A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1499: Kill the General and Capture the Flag

The enemy troops were attacking the Song Army's defense line one after another. Even if they suffered heavy casualties, they were never insignificant. Those sharp screams were always there, like beasts roaring.

The swordsmen and axemen were struggling to kill, and from time to time someone fell down, as if a mountain had fallen.


Chang Jianren knew that he could no longer rest.

A group of sergeants behind him also stood up.

These sergeants are all fierce soldiers in the army. Following Chang Jianren and rushing to the front, they can be said to be invincible.

But now?

There was still no emotion in Chang Jianren's eyes.

Meritorious service has long been his only thought of joining the army and the ultimate goal of his life.

"Military Lord!"

Qin Zhen turned around and said with a smile: "You stay!"

While arranging his armor, he said: "Every time, you lead the army to charge and kill, and the military commander so-and-so stands aside and watches. As time goes by, so-and-so actually forgets how to fight. How can this happen?"

"Come with someone!"

Chang Jianren was not verbose, but just led people forward.


He didn't even obey the general's orders!

Qin Zhen's face darkened, and just when he was about to scold him, Chang Jianren turned around and said, "My life was lost when I joined the navy."

He walked faster and faster.

Five hundred people!

He led these five hundred people to the back of the sword and axemen.

The enemy troops in front were charging wildly, and the swordsmen and axemen were fighting desperately, but their numbers were too small and they could not completely block the enemy's frontal assault.

Groups of enemy troops rushed in through the gaps and were stabbed to death by crossbows and spearmen.

But more and more enemy troops are rushing in...

They even launched a sneak attack on the Axeman from the flank.

Several swordsmen were caught off guard and fell down, and the breach widened.


The generals in front could only call for spearmen to block the hole.

But the spearman unexpectedly didn't come.

Military orders are like mountains!

The general turned back angrily and saw Chang Jianren and the five hundred warriors.


Take off the armor.

It's like a ritual.

"Draw the sword!"


Five hundred long knives are unsheathed!

The scene of being humiliated in the Hanlin Academy appeared in Chang Jianren's mind...

Someone wants to kill Ren Shouzhong!

This is his lifelong obsession!

He can die generously for this!

Fifty thousand enemy troops ahead!

He only has five hundred warriors!


He slapped his chest and ribs vigorously and shouted: "For the Great Song Dynasty..."

"For the Song Dynasty!"

Countless determined voices.

The long sword points forward and there is no turning back!

"Kill the enemy!"

An enemy soldier took advantage of the gap between the crossbows and rushed in. He raised his sword with a grin, preparing to give the swordsman a hard blow from the weak rear.

Then he saw the red eyes and the lightning-fast sword.

The head fell to the ground, and Chang Jianren rushed out of the gap.

Five hundred people just rushed into the 50,000 enemy troops.


Chang Jianren didn't have any fear, he only knew how to swing the sword.

Countless times in his midnight dreams, he dreamed of the sneering Ren Shouzhong and his colleagues who were doing nothing. What makes him heartbroken the most is his fearful wife and children.

They were afraid that the Chang family would be overthrown because of this.

If a small painter offends a big shot in the palace, the other party can find any excuse to drive Chang Jianren to a remote place in a poor country.

Going to a place like that these days is like going on an adventure.

During that time, his whole family was in fear.

He thought of many ways, and finally thought of a relatively independent army.

As long as he enters the army, no matter how long Ren Shouzhong's hands are, there is nothing he can do.

So he went.

Now the family is safe, but are they feeling aggrieved?

The enemy is still here, alive and well!


His eyes were as red as fire, blending with the blood splattering in front of him.

"The Marquis is in danger!"

The observing sergeant of the Chinese army shouted: "The enemy is surrounding him!"

Qin Zhen was stunned.

Ever since Chang Jianren led the attack with 500 men, he had treated them as dead.

This was an assault, designed to disrupt the enemy's offensive and give the main force a chance to breathe.

If Qin Zhen attacks, he will be fierce and short, and he will retreat in one blow.

But Chang Jianren, like a madman, charged directly at the enemy general.

This madman!

Qin Zhen blinked and said, "Prepare firearms."

As long as the enemy's offensive is delayed, he can attack with firearms.

"The military lord has come out!"

The sergeant on the lookout was shouting, wildly excited, "The Marquis chopped off the most arrogant Cochin man with one blow of his sword, oh... he was carrying the head..."

"Wan Sheng!"

A voice suddenly came from among the enemy troops.

"Wan Sheng!"

"The military lord has entered!"

"The military prince killed an enemy general!"

The fearless Chang Jianren inspired the soldiers' courage, but Wang shouted: "The sword and axe-hand..."

"If you advance, never retreat!"

The swordsmen and axemen took another step forward, and the enemy's offensive stalled.

"Crossbow! Crossbow!"

This step of the swordsmen was crucial. The crossbow array behind them fired again, and rows of sergeants came carrying gunpowder cans.


"throw it out!"

The powder canister flew across the center line.

Boom boom boom boom!

Amid the explosion, the swordsmen took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

The enemy troops retreated step by step until they were blocked by the enemy troops in the middle.

The two sides strangled each other, the corpses gradually piled up, and the blood of the enemy and ours flowed together, gradually gathering together, like small streams...

Chang Jianren is still fighting.

He rushed forward alone, like an arrow.

Of the five hundred warriors, only about four hundred were left.


Chang Jianren chopped off the enemy in front with one knife and shouted: "I want to kill the enemy general!"

This is goal setting!

If there is no target at this moment, the morale of those brave soldiers will be slowly worn away.

Kill the enemy general?

The enemy general is more than three hundred steps ahead!

They didn't even look at this side.

More than 400 people are just at the end of their strength, so why bother.

"The Song Army is fighting back hard!"

Chen Er took one look and said, "Press it down!"

Encountering the Song Dynasty's navy here is like a man-made bun dropped from heaven!

"There is only one possibility for the Song navy to land here, and that is to intercept us." Seeing that the Song army was suppressed, Chen Er couldn't help but said happily: "We defeated them, and then we divided into two groups. Go all the way to burn down the Song Dynasty's warships.

Having lost their warships, where would the Song people get supplies?

The west road from here to Guangnan is far away, and the Song people have difficulty in supplying supplies. As long as they hold on to the city for a few days, the Song army will definitely be defeated due to lack of food.

Then we pursued all the way to Thang Long City, and became horns with the army in the city. By that time, the Song army was in a dilemma, and a great victory was just around the corner. "

"That Pai Gu Song General is not dead yet!"

someone was exclaiming.

Chen Er frowned, "Don't worry about the defense of Shenglong City. After the Song navy destroyed the city wall last time, His Majesty ordered it to be re-thickened and repaired. If the Song people want to break through, then they have to sacrifice their lives to do so." , pass on my military order, kill the Song general, and reward him with thousands of coins!"

"General Pai Gu Song is coming out!"

That voice still kept ringing.

Chen Er took a look and saw that Chang Jianren and more than two hundred surviving soldiers had already charged over and were less than a hundred steps away.

"Resist tenaciously!"

Chen Er said calmly: "Strang him!"

There were warriors under his command who rushed over with more than a hundred elite men.

After just one encounter, the so-called warrior was turned into a corpse under Chang Jianren's long knife.

"It's really amazing!"

Chen Er said calmly: "Prepare the bamboo pole, kill General Pai Gu Song, and hang his head in public!"

This is a method of destroying the morale of the enemy. It is the same as the Song army shouting "Won Victory" after killing the enemy general.

"Shen An was praised by the people of Song Dynasty as the first general after Di Qing. I thought he was capable, but now it seems that he is not."

Chen Er can command a large army to come to the rescue, so he is certainly not a person who has gained fame in vain.

His analysis made everyone listen attentively.

After seeing the actions of the generals, Chen Er smiled slightly and continued: "If it were him, he would send cavalry to reinforce the navy at this moment. As for Shenglong City, just keep an eye on it."

A general laughed and said: "Then Shen An probably thought that he could block our army's reinforcements with his navy. He was too arrogant, and now he is reaping the consequences!"

Everyone laughed.

"General Pai Gu Song has come out again."

Chen Er's face turned dark and he stood on tiptoe to look.

Most of the elites he sent were dead or injured at this moment, and the remaining ten people were chased and chopped down by one person, but no one dared to look back.

The pursuing Song army had its upper body naked and blood all over its body, and looked extremely fierce.

When he caught up with the defeated soldiers, he slashed them with a sword so fast that it was dizzying to see.

"Song will come!"

After a scream, someone actually ran to the side.


Chen Er said angrily: "Don't retreat!"

In the era of cold weapons, how to command in battle is a big problem.

Beating the drum as a trumpet is good.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

This is using the drum as a trumpet.

What else is there to do to withdraw the troops?

and horns.

Among them, the horn horn is famous for its sound traveling far and being difficult to be confused.

But these are prone to deviations, and the safest one is the flag.

The Chinese army has a large flag, which is waved according to a prior agreement to represent a certain meaning.

After seeing the flag, each army immediately waved the flag in response to express receipt.

This is waving the flag and responding to the flag, and the military order is conveyed.

The flag moves with the general. Once the flag retreats or falls down, the entire army is like a headless snake and will be defeated without a fight.

Therefore, neither the general nor the flag can be moved lightly.

Chen Er knew that as long as he moved, the Song army on the opposite side would dare to say that he had been killed by the ribbed Song general.

"kill him!"

He drew his sword and screamed.

The remaining group of sergeants rushed over. At this moment, the Cochin people in front also discovered something was wrong here, and they were rushing over.

The team of sergeants only intercepted for a moment. When the red figure appeared again, there was no obstacle between the two sides.

Five hundred warriors turned the safest rear area into a killing ground!

Those red eyes were full of madness.

"Follow someone and kill the enemy general!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Chen Er shouted with a pale face.

With just one strike of the knife, the Cochin man who rushed towards him spun around and fell down.

The people of Jiaozhi went out in full force, but Chen Er never thought of leaving any reserve team, preparing to finish off his opponent in one battle.

So when Chang Jianren came running quickly dragging a long knife, he was dumbfounded.

He wanted to run, but as soon as he ran, Chang Jianren would definitely chop the flag bearer into pieces.

Once the flag falls, the advantageous situation will be reversed in an instant.

In the future, when the Jin people rise, what will they rely on to defeat more with less?

It relies on the heart-breaking tactics.

Go directly to the direction of the Liao army general, don't worry about any strategies, just kill.

As long as the enemy general flees, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net the enemy army will flee, and a chase will follow.

The Jin people relied on such a set of unreasonable tactics to prosper.

Now Chang Jianren used their tactic in advance, but the target was the Jiaozhi people.

Blood soaked the body, gathered everywhere, and flowed down one by one.

Chang Jianren was very tired, and he even needed to drag the long knife to save energy.

When he ran in front of Chen Er, he wanted to jump up, but found that his feet were weak.

Chen Er slashed at his face with a sword, but Chang Jianren raised his sword to block.


Chang Jianren took a few steps back, and Chen Er said with a ferocious smile: "I'll kill you!"

The exhausted Chang Jianren will not be his opponent.

Chen Er waved his sword continuously, and Chang Jianren stepped back step by step, while others stopped the Song people who were charging towards him.

Chang Jianren took more than ten steps back and felt another ray of strength in his body.

He struggled to raise the long sword and waved it just like he had practiced countless times...

Chen Er didn't even react to the swiftness of the sword. He even prepared to jump up and swing the sword. This would force the exhausted Chang Jianren to abandon the sword and then kill him.

Even when he was beheaded, his face still showed the excitement of killing General Pai Gu Song.

Chang Jianren knelt down and gasped, then held the head in one hand and chased after him.

The flag bearer is running with the big flag.

Chang Jianren waved his sword and the flag bearer fell down.

The flag then fell to the ground.

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield.

"The military prince...the military prince kills the enemy general, the military prince captures the flag...the military prince kills the general and captures the flag!"

The voice of Song Jun's observer's hand was trembling. He felt that the pictures he saw in the telescope would be unforgettable in his life.

Chang Jianren, whose whole body was stained red with blood, slowly turned around, then crazily raised the head and shook it with all his strength...

"Wan Sheng!"

There are still four updates, please give me a monthly pass!

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