A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,427 The Beginning of the Song Dynasty’s Revival

"I have met His Majesty!"

They met many cavalrymen along the way, and they began to follow.

Gradually, there were more and more people behind Zhao Shu.


Some ministers suddenly exclaimed.


The light of dawn came faintly from the east and shone on the huge array.

Countless soldiers stood there, and the white air exhaled by them and their horses shrouded the sky above the array, looking at the giant beast that seemed to be motionless.

The morning sun reflected the cold light on the armor, and someone shouted: "Salute!"

Everyone got down on one knee.


Zhao Shu felt a giant beast kneeling in front of him.

This is the war beast of the Song Dynasty, and this trip should restore the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

He rode out, followed by a tall marriage officer.

This is the imperial moment.

He looked over slowly.

In front of the huge square formation composed of countless soldiers, Shen An and Chen Hong were there.

He nodded slightly.

The marriage officer shouted in his loud voice: "Get up!"


Countless people performing the same action at the same time is still earth-shattering.

Countless eyes were looking at the Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

There is no doubt that in the past hundred years of the Song Dynasty, it was this emperor who was most likely to achieve revival.

Zhao Shu rode his horse slowly and walked past the array. When he came back again, he stopped in the middle of the array.

He pulled out his long knife and nodded slightly to the array.

"Must win!"

Chen Hong screamed with all his strength.

"Must win!"

A huge shout burst out from the huge array, and at the top of Bianliang City, several birds were frightened and flew away.

"Set off!"

The army sets out.

Chen Hong and Shen An walked in front of Zhao Shu.

Chen Hong bowed first, and Zhao Shu said, "I'm waiting for your good news."

Chen Hong said excitedly: "I swear to serve your Majesty to the death."

It is routine for a general to express his loyalty before setting off.

Chen Hong led the left route army and set off.

Finally, there is Shen An.

Shen An, who was wearing a helmet and armor, looked a little more strange, and his brows were more majestic.

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "They say that the Western thieves are fierce. You can come and see for me."

Shen An lowered his head and said, "I will lead the enemy generals in triumph."

No matter how ferocious the Western thieves were, they were not as powerful as the Song Dynasty soldiers.

Zhao Shu nodded with satisfaction, and then whispered: "Take care."

Shen An's eyes heated up and he cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

He turned and left, Zhao Shu watched him go away from behind...

This scene stayed in the hearts of many people and was recorded in various personal collections many years later.

This is the beginning of the revival of the Song Dynasty!

Tens of thousands of infantry were trekking. When he saw the security forces, the commander of the army, Wang Zhenchao, couldn't help but cursed: "Then what kind of bird is Shen An? Incompetent!"

The generals around him were full of complaints. Someone said: "Military Commander, Duke Shen is a famous general."

Are you saying that he is incompetent?

Wang Zhenchao scolded: "What the hell! I have already arrived in Huanzhou, and the Central Government also said to set off from Huanzhou, but Shen An issued a military order and actually asked us to go to the security army. Isn't this an order that changes day and night? I still have to take it with me. The brothers traveled hard from Huanzhou, does Shen An know how hard it was?"

Everyone agreed for a while, and then joined the security forces.

Then comes the trimming.

Wang Zhenchao couldn't help but scold Shen An every day, saying that he only knew how to order people, but he had no plan.

Wang Zhenchao is a veteran, and everyone knows why he scolds him.

"How many times does a young man become proud after winning? Does he have the ability to show off in front of me?"

When the various units began to drill early in the morning, he was also yelling and cursing.

There are many people like this, most of them are unhappy in life and need to use this kind of scolding to satisfy their emptiness.

Cao Yi and Zhe Kexing led Wan Sheng's army to drill below. Listening to his yelling, Cao Yi couldn't help it and cursed at him: "You know nothing! When An Bei was fighting, you were still there enjoying the blessing!" , do you dare to yell at him?"

Wang Zhenchao was furious and shouted: "Bring it here."

The army of the Great Song Dynasty practiced a class method. One level suppressed the next level, and the higher level suppressed people to death.

If the superior officer wants to mess with you, you have to kneel down even if you are right.

This is the real situation in the Song Dynasty army.

Someone around me advised: "Military leader, that's my uncle!"

Wang Zhenchao cursed: "You damn uncle, then..."

After all, he didn't dare to say the next words, but Cao Yi was already angry and rushed over with his sword drawn.

"Want to rebel?"

Wang Zhenchao took a step forward, he was not afraid of fighting at all.

Zhe Ke quickly came over and stopped Cao Yan, saying, "This is the army."

Cao Yi pointed at it and cursed: "If this were Bianliang, I could kill you today!"

He let out the playboy aura that he had suppressed for many years, and he was really powerful.

The sergeants who were ordered to fetch people shouted: "Get out of the way."

Zhe Kexing said coldly: "Everyone take a step back!"

The leader of the team was Wang Zhenchao's confidant. He said with a ferocious smile: "The military orders are like mountains, do you want to disobey them?"

Cao Yi cursed: "Resist Nima!"

He has given up everything and has no intention of doing anything good.

I am the uncle of the state, and at worst I will quit the army. If you have the ability, you, Wang Zhenchao, can give me a try with a sword.

Empress Dowager Cao estimated that if she didn't say anything openly, she could kill Wang Zhenchao's whole family secretly.

The henchman drew his sword and struck without hesitation.

The army has its own system. The people below only know how to be superiors and don't care about anything else.

do not!

Wang Zhenchao felt a chill in his heart when he saw his confidant using the knife.

He could use Cao Yi to establish his authority, but he didn't dare to hurt Cao Yi, otherwise he knew he wouldn't be able to reap his benefits.

There is no doubt that Shen An will deal with him.

Then Queen Mother Cao can make his life worse than death.


He only had time to shout before he saw the flash of a knife.


The sound of drawing the sword and the light of the sword happened almost at the same time. The henchman felt a shock in his hand, and the long knife flew out. Then the light of the sword flashed and his scalp felt cold.

My life is at risk!

When he opened his eyes, he saw scattered hair flying past his eyes. He touched the top of his head and when he took his hand off, there was a handful of hair.

Zhe Kexing defended Cao Yi with his sword and retreated, and said coldly: "What crime should Commander Wang deserve when he yells at Shangguan?"

Shen An is the commander of the Central Army. What do you, Wang Zhenchao, mean by scolding him?


This is to use Zi's spear to attack Zi's shield.

Wang Zhenchao just wanted to be happy with his words, but he felt a little guilty when Zhe Kexing came out like this.

The person next to him said in a low voice: "Military leader, Shen An is known as a man who convinces people with his virtue..."

Wang Zhenchao felt relieved and said, "That's okay."

There was a sound of horse hooves, and someone rushed over from the front of the army to rein in the horse in front of the platform.

The horseman stood up and hissed, and the cavalry shouted: "The Duke has arrived!"

In an instant, Wang Zhenchao was covered in cold sweat, thinking that if he had just started a quarrel with Cao Yi and the others, he would have been exposed!

He likes to whine and say weird things, but that doesn't mean he's an idiot.

I just can't control my mouth.

The movement of more than 10,000 cavalrymen was very loud.

"Stop practicing!"

All armies began to gather in formation to welcome Shen An.

Later, hundreds of riders arrived, surrounded by Shen An.

"The military leader is Heijia. This is the Mangshan Army. It is said to be the invincible scout in the world."

Wang Zhenchao nodded and walked down with the people.

Shen An came at the lead, and when he got closer, he could see his dusty face.

"All armies are conducting drills as usual."

Shen An dismounted and said, "Xiang Han will be here soon."

Han Qi is here too?

Everyone hurriedly turned around with Shen An.

Later a large car rushed over.

The cart looks extremely solid at first glance, and the horse pulling it is also a rare good horse.

Han Qi was sitting on the carriage. As soon as the carriage stopped, someone rushed over to help him. However, he was hit by the energy of him getting out of the car and fell to the side.

Han Qi glanced at the man, frowned and said, "I don't like the way you flatter me, so get out!"

He was filled with murderous intent at the moment, and he couldn't bear to tolerate such official tactics.

Everyone got on the stage together. Han Qi looked at the drill and asked, "What do you think, Shen An?"

Wang Zhenchao's heart trembled, and he realized that some of the rumors were true.

——The Prime Minister and Fu of the DPRK always take Shen An with them when they go on an expedition, just because they don’t know what to do.

Shen An nodded, "I almost didn't mean it."

Wang Zhenchao quickly explained: "My lord, most of the people you mobilized this time are cavalry!"

The Song Dynasty had a large number of cavalry, which seemed very large and could frighten foreign enemies.

But in fact, all the armies of the Song Dynasty were not satisfied with the number of cavalry.

Note that the dissatisfaction mentioned here refers to the war horse.

This often happens: an army has hundreds of people, but only a few dozen horses.

Let's all take turns riding and practicing.

But once he went on an expedition, his true colors were revealed.

An army consists of dozens of cavalry, and more than a hundred cavalry are considered elite.

As for the rest, they became foot soldiers.

Shen An brought over most of the cavalry without horses this time, which made Wang Zhenchao and others puzzled and a little annoyed.

The content of cavalry drills is different from that of infantry. It is of course almost meaningless for cavalry to dismount and fight on foot.

Shen An glanced at him and said, "But where is the energy and spirit?"

Wang Zhenchao's heart trembled.

The army doesn't want bullshit, it wants spirit.

Shen An pointed at the infantry who were practicing and said: "Except for the Wan Sheng Army, the other armies look more like they are perfunctory, stop!"


Shen An said to Han Qi: "Such an army cannot attack, and my subordinates dare not lead them to attack."

Han Qi didn't understand this and asked, "How to deal with it?"


As Shen An walked down, all the troops had stopped and gradually became quiet. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"This time you will follow Shen in the attack."

The soldiers all looked at Shen An and felt their hearts gradually calming down.

"Some people say that the Western thieves are fierce, but brothers who have followed me to fight against the Western thieves all know that in front of me, those Western thieves are as pitiful as rabbits. Are you ready?"

He raised his voice, "A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Are you ready to follow me into a bloody battle?"

Everyone raised their heads.

Morale gradually improved.

The so-called spirit, the manifestation in the military is morale.

"Follow someone..."

Shen An said calmly: "Let us fight invincibly!"

He turned and walked back.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were watching him.

Follow me, let's go and win the battle!

If someone else says this, everyone will think that he is farting.

But when Shen An said this, everyone believed it.

This is a famous general!

Wang Zhenchao on the stage looked solemn.

But Han Qi murmured: "Although I don't understand morale, looking at those soldiers, I feel that this battle... the Song Dynasty cannot lose!"

Shen An happened to come up and heard this and said: "The Song Dynasty will definitely win this battle!"

Han Qi nodded, "I am convinced of this!"


Wang Zhenchao rushed down, and the troops resumed their drills.

The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the footsteps shook the earth.

Shen An said with satisfaction: "It looks interesting."

One of Cao Yi's soldiers came over quietly and said, "My lord, Wang Zhenchao scolded you earlier."

"Really?" Shen An nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Thanks to ‘Modern Qibla Day’ for becoming the new leader of this book, I am very happy.

The fifth update is here, good night everyone!

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