A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,466 Benefiting the Country and the People, Wrapped Pills

The entire Bianliang City is bathed in the spring light, full of noise and vitality.

Shen An strolled home slowly.

Until now, he still felt that Bianliang was very new to him.

This family had a piece of pastry, and that family had a bowl of soup. Halfway through, Shen An felt that his stomach was full.

Come on, I'll skip lunch.

However, this process of searching for delicious food is wonderful, and it is probably more comfortable than a trip.


Shen An was chewing a skewer of barbecued meat when he heard the sound and turned around.

"Uncle Guo? Why did you come out?"

Lao Cao was squatting in Wan Shengjun and had a good life, but he shouldn't take a break today!

Cao Yi held a large coarse porcelain bowl in his hand, raised his head and took a sip.

The familiar smell made Shen An a little greedy.

Erchen soup.

It has a sweet and sour taste. It is a habit of Bianliang people to drink a bowl whether you are sick or not. It is an appetizer.

He took out a powerful pill, peeled it open and chewed it slowly.

Cao Yi finished drinking the Erchen soup and smashed it in his mouth. He didn't look at all aristocratic.

"What kind of treasure did you get?"

Tsk tsk!

Who spread the news so quickly?

"It's just a thing for transporting goods. It's not worth the fuss."

"How about taking So-and-so to have a look?"

Cao Yi looked excited, "It's said that it will be of great use in the army. Anbei, how about the Wansheng Army being the first to use it?"

"That's not your Wansheng Army, it's from the official family."

Shen An felt that sooner or later this guy would be assimilated by the big bosses in the army.

The two went to the dock again, and Cao Yi couldn't leave as soon as he saw it.

"Anbei, please go back first."

There he pulled the rope and looked on with glee.

Is this stuff fun?

Sure enough, he became stupid.

Shen An returned home and continued to supervise Taro's studies.

"...The writing went astray, and went to the ends of the earth."

"Be serious!"

"Don't look up and concentrate!"

"Hey! Wrong, wrong..."

Teaching children to study is a good opportunity to increase blood pressure. Zhao Wuwu outside listened to the roar inside and couldn't help but frown.

This husband is good at everything, but he has a bad temper when teaching children.

Zhao Shu's temper is also very bad now.

"There are actually people who can say good things to Feng Zhang?"

After Feng Zhang lost his official position, some people actually complained about him.

The memorial clearly states the reasons for Feng Zhangming's injustice.

——The speaker is not guilty!

The official said he was not guilty!

This is the experience that officials have learned through their own painful lessons over the past millennium.

When encountering a tyrant or a coward, the rule that the speaker is not guilty is very important.

Zhao Shu said with a gloomy face, "Come here, tell me what I said. Feng Zhang made some grudges at home and his heart is to be punished. He will be sent to Lingzhou!"

Okay, now I feel better.

After Feng Zhang got the news, he cried on the spot and cursed a certain pig teammate who spoke for him.

When Chen Zhongheng got the news, he quickly reported it, "Your Majesty, after Feng Zhang lost his official position, he was in panic all day long. He wanted to get your forgiveness, so he went to find a few friends and offered them benefits to ask them to go to Shu to intercede for him... …”

Who knew that this plea for mercy would offend Zhao Shu and have the opposite effect.

Sent to Lingzhou.

"Lingzhou is full of waste and needs a lot of labor. I think Feng Zhang will be useful."

Zhao Shu said this with a calm expression.

This is a mean emperor.

Feng Zhang was miserably ordered to leave within three days, and he was accompanied by two escorting sergeants.

Zhao Shu finally felt better. Someone came to report that Shen An had come up with something incredible again. The military and ministers all asked to see him.

"These people used to live apart from each other until death, but today they all came to see me, which shows that this thing is extraordinary."

Later the ministers came in to see him.

"Your Majesty, Shen An has created a treasure that can easily lift goods."

"Lifting cargo?"

Zhao Shu frowned and said, "Can we save money?"

Tsk tsk!

Officials now talk about money. This is because they are afraid of poverty!

"It saves money."

"Then go and have a look."

Zhao Shujing was very eager to move, and Feng Zhang and others made suggestions from time to time, saying that if the king should not move lightly, then I will move it for you to see.

"Your Majesty, the saint said that the spring is beautiful today, that..."

Just then Feiyan came to ask for a visit, and she winked, which hinted that Gao Taotao wanted to go out for a walk.

Yes, the lady wants to go out.

But today, all the ministers are here, but it is difficult for Gao Taotao to follow.

"Let's just say...tomorrow."

Men's promises are often casual, and Gao Taotao certainly knows this.

So Zhao Shu left the palace with a lot of resentment.

All the way to the pier, there were already crowds of people around.

"Good stuff!"

"My store purchases so many goods every day that I can't even recruit coolies. With this thing, what does I have to worry about?"

"This thing is very useful for building houses! You can move the beams and put the tiles in piles at will. It saves trouble."

Until later generations, when building houses in the countryside, bricks and tiles were still thrown up one by one manually, and the people above caught them and looked at them pleasingly.

"The officials are coming, get out of the way."

All the officials are here, it looks like this is really a treasure!

Zhao Shu and the ministers arrived at the dock, and everyone quickly saluted.

"This is it?"

An iron frame and a few sets of wheels.

"Isn't it too simple?"

Han Qi jumped up and touched the wheel, but he was far behind.

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said, "If Shen An hadn't done it, I would have thought he was a liar."

"I've met the officials."

After Shen An got the crane out, the manager decisively asked Su Yi to take charge of guarding it.

"Guan family, this is Su Yan's father, Su Yi."

A secret agent introduced Su Yi's identity in a low voice.

Zhao Shu praised: "Su Yan has become an official, but he is still hanging out at the dock. This is not forgetting his roots, good."

Su Yi inexplicably gained Zhao Shu's favor.

"How did you do it? Show me."

Su Yi was excited. He ran forward and backward to tie the goods, and then he pulled the rope.

"Woke up."

Seeing Su Yi pull up a box of goods easily, everyone couldn't help but be happy.

After the goods landed, Zeng Gongliang ran over and held the wooden box with both hands.


The box didn't move at all. Zeng Gongliang slowly straightened up and then turned.

"My waist..."

Zeng Gongliang collapsed and was carried to the hospital.

"It's really wonderful!"

Han Qi couldn't help it anymore and went over and said, "Let me try it."

Lao Han kept pulling up the goods there, and then someone below pushed and pulled the rope to push the goods to the shore for loading.

It’s really not heavy!

Han Qi turned around and said happily, "Guan family, good stuff!"

Zhao Shu nodded reservedly, but wanted to give it a try.

Of course Chen Zhongheng knew what he was thinking, so he said, "Guan family, how about giving it a try?"

Zhao Shu nodded.

This time it was a light item, and Zhao Shu got up as soon as he pulled it.

"It's very light. Bianliang carries countless goods every day. Isn't it hard to find someone to carry it now?"

The steward nodded at the side, "Yes, the official family needs people everywhere now. It's hard to carry the work at the dock, and it's hard to recruit people."

Zhao Shu nodded, "With this thing, one person can be used as a messenger for several people, and it's fast..."

He thought for a while, "Wouldn't it be faster if we made a basket, stacked the goods in it, and then pulled the basket up to unload the goods?"

"The officials are wise!"

This was a really good idea, and the steward immediately recorded it.

It seems that I am still useful!

This discovery made Zhao Shu feel happy, and then he asked: "How are you in the army?"

Fu Bi said: "The official family and the army have more goods."

Zhao Shu praised: "This thing relieves manpower, is of great benefit to the country and the people, and can be a great success in the world."

He turned around and asked, "Is this a miscellany?"

Wang Anshi, the magistrate of Kaifeng, naturally followed when the official family was traveling. Hearing this, he said: "The official family, this is miscellaneous studies."

Zhao Shu praised: "It is indeed a practical science. If you find one at will, it will be a treasure, which will benefit the country and the people."

Someone's face turned dark.

When miscellaneous studies are praised in this way, where does that put our knowledge?

The miscellaneous student got a hanging treasure, how about we...

Several people looked at each other and thought for a while, but they seemed like they couldn't figure out anything!

"This is a labor-saving mechanism!"

Someone on the side was in a daze, and then suddenly cheered.

"Shen Kuo, why are you here?"

An accompanying official shouted, and Shen Kuo, who had cheered just now, quickly apologized, "The official heard that the Duke got a treasure here, so he couldn't help but ask for leave to come out and have a look."

He said with joy, "This is really a treasure! I just happened to learn some strength from the Duke. This is to change the length of the force arm to save effort. It's wonderful, wonderful!"

"What muscle arm?"

Zhao Shu wanted to leave, but waved after hearing this.

"Come here."

Shen Kuo came over to salute. He could not see the panic of seeing the official family up close for the first time at all. He was still excited.

"What is a muscle arm?"

Zhao Shu asked with great interest.

Shen Kuo started talking immediately, and finally seeing that Zhao Shu was puzzled, he said: "This is a saying in miscellaneous studies."

"That's it." Zhao Shu thought that he could just ask his son later, but if that didn't work, it would be better to ask Shen An.

"Your name is Shen Kuo?"

"Yes, I am the editor and editor of the Zhaowen Hall books Shen Kuo."

"Like miscellaneous studies?" Zhao Shu was in a good mood as he looked at the troubled officials.

This is the new force of miscellaneous students, and you have several more opponents.

It was Zhao Shu's plan to use miscellaneous studies to counter the opponents of the New Deal.

This is the balance of an emperor.

Otherwise, how could he talk to Shen Kuo at a place like the dock.

After casually asking about Shen Kuo's situation, Zhao Shu returned to the palace.

The monarchs and ministers gathered together, Zhao Shu smiled and said: "This thing will be of great benefit to the world, let Shen An come."

"I remember that when I was renovating the house, the craftsmen had a hard time carrying wooden pillars and stone strips. Now that I think about it, if such labor-saving tools had been available at that time, they could have saved a lot of time and money!"

Zaifu naturally doesn't care about the salary, but how about letting it go to the world?

"If this thing were used all over the world, how much manpower and material resources could be saved?"

This is what everyone values ​​most.

Zeng Gongliang covered his sore waist with one hand and said with emotion: "When the dam was built, the laborers carried baskets of soil up. UU read www.uukanshu.net If there is such a thing, just come from below. Just hang it up, it saves a lot of effort!"

Later, Shen An came. Zhao Shu looked at him and suddenly laughed, "Are you writing at home?"

Chen Zhongheng pointed at the corners of Shen An's eyebrows, where there were ink marks.

Shen An smiled bitterly and said, "I am naughty and difficult to teach."

If you don't study, you will be a loving father and a filial son. If you study, you will be like a chicken and a dog. Shen An has also experienced this feeling now.

Most of the people present have experienced that kind of mood, so they are all laughing.

“What’s that thing that lifts cargo called?”

"Let's go crane."

Shen An just said it casually, but Zhao Shu praised: "The crane deserves to be called this name."

"This thing is very useful, how did you come up with it?"

Zhao Shu glanced at the prime ministers and assistants, feeling a little heavy.

It’s hard to deal with Shen An who has made meritorious deeds again!

"I like to play. When I saw..." Shen An glanced at Bao Zheng, "I wanted to learn it when I saw Bao Shou on the roof. I dote on children, so I thought about this..."

Bao Shou went to bed again?

For a moment, Zeng Gongliang felt evil aura, but when he turned around, he saw Bao Zheng with clenched fists.

Wrapped pills!

Shen An couldn't help but feel good.

Zhao Shu was helpless, "Just to play with Taro?"


Shen An really thought so at the time.

As for what is beneficial to the country and the people, if a person thinks about what is beneficial to the country and the people all day long, he may go crazy.

"You, you!" Zhao Shu looked at Shen An's head, "I really want to see how your head grows and how you can come up with these incredible treasures from time to time!"

Shen An smiled dryly and said, "It's just nonsense."

Thanks to the book friends in the bookstore, "Fellow Taoist, please stay!" for rewarding the leader. The fifth update is here, and there’s more! Who is afraid of whom! Will continue later.

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