A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1504: You don’t know anything about Shen An’s money making abilities

After breaking through the palace, only two princes were found inside, and the remaining one was missing without a trace.

This is a hidden danger.

It is also the proud work of Li Rizun.

The goal of three people leaving the palace together is too big, and only one person can make a noise.

Shen An was sitting outside the palace drinking tea.

Discoveries are being passed on from here and there.

"Prioritize the sealing of various documents and various yamen, and seal everything with writing, and then have people screen it, and bring all the useful ones back to Bianliang."

Those materials are what Shen An values ​​most.

Li Rizun was still sitting by the wall and sneered: "You are doing useless work."

Shen An ignored him and basked in the sun, feeling very comfortable.

A horseman came quickly and said, "My lord, I have discovered Li Rizun's son!"


Shen An laughed, stood up and said, "Bring it here!"

Li Rizun rubbed his butt uneasily and sneered: "Are you trying to deceive me?"

Shen An glanced at him and said, "Do you know what a human heart is? Do you think that your kindness will make the people of Cochin shed tears of gratitude and die for you? You are overthinking."

Shen An comes from a later generation, and in that era of media explosion, he was exposed to a lot of information. For example, historical information from past dynasties. That information made him realize that loyalty is a luxury. That was still the Central Plains where civilization was at its peak, not to mention Jiaozhi, which was almost semi-barbaric!

Li Rizun looked ahead, feeling lucky.

Shen An sat down again.

"I'm coming!"

A group of sergeants came with a man surrounded by them.

Li Rizun couldn't help but stood up slowly. His hands were tied and he was pampered, so it was very difficult to get up.


When he saw the man, he couldn't help crying out sadly, "Why were you arrested by them?"

The man struggled for a moment, then choked up and said, "That family betrayed me."

"The traitor, the traitor whose whole family deserves to be executed!"

Li Rizun screamed in despair, "I'm going to kill you all! Kill you all!"

The three sons were killed in one fell swoop, and Dai Viet Kingdom... whatever happened in Dai Viet Kingdom in the future had nothing to do with his family.

If a man does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. At this moment, Li Rizun was like a gambler who lost all his family fortune, sitting there paralyzed and crying.

Zhong E, who came to report the news, smiled when he saw this and said, "It's settled!"

Li Rizun and his son were captured, leaving Jiaozhi without a leader. Even if they wanted to cause trouble, it would not be on a large scale.

"My lord!" A general came back with his men, with a look of ecstasy on his face: "I found a hidden treasure!"

"Okay!" Shen An said happily: "When the army is dispatched, it costs a lot of people to eat horse chews every day. Prime Minister Han from the Third Division probably wants to eat someone alive. Now that he has found the treasure, it can be regarded as compensation. Let’s go and take a look.”

The money was hidden in a dilapidated yard. Looking at the courtyard from the outside, the walls are damp, the cracks in the walls are densely covered with moss, and the whole is slightly tilted outwards, making people feel that they will collapse in the next moment.

After entering, it has become a construction site.

"My lord, please take a look, it's under this stone tablet."

There is a stone tablet placed in the yard, which looks like a semi-finished tombstone.

Most people find these things taboo and are unwilling to touch them.

But just beside the stone tablet, several pieces of paving bluestone were lifted, revealing a passage below.

Shen An walked down the stairs and felt that the air was very dirty.

Below is a hollowed-out dark room, with torches burning at the moment, illuminating the surroundings.

It’s all boxes!

There are many boxes piled densely here, most of them open.

"It's all gold, silver and jewelry."

Shen An casually picked up a gold ingot and said with a smile: "The Li family has ruled Jiaozhi for many years. These are their accumulations. There are also those powerful gentry. When I return to Bianliang, let's see who dares to say that the war will be a loss."

He clapped his hands with satisfaction and said, "Check it out immediately."

This battle is a long way, and supplies are transported all the way from Guangnan West Road. People on the road eat horse chews. The cost is so great that most people can't even imagine it.

Han Jiang must have a headache, right?

Shen An smiled unkindly.

Then the counting began.

A Jiaozhi man was brought to Shen An, and the sergeant introduced him: "My lord, this person's name is Chen Si. At that time, Li Rizun asked people to bring money here. Those people were executed afterwards, but he escaped. "

Chen Si looked very timid. Shen An glanced at him and asked, "Why don't you hide it and pay for it later. In this way, these are all yours."

"My lord, I am devoted to the Song Dynasty..."

"Tell the truth." Shen An felt that such words were an insult to his own intelligence.

You, a Jiaozhi native, are talking about your loyalty to the Song Dynasty. Da Song didn't give you any benefits, so where did you get your loyalty?

"Little man..." Chen Si said awkwardly: "This courtyard is the property of a businessman. That family... that family defected to the Song Dynasty before and gave 80% of their family property. The little man feels that they will not be able to use this yard." throw away."

Shen An smiled and said, "You are a good person."

Turning around, he ordered: "Go and get that businessman immediately and torture him."

Chen Si was puzzled and frightened.

Shen An held back his joy, "That man donated 80% of his family property and seemed to have firmly pledged his allegiance to the Song Dynasty. But at the moment, it seemed that he was giving up his car to protect his commander and used 80% of his family property as a cover. In fact, he wanted to keep the money here. "

Chen Si suddenly realized it. He was covered in cold sweat and knelt down and said, "Thank you so much, Duke, for saving your life!"

If he didn't tell the truth today and wanted to monopolize the money here in the future, he would probably meet the businessman. By then, the businessman would have become a person trusted by the Song Dynasty. Killing him would be no different from killing an ant.

These methods were invisible in Shen An's eyes, and he felt that he had caught another big fish, and he felt extremely happy.

Later, someone summarized the situation everywhere and reported: "My lord, there is gold here..."

A series of figures were reported, and finally the answer came out, "The various properties were collected and exchanged, totaling more than 1.69 million yuan!"

Shen An took a deep breath, his brows filled with relief.

"One million sixty-nine thousand strings!"

Now that the military expenses for the expedition have been supplemented a lot, Han Jiang should be happy.

Shen An couldn't help but laugh when he thought that before the expedition, Han Jiang said that if he captured more than a million coins, he could go back to Bianliang and invite Shen An to a place of his choice and treat him to a drink.

There was a high-end banquet in Bianliang, and even Han Jiang felt pain after eating it at the same table.

When he got to the ground, he saw a Jiaozhi man kneeling beside him being tortured.

"My lord, this is the businessman."

When the man saw Shen An and Chen Si, he shouted, with an impassioned look on his face.

Shen An frowned, "It's a bit noisy."

Just as someone was about to speak, Li Baojiu suddenly drew his sword and walked over.

He reached out and pinched both sides of the man's cheeks, and when he applied force, the man opened his mouth.

Li Baojiu inserted the long knife into it, stirred it up... and the world immediately became quiet.

Everyone felt chills running down their spines, and when they looked at Li Baojiu, there was something strange in their eyes.

Li Baojiu has been following Shen An, guarding Shen An with long knives and bows and arrows. He usually seems to be silent, but he didn't expect to attack so cruelly, which makes people's scalp numb.

The man opened his mouth, and it was full of flesh and blood.

Chen Si suddenly knelt down and cried: "My lord, the villain has no merit. The villain dare not accept the half of the money!"

Shen An smiled and said: "I keep my word, just take the money with peace of mind, and the whole family will move to Bianliang with the army later."

"My lord, spare your life!"

Chen Si cried as helplessly as a child, looking at Shen An with fear in his eyes.


Is this necessary?

Shen An said helplessly: "It's impossible to go back on what I said!"

Leading an army in battle must make a huge promise, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Chen Si was frightened by Li Baojiu's methods, and felt that sooner or later, Shen An would ask someone to kill him.

"Give him money!"

Shen An pointed at Chen Si, and then led the people back.

He has many things to worry about. There are still troops in the south of Cochin, which must be wiped out one by one. There is still no news about the navy army.

Someone here brought gold, weighed it, and gave it all to Chen Si.

Chen Si was panic-stricken, and the civil servant said proudly: "I will break the legs of anyone I want to break in Bianliang. With your little money... I am the richest man in the Song Dynasty. He doesn't care about your money at all." Understand? Just take it."

More than 80,000 strings!

Chen Si was in a daze looking at the pile of gold. When he looked up again, tears filled his eyes, "Thank you so much, Duke! Thank you so much, Duke! Duke convinces people with his virtue... Duke really convinces people with his virtue!"

Shen An, who convinced others with his virtue, saw Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen rushed over with a group of cavalry. After seeing Shen An, he hurriedly dismounted and saluted.

Shen An has been worried about the navy, but the worry is useless and will affect the morale and morale of the army.

He was even prepared for the navy to be defeated, so after seeing Qin Zhen, he couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

Qin Zhen said: "My lord, one day ago our army encountered more than 50,000 enemy troops. Our army intercepted and fought bravely..."

Shen An clenched his fists.

More than 10,000 people versus more than 50,000 people, the navy is in danger.

"Chang Jianren led five hundred warriors in an assault, killing countless enemy troops along the way. Finally, he killed the enemy general, chopped down the flag, and the enemy army was defeated..."

"Okay!" Shen An was heartbroken. He patted Qin Zhen on the shoulder and said happily: "Well done! Where is Chang Jianren?"

That rib painter! Could it actually bring me such a big surprise?

He couldn't wait to see Chang Jianren.

"Chang Jianren is resting."

Qin Zhen said: "After that battle, he had many injuries all over his body and was exhausted."

Shen An nodded and UU read www.uukanshu. net ordered: "Inform the entire army of Chang Jianren's bravery."

Later the whole town cheered.

But Shen An, who was relieved, was sleeping.

The matter was settled, and he fell into a deep sleep with all his body relaxed.

It was dusk when I woke up.

The sunset on the horizon reflects in Thang Long City, giving people a lazy feeling.

Shen An got up, stretched, opened the door and went out.

Standing outside the door was Li Baojiu. This Xixia man had regarded his safety as his own life since he followed Shen An.

Compared with Wen Xiaozhong, who was half-hearted and only protected himself for Guoguo's sake, Shen An felt that Li Baojiu was a model of loyalty to his duties.

"Mr. Lang!"

Li Baojiu looked a little tired, and Shen An said, "Go to bed quickly."

"But this is Jiaozhi." Li Baojiu's Song Dynasty dialect is very impressive, and he can occasionally come up with a few idioms.

"Peace of mind." Shen An stretched and looked at the sunset on the horizon, feeling that life was beautiful.


Zhong E and others arrived, and it looked like they had been waiting for a long time.

"What's the matter?"

Shen An found that their faces were not very pretty, and they looked murderous.

"My lord, someone attacked our people."

In an instant, Shen An turned expressionless and asked calmly: "How many casualties are there?"

"Three people died and fifteen were injured."

"Caught it?"

"More than thirty people were caught."

Shen An said without hesitation: "Hang them on the street immediately."

This is revenge from Shen An, but what happens next?

When there were more than thirty corpses on the streets, the atmosphere in the city became increasingly weird.

Cochin people are restless!

what to do?

"Prince, suppress it!"

The generals' eyes were red, preparing for a bloodbath in the city.

Second update.

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