A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,462 The old Yameni was so frightened that he peed

As a dandy, no, as a yameni, Qian Yue's life was wonderful.

Dad's official career was quite smooth at first, and he became a transshipment envoy along the way. In later generations, he would be regarded as a feudal official.

As the son of a transport envoy, he is the most awesome yanei in the area.

Life in the yamen was really comfortable. He had official rewards on his head, no shortage of money in his hands, and he was quite handsome. Qian Yue's little life was a nourishing one. Although it can't be said that he is a bridegroom every night, his glass of wine is not empty and his arms are full of people. Such a day makes many people envious.

He lived happily in such days until his father died in office.

Well, the days in Yanei are over.

After the filial piety was over, he felt that he was not very talented, so he wrote a letter saying that he wanted to serve the officials.

The son of a high-ranking official is naturally qualified for this. Although he did not even pass the provincial examination, he still got the official position of county magistrate based on his status as the son of a lucky envoy.

He took office confidently, and then used his connections to directly crush the county magistrate.

Well, the county magistrate has been sidelined, and the territory of a county is at his disposal.

So cool!

So he took a few newly recruited younger brothers to toss around the world. In just half a year, the good place turned into a mess. More than 300 families were destroyed in the county, which finally triggered a small-scale rebellion.

Things got out of hand, and the final punishment was to get him out.

Okay, get out of here, get out of here, why do you look down on such a great talent? Then go home and have fun.

He has a residence in the capital and a large fortune. With his experience in the yamen circle, he quickly became involved with many yamen in the capital.

However, after sitting on their hands for too long, the Qian family's small life seemed a little unsustainable. Someone happened to mention that there was a treasure in the laboratory of Mangshan Academy, and once it was produced, it could be sold for a big price.

This was just a reason. As a veteran yamen, Qian Yue knew that this was Xiangzhuang's sword dance and his intention was Peigong.

But he is short of money!

So he took the initiative to ask for help, and then someone cooperated, and this happened.

Spring is full of life, and it’s a good time to sleep in.

The nose smells full of vitality, mixed with the fragrance of women's powder.

He stretched out his hand to touch it and pinched it. The woman next to him hummed and twisted her body like a snake, which immediately made Qian Yue interested.

After doing that, Qian Yue saw that the sky was bright and ready to sleep for a while.

"Mr. Lang, I need to relieve myself."

The woman twisted a few more times, and Qian Yue's heart moved again, but he was helpless, so he moved away the hairy leg that was pressing on the woman's waist.

It was impossible for a person to fall asleep in this state, and he had just exercised, so Qian Yue wanted to eat something and got up.

The sound of gurgling water came from behind the screen. Qian Yue stretched and said, "It smells very spicy. Next time I go out to spread it."

The woman hummed and came out.

Qian Yue opened the door and took a deep breath...

Just outside the door, three men were hanging there, their tongues hanging out slightly, their faces livid, and their bodies swaying slightly...

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Qian Yue's eyes nearly burst out. He shouted meaninglessly, then turned around and ran in, diving into the bed.

The woman came out from behind the screen and couldn't help but scream when she saw the scene outside the door.


The Qian family is in chaos.

The servants came over after hearing the news, and many of them were frightened when they saw what happened. They were screaming everywhere in the early morning.

"Go and report to the official!"

Someone is shouting.

Hiding under the covers, Qian Yue's mind was in chaos, but a picture gradually became clear.

——Don’t worry, Mr. Lang, we will definitely be able to steal the treasures in the academy tonight.

They went.

Then it came back.

But he was hanged outside a certain person's bedroom.

Who did this?

Who else could be there besides Shen An?


He opened the quilt and shouted: "Don't go!"

"Is Mr. Lang crazy?"

"That's right, this is a murder, why haven't you reported it to the official?"

Qian Yue said angrily: "Whoever goes to such and such will be killed!"

He gasped and shouted: "Get them off, now."

Several servants fumbled the three hanged men down, and then Qian Yue left the bedroom.

His face was pale and his breathing was rapid, "You and others are all old men of the Qian family. You must not make anything public about what happened today, otherwise you will die without a burial place."

Has Lang Jun offended someone?

The servants were panicked, and some even backed down, thinking of turning around and quitting their jobs.

"Ten guan per person."

Qian Yue is an old dude, so of course he knows what methods are most effective.

"You can take the body outside the city later, dig a hole somewhere and bury it, and use the ten guan to buy a drink!"

After Qian Yue finished explaining, he ordered: "Get your horses ready, someone is going out."

He was shaking all over.

The housekeeper knew about it, so he came over and whispered: "Lang Jun, is it not Shen An's handiwork?"

Qian Yue nodded, and the housekeeper suddenly started to tremble, "Lang Jun, that Shen An's methods are ruthless. He hanged people in our home. This is what he meant to do. How about... report it to the official? Let's forget it." It is better to be punished by the officials than to be punished by Shen An! That person...that person likes to break people's legs!"

That's a leg-breaking maniac!

What should we do?

The housekeeper would rather go to jail than face Shen An's revenge, but Qian Yue was different. He lowered his head with a fierce look in his eyes, "If the officials deal with it, he will be sent to prison, do you understand? And Shen An will give up? We are afraid that we will not be able to get to the place of distribution. You have to die on the way, do you understand? The reporter just sits there and waits for death!"

The butler nodded, "Yes, yes."

Qian Yue took a deep breath and said, "If we start early in the morning, Shen An's revenge will come soon. This person... is going to look for him. Please feel at ease."

He hurriedly found an old friend of his father.

This old friend's name is Yi Qing. He works as a judge in Kaifeng Mansion and has a successful career.

Wang Anshi has served as the power magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture for a long time. According to the rules of the Song Dynasty, the post of Kaifeng Prefecture magistrate cannot be held for a long time. Everyone knows that Lao Wang will not be here for long, but when he retires, that is The time of great success.

So everyone, hurry up when it’s time to make friends, and hurry up when it’s time to flatter.

Yi Qing came to Wang Anshi's room early in the morning. He first talked about his own affairs, and then seeing the simplicity of Wang Anshi's case, he couldn't help but praise: "The magistrate is elegant, but he is different from the lower official. The lower official likes to put things on the case These things are pleasing to the eye, but now after reading the magistrate's case, I suddenly feel at peace in my heart. What is important for an official to handle political affairs is peace of mind. But the subordinate learned it today, and will follow this arrangement for himself later. It’s reassuring to think about it.”

Wang Anshi concentrates on his work and doesn't like interference, so he is suppressing it, but in fact, he is already thinking about other things in his mind.

"...The prefect is busy, so the official will go back now."

Yi Qing stood up and left, while Wang Anshi was in a daze.


What does it mean?

Yi Qing thought Wang Anshi didn't hear clearly, so he said again, "Prefect, I will go back now."

This time his voice was not quiet, interrupting Wang Anshi's train of thought, and he waved his hands displeased.

have to!

The prefect began to think deeply again.

Yi Qing returned to his check-in room. As soon as he sat down, Qian Yue came to see him.

He was the son of an old friend, and he was full of etiquette during holidays, so Yi Qing had a good impression of Qian Yue.

"Let him come."

Qian Yue came later and looked very calm.

After some pleasantries, Qian Yue smiled and said: "My nephew has been idle at home and thought it was nothing. Now he is ready to go out and do things..."

"This is a good thing." Yi Qing said earnestly: "I have long said that you should go out and do things. People have to do things to live. Wandering around all day is the walking dead. Your father is gone, and we are your backing. What are you afraid of? ? The original mistake has been corrected. Don’t worry, we will ask you about the way back, and at least let you have a practical job. "

What may seem like a difficult official position to others is just a matter of words in the eyes of these people.

Qian Yue thanked him happily, and then said awkwardly: "My nephew has no choice but to come out to do things..."

"Oh!" Yi Qing frowned and said, "Why?"

"My nephew used to wander outside and got to know some..." He looked up at Yi Qing, his eyes red, "My nephew got to know some rogues. These rogues did bold things. My nephew was deceived by them, so they got together. Half a year."

"Hey!" Yi Qing sighed: "What young man can have no faults? Now you know that repentance is a good thing."

Qian Yue felt happy, "They went to Mangshan Academy to steal things in the past few days, and they used the name of my nephew to avoid trouble. My nephew was furious and tried to look for them but couldn't find them."

"Mangshan Academy?" Yi Qing's face turned cold, "But you?"

Qian Yue raised his hand, "If it's my nephew, then my nephew will die badly."

The ancients reaffirmed their oaths, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net saw him replenishing their oaths, Yi Qing's face brightened slightly, and asked: "Then what are you afraid of?"

Qian Yue said with a grimace: "I'm afraid Shen An misunderstood that it was my nephew who did it."

Yi Qing pondered for a moment, "This is just a misunderstanding. Don't be afraid. I will naturally ask Shen An for an explanation later."

In his opinion, this is not a big deal, just a misunderstanding. No matter how domineering Shen An is, he can't go too far.

"I have some friendship with the Wang Zhifu. The Wang Zhifu's Yameni and Shen An are close friends. Don't worry."

As soon as the relationship was transferred to Wang Yu, Qian Yue felt relieved and quickly thanked him.

He left the government office and said to the entourage beside him: "At this moment, I just feel as relaxed as if I was reborn. Let's go and have a drink."

People like to drink some wine when they are relaxed, but most restaurants are not open early in the morning, so I ended up going to a wine shop.

There is a word difference between a wine shop and a restaurant, but the environment is completely different.

In the past, Qian Yue would never come to a place like this because he thought it was too crowded and crowded.

Now he is sitting inside, watching those people eating in a hurry, but he feels that it is particularly delicious.

This is the day!

He relaxed in his heart and raised his glass to drink.

After being half drunk, he left the wine shop with satisfaction.

"Jun Gong Shen is here."

Someone shouted from the right.

Qian Yue was startled and turned sideways.

Shen An was walking with Li Baojiu, and there was a man leading the way.

When the man saw Qian Yue, he turned around and said something. Shen An smiled slightly and looked at Qian Yue.

"Qian Yue!"

Many people were looking at Shen An, and following his gaze, they all looked over.

Qian Yue felt his heart beating like thunder and was covered in cold sweat.


He turned and ran.

Last night, some book friends in the bookstore rewarded the leader, and there will be more updates tonight.

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