about which way would be better for him.

Chen Hong on the left was unfamiliar and couldn't perform well.

What Zhe Jizu didn't say was that the one on the right was a general from Shen An's line. Going there was just as convenient as going to his own home.

Brother and Zhe Jizu combined their swords and attacked from the right, maybe even faster than the middle.

Thinking of this, Shen An felt very happy.

"You evil beast, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Your Majesty is calling you!"


Shen An woke up and was about to speak when a burst of laughter broke out in the hall.

Bao Zheng stood there with a dark face.

Shen An often told some weird stories to Guoguo and Bao Shou. Bao Shou would tell them to the servants when he got home. Bao Zheng had heard of it occasionally and thought the word "evil beast" was a good one. Today he couldn't help but call him "evil beast". out.

Evil beast?

Shen An's head is filled with black threads, and she just wants to settle the score with Bao Shou.

Zhao Shu held his stomach and tried his best to resist the desire to laugh.

After Shen An left work, Zhao Shu endured it for a while before saying, "You have been very diligent this year..."

As he spoke, his cheek twitched and he tried to hide his face.

The ministers all felt that this was too much.

You say it's okay for others to be diligent, but why is Shen An so diligent?

This is nonsense, Your Majesty!


Shen An accepted the compliment without hesitation.

Zhao Shu continued: "A few years ago, the late emperor and I wanted to put heavy responsibilities on you, but they were worried that you were too young, so they kept pressing them. Now that the war is coming, how stable you are..."

The word "steady" made Zhao Shu grit his teeth when he said it.

Shen Ancai dug a big hole in Fengqiu County. The word "steady" has nothing to do with him!

"You have to do it well."

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