A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,494: The naval army won a great victory and went to Langzhou

The leader drew his long sword and shouted: "Kill the Song scouts, and their armor will be yours."

The people of Song Dynasty were wealthy, and the clothes of their sergeants made the Cochin people red-eyed and they wished they could take them away.

The crowd cheered.

The leader pointed his long sword to the right and said confidently: "Go out and search for the Song people's scouts!"

Hundreds of Cochin people started running.

Suddenly someone stopped.

"What's that sound?"

Someone turned around.

The leader walked over cursing, and just as he was about to speak, he felt something was wrong.

He slowly raised his head...

This is a dirt road.

He saw dust flying ahead, like a strong wind blowing.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly became intensive.

Immediately the cavalry appeared in sight.

"It's from Song Dynasty!"

The leader's face turned pale, "The Song people are attacking, the Song people are attacking."

No one expected that the Song people would take the initiative to attack.

Judging from the history of the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years, they took the initiative to launch attacks only a handful of times.

The Northern Expedition failed once.

Xixia was defeated once.

And then...no more.

So why are the people of Cochin so arrogant?

It was because they felt that the Song Dynasty would not launch an attack.

Hundreds of Cochin people were swept away by the cavalry, leaving corpses and several prisoners on the ground.

"Ask questions!"

Zhong E was a striker. He felt that Shen An wanted to see how good he was, so he held back his energy and wanted to show off.

After some torture, the news was obtained.

"They noticed our scouts moving."

"Attack!" Zhonge didn't stop.

According to Shen An's general order, he cannot stop advancing before encountering a superior enemy.

It is more than two hundred miles from here to Thang Long City. In most cases, there are dirt roads as a connection. There are some sections of the road that are more difficult, but the army has many ways.

The 50,000-strong army was rapidly moving south.

Shen An continued to issue orders to the Chinese Army and receive news from everywhere.

Off the coast of Cochin, hundreds of warships were slowly approaching.

"It's a Cochin warship!"

Qin Zhen said happily: "The Duke said that the Jiaozhi navy would not be able to help but attack, and sure enough it came. Okay, the whole army will attack!"

The warships of the Song Army began to line up and attack the enemy.

Chang Jianren looked at the warships coldly and said: "The enemy warships are small, our army can use firearms and crossbows, and finally join forces!"

"Trebuchet ready..."


When the distance between the two sides narrowed, the Song Army began to attack with firearms.

Several Cochin warships were set alight, and soon smoke billowed.


The Cochins were approaching at the risk of fire, and the deck was full of sergeants.


The crossbowmen formed a formation.

"Fire the arrow!"

The crossbow arrows swept across the deck of the enemy ship intensively, and a group of people fell down.

"Get out of the way!"

A group of sergeants lit kerosene bombs and threw them with force.

The distance between the two sides was very close, so the enemy ship burst into flames.

Damn it!

The enemy general shouted angrily: "They can fight if they are far away, but they can still fight if they are close. How can we fight?"

Such a frustrating way of playing made him want to cry.

"Lean over!"

After paying a huge price, the warships of both sides came together.

A Song general stood on the side of the ship. He skillfully tore off his clothes, slapped his chest and ribs hard, and roared: "For the Song Dynasty... kill the enemy!"

Countless Song soldiers took off their clothes and slapped their chests and ribs.

"For the Song Dynasty...kill the enemy!"

The hook, sickle and gun hooked the enemy ship, and Chang Jianren jumped over first.

A blow to the head and the head is in hand.

He charged forward with one sword and another, but within ten breaths, he actually rushed to the stern of the ship.

He turned around slowly, looking at the battle with red eyes.

The deck was full of corpses, with blood flowing down it. A Cochin man stepped on it and fell down.

The surviving Cochin people were stunned.

This is a god of death!

"He's General Paigu!"

The Battle of Thang Long City made Chang Jianren famous in Cochin. Now that he appeared here, he instantly frightened the enemy.

The surviving Cochin people knelt on the spot, trembling, just hoping to survive.

Chang Jianren turned his eyes and looked at the entire battlefield.

The Song army took the initiative.

They used crossbows to shoot down those Jiaozhi people who wanted to join the gang, and stabbed them with spears from above, killing them heartily.

This is a crushing battle.

But one warship ran into trouble.

"The enemy is coming."

The entire Jiaozhi naval force is just such a big ship, with the general and the surviving elite on it.

At this moment, they boarded a large Song warship. The Jiaozhi people rushed over bravely, and after paying a heavy price, they strangled with the Song army.

"Array up!"

The Song army is desperately counterattacking, but this is the elite of the enemy army.

There is no doubt about the bravery of the Cochin people. They are small in stature but extremely agile.

The two sides fell into a stranglehold, and someone fell down every moment.

General Cochin shouted frantically: "Kill them all, and then we will take this ship back!"

This battle will be lost, this is what he realized before setting off.

But we have to go to war, otherwise what is the meaning of the navy’s existence?

And the only chance is here.

He gathered all the elites and finally broke through the Song army's defense.

As long as this Song warship is captured, Jiaozhi's morale will be greatly boosted.

He led his men to press forward step by step, seeing that the Song people would be forced into a desperate situation.

"Lean closer!"

A Song warship came from the side.


General Jiaozhi chopped down a Song Dynasty man with a knife, raised his head and roared, "Kill them all!"

The morale is like a rainbow in an instant!

The remaining Song Army retreated steadily. When they retreated to the edge, someone on the approaching Song Army warship shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Who is so awesome?

Someone looked back and said ecstatically: "It's the military lord! The military lord is here to help!"

In an instant, the remnants of the Song Army burst out with huge potential. With one charge, they actually pressed the Jiaozhi people over and vacated an open space.

Chang Jianren was still the first to jump over.

"It's Pai Gu Song Jiang!"

Someone exclaimed, and General Jiaozhi said with a ferocious smile: "Killing him is a great achievement!"

This is a desperate situation, he must survive in death!

Then he saw the increasingly familiar movements.

Patting on the chest and ribs was almost like a prayer ceremony before going into battle.

"For the Song Dynasty!"

"Kill the enemy!"

After such a setback, everyone in the Song Army showed amazing fighting power.

Chang Jianren rushed over with his men.

"Kill him!"

General Jiaozhi roared in the middle.

Then he saw the long knife waving continuously, as fast as lightning.


This is what Shen An said to Chang Jianren.

He kept it in mind.

No matter whether the opponent is an ordinary sergeant or an enemy general, he will always strike with one sword.

When he swept to the stern of the ship, the entire battle was coming to an end.

Gunpowder smoke enveloped the sea, and countless people saw Chang Jianren.

He was covered in blood and with his upper body naked, he slowly walked to the bow of the ship.

He raised the long knife with his right hand and suddenly raised it with his left hand.

A human head bleeding freely!

This is the head of General Jiaozhi!

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers were like a hurricane, blowing away the smoke.

On the sea, the burning warships floated and sank, and so did the Cochin people in the water.

"Fight in!"

Qin Zhen's sword pointed at the mouth of the sea.

The Song army's conquest began.

Enemy troops gather in Langzhou!

Zhong E led the cavalry to charge once, but the enemy was not defeated.

"I want to kill again!"

Looking at the enemy troops in front with their backs to Tucheng, Zhong E was still unwilling to give in.

"Knowing the city, the Duke of the county has a general order. If the enemy is tenacious, we can wait for the army to come."

"Where is the army?" Zhong E was really unwilling!

He pondered for a moment and said: "A certain person led his army to detour from the left. The city is empty at the moment. A certain person will come to them from behind..."

Later, he retreated with his troops, leaving only two thousand cavalry in front.

Cochin people are very proud.

"The cavalry is useless!"

In this place, there is not much room for cavalry to display, at least not in Langzhou.

"The appointed time has come."

The Song army on the front began to attack.


In the Jiaozhi formation, the archers began to prepare and the spearmen lined up.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the city.

"The Song army has entered the city."

There were screams everywhere in the city.

Zhong'e was ruthless in running the army, and he was still ruthless in fighting.

The Cochin people in the city were driven out, and the array disappeared in a flash.

Shen An, who arrived later, only saw an abandoned city.

"Behead more than five thousand people."

The outside of the city is full of corpses, and the same is true inside the city.

A group of dogs were wandering around the city, and their eyes looked green.

"They eat people!"

Once a dog eats a human, it is basically the same as a wolf.

"Fire the arrow!"

A wave of arrows rained down, and the remaining two dogs ran away with their tails between their legs.

The people left behind by Zhonge were introducing the situation of the battle.

"The first charge to the battle was fruitless. The Jiaozhi people were very brave. Zhicheng immediately asked some people to contain the enemy from the front. He led his troops around to the back, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net used dead soldiers to blow open the city gate, and then entered the city , drove the Cochin people out of the city..."

This is war.

Use the other side's people to attack the formation, and if there is another double attack from the front, the Jiaozhi people will have to kneel down no matter how brave they are.

As expected, Zhonge is full of tricks.

And the methods are ruthless!


The army roared.

People kept getting sick along the way and were immediately quarantined.

"My lord, someone drank raw water!"

The navy doctor was going crazy, and so was Shen An.

"His superior officer is scolded!"

Shen An looked at the sergeant with a livid face, then pulled out his superior officer and beat him twenty times in front of the entire army!

"Whoever dares to drink unboiled water will be held responsible!"

The rest of the journey became much calmer. Although people fell ill from time to time, the frequency was much less.

The doctors kept summing up their experience, and after only five days, they proudly said that the disease was under control.

This is Chinese medicine!

Shen An was so happy that he rewarded the doctor who accompanied the army and recorded his merits.

Then he disappeared.

News of the Song army's invasion has spread to the back, and the Jiaozhi people in Tiande Mansion are gathering.

"Zhicheng, 20,000 enemy troops are ahead!"

Zhong E said energetically: "Destroyed in one blow!"

Four thousand cavalrymen destroyed 10% of their horses along the way, and then they arrived at Tiande Mansion. Zhonge was not here to make soy sauce.

More than three thousand cavalry launched an attack.

Gunpowder cans and kerosene bombs were thrown in by the cavalry, but the enemy's dense arrows caused many casualties to them.


Taking advantage of the moment when the enemy troops were dispersed, Zhonge led the cavalry and charged over.

Then he got stuck in the mud.

The fourth update is here, good night everyone.

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