A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,473 Businessmen from the South

There are many reasons for the booming loan sharking industry in the Song Dynasty, but the fundamental reason is that the people are too poor.

The poor are so poor that they cannot survive without borrowing money...

This was the starting point for Wang Anshi's later promotion of Qingmiao Qian.

Where there is demand, there is a market, so the rich take advantage of the situation and rob farmers with usurious loans. For a time, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Such good days made people intoxicated, but the emergence of Song Dynasty Bank suddenly shattered their dreams.

The future of loan sharking is getting worse and worse, but Dasong Bank is flooded with customers and continues to open branches.

Business was so booming that the guys were so busy that they even had to shout to communicate.

"...Yang Datian...Yang Datian, come here!"

"The signature and painting are deposited!"

Amidst the noise, Tang Ren came back with a piece of paper.


He handed the paper to a clerk.


The clerk took the paper respectfully, stood behind the counter and started copying.

——Any mortgage loan requires the couple to come together and sign and pledge...

The guy looked up and thought Tang Ren was crazy.

"Hurry up!"

Tang Ren's mind was full of things that would make him famous forever.

After the clerk finished copying, he felt that he was an honest person, so he advised, "Judge, I'm afraid this matter is... worth discussing!"

"Post it!"

Of course Tang Ren knew it was debatable, but this was Shen An's order, could he discount it?

Of course not.

"The name will last forever!"

"Post it quickly!"

The most indispensable thing in the bank is paste. I fooled around a few times and then posted the notice.

The bank will often post notices, so people will stop immediately.

"There's a notice!"

Many of the people who come to borrow money are illiterate and cannot read, so they need someone to recite and explain.

But there were also literate people. These people wanted to show off their knowledge, so they read it out loud.

"...any mortgage loan requires both husband and wife to come together and sign the pledge..."

Damn it!

Some people shook their heads, shaking their heads vigorously, feeling that they might have heard wrongly.

"Can't you?"

A man picked his ear and said, "Does borrowing money have anything to do with women? I want to borrow money and she dares to be nagging? I can't beat her to death!"

"That is, the man is the head of the family. When will it be the woman's turn to take charge?"

"Who made this notice?"

"Come out, come out!"

There was a commotion outside as expected.

Tang Ren walked out and it immediately became quiet outside.

He is a judge, an official, and a master.

Did you see the sergeants opposite? They were specifically watching the bank. A while ago, someone came to the bank to rob. As soon as they grabbed two pieces of money and ran away, they were blocked by these sergeants, and they were beaten for a while. Afterwards, the leader, Dutou, said that he had made a meritorious service, and that he would have food and wine when he came back.

Where did the food and wine come from?

It's just a reward from the bank.

The bank is not short of money and is willing to pay to encourage the enthusiasm of these sergeants. So they are eager for something to happen.

"Some people borrow money to gamble, and some people borrow money to raise women outside... There are all kinds of things, and there are quite a lot of people who end up ruining their families without paying for it these days!"

Tang Ren's voice was firm, "When men borrow money, women suffer. Where does this make sense? When borrowing money, men make the decision, and women have nothing to do with it. But when it comes to paying back money, women suffer misfortune. This kind of thing should end." A family is a family, what is a family? A family is a family together. From today on, from this moment on, anyone who passes the loan verification must first bring his wife to sign and pledge, and then he can get the money."


It was chaos, and soon most of the people dispersed at the door of Da Song Bank.

The Houben Gold and Silver Shop opposite was immediately surrounded by a crowd of people. The Xia brothers happily came to help in person, and even shouted that the banker would die.

But their capital is not enough!

"Shopkeeper, there's not enough money, there's not enough money!"

"Go and ask for it!" Xia Jin said with a red face: "If you go to those people and ask for money, just say that the banker is committing suicide. Our opportunity has come."

Xia Qing was so excited that her whole body was trembling, "Brother, this is Shen An's own suicide! We have been suppressed for a long time, and finally got this opportunity, what a good thing!"

The people at Houben Gold and Silver Shop are crazy.

Countless people came in and opened their mouths to borrow money.

As for saving money, it is more reassuring to save money at Da Song Bank. DaSong Bank deposits money without asking where it comes from. Unless you say "I want to deposit one hundred thousand yuan" as soon as you arrive, the clerk's smile will not change at all.

This is the foundation.

The richest man in the Song Dynasty stood behind.

But no one came to borrow money, so this is troublesome!

Later the news spread like wildfire.

"He's crazy?"

Han Jiang couldn't help laughing and said: "Did Tang Ren do it himself? Hey, no, Tang Ren didn't have this intention. This kind of thing is more like Shen An's handiwork. Yes, no one else cares about the woman's feelings, only him. Speaking of which, he is young Duojin, for a man like him, who is not surrounded by women? Yes, these people have different thoughts from us. But is he crazy? "

"I'm going to ask for an audience with the officials."

He entered the palace all the way, and the ministers and assistants were also there.

"Does a mortgage loan require both husband and wife to sign the pledge?"

Zhao Shu felt that Shen An might have had a seizure.

"Gentlemen, what is the explanation for this matter?"

How inexplicable!

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty, I feel... maybe Shen An drank too much?"

This is a joke, but in this era when women's status is not high, Shen An's behavior really seems like she drank too much.

"When a man borrows money and spends money, he still needs the woman's consent. Isn't this the world is upside down?"

Zeng Gongliang shook his head, feeling that Shen An was really crazy, "Your Majesty, I feel that Shen An has nothing to do recently, so his mind is full of random thoughts, so I might as well assign him something."

When people have nothing to do, they either become numb or think wildly. Zeng Gongliang felt that Shen An was just thinking wildly.

Zhao Shu glanced at Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng is also very helpless!

"Those people are running to borrow money with heavy capital. This trend is not good." Zhao Shu said solemnly: "The money in the bank has to pay interest every month. If you cannot borrow it out, you will lose a lot of money every month. Shen An Have you ever thought about this?"

Bao Zheng handed over his hand and said, "I'll go and ask."

He arrived at Shen's house all the way and heard laughter as soon as he entered the door.

Shen An was teasing the edamame in his arms, laughing constantly.

The child's laughter was the most innocent. Bao Zheng couldn't help but think of Bao Shou when he was a child, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Bao Gong."

Shen An smiled at him.

"Why do mortgage loans require a couple's signatures?"

"It's not a big deal!" Shen An smiled and handed the beans to Bao Zheng. Seeing his skillful hugging posture, she couldn't help but smile, "Someone mortgaged all the family property behind his wife's back. In the end, he couldn't repay the loan. The family property After being taken away, the whole family was left on the street, and his wife and children were crying, which made people feel sorry for him."

"Those are a very small number." Politicians should have the awareness to prioritize the big and let go of the small.

The formulation and implementation of every policy cannot be perfect, so it depends on how many people the policy benefits, that is, the proportion.

If most people benefit, then this is a good policy.

If a few people benefit and most people suffer, then this is a bad policy.

"It's not small." Shen An said seriously: "The property is the property of the couple and the family. If a man doesn't go astray, then what trouble does he have to worry about borrowing money? It's not a big deal for a woman in the Song Dynasty to go out. Isn't it enough to cover a veil when doing something shameful? If the excuse is that women are not allowed to go out, such people deserve to be poor."

"Bao Gong, what is a businessman?" Shen An said seriously: "The so-called thieves also have their own way, do merchants have their own way? If you are great, you can benefit the world. When you are rich, don't be inflated, and don't get into the eyes of money and be unable to extricate yourself. , have a sense of responsibility.”

"What sense of responsibility?"

"Abandon the evil and promote the good!" Shen An was now solemn. Bao Zheng confirmed that he would shave his hair and burn a few scars, and the man would be a monk soon.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but it seems that you have an idea, so you won't suffer a loss, so that's all."

Bao Zheng went back to report Shen An's sense of responsibility as a businessman, which shocked everyone.

"Is he going to be a saint?"

Zhao Shu thought it was ridiculous.

Shen An, who frequently breaks people's legs, wants to be a saint. Are you kidding me?

"He is rich." Han Qi's words made Zhao Shu sigh.

"Yes! He has money, so he is not afraid of losing money." Zhao Shu narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Then I will see how long he can lose money."

The powerful gentry almost died of joy when they heard that Shen An was committing suicide, so carriage after carriage of money was transported into the Houben Gold and Silver Shop, where it was continuously lent out.

Tang Ren drooled as he looked at it, and couldn't help but mutter: "We are beginning to be in debt."

The shopkeeper next to him said with a sad face: "This bank has to pay interest to deposit money every day, but what should we do if we can't lend it out? If we can't lend it out, we can't make money. It's all a loss. We can't do it in one or two days." That’s it, as time goes by, I’m afraid the county prince’s family will not be able to bear it!”

With so much deposit left in the bank, the interest that needs to be paid every day is quite a small amount, and even the richest man in the Song Dynasty cannot sustain it for a long time.

Tang Ren's head full of thoughts of being famous throughout the ages has mostly cooled down at this time.

"This matter... is troublesome."

The Shen family has several guests today.

The leader, a man in his fifties, looked tired, but after entering Shen's house, he immediately showed a warm smile.

"A letter from a certain week, agreed with the county."

Zhuang Laoshi glanced at the two men behind him, nodded and said, "Come in."

The three of them were waiting for tea in front, and Zhuang Laoshi asked Aunt Chen to inform Shen An.

"Is Zhou Xin here?"

Shen An went to the front and glanced at Zhou Xin as soon as he entered.

A very kind businessman.

"I've met the Duke."

Zhou Xin and the others saluted. The young man glanced at Shen An one more time, and then his attention was attracted by Huahua.

Huahua came, stood outside and glanced at the three people, as if on patrol, walked outside the door and lay down on the side.

"A loyal dog."

Zhou Xin not only praised Huahua but also warned the young man.

This is Shen An's house, don't be rude.

"This is the villain's child Zhou Yi." Zhou Xin smiled and said: "Yi'er, why don't you salute quickly!"

The young man stepped forward and saluted. Shen An nodded and said, "You look in high spirits, that's good."

He was only a few years older than Zhou Yi, but after saying these words, Zhou Yi looked happy.

This is Duke Shen’s comment!

In the future, he can brag when he goes out: Back then, a certain person followed his father to meet Duke Shen, and the Duke Shen said that a certain person was energetic and a good person.

Shen An turned his eyes and looked at Zhou Xin, "Two months ago, you asked someone to send a message, saying that a southern businessman was willing to work for Chuhai. How can he do so?"

He sat upright with his eyes indifferent.

week Can’t everyone go out?”

Shen An's heart moved, thinking of the southern businessmen of later generations.


"In this way, whatever goods overseas like, we will get them nearby in the south and let those fleets take them out to sea."

The admiration in Shen An's eyes was not concealed, and he nodded slightly.

"It's just that I'm short of a lot of money..."

Shen An nodded, "I knew about it last time, so this matter is not non-negotiable."

Two months ago, he met the messenger from the southern businessman. The other party said that he wanted to contribute to maritime trade, but the money was not available.

Don't take advantage of money...

No one from Da Song Bank comes to borrow money now! The money in the bank is rusting!

Shen An smiled and thought the weather was really nice.

He would never admit that he was killing two birds with one stone.

Thank you to the leader of ‘Watching Xingfu’ for the reward, and thank you to the happy girl.

The sixth update is here, good night everyone!

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