A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,453 A stinking method

"Some people are very dissatisfied with you asking the Second King to learn some miscellaneous subjects."

Su Shi came to eat and drink early in the morning. His chopstick skills were even better than Li Bai's, and his chopsticks were inseparable from the pork chops stewed by Ermei all night.

Remove the hair from the big hooves, cut them into slices, then put them into a pot and simmer them overnight with more water and low heat according to the braised method.

"It melts in your mouth!"

Su Shi ate very heartily.

The taro beside him looked at him with a bitter look on his face, and whispered to his aunt: "Auntie, he eats so fiercely."

Guo Guo nodded and said with a grimace: "He also likes to drink. He writes poems when he drinks too much."

Taro took a bite of the egg and saw that Su Shi had eaten a large piece of hoof, and it was the fattest kind. He couldn't help but sigh: "Dad said eating too much meat will make you fat. You should eat more fish, shrimp and vegetables. Auntie, he so poor."

Guo Guo glanced at him and felt that her nephew was so pitiful for being coaxed by her brother in this way. She immediately remembered what happened to her back then.

My brother must have deceived me too!

Shen An glared at the taro and pointed at the vegetables, signaling that he was not allowed to be a picky eater.

Only the Shen family can easily eat vegetables during this season, but they don't like taro very much.

"So what if they are dissatisfied?" Shen An said calmly: "The second king is obsessed with it. He is crying and shouting that he has to study miscellaneous subjects and has to squat in the academy. There is nothing anyone can do about it."

Su Shi took a sip of the very oily hoof soup, and Shen An couldn't help but secretly praise him as a good man.

It was a braised soup that had been simmered overnight. It was greasy... and had a strong taste. It could be called the leader in the purine world.

This guy just drank a few big sips, he was really fierce!

After drinking the soup with strong flavor, Su Shi felt that he was fulfilled this morning, so he wiped his mouth and said, "Just because someone whispered, the sage gave an order that the two kings are not allowed to go out recently."

"This is for someone to look good!"

Shen An felt that this morning was not so good, "Who did it?"

It's okay to put eye drops on Zhao Hao. Anyway, that guy is the second child and it's not his turn to be the prince. You can take this opportunity to suppress miscellaneous students, which is a bit disgusting.

"A few inconspicuous officials." Su Shi touched his belly and smiled at Taro with what he thought was a kind smile. "It is said that there are also a few women who can enter the palace. They muttered something in front of the saint. Hey! Yesterday, I went to someone else's house for a drink, and his wife happened to hear about it, so she told me."

After the taro was eaten, Guoguo took him back.

After they went out, Shen An looked at Su Shi and said seriously: "Brother Zizhan, we can do anything, but other people's wives... we must not do that!"

Su Shi is famous all over the world for his literary works. Even Sister Cao Yu and Gao Taotao in the palace are his fans. You can imagine the women outside.

If one day he gets a friend's wife, Shen An is worried that he will be hacked to death.

"How could I be like this? You are thinking too much, thinking too much." Su Shi stroked his beard and said, "I and those people are just talking about poetry. The moonlight is charming. It is so happy to sing in the wind!"

Shen An felt that this guy would be unlucky sooner or later.

Later he went to the imperial city and asked to see Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu was newly married, his face looked more radiant and he was in high spirits.

"Take it easy."

Shen An chatted with him for a few words and said that he was looking for Zhao Hao.

"Academy matters."

"The saint didn't allow him to go out." Zhao Xu was also very distressed, "The officials couldn't do it either."

When Gao Taotao got angry, Zhao Shu also softened.

"Someone is here to comfort him."

Shen An looked serious.

Zhao Hao came later and looked listless.

After being locked up in the palace for several years, I finally got a chance to go out and wander around, but my mother slapped me back. It was really uncomfortable.

"Really want to study general studies?"

Shen An asked straight to the point.

Zhao Hao nodded, "What do I study for? It's just to be sensible, and I don't need to do big things. Now I feel uncomfortable looking at books and feel like I can't sit still. But in the academy, I feel very happy."

Good thing!

There are two great kings squatting in the academy. This is a huge call.

"It's just that the saints don't allow it."


Shen An chuckled, "There are many ways to do things, can you trust me?"

Zhao Hao looked at him and felt a little familiar.

Yes, there was an old doctor with the most outstanding medical skills who had this attitude.

Make people trust you!

He nodded.

Shen An whispered to him for a while, then patted his shoulder, "Do you dare?"


Young people are so heroic!

Shen An finally confessed: "You can't let others do it for you, otherwise people will be killed."

Zhao Hao nodded, "That place is so dirty and full of stinky things. Is it really possible?"

Shen An said calmly: "Where is the truth in the world? It's in the miscellaneous studies. In the miscellaneous studies, everything in the world can be analyzed. Beauty and ugliness are just judgments of the naked eye, which is far behind. For example, the Golden Fertilizer Pill is used Pickled things are used to ferment, and finally become a weapon for fertilizing the fields. And if you look at the smooth and flawless skin, if you zoom in, you will see that it is full of potholes and even some bugs..."

Zhao Hao's throat surged, and then he felt that this matter might not be reliable.

"Miscellaneous studies are not Buddhism, they are illusory. Everything in miscellaneous studies can withstand scrutiny." Shen An patted his shoulder, feeling that he was reshaping a young man with a sense of accomplishment, "I am optimistic about you. Go ahead."

Zhao Hao stood there. Later, Zhao Xu came out and saw him in a daze, so he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

"What did Shen An teach you just now?" Zhao Xu walked out, and Aunt Chang came over with a plate from the side. He took the hot tea and nodded to her.

Aunt Chang went back happily.

In the Qingning Palace, she was the only one who could be treated like this by Zhao Xu, which made many people envious and jealous.

Xiang led people into Qingning Palace and happened to see this scene.

"Nothing, I just talked about my general knowledge."

When Zhao Hao saw his sister-in-law coming back, he hurriedly left.

"The saint didn't leave you a meal?"

Seeing his wife coming back, Zhao Xu smiled.

"There are some women coming from the saint's side."

Xiang came over and glanced at Aunt Chang who had just walked into the wing, "They seem to be a little afraid of me, so they don't say much."

It would be uninteresting not to leave in this situation.

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just some well-fed women looking for trouble."

Xiang was surprised. Zhao Xu glanced at her and explained: "Erlang sent a shocking gift that day, but it was from a miscellany. Some people felt that Shen An's limelight was big enough and refused to let Erlang do it. If I get close to him again, I don’t want Erlang to study miscellaneous subjects.”

Xiang Shi nodded.

There is another reason.

Zhao Hao went to the academy, and with Shen An and Wang Yu watching, Zhao Shu and Zhao Xu didn't have to worry about him being taken advantage of.

Seize the direct descendant!

If you have too many sons, except for the one you value the most, the others should eat, drink, and play, but they should not get involved in government affairs.

Later, Zhao Ji had a lot of fun, and unexpectedly succeeded to the throne, but he still did not forget his old feelings, and ended up crippling the Song Dynasty.

Xiang felt a little regretful and relieved in his tone, so she asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, that Aunt Chang looks a little dumbfounded."

"She?" Zhao Xu's expression turned cold, and he said calmly: "There are too many smart people in this world, and it's good to be stupid sometimes."

"Yes." Xiang knew that he couldn't ask this question anymore.

Zhao Hao, who returned to his residence, found a bucket and a shovel, and then a gauze scarf.

"What happened to the Second King?"

Everyone thought Zhao Hao was a little weird, but they immediately put it aside.

Zhao Hao is suffering.

In the dead of night, he sat on the bed and murmured: "Is it really possible? But it's very messy!"

"Then it's disgusting to talk about the place, so why is it so useful?"

He was doubting the method Shen An gave him.

But Shen An's past glory made him feel that this matter might be true.

The first night he just stayed upright and didn't go. The next day he yawned with two dark circles under his eyes.

The days in the palace... To be honest, it is no different from being imprisoned.

Everyone has their own responsibilities, the emperor has to govern the country, the queen has to manage the palace, the princesses study hard just to get married in the future, but the princes don't know what to do.

When the boss Zhao Xu's position was stable, Zhao Hao and the others were just passing their days.

Such days are like those old institutions of later generations, with a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a newspaper to read for a long time...

It’s impossible for young people to live like this!

That night, Zhao Hao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After everyone went to sleep, he carried the bucket and shovel and went out.

He went to the toilet.

The weather is still cold, and the smell in the toilet is much better than in summer, but it still smells bad.

Zhao Xu went into the toilet, then came out and retched several times. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

He looked around and made sure no one was there, so he took out a gauze and covered his nose.

After entering the toilet again, he lit a lamp.

If Shen An were here, he would definitely recite a famous saying in later generations.

Light a lamp in the toilet...

Zhao Hao took the shovel and looked carefully in front of the pit.

When you urinate while squatting, the urine will flow forward. As time goes by, the soil layer will look different.

"This is it?"

Zhao Hao really wanted to ask someone to shave him, but thinking about what Shen An said, he could only endure it.

The shovel scraped bit by bit, and the soil here was extremely hard. It didn't take long for Zhao Hao to be sweating profusely.

After more than an hour, he successfully got a bucket of urine and soil.

It’s not enough!

He went to get another bucket, but this time he scraped it from the edge of the wall.

——Miscellaneous studies will not fool people, but they must have the spirit of devoting themselves to the miscellaneous studies.

This is Shen An's encouragement.

Yes, I am dedicating myself to miscellaneous studies at the moment.

Zhao Hao worked hard to scrape, but luckily it was early spring and the weather was still cold, so even the frequent night urination could be solved in his own room.

After returning to his place, he smelled his body and felt that his whole body was filled with the smell of urine.

Damn it!

He changed his clothes, but the smell remained the same.

After finally waiting for daybreak, he asked someone to get hot water for a bath, and then said he wanted to practice.

Well, the second king is so full that he wants to practice his martial arts.

No one pays attention to this.

You will naturally sweat when practicing martial arts, and you should take a shower if you sweat.

Zhao Hao asked people to boil water, and he even went to the place where the water was being boiled and squatted there.

"Burn more so the fire doesn't go out."

Then he drove away the person who was lighting the fire and carried his two buckets of urine and soil over like a thief.

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