A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,469 A newborn calf stirs up a hornet’s nest

"Are you frightened by Shen An?"

Zhang Baibian saw that Tang Jie looked unnatural, and this was his first reaction.

"Yes." Tang Jie was really frightened.

"What did he say?" Zhang Baibian was looking at the brochure, which showed the manpower ready to spread out in Xixia.

"He said……"

Tang Jie hesitated.

"Speak!" Zhang BaBa raised his head and glanced at him coldly. There seemed to be will-o'-the-wisps burning in his deep-set eyes.

Tang Jie immediately told the truth, "He said he knows you are shameless and doesn't want to fall into favor."

Go crazy.

Tang Jie lowered his head.

After a long time, he found no response, so he looked up.

Zhang Baibian was reading the brochure and suddenly said: "Let Zhang Wulang come."

Zhang Wulang came later, and Zhang Baibian looked at him, "You have gone through life and death in Zhongjing City and made great achievements. Now you dare to go out? Or do you just want to stay in Bianliang and retire?"

Most of the capable or irrelevant spies are outside. The ones who stay in Bianliang are either the spies who have returned from rotation or those who have no future.

As the saying goes, watchdogs are useless, and those who are promising go out to find food on their own.

Zhang Wulang raised his head and said, "Xiaguan is willing to go to the northwest!"

Smart man!

Zhang Baibian nodded approvingly: "The Western Bandits have lost half of the place, and there must be many conflicts internally. This is the official explanation!"

Everyone stood with their hands tied.

"The officials have said that the Western bandits are not a serious problem for the Song Dynasty, so we have to fight and pull them back. If we can pull them over, we will be able to defeat others without fighting. Come on!"


Zhang Wulang raised his head and asked, "What are the rules for Xianguan's departure?"

"You are in charge of Xixia."

From a secret agent to a secret agent, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility and was responsible for one direction. This was a matter of great importance and heavy pressure.

Zhang Wulang did not hesitate, "I will accept the order."

Zhang Baba suddenly smiled, just twitching the corner of his mouth, "Then Shen An scolded a certain person, but he was willing to hand over the smuggling of Xixia Dali Pills to the Imperial City Department. This was to take the overall situation into consideration. And you could have relied on The meritorious service will be left in Bianliang to enjoy peace, but he took the initiative to ask for help... This is also taking the overall situation into consideration."

Zhang Wulang did not take the initiative to invite him, but Zhang Baibian said this to give him extra points. In the future, when others mention Zhang Wulang, they will be more impassioned.

"A certain person is in charge of the Imperial City Department and should not comment on the overall situation, but a certain person has something to say."

Zhang Baibian put down the book and said coldly: "Some people talk too much, and some people do too much. We stand on the sidelines and make judgments!"

Of course it is the opposition who talk a lot, but it is the reformists who do a lot.

Zhang's decision to join the team came very suddenly.

But it’s extremely inspiring.

"You go to Shen's house." Zhang Bianba finally said: "Shen An's diplomacy is unparalleled in the Song Dynasty. You go to his house and ask for advice."

Zhang Wulang went to Shen's house later.

"Are you going to Xixia?"

Looking at Zhang Wulang's red lips and white teeth, he can be called a handsome boy.

"Yes, please give me some advice from the Duke."

Shen An thought of that girl from the Liang family. They plotted against each other last time and were well prepared for the result. It was a perfect match!

"There will be internal disputes in Xixia, all kinds of disputes, but most of them are despair. But don't expect them to be afraid."

Shen An smiled and said: "They are not afraid of anyone, do you understand?"

"Yes." This is the keynote. If he fails to grasp this keynote, Zhang Wulang will capsize in Xixia at any time.

Only then did he know Zhang BaBa’s intention of calling him here.

Shen An's view of Xixia is indeed different!

"Next is Liang. Remember, this is a woman who likes power. Don't put the thoughts of ordinary women on her, otherwise you won't know how you died."

Zhang Wulang definitely wanted to take advantage of his appearance when he went to Xixia.

But the women in Xixia were different from those in the Song and Liao countries. If he didn't wake up to him, the boy might die on the woman's belly.

"I have learned a lesson," Zhang Wulang said gratefully, "I just want to ask, what is Mr. Liang's temperament like?"

"Ambitious and likes to speak with swords and guns." Shen An said calmly: "So it's one thing for you to go to Xixia. The external oppression of the Song Dynasty is the most critical. Do you understand?"


Zhang Wulang left and kowtowed solemnly before leaving.

Shen An's advice can save his life!

Zhang Wulang set out with Feng Zhang.

The two met outside the city but did not know each other.

Someone from the Imperial City Division came to see off Zhang Wulang, but Feng Zhang was only led by two sergeants. He looked back at Bianliang City melancholy, and then gradually walked away.

The morning sun filled his body and Zhang Wulang's body.

"Brothers, I'm leaving now. When I come back, I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

Everyone cupped their hands and said, "Wu Lang is here to make great achievements, don't look back!"

There is a tradition in the Imperial City Division that once you set out, don’t look back. Once you look back, you may never come back.


Zhang Wulang spurred his horse back and then gradually moved away.

Mrs. Hong stood just inside the city gate. She had agreed not to come to see her off when she entered, but in the end she couldn't hold back.

The morning sun gradually shines brightly.

In this morning sun, Han Qi walked into the palace gate.

A clerk followed in.

"I met Prime Minister Han."

"What's the matter?"

The clerk looked energetic and raised his hands and said: "Xiaguan Third Department of Household Clothing and Materials Case Cheng Ling. When Xiaguan was fabricating their salaries recently, he found that five people in the Political Affairs Hall had overpaid their salaries. I came here to check."

Han Qi casually said: "Check it."

After returning to the check-in room, he thought for a moment, "That Cheng Ling just now didn't look like an ordinary person. Why did I think of a student?"

He smiled and said, "Yes, those junior officials were all frightened when they saw me, and some even trembled. But this man talked freely, neither humble nor arrogant. Only the students in the academy have such calmness."

Someone went to ask and came back later and said, "The person who hit the target rightly is the man who is a student of Mangshan Academy and was recruited by the Third Division."

"What is he checking?"

Zeng Gongliang just casually asked where it was his turn to take care of such chores.

"It's because our salary here has increased."

"That's their fault. What does it have to do with the Zhengshitang?" It is rare for an official to not protect his own shortcomings, and the same was true for Zeng Gongliang.

Later someone came to report, "My dear sirs, there's a quarrel outside."

Han Qi frowned and said, "Who is so bold?"

The Zhengshitang is the center of the Song Dynasty and requires silence, but now there are three people arguing outside.

Two political officials were arguing with Cheng Ling, whom Han Qi had met earlier.

"There are a lot of people in the Political Hall, so there may not be too many."

"This is where the princes handle political affairs, get out!"

"We have calculated this matter specifically, what could possibly go wrong?"

The people in the political hall naturally felt superior to others, but Cheng Ling was holding a booklet in his left hand, and when he slid his right hand, a small abacus slipped out of his sleeve.

There was a crackling sound, and he was muttering to himself.

"That's right, one person received an extra 310 yuan per month, and the two received an extra amount of money per month. A certain person found out about this when he came to the clothing case. The person in front refused to admit it, and a certain person thought of coming over to check. , it’s indeed true.”

Cheng Ling put away the abacus with a snap, and then said: "These three people must be friends with the people in the clothing and materials case of the Third Division. They calculated more money when they were doing salary. Usually no one goes to check, but a certain person calculated a few dollars." There were discrepancies in the year's entry and exit accounts. After a subsequent check, it was found that the official salaries of these three people had been changed. The monthly salary of these three people had been changed from 7,000 to 8,310. The same was true for the other two. It’s the same, presumably it was done by one person…”

The two petty officials shouted: "You are talking nonsense! My husband is about to come out. Why don't you get out quickly!"

Cheng Ling turned around and saw Han Qi and others standing outside the check-in room. He cupped his hands and said, "I've seen you gentlemen. I've finished the investigation."

This is the style of the academy, which is vigorous and resolute.

Han Qi asked: "Are you from the academy?"

"Yes." Cheng Ling smiled and said, "Xia Guan came from the academy."

Did he actually get involved in the clothing case?

Han Qi looked at the two clerks and asked, "Is this true?"

The two clerks forced a smile, and Han Qi shouted: "Take it!"

There were sergeants waiting for instructions in the political hall, and they immediately pounced and captured the two men.

"Ask questions! Those who are cunning and refuse to speak, and those who tell lies, all rush to Lingzhou."

Lingzhou had just been taken back, and before he went to take office, Wang Shao complained to Shu, asking for money, food, and manpower.

Therefore, the direction of exile and distribution has recently changed, all going to the northwest.

Han Qi stood there with a calm expression.

Under the supervision of the Prime Minister, who dares to conceal it? It only took a moment to get an accurate confession.

"Prime Minister Han, both parties colluded to revise the documents and receive more monthly salary. And..." The person who came to report glanced at Han Qi.

Han Qi nodded and turned around.

"Prime Minister Han, this matter cannot be underestimated!"

Cheng Ling felt that this matter was not simple, "The official has already found more than ten places where mistakes have been made. The political affairs hall is the first one, and there are also local salary distribution. The official thinks there are many shortcomings. If he checks carefully, It should be able to shock the officials."

Han Qi turned around and looked at him, "You are a small official, but you think a lot. Aren't you afraid of being punished?"

There is an unspoken rule in official circles, that is, if you don’t take public property, you won’t take it for free. If you see something different, that’s it. Don’t go beeping, otherwise everyone will deal with you.

Under the gaze of everyone, Cheng Ling said calmly: "The mountain chief once said that he hoped that the students of Mangshan Academy can do things, do more, and forget about those flies and dogs in front of the big issues of right and wrong. Forget those interests and relationships. Straighten your back and walk on!"

It’s a good idea to straighten your back and walk on!

Han Qi glanced at him and said, "That's fine, I'll just watch."

He turned around and went in, and later the ministers came in.

Zeng Gongliang asked: "You just don't care about this matter?"

"It's a hornet's nest!" Han Qi smiled bitterly: "You and I both know that there are few local officials, and the lower you go, the harder it is. Many times... we just turn a blind eye. As for what happened in Bianliang... Xiren, tell me."

Bao Zheng said calmly: "I have been a third-level envoy, so I know a lot. There is no need to investigate such matters. At least half of them are the tacit approval of the superior officer."

"Why?" Ouyang Xiu said angrily; "You, Bao Zheng, claim to be fair and strict, why do you ignore such things? That's to amend the documents and get more salary!"

"What do you know?" Bao Zheng glanced sideways at him, "The Song Dynasty respected Jinshi for conferring officials. Non-Jinshi could not get high officials, but there were many talented people below, but they could not advance because of this. These people are the backbone of everything. Who would be willing to work as the pillar of support with very little money and food? Over time, your heart will inevitably become cold, do you understand?"

"Is that so?" Ouyang Xiu said in surprise: "Then we should have stopped Cheng Ling just now!"

Han Qi said calmly: "It's okay to poke him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Let those people not think that they are lazy because they are Jinshi. Cheer up."

This is considered stimulating, and it also serves as a warning to the monkeys.

"It's just that Cheng Ling is afraid that he will be targeted in the Third Division."

"Young man, it's good to sharpen your skills."

After Cheng Ling returned to the Third Division, he approached Shangguan for advice. When Shangguan heard that he was poking a hornet's nest, he was frightened and responded vaguely.

In the end, Cheng Ling became annoyed and simply took the results he found out to check everywhere.

So the matter gradually became bigger and bigger.

"Let him go home and rest."

Everyone put pressure on the Third Division, and Cheng Ling's Shangguan Ding Wei found him.

"calm down."

Ding Wei looked at him coldly, "Don't cause trouble for me."

Sansi is very busy and he is already irritable enough.

Cheng Ling remained silent and resigned. Then he went to see the judge, but was scolded and told not to cause trouble.

After leaving the Yamen, he found a wine shop and drank until he was completely drunk.

This happened for three consecutive days. After the people in the political hall got the news, they couldn't help but sigh.

These are young people who have never experienced severe beatings from society, and they can’t stand it after being chastened for a while.

On the fourth day, Cheng Ling went to the office to drink again until he was drunk.

He staggered out of the wine shop.


Thunder came, and a spring rain was gathering.

"Good rain knows the season... Hahahaha! Knows the season and knows the current affairs!"

Cheng Ling roared.

The spring rain was falling, and a man came over holding an umbrella.



Lightning flashed fiercely in the sky, illuminating the visitor.

Cheng Ling looked at the visitor and suddenly burst into tears. ,

With a pop, he knelt in front of the visitor and said, "Shan Chief..."

The second update is here, there are more.

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